I remember the pain
and remember the tears
that evil man caused me
for all those years
I remember the hurt
I remember his hands
as he whispered
and I followed demands
I closed my eyes
as I fought away tears
I laid still and kept quiet
for all those years
He loves me, I know it,
this couldn't be bad
He took full advantage
of the trust I had
I kept all our secrets,
I had no choice
He'd ripped open my chest
and stolen my voice
I was reminded again
after every assault
that what happened
was conpletely my fault
I had been bad,
had misbehaved
from the wrath of my mother
I was being saved
He tried to tell me
she was evil and mean
But the real devil,
I had already seen
His lies never fooled me,
with mom I was safe
She was my only hope
and my only escape