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1.7k · Jan 2014
Julia Jan 2014
My breath catches inside as you glance my way
My cheeks sore from smiling at our playful banter
My heart skips beats when you look deep into my eyes, as if you're searching for who I am inside
And to think--this is only the beginning
1.7k · Feb 2014
Julia Feb 2014
To grasp so strongly
On our sure faith in this life
Is to know true peace
1.7k · Dec 2013
Julia Dec 2013
Lying still
Aroused by your unexpected
Unwanted scent
Go away
You aren't here anymore
You don't belong
To the strength
And love
That has pulled me through
This isn't yours
It never was
1.6k · Mar 2014
Julia Mar 2014
The gleam in my sister in laws eyes
A mother to be
Is probably the most beautiful thing
That I have ever seen
The excitement in her voice escapes with a tender love, and
Nothing can contain her happiness
Of bringing new life into this world
With the man she fell in love with seven years ago
Such great examples
Are my brother and his bride
They encourage many others to do their best
And to never lose hope of finding the someone that they are for each other
Lovers and best friends
1.5k · Jul 2014
Julia Jul 2014
As slowly as the waters waves grasp for land,
Is my heart yearning to return again.
As quickly as the rush of wind sets waves in motion,
Is my mind set back on letting go.
1.5k · May 2014
Julia May 2014
Swollen tongue,
And cuts all over.
If only she'd have known
That the epilepsy would take hold.
Dry throat
And an aching head.
She's been taking her meds just like they said.
Body worn down
As she's trying to stop her racing mind.
"Just sleep it off,
Maybe that was the last one this time."
Lacking understanding
Of why the drugs won't work.
Questioning everything
From when it happened to why it happened to her.
"Control the stress,
They'll become less consistent."
Maybe that would work
If she didn't feel like her faith was missing.
1.2k · Nov 2013
Julia Nov 2013
I'm no writer.
No artist,
No scientist,
No mathematician.
I'm not a genius.
No Galileo,
No Einstein,
No Freud.
I am who I am.
I may not be rich,
Or own an expensive car,
Or buy expensive clothing,
Or live in a glorious home filled with expensive belongings.
I am happy where I am,
With what I have,
With who is with me,
With my life.
I've learned that the most important things
Are not materials,
Not who owns how much of what,
Not how much smarter he is than she.
I believe the most important things
Are what we love,
Who we love,
And the love we have for ourselves.
And I believe
That believing all of this
Is what makes life important.

1.0k · Jun 2016
Julia Jun 2016
Oh, how I'll miss their smiles, and
Their pattering feet as they'd come to greet me the minute I'd walk through the door.

Their love so pure, and
Their hearts so full.
Their innocent,
But naturally smart-alecky comebacks to statements like,
"It's time to come inside,"
"We should wait patiently in line,"
"It's time to take a nap,"
"Let's give him a turn first, and yours will come next,"
will always put a smile on my face.

The love for them, and
The joy they'd bring to my heart
From innocent
And naturally earnest words to me like,
"Your earrings are pretty today,"
"When it's naptime, you're going to hold my hand until I fall asleep,"
"You should sit by me for snack time,"
"I love you, Miss Julia."

Though I'll never see these children again,
I hope, through the years, they'll remember me
The way I will them.
I will cherish each one of them, and
Every memory they've given me
Until the end of time.
From November 2015 until May 2016, I had the opportunity to spend time with and take care of kids from ages 4 months to 5 years old. Handling 8-17 kids in a classroom setting with another coworker wasn't always easy, but it was always worth it.
1.0k · Jan 2014
Julia Jan 2014
There's nothing I'd rather do
Than take back those times spent with you
Wipe my slate clean
Forget about old dreams
All those mistakes
Wasted days
The manipulation
Never caring
Bitter selfishness
Spent forever
Searching for what I thought I knew
Never thought I'd regret
Learned the hard way
It's ineluctable
Always exposing itself
994 · Sep 2014
Julia Sep 2014
Learn from our mistakes.
Promise that with all you have,
You won't let love fade.
923 · Feb 2014
Hopelessly Captivated
Julia Feb 2014
I'm pulled in by your silence
Captivated by your mystery
Your charming physique
Your mind unknown
Your character not always shown
Your quiet smile wraps me in warmth
Your deep brown eyes show that there's more
More to you than meets the eye
Julia Nov 2013
The forest is no place for a girl
Snowflakes fall and tumble and twirl
Did her parents love her? Did anyone?
She ponders, staring at the setting sun

Her heart pounded in her chest
Parents voices chanting, "Do your best.
Come in first, get good grades."
Each word a sharp and deepening *****
Cutting through her heart and mind
Where on earth could she possibly find
The courage she needs to survive

Because the forest is no place for a girl.

She ran and ran, through the woods
Doing what she thought she could
The day had almost turned to night
She shrilly screams with all her might
She runs, not knowing where to go
The shivering cold, the blankets of snow

The wolves, they cry out to the moon
They surely will be hunting soon
What will she do to stay alive?
How can she live a constant life
Of running from the beasts out there
Knowing they are everywhere
Now she sees they are within,
All her troubles, every sin
It's too late now, she's realized

That the forest is no place for a girl.

Branches start to grab her now
She needs to leave, get out somehow
How could she have been led astray?
She cannot live her life this way!
Each problem now such foolishness
She longs now for a hand's caress
But all she has are chasing beasts
Longing for a human feast

She prays to God, her only choice
With all her strength, with all her voice
"Please save me from the beasts I face
You know that they will win this chase"
She did not know if God had heard
Each and every single word

Now the wolves were all around
She stopped, not making any sound
They looked at her with beady eyes
Staring at their final prize
When suddenly a flash of light
Like ten million suns burning bright
Caused the wolves to run away
Leaving her alone to stay

The light had slowly disappeared
And now a peaceful man appeared
Dressed in white, He walked to her
"You saved my life, didn't you, sir?"

"I did what I knew must be done
I am the Lord, The Three in One."
She clung to Him and silently wept
While He held her and closely kept
Watch over her

For He knows the forest is no place for a girl.

Julia Feb 2014
There is a time for everything,
  and a season for every activity under heaven:
  a time to be born and a time to die,
  a time to plant and a time to uproot,
  a time to **** and a time to heal,
  a time to tear down and a time to build,
  a time to weep and a time to laugh,
  a time to mourn and a time to dance,
  a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
  a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
  a time to search and a time to give up,
  a time to keep and a time to throw away,
  a time to tear and a time to mend,
  a time to be silent and a time to speak,
  a time to love and a time to hate,
  a time for war and a time for peace.
*Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
He has made everything beautiful in its time.
875 · Apr 2014
Julia Apr 2014
There's a hole in my chest where my heart used to be.
Nothing left but pain from the memories.
Never even knew
Always lied to
Never hearing you confess
Always finding out the rest
Never knowing what was best
Always saying, "Let it rest."
Never making new memories
Always hating because now we're enemies.
852 · Jan 2014
Julia Jan 2014
Thump   *thump
Is it the fierce beating in your chest?
Or is it fear chasing after you?
Tick   tock
Is it the clock keeping time?
Or is it a reminder of what you're missing?
Boom   boom
Is it the pounding in your head?
Or is it the shots fired at you from behind?
What will you choose
When faced with two choices?
Will you take the easy way out?
Or will you take the chance and face the fear of the unknown?
783 · Jan 2014
Julia Jan 2014
I miss the days
When I would wake from nightmares
Run to your room and have you there
Protecting me from the monsters in my dreams
I miss the days
When I would mock your actions
As we'd watch the Tigers play
Finally venturing to a live game
I miss the days
When you'd lose it and yell
As you'd coach me
Teaching me to never give up
I miss the days
When a simple hug
Could take the pain away
From young, careless boys that lied
At least I knew I had one strong one always by my side
Those were the days.
779 · Feb 2014
I Met An Olympian
Julia Feb 2014
His story proved that ordinary people can become extraordinary.
As long as you give your all to the goal you're working towards.

No dream is too big or too small.
You can dream up one single dream that may take a moment to accomplish,
You can dream up a million dreams that may take a lifetime to accomplish.

It's when those dreams are accomplished
That the emotions felt in that moment
Become indescribable.
There's no better feeling, and
There's no better time
Than now.

So dare to dream,
Chase your dreams,
And live your dreams.
707 · Mar 2014
Too Young
Julia Mar 2014
You were so young
Oh, so young
Why did it have to be you?
We may never understand
The timing of The Lord
It's safe to say that this time
I will never understand
You were so young
You were so loving
And you were loved
I never wanted to see
All of those people gathered
In that too small church
For that reason
You were so young
None of us down here
Will ever forget you up there
A privilege to know you
A blessing beyond compare
To know that being your
And everything in between
Meant having memorable times
And endless laughter
Now there are just tears
You were too young
One smile from her could brighten anyone's day. I'd give anything to see it again.
678 · Mar 2014
Julia Mar 2014
We all, at some point in our lives, come across those songs-with
The melodies that seem so bland,
The rhythms that we can't stand,
The lyrics that repeat themselves with no meaning attached,
The dynamics that are out to attack,

And then we come across those songs-with
The melodies we can't get out of our minds,
The rhythms that remind us to push forward at all times,
The lyrics that explain what we were unable to,
The dynamics that help to bring out how we're feeling inside,

Maybe the people we come across throughout our lives
affect us in these ways, too.
663 · Oct 2014
Taking Flight
Julia Oct 2014
Balloons we release fly freely in the wind.
Maybe that's how The Lord took you with Him.

Gliding peacefully above, while we are reminded of your love.
Maybe you're here with us now.

Until we meet again,
We'll keep you in mind until the end.

Repeatedly listening to your songs.
Maybe you're up there singing along.

With your brand new wings,
We know you are soaring joyously with Him.
642 · Jan 2014
It Still Hurts
Julia Jan 2014
I don't miss who you are
I miss who you used to be
I don't want to remember what we were
I want to remember how strong I am
Without you
It's hard to move on
Even harder to see you now
Disappointment consumes me
For ever loving you

Then I remember
The pain that came with that love
The useless fights that never ended
The lies that stayed hidden
Until it was too late
The day I woke up hospitalized, while you were no where in sight
Reminding myself of all of the times I was left feeling I deserved better
Denying it until it was too late

True love still exists
It just wasn't meant for you and I
Heartbreak happens for a reason
Work through the pain, learn from it all
I've heard it so many times
It's finally starting to feel true

So let these snowflakes fall
Cover me in this sheet of
Pure white
Let me hide away from the past
Give me help to escape these nightmares
And finally let go
And give me hope for a better tomorrow
619 · Jun 2014
5:08 a.m.
Julia Jun 2014
Insomnia strikes me when the
Soft candlelight glows upon
pages-upon pages
Of the new book bought today.
Unable to set it back on the shelf above my head-above my bed.

Finding respite from worries of
days past and days to come, by escaping in this world imagined by
another-this brilliant creation.

Tonight, A Tree Grows In Brooklyn.
Who knows what tomorrow night holds?
These summer nights, spent in solitude underneath the dimming candlelight,
Are the nights I'll never grow tired of.
616 · Jul 2016
Julia Jul 2016
You will never see the tears that fall
You will never hear my gasps for breath
As I fail to breathe because of you

I will never trust again
I will always anticipate the heartbreak
I will never believe that good things are true

You will never know what I had to do
The consequences I faced
For ever of loving you
593 · Jan 2014
Julia Jan 2014
After spending time with the children i used to help care for, i'm realizing how much i absolutely love watching every child learn and grow with time, and i love observing what they can become.
i loved helping the youngest girl shop for little toys as she checked the prices on all of them before considering what to buy. i love how big the middle girl's heart is and how she remembers so many little things about the people she cares most for. i love how the eldest girl can go back to being the kid she was when she was with my younger sister when they reunite after months spent apart. i love how their laughter is so contagious and how all of their hugs are so full of love.
They're going to be wonderful women when they grow older. Watching them change and learn how to treat people after being hurt by others words makes me love them even more. The compassion they have for everyone, whether the people are strangers or close friends, inspires me.
And i love the hope they have, their innocence, and how sometimes they don't know any better, so they say what they mean without thinking twice about it. This is what gives me hope for future children and future generations. If three sisters can be this wonderful towards each other and every other person they come into contact with, what's stopping so many other families from growing in the same ways? *jm
585 · May 2014
Julia May 2014
The road trodden by others
Now worn down and cracked
Dimly lit streetlights show its age
The lights go out far too quickly here.
581 · Jan 2014
Julia Jan 2014
I'll keep living this life God's given me until He takes me home to Him.
Going through all of the ups and downs.
I'll keep breathing in and out until the day I die.
Reminding myself He's by my side.
I'll push forward until I reach the end here.
Knowing that He's leading me through it all.
568 · Jan 2014
Carpe Diem
Julia Jan 2014
The opportunities for change have risen.
Seize them
Take the time not to just look, but see.
Seize it
Forget about old days, and remember why you're in this moment,
In this day.
Carpe diem
567 · Aug 2014
Julia Aug 2014
someone will walk into your life
and see the beauty in you that everyone before was blind to.
they'll know every minute detail
and still commit because of the
love they feel for you.
the love you'd felt
for those before will be but
a whisper
compared to
the clamor
you feel inside when you
truly love
and are truly loved in return.
549 · Apr 2014
Leave Me Alone
Julia Apr 2014
Can't move on...
Can't let go...
Losing all sense of self respect and self control.
544 · Feb 2014
Selfish Souls
Julia Feb 2014
How someone so meaningful,
Someone that makes such an impact on your life,
Someone that shows you that there's more to be thankful for,

Can become a complete stranger
Who takes away all of the hope that things can change,
Who turns their back against you,

Will never make any sense to me.
542 · Apr 2014
Summer Nights
Julia Apr 2014
The full moon light glows upon
insomniatic eyes
Bodies' shadows fall upon
dampening grass
As bare feet beat and
leave their marks
On the soft earth, with
souls brought to life
Under the gleaming sun kissed moon
in the spirit of that summer night.
541 · Nov 2014
Summer Nights (Edit)
Julia Nov 2014
the crescent moon
sends casting lights
upon insomniatic eyes
bodies shadows dance
upon dampening grass
as bare feet beat
and leave their marks
upon the soft earth
with souls brought to life
under the gleaming sun kissed moon
in the spirit of that summer night
I've been editing a lot of my past work recently and this happened to be one of them. I'm pretty happy with this one, so I figured I'd post it. Hope you enjoy
530 · Dec 2013
Julia Dec 2013
I hear Him
In the melody of a song,
The closed eyes and cupped hands of another,
The silence of a prayer.
I see Him
In the rustling leaves,
The rushing water,
The depth in your eyes.
I feel Him
In the room full of praises,
The presence of others,
The whole of me.
A masterpiece of His.
515 · Nov 2014
Taking Flight (Edit)
Julia Nov 2014
Released balloons fly freely with the breeze.

As they glide peacefully above,
we are reminded of your love.

Until we meet again,
we'll keep you in mind until the end.

We repeatedly listen to your songs
and wonder if you're up there singing along.

As we watch the balloons rise,
getting carried by the wind,

We know you are flying joyously with Him.
One more edit-I know this was posted very recently, but I figured I'd hold onto the original, too. I tweaked this one a bit and liked how it turned out.
509 · Jul 2014
Julia Jul 2014
I stand,
looking out the window, and
All I can see are the demons that have been chasing me
Causing all of my fears to come
Running toward me once again.
494 · Nov 2014
400 Days
Julia Nov 2014
And I


Miss You.
488 · Mar 2014
Julia Mar 2014
Words aren't the only cure to the brokenness we feel inside.
Notes connecting to one another
Forming the words we can't always speak
Are all we need to hear to save us.
So even though
There are words I'd like to scream,
Scream so loud you'll hear from night until day,
I'll pick up my saving grace.
I'll let the plucking of the strings soothe me, calming the storm inside,
Allowing the tune to carry me
To that familiar home
My only escape
The title seems irrelevant, but it's the name of my baby, my acoustic guitar. Alvarez=Al (Creative, I know.)
487 · Jul 2014
Give My All
Julia Jul 2014
What do I do when there's nothing left?
What do I say when what's said has been said?
Loneliness is a funny thing...
Feeling miserable until God's love brings

Happiness that cannot hide
Elation brought out from deep inside.
All fears subside,
The Holy Spirit is awake and alive.

Heavenly Father, crash into me.
Wash me in and out, I pray, make me clean.
Wipe away all the painful things,
Forgive me for all of my past sins.

Giving you control,
Help me to let go.
Let your love shine through,
I give my all to you.
486 · Sep 2014
Stumbling Love
Julia Sep 2014
Wind blowing dust into motion
You are the breeze that brings my soul to life

Fire rekindling in the ashes
You are the flames that keep my hope burning

Heat melting the fallen snow
You are the warmth that melts every part of me

Love that moves mountains
You are the reason I believe again


Head first into a concrete wall
Your fist flying into motion

Shattered glass upon the floor
Your empty bottles being thrown

Bruises cover up my arms
Your anger got the best of you once more

Broken hearted and alone as
You stumbled out the door

476 · Nov 2013
Say Something
Julia Nov 2013
Say something
I'm giving up on you
And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye.
*a great big world
Just lyrics. Everyone should listen to this song.
469 · Mar 2014
Julia Mar 2014
Lying numbly on the street
Rain pats
Dribbling from fingers to feet.

Reminiscing of times now past
As rain pours
Wiping away tears that come too fast.

With an aching heart and empty mind
Rain dribbles
Searching for loved ones left behind.

Eyes grow heavy and bones crack
As rain falls
Sending more memories of the day everything went black.

Unable to go back and unable to move on
Rain spills
And all is dead and gone.
465 · Jan 2014
Extinguish the Flames
Julia Jan 2014
I know how it feels to be burned
To watch all of your dreams turn to ashes
To ashes
We all fall down...
Now stand up
Wipe off the remnants
Mend the burns from ugly things that were
And breathe in
The fresh, new air
The fire doesn't last forever
462 · Apr 2014
Out of Time
Julia Apr 2014
He makes me smile
By looking deep into my eyes.
He makes me laugh
More than anyone has in a long time.
He makes my heart race
When he shares his dreams with me.
He makes me realize
The world is much bigger than it seems.
He gives me hope
That things can change.
He sets a fire inside of me
I didn't realize was capable of being rekindled.
He makes me feel beautiful
When he looks at me shyly.
He doesn't realize
I have these thoughts in my mind. I may not ever voice these, because
He also makes me dread
The inevitable day we'll have to say goodbye.
462 · Jan 2014
Julia Jan 2014
On top of the world
Stricken with optimism
Bursting with happiness
I'm ready
To feel free again
To be open to love
No more wasted tears
No more doubts
Prepared to face trials
Pursue forgotten dreams
456 · Sep 2014
Julia Sep 2014
I wish I were a cloud
Whisping freely away
With no intent to stay
Leaving as I please
Pacing with the breeze
454 · Mar 2014
Julia Mar 2014
All of the hopeful thoughts buried deep inside of your mind
Have escaped through closed lips at all of the right times.
You know what you want to say,
The moments have risen countless times.
Yet, the words remain unspoken
Time after time.
I'm growing tired of not having the confidence to speak up. I think it's time for that to change.
451 · Jan 2014
Empty Words
Julia Jan 2014
Nothing's heard
Of the words
Told to the jet black sky.
Nobody listened.
They didn't care.
Too absorbed with material things
I shouldn't have shared.
I always give,
Only to have them take,
Is that the Holy thing to do?
Is He happy with me?
Or disappointed
Like everyone
Everyone else,
Who I have tried,
to prove wrong,
To make proud.
440 · Nov 2013
Julia Nov 2013
Another holiday
Another get together
Another special occasion
Another painful memory
Another reminder of his absence

Fireworks bursting in the sky
Tears streaming from her bloodshot eyes
Her heart's exploding
Her mind is drowning

No one
Can see her pain
Hidden in the dark
She has no escape
No way out
From the painful,
Memories of her past

439 · Apr 2014
Julia Apr 2014
I'm made of porcelain
And of glass.
Kick me once,
And watch
As my fragile body
Starts to crack.
Kick me twice,
And watch
As I fall and shatter to pieces.
But this porcelain doll
Won't be defeated.
Our true creator
Always pulls through,
Mending every one of His children
With healing hands and glue.
435 · Jul 2016
Julia Jul 2016
No one has ever made me feel the way that you do

I face every fear
That's come from my past
You make me believe
That my pain will not last

You don't start to judge me
After stories I tell
You see past my mistakes
And wrong words that I spill

Your eyes see right through me
Your analytical mind
Shows more of me
Than I could ever find

Comfortable laughter fills the air
Your eyes squint as you smile
I think I'd like to stay here
If only for a while

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