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 Nov 2014 Julaaa
kailyn senpai
She sits there hating herself,
Movie on the screen, but she's paying no attention,
Her significant other is twirling at her hair,
Wanting a response, but she's in no mood.

She just hears her dad's words echoing in her head,
'Woman shall love man!'
And maybe he's right,
But she can't help the way she feels.

Her girlfriend is both the best thing in her life,
And the one that, sadly, brings the most problems,
She knows it's not either one of their faults,
But then...who's is it?

She feels like a slave to her own body,
Yet she's free.
So tries to enjoy the film, 'cause after all,
People will always find something wrong.

But she can't. She should feel happiness,
At the movies with her sweetheart,
But yet feels so empty,
Knowing any day now, she's gonna fall apart.

Sure, maybe it will get better.
No, no 'maybe' WILL get better.
It has to get better.
Because it sure as hell doesn't need to get worse.

— The End —