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4.6k · Nov 2011
Julia Nov 2011
Vibrating strings create
Intensely beautiful sound
Of artistic expressions.
Lullabies, filled with
Internal longings discovered.
N**ostalgia waves hello.
3.5k · Aug 2013
Julia Aug 2013
She had an explorer's intuition
and a head full of dreams
that would suffocate
in this one light town.

I'd seen it since the beginning

and had to suppress
my selfish urge
to clip her wings
and keep her here.

But even so,
as we said our goodbyes
my eyes filled with hot tears.

I'll miss you so much
My voice cracked audibly.

Don't worry, Love.
I'm only beginning a new adventure.
Turning a new leaf.
Starting a new chapter.

I'll be back before you know...

And with that she was gone.
I waited until her plane took off,
and thanked God that I knew her.
2.9k · Jan 2012
To My Beautiful Friend:
Julia Jan 2012
Designer clothes.
Designer shoes.
Highlights, too.
Your facade is immaculate,
but you don't need to be told.
You put up a front,
and think nobody knows
the real you.
That insecure woman,
is much more beautiful
than any surface you could summon.
2.6k · Mar 2013
Jewelry (a haiku)
Julia Mar 2013
'Tis better to have
Heavy beads 'round my neck than
Your murderous hands.
2.1k · Apr 2013
Curse Like a Sailor
Julia Apr 2013
When I refused to integrate wretched
"Four letter words" into my vocabulary,
I noticed that Love herself is a "four letter word",
And the dirtiest of them all.
Julia Feb 2013
Writing poetry about breaking up is juvenile,
I know.
Maybe one day, I'll stop;
But that would require me fully moving on first.

I feel like the world's biggest stalker.
We haven't even spoken in 2 months,
Which is monumental
When you consider the fact that
You alone
Occupied my evenings
For a year and a half.

A strange phenomenon happens
Every time I search for you
Here on Hello Poetry.

What is it you ask?
It's a certain tingling sensation
That starts somewhere secret
And creeps up my spine
Until my whole self is covered in prickly goosebumps.

When the sheer sight of your name
no longer holds the ability to send chills down my spine,
My pathetic poems will stop.
2.1k · Feb 2013
A childlike faith
Julia Feb 2013
A little girl with the bluest eyes I'd ever seen
asked me if I know what happens when we die.
I smiled, and was about to answer when she said,
Don't worry. I'll tell you.

My mommy says it's like a big party,
and everyone that I know will be there,
each one having the time of his life.
Mommy says that God will have
chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese there
just for me, because he knows it's my favorite!
Isn't that sweet?

She smiled again, and went on to tell of
streets of gold, and a place
without pain, illness, or death-
a utopia of sorts,
and a God who made it all,
and who loves me specifically.

Her mother called out
Sophia! What did I say about talking to strangers sweetie?
Come here!

Sophia smiled, told me
she couldn't wait to see me again in heaven,
and went running off with her ponytail
swinging from one shoulder to another...
leaving me wishing that I believed it too.

After all, I really love mac and cheese.
2.0k · Jan 2013
The Beatles Were Wrong.
Julia Jan 2013
The Beatles were wrong.
Sometimes, love isn't all you need.
With a blind eye, a deaf ear, and unending love,
Maybe we would succeed. . .
But words can't be taken back;
Things can't be left unsaid.
Distance is the silent killer. . .
And as I lie here in my bed
I think of you, and what we had.
I hope you have good dreams
But what is more? I realize that
*I don't regret a thing.
Haven't written anything in months... I'm trying to ease myself back into it.
1.8k · Nov 2011
Second Chances
Julia Nov 2011
I believe in second chances,
Everyone screws up.
I'm gracious with these second chances
Especially with those that I love.

When liars and cheaters are revealed,
I could wield vengeance and hate.
But why wreak havoc on them,
When I could forgive and forget?

While second chances are important,
Two chances are enough.
Improvement must be made by then,
And boy, it will be tough.
1.8k · May 2013
Julia May 2013
If I become blind tomorrow,
I'll know every detail of your face--
Your tired eyes, dimples,
And your imperfectly perfect smile.
I'll still "see" you inconspicuously stealing
Affectionate glances my way.
But, just as before,
I won't need my eyes to find
Your slightly pink lips
Awaiting mine.
1.8k · Apr 2012
Julia Apr 2012
Baseless words
fueled by hate,
racism, jealousy, fear.

Words that the adults
choose to turn
a deaf ear.

if they go unacknowledged
they'll just disappear.

They won't.
1.7k · Jan 2012
Office Hottie
Julia Jan 2012
Those stiletto heels click-clack on the floor,
In your appearance, you clearly invest.
That model sized body swanks through the office,
With that push-up showcasing your *******.

Your eyes light up as you parade around the office
And the men try not to stare.
You wink and smile as you pass them by,
Catching the light in your hair.

Your goal is to have the attention,
Of everyone, every day.
How will you do this? Simple!  
You allow those hips to sway.
Julia Mar 2013
I have applied pressure to the wound
And have bandaged it quite firmly
But nothing stops the bleeding
And nothing stops the ache
My heart broke for you...
But I have no
Bandaids to
I hold
It in my
Hands-- blood quickly
Dripping through fingers.
Drops of blood mark my path
Showing just where I have been,
And where I'm headed to. My heartbeat
Stops. It ends, my love, just as you do.
1.6k · Feb 2013
Julia Feb 2013
You used to make such beautiful music --
both with your voice and your violin.
Your long, spindly fingers knew just where to press down
onto the fingerboard,
creating the perfect pitch. . .
People were always drawn to you,
despite your lies and deceitful heart
just beneath the surface.

I can't imagine being your mother,
having to bear the sheer embarrassment of
birthing such a vindictive child into the world.
I've seen your mother's pained expression
every time she looks at you--
tight lips, pressed firmly together, and
a face devoid of all
and love,
with deeply sunken, disdain filled eyes.

Do you feel safe around her?
I know I wouldn't.
The title may seem disconnected, but in my head, it works.
1.5k · Apr 2012
My Wish
Julia Apr 2012
Sometimes, I look to the towering trees,
And from the clear, cool depths of my weary soul,
I wish. I wish,
And hope that one day,
I might be like the lofty tree,
Only dependent upon nature for sustenance.

Or maybe, if not the trees,
Perhaps the wild horses that gallop
Freely wherever they please to go.
With their heart's desire as the only guiding force,
These creatures live life with a clear mind,
And a clean conscious.

I look to the innumerable stars,
And fear, hope, and dream.

* I wish.
1.4k · Jan 2012
My Future Husband?
Julia Jan 2012
"Relationships are a funny thing,"
That's what my papa said.
(This was his excuse for why
OUR relationship held barely by a thread.)

We were never close,
My papa and I.
I'd try to fix us,
But he'd be preoccupied.

When I hit my teens,
I hit 'em hard.
Those boys and I
Went way too far.

I'm all grown up now,
Wanting to get married
The man who's interested
Has never varied . . .

He's smart, and kind.
He's ironclad.
But more than anything,
*He's just like Dad.
They say that girls from broken homes marry men who resemble their fathers. I seriously hope that's not the case.
1.4k · Dec 2011
Julia Dec 2011
You tell me to close the curtains.
"Close the curtains so the neighbors won't see!"
But one thought rings out clear in my mind --
The curtains won't change what you're doing to me.

Even if the world's in the dark
About what happens under the cover of night,
It still hurts, it still happens, and it is real.
The situation is desperate for light.

You can try to belittle me -- go right ahead.
But I know something you don't know.
Hit me, hurt me, try to knock me down;
I have nowhere left to go.

I've already hit rock bottom;
I've got nowhere left to fall.
So, close the door behind you --
Because I'm going to tell it all.
Julia May 2013
It's been a few weeks since it rained,
and even longer since I've let myself go.
But I'll always remember the day I did.
It was the last day of sophomore year,
and we were itching for a little fun.
You and I went out for a celebratory drive,
belting old Taylor Swift songs
at the top of our lungs,
and not giving a ****
what anyone else thought.
All of a sudden, a storm hit
and you pulled the Volkswagen over
with a twinkle in your eyes.
You pulled me out of the car,
and we danced in the middle of the road.
Within seconds, I was soaked
through my dress, through my bra,
sending raindrops coupled with chills
all the way down my spine.
The rain stopped as soon as it started,
but I'll never forget that day.
Dancing in the rain is oh so stereotypical but everyone should try it at least once. As always, tell me what you thought! :)
1.4k · Jun 2013
Smile for the Camera
Julia Jun 2013
"The telephoto lense is slightly cracked,
But everything else is in pristine condition,"
I said, straightening up.
"She's served me well over the years."
You raised your eyebrows.
"She?" you asked, quizzically.
"Well, of course she.
Actually, Bella.
She's named after my grandmother who..."
I caught myself.
"Oh, you don't want to hear this."
"No, please go on."
I took a deep breath, and continued.
"She was named after my grandmother, Bella,
Who first introduced me to photography.
Grammy Bella gave me her old Polaroid
For my eighth birthday.
It was just..."
My voice trailed off,
"The coolest thing."
You smiled.
A picture perfect smile.
I continued,
"My life is a series of documented flashes.
Lost my first tooth; flash!
Played in my first concert; flash!
Sang a solo for chorus; flash!"
"Wow," your voice cracked,
Nothing more than a whisper.
" I think I'd like to buy it."
I stumbled through the filing cabinets
Of my subconscious mind,
Thumbing through old flashes...
"Actually, it's not for sale."
This was inspired by two things: an add on Craig's list, and an essay I read :) I might add on to this piece later, though I can't quite decide. Tell me what you think!
1.4k · Apr 2013
Black Bag
Julia Apr 2013
As I peer through distant memories,
One day sticks out in my mind--
The day my mom handed me a ******* bag
And said go make something pretty
Back then, that was all it took to be inspired.
I ran to my bedroom, grabbing scissors on the way,
And constructed an enormous bow
That I wore as a crown,
And for the rest of the day, I was Princess Julia.
Life was much easier back then.

But things are different now.
In the back of my closet, hidden in the darkness
Is another black plastic bag with my secrets inside.
My hopes and dreams, bitterness and fears,
Insecurity and all of my worthlessness
Are consumed by that black plastic bag.
Each night, I sit on my bed, and empty my brain.
I write it all down, and give it all up
To my black hole of emotions,
If only for the night.
My writing portfolios is due this week,and this piece has to be included... :/please, if you have any criticisms, or ideas to make it better,let me know! Tell me what you think!
1.4k · Jan 2012
That violin and you.
Julia Jan 2012
I watched you play that violin;
your forehead wrinkled with frustration
as your fingers fumbled
with each bumble . . .
but I thought it was beautiful.
You have yet to play for long,
but you're really doing well!
I say these things, to your deaf ears,
for you refuse to hear
that your playing is beautiful.
Your determination spoke wonders
of your motivations.
You'd never give up,
even if it was rough.
P.S.) I think you're beautiful.
1.3k · Jan 2013
Nail polish.
Julia Jan 2013
I haven't painted my nails
since we were still
a happy couple.
Now they're chipped,
but i can't bring myself to
remove that blue-green polish
because it feels like the one little piece
of you that i still have.
Maybe once it all flakes off,
i'll be back to the old
me-without-you self.
Not having forgotten you,
just no longer dependent.
Baby, you were my alcohol
and now i'm just another addict
going through my first withdrawal.
I often wish that i could go back
to who i was before you,
but i have to find me first.
Until then, i'll endure the detox.
1.3k · Nov 2013
"I pick you."
Julia Nov 2013
I come from a town
where the stop signs are purple,
the children are inquisitive,
and the music is pure.
Melodic lines pursue me
from the places I've come,
with close harmonies, intricate rhythms,
and beautiful women to sing them.
My curls dance with the steel strings
of my favorite guitar as I play
on the corner by the coffee shop,
but I barely notice; for
I finger my favorite
guitar pick necklace,
remember the bow-tied boy
who gave it to me.
The corners of my lips turn up,
the bow-tied handsome boy
who lives away from
my purple stop sign town,
where the children are inquisitive,
and the music is pure.
Julia Mar 2012
Each night,
You sleep next to me.
Every night,
I watch your chest rise
and fall with each deep breath
You take.
I can't help but wonder
Each and every night
What I would do if
your breathing suddenly
1.2k · Jan 2012
Life goes on
Julia Jan 2012
Underneath a moonless sky,
    I watch my life pass by.

Moment by moment, hour by hour,
    I steadily lose all my power.  

It seems as though I have no say,
    In what occurs during every day.

I'll hide in my closet, praying not to be found,
    Until the day that I'm out underground.
1.2k · Nov 2011
Julia Nov 2011
I've lied to those I love;
I've done things I regret.
But forgiveness comes, like the mourning dove,
Reminding me to not hurt again.

I've stolen time that wasn't mine
To take, to use, to prosper.
I've picked a fight; I've paid a fine
As reconciliation for my sins.

My last confession, I try to hide
From others, and even myself.
But it doesn't matter how hard I try,
I will never be perfect.
Julia Jun 2013
"Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything?"

- Infinite silence. -

"Everything becomes real after you realize
How many people don't care about you."

"You might not know this,
But I'd go out of my way
Just to make sure you're okay,"
[She said with a downcast glance.]

"I don't think I'm emotionally stable enough for that."

- Suddenly, it's hard to breathe. -

Sometimes I get so sad that
I completely shut down...
And I feel like it's easier to sail away
With sadness
Than to battle the current
Trying to make my way back
To shore.

"When did this happen?
When did your scars become on purpose?"

"Just go and leave me alone."

"I miss the days when things were simple,"
[She whispered as she softly shut the door.]**

I stare blankly at the wall,  
And it doesn't matter
what anyone says to me
Because in that moment,
I don't exist.

You and I were different,
But it all started with a smile.

We came from different worlds,
And I actually believed you loved me.

After everything, I must confess
I need you.

But you never came back.

I think the worst part wasn't losing him...
it was losing me.

But there are no happy endings:
Endings are the hardest part.
Bold type is meant to be another person. Italics is for when I'd be speaking.
Normal type are thoughts.
It's piece was constructed from posts on tumblr, except for anything in brackets ([]).
1.2k · Nov 2011
Julia Nov 2011
Broken promises and broken bones;
Makeup to cover her scars.
He beats her, yet she won't accept the fact
That only leaving will keep her in tact.

He'll hit her, then confess his love.
She'll fall for him all over again.
Every time she's bruised and battered,
He doesn't mind that her heart's been shattered.

She can make excuses for him,
And she'll continue in doing so.
They will be to no avail...
The bruises tell a different tale.
1.2k · Mar 2013
Julia Mar 2013
You had the nerve, the sheer audacity,
To come in smelling of cigarettes and
Cheap alcohol.
Everything seemed to stop at that moment,
Except you
Slowly stumbling toward me
Clearly drunk,
With a cigarette dangling
from your fingertips.
I could smell you before I saw you...
The scent of failure
And desperation wafted though the air.
Bravo, babe.
You've done it again.
But you were always right,
Weren't you.
Even when you were wrong,
You were right 'cause
You couldn't stand to lose
To a stupid, spineless woman
Like myself.
You'll never get over me.
I'm the best thing
That has ever happened to you,

Nobody's gonna come,
Wanting my used up sloppy seconds.
I'll always hold a piece of your heart,
To shatter as I please.

Sure enough, you do.
I tried to convince myself that you
Had no influence over me any more.
But you proved me wrong,
Stomped all over the few shards of dignity
That I still clung to.
Does that make you feel like a man?
After that you turned around and stumbled out,
With an air of self satisfaction about you...
And I finally realized something.
You might have had a hold on my heart
This very morning,
But you no longer do.
After all, you can't hold something
That doesn't exist anymore.
Title credit goes to Dieing Embers. :)
1.1k · May 2013
Julia May 2013
"You really loved him,
Didn't you?"

My perfectly pink lips quiver
As hot tears brim my eyes.
I nod my head yes;
Of course I did.
But I loved him much more
Than just a nod.
He was a deep breath
Of fresh air,
A shooting star
Across a jet black sky,
The split second silence
Under a highway bridge
In the pouring rain.

But I could only nod.

"Smile, darling.
You have so much ahead of you."

But once again, I could
Muster only a nod.
A disbelieving nod,
But a nod just the same.
This is pathetically cliche, but it had to be done. Also, when you type "nod" six times in a poem this short, it starts to look like it isn't a word at all. . .
Julia Jan 2013
I stepped into the bitter cold
Just to have snow blown on my face,
And an ice old wind force my eyes shut.
Mornings like this make me long for the beach
More than anything else,
(except you. . . But that's a different longing entirely).
I'd lay out on the sand,
Until I had that sun kissed glow
That only the beach can give,
If I were at the beach.
I wouldn't mind a little sand
In my salty, ocean tossed hair.
Maybe if I were at the beach,
I'd find a charming boy to whisk
Me away from everything with
Just one sweet, stolen kiss...
But that's a different longing entirely.
1.1k · Sep 2011
practically surreal
Julia Sep 2011
Every time I close my eyes
I see you two together --
You holding her close, kissing her lips,
Your hands placed about her hips.
Whether or not this be true,
Every time you're unavailable
I feel you're with her
And suddenly I'm unsure
Of everything we've been through;
Of all our words, exchanged;
Leaves me way too deep in thought
After you I always sought
I wonder if I'm cut out for this...
Is this meant for me?
It's clear we've got something real,
Something practically surreal.
1.1k · May 2013
Julia May 2013
I fear I'm being forgotten
With the memories of fourth grade
And last Tuesday's dinner...
Slipping from the minds
Of those I care about.
Fading fast with silent screams.
I'm falling from society
And becoming a recluse.
Losing any sensation in my body,
I'm overcome with numbness
And tingling limbs. . .
Until I've lost myself completely.


G  o  i  n  g.
Julia Apr 2013
Tonight, I'm gonna do it.
     I'm gonna call you.
Tonight, I'm gonna tell you why I never wear my hair
     In a ponytail anymore, no matter how hot it gets.
     I'm gonna tell you about the time you grabbed my hot tea  
          And threw it in my face.
I'm gonna tell you that, these days, I don't bother with
Makeup anymore , and though I (somehow) get complements
          I'll never quite believe them.
I'm gonna tell you about the time you made my mom cry
     And how much she feared you after that.
     I'm gonna tell you what it's like to be
          The only one...
To be in constant fear, yet forbidden to tell another soul
All at the same time.
     You're gonna tell me why you kissed my boyfriend
And lied,
So I'll finally understand.
     I gonna tell you about all the things I wish I was
          And the things I strive to be
(All 89 of them).
     I'm gonna tell you why I had to leave.
I'm gonna finally tell you that not only did you suppress my appetite and worth,
     But also my passion.
          And that was the worst of them all.
          I'm gonna tell you about each and every pound I am
          Away from perfect.
I'm gonna tell you about the time I almost gave in,
And finally,
               About the day I told the truth. . .
And you're gonna listen.
1.1k · Jun 2013
Lost and Found
Julia Jun 2013
Here I am--
in the middle of my favorite cafe in old town.
My soft brown curls fall in front of my shoulders
and almost into my lipstick stained mug.

Here I am--
in my new sundress that shows off my hips;
I'm armed with my composition book, favorite pen,
and a genuine smile.

But there you are--
Walking up to the counter with a new Beauty,
holding her the way you used to hold me:
gentle but firm, and keeping her content.

There I go--
escaping through the smudged glass door
before you ever noticed me,
giving you a chance to stumble upon your new Serendipity.

Here I am--
Wrapped up in my blankets
Captured  within my own harrowing darkness.

Here I am--
sinking further into a reclusive state
whispering *It's just too much.
Julia Mar 2013
Of all the pet names,
You used to call me Sunshine.
I'm not real sunny,
But you still called me Sunshine,
Up until the day it rained.
A tanka is a five line Japanese poem structure. The first and third lines have five syllables; the second, fourth, and fifth have seven. It's harder than it seems. :)
Julia Mar 2013
My trembling arms raise a hammer
above my head,
An "iron fist" of sorts.
With each weighted step
Towards my reflection,
My arms scream,
Threatening to buckle,
But I must push through the pain.
With a force I thought impossible
To muster up,
The hammer came down,
Shattering the mirror, and my reflection within.
A deep, warm breath filled
My belly and lungs;
It was the first real breath I'd had in weeks.
Fresh air had never tasted so sweet.

You see, all this time,
I held my shattered heart
In my own hands.
Only I, myself, was able to stand up
And start again.
Overwhelming guilt lost her jealous hold,
And control stepped to the plate.
1.1k · Apr 2013
Elastic Collisions
Julia Apr 2013
My two worlds collide
On an almost daily basis.
The world inside my head,
And, well, you.
It's like, you're what I wanted...
Or what I thought I did.
But now that I have you,
I'm second guessing
You pick me up
On Friday nights,
Kiss my forehead, and tell me
Just how beautiful I look.'s not how I pictured it.
It's not like the movies.
I don't get those butterflies...
I get an overwhelming feeling
Of numbness and

My head is filled with little voices
Consciences, perhaps, of different backgrounds
And motives,
Each putting in her own
"Wisdom" on the matter.
They ask if I have told you,
But it's just not my truth to tell.
This one doesn't make much sense. . . So if you don't get it, I don't either. Still needs editing.
1.1k · Feb 2013
I thought I saw you
Julia Feb 2013
I thought I saw your face
Among the three thousand kids
At school today.
My heart nearly exploded out of my chest
And onto the floor,
And a wave of nausea overtook me.
But even so, I plodded through the crowd,
Hoping to find you
And say something, anything...
But you weren't there.
My face went pale, my lips were cracked and bleeding,
And when I looked up with teary eyes,
There was no one in the hallway but me.
I collapsed into a shaking heap on the floor...
My history teacher shrieked and ran into the hall to try to help me,
But it was too late.
I'd already hit rock bottom -- there was nowhere left to go.
1.0k · Aug 2013
Ball Mason Jars
Julia Aug 2013
I look at you
Or what's more,
Look through you.

I miss the days
When things were simple.
You and I...
We used to catch fireflies
Every Friday night in summer,
And have races to the pool
at the end of the road.
And even though you usually won,
I always ran with you
Because in that moment
Nothing else mattered.
Your eyes lit up,
And your infectious smile
Spread across the street.

Now, we're going into senior year
And I don't see you anymore.
I see through you.
Right through you.

On good days,
I can almost see a jar of fireflies
In your 9 year old hands.
1.0k · Mar 2013
Julia Mar 2013
Her lies were revealed.
A year's delicate web
Of deceit, untangled.
I looked at her and said,
Have you no shame?
And with ice cold,
Black eyes,
She simply replied
*How could I have shame,
If the shame is yours to bear?
1.0k · Feb 2013
Single's Awareness Day
Julia Feb 2013
No matter where I look today,
There are roses with notes that say,
"I love you, dear. Let's run away
Together; I can't wait another day."

Here I am -- once again, alone.
This time I've banished boys to the "friend zone";
I'm independent and can hold my own.
I need no man, or a beautiful stone.

Yet, I'm not content with the fee
I pay for solidarity.
I've no one to call me "honey"
Or to leave the light on for me.
From the prompt: Write a poem for valentine's day of no more than 20 lines about spending valentine's day all by yourself. The only rules are that it must rhyme, and the final line of the poem must include the title of your favorite song. The song I used was "Leave the Light On" by Priscilla Ahn. You should give it a listen; it's splendid.
Julia May 2013
And I just wanna tell you,
You forgave and I won't forget.
Some day, you will go away from this.

So glide away on soapy heels,
And promise not to promise anymore.
You've gotta be kind to yourself.

Now my only chance to talk to you
Is through my prayers;
I only wanted to tell you I care.
But I am blind,
I cannot find the heart I gave to you.
This piece is composed entirely of song lyrics. I pulled lyrics from "I Almost Do" by Taylor Swift, "I Will Wait" by Mumford and Sons, "Men of Snow", "The Chain", and "Glass" by Ingrid Michaelson, "Me and You" by She and Him, and "Through My Prayers" by the Avett Brothers. The title is from Snow Patrol's "Chasing Cars", though I'm not quite sold on it.
Julia Mar 2013
Most love poems sound the same.
The ones by desperate, lonely teenage girls
Are the cream of the crop,
Filled with every cliche in the freakin' book
From sparkling eyes, and shimmering hair
All the way to rippling muscles and the
Sweetest of kisses that leave you wishing you could just
Live in that moment.
Ugh, they make me want to die.
I'd be interested to read a real love poem,
Written with true emotion
And passion.
But that would require a genuine love,
Not a week long fling,
Or even better?
A one night stand.
I may be cynical,
But there must be a way
To express affection without the use
Of overworked cliches that make me want
To stop writing altogether.
1.0k · Apr 2012
Julia Apr 2012
My grandfather's watch went
Serving as my constant comfort.
Even when his heart had stopped,
His watch still tick-tick-tocked.
980 · Jun 2014
Here we go again
Julia Jun 2014
I remember sitting cross-legged
in the backyard with you,
stringing dandelions together
and lazily strumming my guitar
while you rested your head
on my thigh last summer.
I sang soft melodies
and you dreamt that time stopped
and we left this town together. . .*

but alas.

You're too practical,
and I'm too scared,
so here we go again.
Julia Dec 2013
I think...
i think writing poetry
is a delicate art form.
When the words come,
they overwhelm my jumbled mind,
until i can barely distinguish
my own penmanship.
It's beautiful, getting hopelessly lost
in intricate poems forever tangled in my brain.

(but sometimes,
the page fills with blah blah blahs,
and my head with la la las,
while my guitar gathers dust in the corner.)
966 · May 2013
My Plans Have Changed
Julia May 2013
I didn't plan for this to happen,
But Life pays no mind to my plans.

I remember the day I looked Life
In the face and said
Today will be beautiful.
A coy smile came about her
And she slowly shook her head.
Anything you say, dear;
But I have other plans instead.

That was the day my sister
Got into the car
Where she took her last breath.

But a few years have passed now,
And Life gained compassion with her age.

I sternly told Life
I will not fall in love with him
Again she smiled, but made no sound
As she silently clasped her wrinkled, feminine hands.

Look at me now.
I didn't mean for this to happen
But he's always on my mind.
"Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans."
Please excuse the corny fiction, and rough form.
941 · Mar 2013
Dear Granddaddy:
Julia Mar 2013
I've never told another what I'm about to tell you.
Five years ago, when you were in the hospital,
We knew you were nearing closer and closer to your end
With each passing hour.
Mom called to say you weren't strong enough
For the surgery that could have saved your life.
There was nothing we could do.
I sent up a prayer, pleading for your comfort
No more suffering, you'd been through enough.
I uttered a silent sob, and the phone rang--
You were gone. No more.
There was nothing we could do.

For years, I blamed your death on myself.
How long do you keep the number of a dead man?
The answer is simple- forever.
I must have called you 100 times;
I knew you couldn't answer,
But I just needed to hear your voice again saying,
"Sorry that I missed you. Leave a message and God bless."

The voicemail is gone now,
And that phone number is no longer yours,
But it will forever be etched into my mind.
After all, *there's nothing else I can do.
930 · Nov 2011
Julia Nov 2011
Listen to the wind, boasting her great strength

Knowing of her cleansing powers, yet hurting all the same.

She rustles up old problems passed, and renews the hurt and pain;

She brings about a certain feeling, that of emotional stains.

What can we do to change the way things are?

Accept the wind for who she is, accept her for her sins.

If we can finally do this, then our process -- it begins

listen to the wind,
        ­                                                      live
  ­                                                                 ­                      again.
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