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Mar 2018 · 269
"cardboard princes" - 2015
Julia kRu Mar 2018

cardboard princes,
paper castles,
paper thrones.
stained steel stones
hit metal drones -

give off such chime!..

no one sees that
steel and card
burn well and hard
when pressed for time!..

i am becoming quite

i am becoming quite
backstage politics

my ancient
is losing

is solitude forever free?
i don't know - yet...
can you tell me?..

(c)kRu, 04.06.2013-01.02.2015
Julia kRu Mar 2018

the more you sleep -
the more you wanna...
the more you toil -
the less you wanna...

what's wrong with you?
you're one real lazy poke!
get your *** up, you rogue!
go do some real work!

the more you drink -
the more you wanna;
the more you eat -
the less you wanna...
the more you sing -
the more you wanna...
the more you love -
the less you wanna...

what's wrong with you?
you're one twisted minstrel!
you're one troubled mongrel!
get your *** quick out back -
go clean up your act!

the more you sleep -
the more you wanna...

you ain't no rolling stone...
it seems you're still alone -
for you don't need no thrones!

(c)kRu, 21.04.2013-01.02.2015
Julia kRu Feb 2012
There was a famed Missus in Amherst,
Who married three times in her home nest;
Her two Lords - ere the third -
Lay low deep in the dirt
And were probably cussing in earnest.

(c)kRu, 12.11.2011
Feb 2012 · 931
"you bite my toes"
Julia kRu Feb 2012
you bite my toes -

that evokes
a wondering frenzy
that all of the
previous lovers
were (are)
just a bit (?)
selfish and lazy...

you tickle my feet
and all over a bit
and lap up
and lap up
and up my belly
and press foreheads
and my insides rally
for -
that there may be
more wondrous heedful lovers
who'd find
(or to look for?)
me -
quite possibly.

you softly grab
my leg in sleep,
and i almost weep
realizing cautiously
that maybe,
there is merit in me
for an even more
wondrous and heedful
relationship -
whenever that
comes in free.

and i still feel
your spirit on me,
and hope
it will flee
as soon as
i cross the ocean -

safe in the notion
that none of us

really needs running...

(c)kRu, 07.11.(on the plane)-09.11.11
Julia kRu Feb 2012
there's a pain in this heart -
it won't let me sleep,
it won't let me weep,
and it's so ******* deep
that all the insides still creep
each time i see you,
with my eyes
or my mind...

and when it does let me cry,
there's a moan in that throat -
it's a gutteral growl
it's a wail from within
it's the yowl of all wolves;

it's the deepest of wounds...

but you'll never know that;
so i do hope, at least;

but if you want to be safe -
just a hundred per cent -
don't look into these eyes;
they are never my allies...

(c)kRu, 17.10.-09.11.11
Julia kRu Feb 2012
i am tired greatly
of this haughty country;
of its unfamiliar weird ways;
here -
children must be raised
towards bright riches,
and directed t'wards
predictable set phrases...
they make friends real fast,
but never stay too long;
their whole "friendship" notion
is askew
(is askew and eerily contagious):
they smile widely, saying,
"hey, i love you!" - every day;
they smile widely and persuade you,
"hey! you're awesome!" -
but those feelings end
just as they leave those bosoms.

but that haughty country
sure knows how to make life better
Predictable -
for everyone involved...

spare me, save me,
and release me and
relieve me
from its harrowing, morose, humongous strains,
from the fascination for its glories!..
from its incandescent,
flashy stardom;
from the titillation
of its "havens"!!..

(c)kRu, 05.08.11-04.11.11
* remake of an old poem written in 1995.
Julia kRu Feb 2012
i am not in the mood to write...
my head is in piercing pain;
emotions are sore and haphazard;
resistance is doubling its might;
slain eyes are about to rain...

yes, my eyes have been slain -
like two lovers
by a jealous and envious third;
been rid of all chances
and glimpses -
so yenned for, like air -
of you...

they rain clear showers,
they rain crimson showers,
they flood all terrain and
shape rivers -
deep crimson-clear rivers of need,
they let my soul bleed
through their chambers...

i am not in the mood to write...
because - you've both hurt me like hell,
because - you've both played with my feelings;
because you care naught for my reelings...

i am not in the mood to write...
what did EVER i do to you?!

or, maybe, - you're simply a coward
for being a friend AND a lover?!

but that would be
artlessly easy...
or, maybe, i'm - simply - just blind?

i am not in the mood to write;
i am not in the mood to fight;
i am not in the mood for my goodness;
and for backstage-politics wooers...

(c)kRu, 03.07.-13.07.11
Feb 2012 · 856
you've left a scar
Julia kRu Feb 2012
you've left a scar so deep
it makes me wonder -
"what the ****?!.."
and "why"
"why the hell..." -
has it so deeply struck?
for -
you are NOT
never will be...

NO other lover
EVER will be.

but you...
have left...
the scar:
so deep - it hurts
from utmost far;
excluding everything
and notwithstanding tolls;
it's not genteel -
a curtain call
like that.

the heartache-bloodstained oars
still paddle that so-wobbly
whose are they? -
mine or yours?..

you've left the scar
so deep...

here - take it
back to
sort out
and to keep:

i've got...
no use...
for it!..

(c)kRu, 19.06.-27.06.11
Feb 2012 · 558
You Jumped (for Ksenia)
Julia kRu Feb 2012
you jumped
(or flew?)...
and everything
for us?
for you?
you smiled,
supposed that
it's better.
so -
is there peace?
we certainly hope!

thanks for the
harsh lesson -
it should
serve us right;
it should
stress our plight;
should make us
stop squeeze
lives out of

quite a cruel

cross carefully,

(c)kRu, 09.06.-10.06.11
Feb 2012 · 671
Julia kRu Feb 2012
a vu-melody's
inside my head...
it's wild and translucent,
but, still - in my head;
it's better be there -
than out, 'round the bend...

so hard to let go!
but - dash, dash away...
at darkness - don't stray:
stay close to the light -
hang on to its sound
and follow the music,
there's plenty around
now -
just for your choosing.

a vu-melody's -
wild and translucent
vivid and fleeting -
still inside my head...

so wish 'twas your face -

(c)kRu, 06.06-08.06.11
Feb 2012 · 533
Wake Me (Domodedovo)
Julia kRu Feb 2012
How can anything be even said aloud,
When the whole nation has the highest of doubts?
When the whole nation lives in the shadows of those doubts?
Constantly perusing their whereabouts?
Please wake me!

Are there any words to elevate the ache?
Are there any songs to ease this gnawing pain?
Are there any chants of escape for the souls from their restraints?
Any rhymes to dry tear rains?
Please wake me!

No apologies - fake or real - can help.
No pity - fake or real - can mend.
No anger - fake or real - can be spent.
Only flowers and candles - can yelp.

Yelp for the whole nation who can't speak anymore.
Who have their brothers and sisters - in their core.
Who see their brothers and sisters - to that other shore.

Don't wake me.

(c) kRu, 27.01.-31.01.11
Feb 2012 · 475
God me
Julia kRu Feb 2012
God me
to Heaven, Creator!
guard me for eons -
out there!
'till i come up with a worthy -
a worthy something to give -
give back to
this makeshift Earth!..
to ease
this planet's
in each creature's

(c)kRu, 06.11.2010-02.01.2011
Julia kRu Feb 2012
the only reason that i breathe
is looking into your eyes,
and then i'm lost inside the whirlpool
of your lies...

and that same reason that i walk
is just a glimpse of your touch,
and then i'm lost inside the whirlwind
of your talk...

will you please me, won't you please me
like i feel you will?
i am not quite sure what is
your desire, still...

so every breath that i do take
is filled with your sweet laughter,
and then i'm lost, and there's no "after",
no "before"...

and every smile that i do stake
is drowned in our real music,
and then i'm lost, oh how i'm lost
inside your soul...

will you please me, won't you please me
like i feel you will?
i am not quite sure what is
your desire, still...

so every breath that i do take
is filled with your sweet laughter,
and then i'm lost, and there's no "after",
no "before"...

and every smile that i do stake
is drowned in our real music,
and then i'm lost, oh how i am lost
in your soul...

(c)kRu, 18.11.10
Feb 2012 · 540
Sideroad Girls
Julia kRu Feb 2012
hey, sideroad girls...

why do you do it?
do you get pleasure
out of that?
or it's the money -
after that?
is there pleasure in it?
or is there money in it?
what are your friends like?
have you got any?
who are you saving?
who are you craving?
where is that father
of that child of yours?

hey, sideroad girls...

think your choice over?
follow your heart:
don't let the word "****"
cross your life - over...

(c)kRu, 01.11.-15.12.2010
Feb 2012 · 544
"streets merge in my eyes"
Julia kRu Feb 2012

streets merge in my eyes -
where am i? what am i?
skies vanish, fall apart -
what am i? who am i?
sitting here, in the road;
in the middle of this lane -
broken, stolen and cross-legged;
songs and tunes - they still remain
the best cure for my pain!

(c)kRu, 15.11.-19.11.2010
Julia kRu Feb 2012

don't complain of poverty -
hear, Egypt?
don't dare talk of poverty -
to me!

have a change of attitude -
hear, Egypt?
change your disposition
towards me!

and towards my sisters
in your cages -
palaces, apartments, houses, huts;
and towards my sisters -
with a bit more freedom -
how you view them
just a
piece of ****.

mutilated wombs of this land's mothers;
mutilated feelings of cowed daughters;
mutilated, young and old,
for eons;
caged, inflated, broken, violated,--


don't you dare -
hint of poverty -
to me.

(c)kRu, 09.09.-17.09.2010
Julia kRu Feb 2012

do you envy you brother,
O the Red Sea?
do you envy your
that other brother?

of course, you do not;
of course - you do not...
why should you?
it would have been silly...

why is there, then
this feeling of -
of -
moody glee?
of -
guilt restrained?
of -
brooding frenzy? -

from lucid waves

each time they hit me?
each time they
lap up my skin?

this year - it's you,
O the Red Sea;
but [i] wanted -
that other brother.

keep secretly licking my flesh;
ferocious - pump into concrete;
driving full force into stone -

you're not my lover.

(c)kRu, 06.09.10-17.09.10
Jul 2010 · 1.2k
Julia kRu Jul 2010
...and noises, noises -
they are many;
they swarm around the head,
yes - noises, noises -
the ears are straining,
the sixth sense's straining,
old patterns crack.

old - all - outmoded,
yearning freshness:
behaviours, schemes,
poetic means.
ah - noises! noises!..
in the abyss -
still sitting, fishing;
fishing out - still.
(c)kRu, 06.07.10
Jan 2010 · 715
"Cargoes of Thoughts"
Julia kRu Jan 2010

Cargoes of thoughts - yell.
A siren, like a storm, - wails.
Desiring you.

(c)kRu, 08.10.2008
Jan 2010 · 3.0k
"Is a DJ - a 'DJ', really?"
Julia kRu Jan 2010

Is a DJ - a "DJ", really?
Do we not operate in tunes?
We joggle with joy them and freely -
To ease our listeners' glooms.

Methinks -
We are ought to be "TJ"s.
For, truly, we pluck the Soul's strings.
And hearts care only for wings -
To fly with vibrations of music
And into their sanity fuse it.

(с)kRu, 11.12.2006 - 18.06.2007
Jan 2010 · 817
Some Of Me
Julia kRu Jan 2010
Would you like a piece of my mind?
It's got fragments of tellings and snippets of songs,
It's got barbarous fixes of music.
All of those crave some clever perusal.
Would you like a piece of my mind?

Would you like a piece of my soul?
There are passion and tenderness - desperate, begging -
To be healed and to finally flee
Into rivers and lakes and wild seas...
Would you like a piece of my soul?

Would you like a piece of my pain?
It would feel like a cognac injection,
It could be quite a picturesque trip:
Your emotions would tighten their grip
And let go when there's no more objections.
Would you like a piece of my pain?

Would you like to try on some of me?..
Though - it's doubtful you'd like how it feels.

(c)kRu, 12.10.-17.11.2006
Julia kRu Jan 2010

Interjections come bubbling down
To burst the mind.
Choral injections,
Humming injections -
Mean, mean, mean clowns:
Dancing madly in kaleidoscope gowns
They shamelessly grind
The last grains of my sanity.
The reality is quite snippetty -
And thus parallel worlds are designed.
Oh! - let me go, let me go!
To where Alice is Queen.
To where she sits
Among her kingly mirrors
And teaches the art of
Being seen
A trifle here and there,
And always - everywhere!

(c)kRu, 11.10.-17.11.2006
Jan 2010 · 966
"in-depth realities"
Julia kRu Jan 2010

in-depth realities
shift perspectives;
marching on the brain -
trampling all over, actually;
vague visions become engraved
into lambent incentives,
destroying eventualities.

(c)kRu, 21.02.2006
Jan 2010 · 797
For My Lovers
Julia kRu Jan 2010
My Eternal Lover
Is going through hardship times.
Some Light for His Cloud;
A note of gentle sound, - not much loud, -
Hopefully, eased are confines.

My Favourite Lover
Is going through turbulent times.
Some Laughter and Love for His Heart;
A Song and a Smile into dreams;
And - hopefully - Calm is to Pain overthwart.

For both of my Lovers -
An appetent redstart
Flies out with two oxhearts -
To gladden their slumbers,
To shoo away showers
From lands of their dwelling,
And bring about rainbows
They'll sing of in tellings.

(c)kRu, 07.02.-10.02.06
Jan 2010 · 1.6k
"Fishing out words"
Julia kRu Jan 2010

Fishing out words
From the abyss of hum -
Like Odin with the Runes...
Thoughts are sharp swords -
Unfriendly are their croons:
One instant - scattering like crumbs,
Another - warbling in tune

With mixed emotions
And elusive feelings...
Oh, how disheartening sometimes! -
Unveiling their peelings...

(c)kRu, 07.02.-09.02.06
Jan 2010 · 1.3k
"Wise owls stare"
Julia kRu Jan 2010

Wise owls stare
Into darkness, seeking Truth.
Long will be their watch.

(c)kRu, 21.01.06
Jan 2010 · 704
"Hopeless is dark night"
Julia kRu Jan 2010

Hopeless is dark night:
Brooding shadows feast on Dawn,
Knowing they'll return.

(c)kRu, 19.01.-21.01.06
Jan 2010 · 1.6k
Julia kRu Jan 2010
Your soft caress still haunts me night and day,
Like morning dew escapes a sleepy leaf...
Each time it fleets all reason goes astray,
And all the senses powerlessly heave
A sigh that brings about a torment sweet
And eases but in conversation when we meet...

(c)kRu, 13.12.2005 - 17.01.2006
Jan 2010 · 671
"Is there light?"
Julia kRu Jan 2010

Is there light?
If so -
Do show! do show!
For its fair sparkle,
Bringing hope to heart,
Is strangely faint
Frighteningly dim.
In utter night
Despair suffocates:
Its cunning crows
Creep in, around, surround,
Intent of Love
Will of Good.
Their wings fold into
Beastly, looming hood.

But come now;
Is there something there? -
It flickers off and on,
It's hard to grasp...
A candlelight?
A glimpse of dawn?
A torch?
Oh, how its shifting gleam
A desperate heart does scorch!
A fleeting hope for Hope
It seems to freely grant:
So scary to accept -
The Dream appears scant...

An offering there is -
To let the Light inside...
Well, maybe this warm breeze
Will promise a new ride
To realms of peace and shine
Where Love and Joy entwine?

(c)kRu, 18.12.2005 - 12.01.2006
Jan 2010 · 684
"The Music! "
Julia kRu Jan 2010


"Music is like a little
thread that enters at
the shoulders and goes
through your whole body".

- P.

The Music! Music -
That's what warms the heart.
It's like a thread -
It goes in at the shoulders
And penetrates
And runs through every pore
And makes one numb,
Reviving ever more.
A fool it shuns!
What knows he of true sounds?
A genuineness - that is what he dreads,
For with the fear of the lack of bread
Comes blindness to the honesty of art.

No need there's more for words -
And that's the truth.
And thus dissolve and vanish mindless herds,
And Music heals each one of us by means
Which only likely means describe the best.

(c)kRu, 10.01.2006-12.01.2006
Jan 2010 · 617
"Oh, wouldn't it be good"
Julia kRu Jan 2010

Oh, wouldn't it be good
To be so very strong?
Oh, wouldn't it be swell
To be a fearless woman?
There, where the shadows brood,
There, where they ripe and dwell -
Is there a place for dawn?
Is there a place for morning?

Despised be fears of mind!
And cursed be shameless heart:
Corrupted by trite farce
Of comfort, wealth, and pride!
Is there a place for dawn?
Is there a place for morning?

Dark fears, dark fears abide,
And wisdom is more scarce.
Is there a place for joy?
Which way - to find salvation?

(c)kRu, 04.09.05 - 27.09.05
Jan 2010 · 802
lil' rain song
Julia kRu Jan 2010
what's rain to a city?
gloomy, gray drops
brutally gritting
in drizzle people's hopes.

its wetness is inimical,
its moistness - whimsical.

no sun, no, no happiness;
cold gales beget haplessness.

rain, Rain, rain!
wash away-away
(never mind, never mind

(c)kRu, 17.09.05
Jan 2010 · 694
sixty dead fairies
Julia kRu Jan 2010
60 dead fairies
lay under seas:
near dry prairies,
'neath fallen trees.

one lively fairy
from distant skies
flew - though 'twas scary -
rounds for their lives.

biting each wing,
sprinkling dews,
tearing strings
of fading hues.

though 'twas in vain:
none came alive,
snowfalls and rains
fought for their lives -

cold storms were spent,
ground wells ran dry,
down trees were bent,
fires were high...

60 dead fairies
now swing with winds.
one lively fairy
now has no wings:

she rides with bees,
she moves through seas -
dwellings to find
must she for her kind!

(c)kRu, 21.12.04-18.06.05
Julia kRu Jan 2010

my longing is still strong;
only you
can relieve the ache
for you;
and making love
with Yardbirds in the background
is the aching need
of this body of mine;
love me
like their
tell me lies
like their
"heart full of soul";
this silly-silly girl
will rave and moan along.

(c)kRu, 24.02.05
Jan 2010 · 681
to the attacker (my curse)
Julia kRu Jan 2010
The curse is: rot to mutilation,
You f**ker, scoundrel of my nation!
Each letter of this is your end -
A bitter, stinging, deathly blend.

And on it goes: with every ache,
Inflicted on me with your clutch,
Each fiber of your body's raked,
Exploding from the filthy touch.

you do not die,
but suffer rotten,
and then they find you
dumb and broken.

this curse is quiet,
there is no sound -
my fears drive you to the ground.

Remember: every little pain
Is like an earthquake to your brain.

(c)kRu, 20.10-21.10.04
Jan 2010 · 939
Sunday Morning Breakfast
Julia kRu Jan 2010
it's 10 a.m.
and i'm thinking apples and oats
i'm thinking apples and oatmeal
my attention gingerly floats
into my kitchen and into my meal

i sit and eat
a crunchable juicy
green apple
every bite is lucid
and every bite is ample
all the troubles melt on my tongue
all the trite things are out and gone

i cover the oat flakes
with boiling water
they widen and swell
each oat is a well
some butter for softnes
and then i feel my oats
and i know -
fussing is nonsence

(c)kRu, 25.04.04
Jan 2010 · 939
Ten Butterflies
Julia kRu Jan 2010
Ten butterflies
flew out of her stomach,
they were like lilies
in the sun,
yet they were of all colours,
burst in havoc,
wings spluttered,
sparkles splashed,

one butterfly
was fiery and red,
she was off
to see honey and bread
with brave speckles of
yellow and black and orange -
in passion was her courage;

the second
was a blinding yellow and green,
fluorescent, painful almost,
a colour explosion
sharp and keen -
looking for juicy freshness
she flew, head foremost;

the third
was skinny
and long,
her skeleton
stood out,
her form
yet strong,
with huge eyes
shining pale blue
and silver -
all around
the wings' edges
rippled a shimmering

the fourth,
the fifth,
and the sixth
were all giddy and silly,
one could not make them out distinctly,
their colour was jolly,
akin to a bubbling folly,
a heady array
of purple, and vinous, and gray,
and a sparkle of red and brown -
they fled in glee
to adorn somebody's crown;

the seventh
was the wisest and the fairest,
a wisdom fountain in the very form
of deep green
and the palest,
the palest yellow,
and a storm
of snow-white silver on its wings,
her eyes reflected ancient winds,
old woods and meadows,
restless seas and mountains' shadows -
she fluttered near
to chase away fear;

the eighth
was slippery and wet,
shining dark blue in one's eyes -
a still night, black rainy skies -
there was almost no light
and her sisters would fret
but in vain, for at the very bottom
her edges were tender,
the colour of cotton -
she'd be seeked for in despair,
as a token of hope
found in prayer;

the ninth
radiated pulsing pastel purple -
it glowed from within,
spreading out subtle light -
white veins adorned her wings
as spikes of wheels,
out of her center,
like a sizzling reel,
shone Tenderness - her teaching -
placid and bright -
she lingered about
her Mistress' kirtle
vibrating notes of peace
and of lucid bliss;

the tenth
was the Butterfly Lady of the Springs,
with bright and searching eyes,
and multi-coloured rings,
she was a mirror rainbow
of her fair sisters,
the most beloved daughter
of The Mistress -
flying about the world
with livelihood
she cried,
"Stand up and fight
for Love and Good!",
she spread the healing colour
round the Earth
so it be filled
with loud and needed mirth.

Ten butterflies
flew out of her stomach
and burst in havoc
round the world;

their Mistress no one ever sees -
she's the Forest Queen,
the unseen lass,
Aras of the trees, of the skies, of the grass -
whenever one thinks, "I got her", she flees;
the butterflies
will flicker her glimpse,
but only for a second
and maybe in one's dreams.

(c)kRu, 29.01.04-28.03.04
Jan 2010 · 903
Julia kRu Jan 2010
Why do, why do I still,
Why do I still start crying
When thoughts of my affection
Pop out of somewhere deep?
It seems I have no will
To stop this agonizing
Unsettling connection
That's got me in its grip.

And then your smile and your caress
creep into me,

and tenderness.

(c)kRu, 25.01.2004
Jan 2010 · 820
Cracked Crown
Julia kRu Jan 2010
what bothers you, the frown?
accustomed to the clown?
oh, sorry to disrupt!
too bad - i am not apt
today to do the show,
there's too much, too much snow.
here - want to try the crown?
i'm done and stepping down.

(c)kRu, 22.01.04
Julia kRu Jan 2010

A 1000 watts shot through her soul
The very moment he'd walk in.
All logic gone, no show, no role,
**** proper thoughts barred shut within.
"Hello... alright?"
"Guess, it will do"
"You are superb"
"Go on with you!"
"No, really, really! You're the best...
Well, got to go. 'Till our next!"
And off he goes to please the crowd.
Her heartbeat's pounding - very loud -
A silly smile,
A stinging tear
Light up existence for a flash,
But seconds later - it's all ash.
The aching gnawing - face askew -
The silent whisper,

(c)kRu, 15.01.2004-16.01.2004
Julia kRu Jan 2010
How can I get across how much I love you?
Am I too good, or are you bad for me?
Is this a lifelong class that we should take?
But I am sick of learning in my life!
I only want to love you, nothing more.
I only want to shower you with lust,
To fill you up with passion, joy, and trust,
So that you know - you have me to the core.

(с)kRu, 12.01.2004
Jan 2010 · 742
"Who am I, rid of fake?"
Julia kRu Jan 2010

Who am I, rid of fake?
The mask is off - what then?
A little girl?
All swirl of curls?
But what is, then, that gloom -
A straight line of an ache
That's crawling down the spine,
With fears there entwined?
I'm loosing all to doom...
I need one desperate dive
To be again alive.

(с)kRu, 5.01.2004
Jan 2010 · 675
Dec. 8th, 2003
Julia kRu Jan 2010
Me Dear John!
My love is still so true!
Much have I grown -
Now I don't ache for you,
But ocean-deep
Emotions flow within.
Your light I keep
By sharing The Dream
With those who weep -
They need the strength so much!
And, yes, I smile -
For you are in my touch.

(с)kRu, Dec. 8th, 2003
Jan 2010 · 639
Julia kRu Jan 2010
O Beren, sweetest to my heart!
Alas - to doom that we should part!
I find thee not, I hear no more
Thy fairest song of days of yore.
How may I Dairon look upon?
For he betrayed me 'neath the throne
Of my proud father, he who set
His mind on jewels - how to get
Immortal, precious stones of old -
The Silmarils, with power they hold.

But I care not for all these things.
No more with nightingales I sing:
I am locked up and watched by guards.
My only comfort - nightly stars;
Of sorrows mine I speak to skies,
And into dark drown my soft cries...

(с)kRu, 04.07.2003
Jan 2010 · 511
Julia kRu Jan 2010
Silence falls
Upon my city
Darkened halls -
We're gravely seated
Each other's wit

Windows hit
The wall and break
Sudden wind
My calmness shakes
"stay or go" -
like fog words flow...

i will stay
and you - you go.

(c)kRu, 2002
Jan 2010 · 682
"damn me forever"
Julia kRu Jan 2010
* *

**** me forever
**** everyone
**** everything
no face or thing
can be the one
to soothe me, ever

i'll be alone
up on my throne
and never prone

to solitude;
my attitude
may be quite rude,

but then again -
there'll be no pain
and i'll remain

quite calm;
and sane.

(c)kRu, 2002
Jan 2010 · 871
Julia kRu Jan 2010
Another day stirs me awake,
Before its dawn I'll travel far.
Clay path ahead, feet burning dead,
Days - short, nights - long. My friend - a star.
Essea is the name I bear,
For I'm a healer-elf; I share
Great wisdoms of the ancient worlds.
Her secrets Nature deftly hides -
I know paths where She them unfolds,
Jumping, her creatures at my sides.

Knowing my Past, I don't forget
Lothlorien, my only home,
My Mother and my Father - dead,
Now buried under wooden dome.
Over Dark Hills, alongside Men,
Praying for Light, they fought Dark Prince.
Quick death slew them at Sauron's den.
Rare words are spoken of them since...

Searching for Light, I travel wide,
Trees, Herbs, and Rivers help my quest.
Unseen to all, with gales I ride
Vast shores and lands from North to West,
Warring dark powers that may be.
Xylographs I carve, so that
Ye, my Beloved, only Ye,
Zealous for me, do find my path.
I have a way with Evil -
My love it should not wish.
Perverted and seduced, then dead
Dark things who taste it, be!

Frightened you are to learn this, -
You needn't be - for I
Present no danger to good folk -
You cannot cheat my eye.

(c)kRu, 2002
Julia kRu Jan 2010
I want to scream!!!
No, it's not true...
It's but a dream
We're going through...
No, no!! not now,
When Mother Earth
Bleeds anyhow!..
Rest In Peace
My Human Folk.
One target did
The Guilty miss:
The target "Freedom"...

Rest In Peace.

(c)kRu, 2001
Jan 2010 · 778
She Gets High On Music
Julia kRu Jan 2010
she gets high on music
and tries hard to use it
to win his fleeting heart
he sees her on weekends
how his body weakens
just when her dancing starts

he thinks her his savior
but his mad behaviour
confuses everything
she can't guess the problem
What is there to stop him
and keeps on wondering

everyone's attention
causes them such tension
that when they're side by side
they're so numb and helpless
all the words seem useless
they've got nowhere to hide

she gets high on music
now he tries to use it
to win her aching heart
"I'll tell her this weekend"
but his courage weakens
and thus they grow apart

(c)kRu, 2001
Jan 2010 · 661
forgive me these tears
Julia kRu Jan 2010
forgive me these tears
that grab at my throat
you know, it's two years
I love you, my sweet
Each week now we meet
a madness of sorts!..

(c)kRu, 2001
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