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Judy Klein Oct 2013
The Pumpkin  fest
The night of Halloween,
We went to the pumpkin fest
We were all in costumes and dressed our best
thousands of pumpkins were on the ground
Wagons hooked up by horses were all around
Filled with excitement
And filled with cheer
As we load up on the wagon for another year
Oh how I love Halloween
Carameled apples with sticks in between
horses pulling the hay ride
  yelling trick or treat out side
They fill our bags with lots of candy
Reese 's peanut 's and m&ms;
snickers and kit kats
and three Musketeers
Oh how I love Halloween this year.
The grown ups are sitting and drinking hot cider
I'm dressed as a witch sitting by a tiger
Ghost and goblins their there too
a Cinderella and bear bear boo
The night's coming to a end
and the hay ride is over
It won't happen again til next October.
Judy Klein Oct 2013
"I received this box as a gift and it said"
This is a very special gift,
that you can never see.
The reason it's so special is,
it's made for you to me.

When ever you are happy,
or even feeling blue,
you only have to hold
this gift to know
I think of you.
You never can unwrap it.
PLEASE keep the ribbon tied.
Just hold the box close
to your heart,
it's filled with love inside.
"Over the years I had held on to this gift"
With the box tied with a ribbon
written on the card was this.
Never open the box,
Did exactly what it said
Held it close to my heart.

Now over the years it was getting old
Never ever opened it, did what I was told.
The binder twined ribbon
held the card onto the box.
It's was a gift from my father
Who passed when I was twelve
There is no other gift
That was given so well.
In honor of my Father
The note on the card was some one else poem that was with the gift the rest of the poem was mine.
True story, a unforgettable gift, I still hold it near. Judy klein
Judy Klein Oct 2013
know one know but me
It's a secret
I never wanted to tell
Just wanted to be,
years later I than seek therapy
opening up to someone
   was not my specialty
It's a secret
I was so good at hiding the pain
it's a wonder I'm even sane
They sat and listen as I talked
The broken girl that wasn't my fault
I was the girl of happiness and laughter
but under it all I was scared with pain
never again could I remain the same
Some times you just escape to some where else
Not really leaving your body but mind
In a soft spoken voice Disassociate is the word
my mind was like a file going back an forward
split personality
Now is time to get well and face reality
How could this all be
What is happening to me
Do I want to stay and tell them my life,
or want to turn and run and not be a wife.
I have a man that love's me
He wants me happy and set free
Free from the chains that hold me down
free from the pain that has captured the sounds.
Yes I said as I was sitting on the couch
I do want to get well
so the story and tears fell
Not finished
Judy Klein Oct 2013
Touch is a beautiful feeling
Touch can be used in many ways
Touching you is touching me
It doesn't have to cost it can be free
A embrace to say hello and Good bye
a intimate touch and you don't ask why
A gentle kind word in a compliment,
can touch the heart with sentiments,
A gift of kindness is a touching heaven
learning this I have found since I was seven
No touch at all leaves us lingering for more
whether your giving or taken it touches our core.
working on
Judy Klein Oct 2013
Hello God are you there?
Why is it when I call you, you don't pick up
Is it that you don't love me enough?
Hello, Hello, God are you there?
I want to come home but I don't know where.
this is not a good place for me here
too many beatings and I always live in fear
I have a mom but not a dad,
He died when I was twelve
That makes me very sad
In the bible you said come to me
I'm trying, but can't you see?
Your up there and I'm beneath thee.
Hello, Hello God are you there
I know your there but where
My heart is breaking in two
I been waiting so long for you.
I want to come home
Dear God I'm so alone
I've written letters and address it to Heaven
Letters come back to sender since I was seven.
Hello God so Now I use the phone,
I a little older now, I'm thirteen and home alone
I dial HEAVEN 432-8367
A  busy signal ,you must be talking to some one else,
Please please Jesus pick up to save my self.
as I sit here all grow up, I now realize he heard me all along
My faith has deepened, he had a plan,
Now I 'm a women with a beautiful man
All along when I was writing and calling,
he's been with me
Thank you God you didn't pick up
lessons I learned has set me free.
Judy Klein Oct 2013
The Magical Moments
Happens when you least expect it
The universe gives it to us as a gift
Some may say it's a God moment
That's its a miracle from up above
The instant miracle's touch our lives
We have a wakening, God moment.
It's  given us some impossible dreams,
something magical as it seems,
But The Lord is with us at all times,
He has touched us with Mesmerizing kinds
Faith and trust is needed so much
A lot of people don't believe in such
They cannot even comprehend,
There's others who believe's to the end.
Mystical moments and angle wings,
Miracle's and moments they will bring,
Michel the Arch angel has brushed his wings  
When Satin attacks he breaks his sting.
Miracles happen when you have faith,
Angles are here to keep us safe.
Judy Klein Oct 2013
Fall is like a rainbow of colors
It holds moments of the months together
flower arrangement, for fall weather
Fall is like a rain bow of colors
Summer flowers die and others uncover
even tho we have the change of hours
We  have fall flowers none like others
Fall is more beautiful then just turning leafs,
As they fall their barring the trees
need to finish
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