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tips on a mixer

between said elixir

props and a picture

my eyes / your light fixture

watching the sugar

(watching the sugar)

watching the sugar

 Nov 2013 jude rigor
I whisper a few distant words, {s o m e t i m e s, I just can't stand it.}

you ask me, [can't stand what?]

I tell you, {e v e r y t h i n g.}

[be more specific,] you tell me

{n o t h i n g is all right anymore,} I mutter.

[you used to be so different,] your words drip in remorseful venom.

{don't a c t like you know me,} I spit back, my eyes like flames.

[i do know you. you don't know yourself,] menacing whispers disintegrate from your mouth.

{you act all wise, like your words have an actual m e a n i n g. it's all *******; don't pretend like it's n o t,} you seem taken aback.

[don't **** yourself,] you get to the point.

my nostrils flare. {you're like the disney princesses; f a k e. you don't give a **** about me. you just want to satisfy some god and feel like a h e r o. you can say you care, and that you l o v e me, but after I'm long gone you'll m o v e on and forget me. life moves on.}

you blink. [you've got it all wrong.]

{no, you w a n t me to have it all wrong. your mind is so diluted you can't tell crude reality from how you want it to be. so your brain is filled with mumbo jumbo and you p i t y me for being a helpless, pathetic girl. quite the opposite, really,} I'm shouting by now.

you say nothing. your eyes are cast to the ground.

I leave, drowning out my name being screamed behind me.
 Nov 2013 jude rigor
d e s p e r a t e lies,
spill from your lips.

you're telling me,
nonsensical *******,
about l o v i n g me.

"rebecca, you're the most b e a u t i f u l girl in the world."

a small, l i n g e r i n g smile,
has accompanied the lies.
like a ghost, it dances across your lips.

they t a u n t me,
plays ***** tricks on my mind.
isn't it twisted enough already?

my eyes are glued to my hands,
and you have the a u d a c i t y,
to take them in your own.

what you don't realize is that I'm s t r o n g e r than you.

my temper flares.
it's becoming as dangerous as flames,
and I meet your piercing eyes,
with c o u r a g e I've never bad before.

"go lie to some other girl. or even better; go **** yourself, you *******. I'm done with you meddling with my heart. Because of you, all it does is beat now. I'm stronger than you."

I will always be s t r o n g e r.
Idek what's the point of this lol.
 Nov 2013 jude rigor
he likes forgetting
good things
bad things
because to him
it’s all bad
because it’s all
not good enough

he keeps himself away
like some secret
that could destroy
the world
you have to wonder
if he knows how silly
he sounds

he’s voiceless but
he loves to scream
enjoying the cacophony
because he doesn’t
believe he can make

he’ll show up dead probably
not in the ground, but somewhere
like a run-down apartment
or a happy family of four
and you’ll know because
he only frowns
between when the drink
hits his lips
when the drink
hits his mind
like sleeping gas

he’s not worried about it though
he says there’s nothing to be worried about
that you shouldn’t worry, that this is the way
that things are going to play out
no matter if he’s loved
if he’s hated
if he succeeds
or fails
if all his dreams come true
or all his nightmares

it’s time, he says,
to make peace with it
and if you would please
just leave him alone
to feel alive
i didn't feel a poem but

the poem feeled me, so

I ppeeled the skin of lin

-guist-sticks and built a

lil tree fort
 Nov 2013 jude rigor
 Nov 2013 jude rigor
smoking is bad*
preaches the teacher
as he bites his nails
in anticipation
of his next
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