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Dec 2022 · 138
Julia Dec 2022
The cold envelops my body
as I lay in my bed.

I shiver,
silently missing you
wishing you were here with me.

another dreamless night.
Feb 2022 · 165
Julia Feb 2022
when i look at you
i see our future
in your eyes.
Jan 2015 · 660
Something's Different
Julia Jan 2015
And something's changed,
but we're still the same,
you and me,
our hands fit just so
and I can feel your heart race
against my tired body.

It's been a few days now,
but I still feel your warmth  
and taste your tears on my lips
from our evening in the car,
when for once,
I was holding you.

That night, the tables turned,
hell, the tables never cease;
but we're just the same,
we're still the same,

and our hands still lock together.
I loved you yesterday.
I love you today.
I will love you tomorrow.
Nov 2014 · 597
Midnight Stories
Julia Nov 2014
I confronted the space between us;
I looked her right in the eyes.

Perplexed, I questioned her existence,
but she gave me a sly smile.

"If it's answers that you're after,
my dear, don't waste your breath.

Only time will sort and simmer
the mess inside your head."

She turned and scurried off
before I could object;

But love, she got me thinking,
about the heart that I protect.

The walls built high around my heart,
the soldiers and their swords.

From whom am I so guarded?
Who do I fear the most?

My love who holds the power alone,
holds me close tonight.
Jul 2014 · 780
Julia Jul 2014
This time, her apology came in the form
of a caramel macchiatto
on a Tuesday morning.
No words:
just scalding coffee and gritted teeth
received by timid fingers
and pursed lips.

And it was enough for me,
until I realized that
all the sugar packets in the state
couldn't sweeten her words
or soothe my burnt tongue.
Bring on the melodramatic poetry. :3
Jul 2014 · 678
Julia Jul 2014
This poem
I think to myself
as my shaking hand takes to the page,
Will be about the day my father left,
my first day of college,
or even the way my hands shake when I write.*
I write six words,
scratch out seven more,
and continue until I notice
i'm left with
a sloppy "i

even when my poems aren't about you, they're about you.
Jun 2014 · 980
Here we go again
Julia Jun 2014
I remember sitting cross-legged
in the backyard with you,
stringing dandelions together
and lazily strumming my guitar
while you rested your head
on my thigh last summer.
I sang soft melodies
and you dreamt that time stopped
and we left this town together. . .*

but alas.

You're too practical,
and I'm too scared,
so here we go again.
Apr 2014 · 744
Julia Apr 2014
You and I are the movie’s trailer,

the first lick of a dripping ice cream cone,

the first snow in winter.

We’re a beginning,

a preview of what could happen,

what would happen if our lives ever align. 

But for now, I’m satisfied with

serendipitous blurs of visits,
occasional tastes of our favorite tea,

and the hope that I’ll enjoy

a fresh *** of Earl Grey 

with you down this winding road.
Contemplating doing this one (and others) as spoken word.
Jan 2014 · 837
Julia Jan 2014

More than anything else, I have to find me first; 
but I don’t want to forget you.

"Don’t worry, I’ll tell you until there are no more words to say.” 

You just shook your head. 

I tried to explain when I woke up this morning

just beneath the surface,

but I’d lost my ability to speak.

How strange.


I dreamt of my very being

keeping the city safe

up until the day it rained.


I finally understood that Love herself 
is a “four letter word”.


Well my darling,

I’ll have to forget me to know where I’ve gone. 

Open your eyes.

But now you’re gone, just a few days later, 

to keep us both alive.

I held out the matches with no real reason why.

Just go.

Just like that, I watch your head spin.

My fingers tingle, and I can breathe.


“How do you like it?” 

It's falling together.. 

I’d seen it since the beginning. 

Even so, I miss the days when things were simple.

September* came and went with no evidence or new scars.

Nature can’t make up her mind about me either.

I still have the pictures to prove it.


The music is pure, but I barely notice.

It’s beautiful,

Getting hopelessly lost
until I can barely distinguish my own penmanship.”
I put this piece together by taking lines from all the poems I wrote in 2013. :)
Jan 2014 · 865
Julia Jan 2014
When I was young,
     my mom braided my hair with purple ribbons
     every Sunday morning.
Her fingers trembled, tangled in my curls,
     but she kept braiding, twisting, tying
     until it was to her standard.
Nights like this, I miss her
     as I braid my own hair,
     And I can't achieve the perfection
Of those trembling fingers.
Julia Jan 2014
I write the endings first. The plot. The
destination-- but it changes
at some point in the middle.
After all, how could I
know where my writing
is headed when
I don't know
who I
Jan 2014 · 806
Julia Jan 2014
Darling, I'm still learning to be brave
with the hole of your absence
festering in my gut
like the fresh wound it is.
But I'll get there.
They criticize, but they don't know
I have Courage in my collarbone,
Love on my lips,
and nothing to lose.
Need a new title.. Any suggestions?
Dec 2013 · 625
Julia Dec 2013
But you have to realize
We're not a mistake,
A lapse in judgement,
Or a hiccup in time.
We're human.
And that's all we'll ever be.
Dec 2013 · 770
Julia Dec 2013
And every now and then
feel your pulse and sway
to the rhythm of your heartbeat
because sometimes
you have to take those
failing tests
scraped-up knees
rejection letters
and broken hearts
and run with them

run hard and run fast

and don't you ever look back.
Inspired by a lyric that has been in my head for days, "Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you" from Coldplay's "Yellow"
Julia Dec 2013
I think...
i think writing poetry
is a delicate art form.
When the words come,
they overwhelm my jumbled mind,
until i can barely distinguish
my own penmanship.
It's beautiful, getting hopelessly lost
in intricate poems forever tangled in my brain.

(but sometimes,
the page fills with blah blah blahs,
and my head with la la las,
while my guitar gathers dust in the corner.)
Nov 2013 · 1.3k
"I pick you."
Julia Nov 2013
I come from a town
where the stop signs are purple,
the children are inquisitive,
and the music is pure.
Melodic lines pursue me
from the places I've come,
with close harmonies, intricate rhythms,
and beautiful women to sing them.
My curls dance with the steel strings
of my favorite guitar as I play
on the corner by the coffee shop,
but I barely notice; for
I finger my favorite
guitar pick necklace,
remember the bow-tied boy
who gave it to me.
The corners of my lips turn up,
the bow-tied handsome boy
who lives away from
my purple stop sign town,
where the children are inquisitive,
and the music is pure.
Oct 2013 · 608
Unseasonable (nonnet)
Julia Oct 2013
The autumn leaves float down around me,
While summer sun shines overhead.
Winter winds blow harshly down.
I hide my hands inside
My coat, and notice
Nature can't make
Up her mind
Oct 2013 · 671
Julia Oct 2013
We were practically babies
When all of this began.
I [still] have the pictures to prove it.
Now, two years later,
I realize it was easier to be
With you back then,
When my head was in the clouds,
And my heart,
Hopelessly lost with yours.
Aug 2013 · 1.0k
Ball Mason Jars
Julia Aug 2013
I look at you
Or what's more,
Look through you.

I miss the days
When things were simple.
You and I...
We used to catch fireflies
Every Friday night in summer,
And have races to the pool
at the end of the road.
And even though you usually won,
I always ran with you
Because in that moment
Nothing else mattered.
Your eyes lit up,
And your infectious smile
Spread across the street.

Now, we're going into senior year
And I don't see you anymore.
I see through you.
Right through you.

On good days,
I can almost see a jar of fireflies
In your 9 year old hands.
Aug 2013 · 813
Our Ungraceful End
Julia Aug 2013
I spent too long drowning
under the weight of your devotion
breathing in your pressurized air
and counting the days
on the underside of my arm.
For you,
I tweaked myself, freaked myself
out by my willingness to fold.
And after everything,
it was you who walked away.
Aug 2013 · 867
No. 1
Julia Aug 2013
"How do you like it?"
I glanced up to see
two dark eyes
watching me
"The book I mean --
sounds pretty dry
but I've been meaning
to read it for some time now."

"It's uh. . ."
I stuttered,
sipping my tea and trying
to string two intelligent thoughts together.
"It's not too bad,
but I've only just begun."
I smiled coyly and
revealed that I was only
in the second chapter.

He went on to tell me
of his studies at Duke,
and inquire after what
university I am attending.

There I was,
all dressed up and out
by myself, and it would have been
so easy,
simply divine,
to twist a story and take this
perfect stranger
on a trip.

But in the end of the day,
I'm no college student.
Just a high school senior
playing House
and writing poetry in coffee shops.
One of my favorite things to do is to spend an afternoon out in public, by myself, armed with a good book, hot tea, and my journal. Some of my favorite pieces have been discovered in places like that. This piece will (hopefully) be the first of a series of connected pieces inspired by afternoons spent in coffee shops "Sipping my tea and trying two string two intelligent thoughts together." I hope you like it. :)
P.S. The book that I referenced is "How to Read Literature Like a Professor" by Thomas C. Foster.
Aug 2013 · 718
Julia Aug 2013
the brown of my eyes has a story to tell:
a recollection of sorts, filled with
family vacations,
love, petty arguments and a
for life and yet as i sit here
with my pen and a page
i'm left drowning in my thoughts --
overtaken by my internal current.

my eyes used to be much lighter,
but with each argument
2 a.m. stress cleaning session,
and panic attack,
a certain darkness took her place
******* the color and
will to live
from my brown eyes.

now as i stand,
looking through memories
like my favorite picture book,
my eyes have turned dull and
i have nothing left to give.
"A certain darkness is needed to see the stars."
This is a bit dark and feels cliche, but it felt good to write it. Constructive criticism/comments appreciated! (:
Aug 2013 · 3.5k
Julia Aug 2013
She had an explorer's intuition
and a head full of dreams
that would suffocate
in this one light town.

I'd seen it since the beginning

and had to suppress
my selfish urge
to clip her wings
and keep her here.

But even so,
as we said our goodbyes
my eyes filled with hot tears.

I'll miss you so much
My voice cracked audibly.

Don't worry, Love.
I'm only beginning a new adventure.
Turning a new leaf.
Starting a new chapter.

I'll be back before you know...

And with that she was gone.
I waited until her plane took off,
and thanked God that I knew her.
Aug 2013 · 769
Falling in Slow Motion
Julia Aug 2013
It takes but a moment,
an instant
for my world
to come crumbling down.

But today feels different
since I've realized
that life isn't falling apart. . .

It's falling together.
Change is always scary. But lately I've been reminded it can be for the best if I learn to take a breath and a big step back.
Jul 2013 · 707
May I ask you something?
Julia Jul 2013
My heart
a beat
and my
but my lips
to whisper
"Do you want
to try again?"
With pleading eyes
I watch
your head spin,
while Love
and Logic dance.
Moments pass
without a sound,
but your wide eyes
answer my plea.
And just like that,
I can breathe.
Originally, this was written in past tense, but I felt it was more powerful in present. :-) Recent inspiration has put me in a writing mood again. (Yay!)
Let me know what you think!!
Jun 2013 · 636
Julia Jun 2013
I fell into the deepest sleep
beneath last winter's ice.
All was lost around me
and my heartbeat slowed
almost to a stop.
But you were there,
sharing your warmth
to keep us both alive.
Spring came about
and thawed us out
left drowning in our thoughts.
But now you're gone.

Next winter will behold no savior,
But a new layer of ice.
Jun 2013 · 640
Julia Jun 2013
He broke your heart.
Ripped it into a million pieces
And left me to piece you back together.
But not even I could fix you this time.
A few days later 
I held out the matches 
And watched as you burned 
The fraying edges of your heart.
Aren't you proud, mom?
I saw your lips move 
But was deafened by the screams 
Of your dead lifeless eyes.
"I'm fine"
"You don't look fine"
"Then stop looking."
(of a fabric, rope, or cord) Unravel or become worn at the edge, typically through constant rubbing: "cheap fabric soon frays".
Jun 2013 · 720
Meant to be
Julia Jun 2013
Some things can't be forced,
No matter how hard you try;
And some things can't be forced
With no real reason why.

Dumb luck first put us together,
And I tried to keep us apart;
But you pushed me, made luck prevail.
Now I hold my bleeding heart.

I wasn't what you really wanted;
You weren't my cup of tea.
So please shut the door behind you,
Just go and let me be.
Haven't used an organized rhyme scheme in forever; it's a little rusty.
Jun 2013 · 1.4k
Smile for the Camera
Julia Jun 2013
"The telephoto lense is slightly cracked,
But everything else is in pristine condition,"
I said, straightening up.
"She's served me well over the years."
You raised your eyebrows.
"She?" you asked, quizzically.
"Well, of course she.
Actually, Bella.
She's named after my grandmother who..."
I caught myself.
"Oh, you don't want to hear this."
"No, please go on."
I took a deep breath, and continued.
"She was named after my grandmother, Bella,
Who first introduced me to photography.
Grammy Bella gave me her old Polaroid
For my eighth birthday.
It was just..."
My voice trailed off,
"The coolest thing."
You smiled.
A picture perfect smile.
I continued,
"My life is a series of documented flashes.
Lost my first tooth; flash!
Played in my first concert; flash!
Sang a solo for chorus; flash!"
"Wow," your voice cracked,
Nothing more than a whisper.
" I think I'd like to buy it."
I stumbled through the filing cabinets
Of my subconscious mind,
Thumbing through old flashes...
"Actually, it's not for sale."
This was inspired by two things: an add on Craig's list, and an essay I read :) I might add on to this piece later, though I can't quite decide. Tell me what you think!
Jun 2013 · 786
The Last Stop
Julia Jun 2013
I've been here for a few years now,
leaning back into the wall and waiting for my train.
Six years. I've waited six years
and not realized until just last year
that my train isn't coming.
It never will.

I remember the day we arrived.
Joyful. Hopeful. Eager for an adventure
and ready to leave this God-forsaken town.
June 10, 2007, we arrived: clueless.

The first person passed eight months later,
February 15, 2008.
She has slumped to the ground now. . .
nothing more than a pile of disintegrating bones.
August 12, 2008-- the second person died.
Now he, or what remains of him,
occupies the darkest, shadowed corner.

One by one, my fellow travelers passed
with no warning or sign.
Each body is in a different state of decomposition,
bearing an individual horror story
that will never be heard.
There is no one to hear it.

With each passing dawn,
I prepare myself for death;
as each day breaks,
I'm perpetually surprised that
my eyes open again.
The only thing left to do now is wait --
Wait for my impending death,
Wait to tell the stories of these surrounding skeletons,
And wait for a train that will never arrive.
This is a piece for my portfolio. The assignment was to be inspired by one of Laurie Lipton's pieces, and they're all dark. This is the piece that I used:
Julia Jun 2013
"Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything?"

- Infinite silence. -

"Everything becomes real after you realize
How many people don't care about you."

"You might not know this,
But I'd go out of my way
Just to make sure you're okay,"
[She said with a downcast glance.]

"I don't think I'm emotionally stable enough for that."

- Suddenly, it's hard to breathe. -

Sometimes I get so sad that
I completely shut down...
And I feel like it's easier to sail away
With sadness
Than to battle the current
Trying to make my way back
To shore.

"When did this happen?
When did your scars become on purpose?"

"Just go and leave me alone."

"I miss the days when things were simple,"
[She whispered as she softly shut the door.]**

I stare blankly at the wall,  
And it doesn't matter
what anyone says to me
Because in that moment,
I don't exist.

You and I were different,
But it all started with a smile.

We came from different worlds,
And I actually believed you loved me.

After everything, I must confess
I need you.

But you never came back.

I think the worst part wasn't losing him...
it was losing me.

But there are no happy endings:
Endings are the hardest part.
Bold type is meant to be another person. Italics is for when I'd be speaking.
Normal type are thoughts.
It's piece was constructed from posts on tumblr, except for anything in brackets ([]).
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
Lost and Found
Julia Jun 2013
Here I am--
in the middle of my favorite cafe in old town.
My soft brown curls fall in front of my shoulders
and almost into my lipstick stained mug.

Here I am--
in my new sundress that shows off my hips;
I'm armed with my composition book, favorite pen,
and a genuine smile.

But there you are--
Walking up to the counter with a new Beauty,
holding her the way you used to hold me:
gentle but firm, and keeping her content.

There I go--
escaping through the smudged glass door
before you ever noticed me,
giving you a chance to stumble upon your new Serendipity.

Here I am--
Wrapped up in my blankets
Captured  within my own harrowing darkness.

Here I am--
sinking further into a reclusive state
whispering *It's just too much.
May 2013 · 966
My Plans Have Changed
Julia May 2013
I didn't plan for this to happen,
But Life pays no mind to my plans.

I remember the day I looked Life
In the face and said
Today will be beautiful.
A coy smile came about her
And she slowly shook her head.
Anything you say, dear;
But I have other plans instead.

That was the day my sister
Got into the car
Where she took her last breath.

But a few years have passed now,
And Life gained compassion with her age.

I sternly told Life
I will not fall in love with him
Again she smiled, but made no sound
As she silently clasped her wrinkled, feminine hands.

Look at me now.
I didn't mean for this to happen
But he's always on my mind.
"Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans."
Please excuse the corny fiction, and rough form.
May 2013 · 460
Julia May 2013
Look in the mirror
And open your eyes to the
Beauty you possess.
May 2013 · 608
Old Habits
Julia May 2013
Tell me,
Do you still look for me
Coming off the metro
Like we always used to do?
Do you wait for me
To text you first
Or say "I love you too"?
Do you still hold your breath
At 9 o'clock remembering my promise
To call before you turned blue?

Well, my darling, I do too.
This wasn't intended to have a rhyme scheme, but it kind of ended up with one. . . Oh well. Tell me what you think!
May 2013 · 1.8k
Julia May 2013
If I become blind tomorrow,
I'll know every detail of your face--
Your tired eyes, dimples,
And your imperfectly perfect smile.
I'll still "see" you inconspicuously stealing
Affectionate glances my way.
But, just as before,
I won't need my eyes to find
Your slightly pink lips
Awaiting mine.
May 2013 · 1.1k
Julia May 2013
I fear I'm being forgotten
With the memories of fourth grade
And last Tuesday's dinner...
Slipping from the minds
Of those I care about.
Fading fast with silent screams.
I'm falling from society
And becoming a recluse.
Losing any sensation in my body,
I'm overcome with numbness
And tingling limbs. . .
Until I've lost myself completely.


G  o  i  n  g.
May 2013 · 779
November 17, 2007
Julia May 2013
Even after all this time,
I remember the look on his face. . .
That sheer desperation and pleading in his eyes.
That was the first time I really felt he cared about me,
His youngest daughter...
But it was too late.
You and me, Jule; you and me.
We can stay here and do all the things
You've always wanted

(He looked at the ground)
and I never made time for.
You and me, Jule.

But the car was packed;
I was going with Mom,
Whether I wanted to or not.
after several fleeting moments
I pulled myself away
Leaving my forlorn father
In the muggy, humid basement.
After all this time, I remember his face
And the smell of that God-forsaken basement.
But I want to forget.
May 2013 · 646
I'm Too Old For This
Julia May 2013
Time is the falling of leaves on a cool autumn day;
colored leaves that taste of cotton candy
and melt in your mouth.
Time looks like my grandfather's snowy, white beard,
and feels like his crisp dress shirts.
It sounds like a cough in the middle of the night,
and tastes of the NyQuil used to soothe it.
His distinctly "old man cologne" wafts through Time
and to the front of my mind.
But Death is cold. . .
Even colder than Time.
Maybe Time is not the falling of leaves,
but the emptying of an old service revolver.
May 2013 · 557
Julia May 2013
She walks beneath the moonlight,
Dodging the street lights
And lurking beyond each corner.
She yearns for just one star
To descend and kiss her face;
For every single birthday wish
Since she was a little girl
Was that . . .

Though she never quite believed it.
May 2013 · 760
Ancient Tendency
Julia May 2013
My lips
Quiver in your
Presence of true beauty.
Funny how Nature wields her wrinkled
Old hands.
May 2013 · 713
Julia May 2013
I'll have to forget me to know where I've gone,
And take myself back to find my way home.
You will let me go, or I'll never return.
I'll have to forget me to know where I've gone.
May 2013 · 1.1k
Julia May 2013
"You really loved him,
Didn't you?"

My perfectly pink lips quiver
As hot tears brim my eyes.
I nod my head yes;
Of course I did.
But I loved him much more
Than just a nod.
He was a deep breath
Of fresh air,
A shooting star
Across a jet black sky,
The split second silence
Under a highway bridge
In the pouring rain.

But I could only nod.

"Smile, darling.
You have so much ahead of you."

But once again, I could
Muster only a nod.
A disbelieving nod,
But a nod just the same.
This is pathetically cliche, but it had to be done. Also, when you type "nod" six times in a poem this short, it starts to look like it isn't a word at all. . .
Julia May 2013
And I just wanna tell you,
You forgave and I won't forget.
Some day, you will go away from this.

So glide away on soapy heels,
And promise not to promise anymore.
You've gotta be kind to yourself.

Now my only chance to talk to you
Is through my prayers;
I only wanted to tell you I care.
But I am blind,
I cannot find the heart I gave to you.
This piece is composed entirely of song lyrics. I pulled lyrics from "I Almost Do" by Taylor Swift, "I Will Wait" by Mumford and Sons, "Men of Snow", "The Chain", and "Glass" by Ingrid Michaelson, "Me and You" by She and Him, and "Through My Prayers" by the Avett Brothers. The title is from Snow Patrol's "Chasing Cars", though I'm not quite sold on it.
Julia May 2013
It's been a few weeks since it rained,
and even longer since I've let myself go.
But I'll always remember the day I did.
It was the last day of sophomore year,
and we were itching for a little fun.
You and I went out for a celebratory drive,
belting old Taylor Swift songs
at the top of our lungs,
and not giving a ****
what anyone else thought.
All of a sudden, a storm hit
and you pulled the Volkswagen over
with a twinkle in your eyes.
You pulled me out of the car,
and we danced in the middle of the road.
Within seconds, I was soaked
through my dress, through my bra,
sending raindrops coupled with chills
all the way down my spine.
The rain stopped as soon as it started,
but I'll never forget that day.
Dancing in the rain is oh so stereotypical but everyone should try it at least once. As always, tell me what you thought! :)
Apr 2013 · 831
God Sailed Away
Julia Apr 2013
The wind catches the sails
and lifts up my arms
to praise a god
I don't believe in.
Title credit to Harry J. Baxter
Julia Apr 2013
Tonight, I'm gonna do it.
     I'm gonna call you.
Tonight, I'm gonna tell you why I never wear my hair
     In a ponytail anymore, no matter how hot it gets.
     I'm gonna tell you about the time you grabbed my hot tea  
          And threw it in my face.
I'm gonna tell you that, these days, I don't bother with
Makeup anymore , and though I (somehow) get complements
          I'll never quite believe them.
I'm gonna tell you about the time you made my mom cry
     And how much she feared you after that.
     I'm gonna tell you what it's like to be
          The only one...
To be in constant fear, yet forbidden to tell another soul
All at the same time.
     You're gonna tell me why you kissed my boyfriend
And lied,
So I'll finally understand.
     I gonna tell you about all the things I wish I was
          And the things I strive to be
(All 89 of them).
     I'm gonna tell you why I had to leave.
I'm gonna finally tell you that not only did you suppress my appetite and worth,
     But also my passion.
          And that was the worst of them all.
          I'm gonna tell you about each and every pound I am
          Away from perfect.
I'm gonna tell you about the time I almost gave in,
And finally,
               About the day I told the truth. . .
And you're gonna listen.
Apr 2013 · 2.1k
Curse Like a Sailor
Julia Apr 2013
When I refused to integrate wretched
"Four letter words" into my vocabulary,
I noticed that Love herself is a "four letter word",
And the dirtiest of them all.
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
Elastic Collisions
Julia Apr 2013
My two worlds collide
On an almost daily basis.
The world inside my head,
And, well, you.
It's like, you're what I wanted...
Or what I thought I did.
But now that I have you,
I'm second guessing
You pick me up
On Friday nights,
Kiss my forehead, and tell me
Just how beautiful I look.'s not how I pictured it.
It's not like the movies.
I don't get those butterflies...
I get an overwhelming feeling
Of numbness and

My head is filled with little voices
Consciences, perhaps, of different backgrounds
And motives,
Each putting in her own
"Wisdom" on the matter.
They ask if I have told you,
But it's just not my truth to tell.
This one doesn't make much sense. . . So if you don't get it, I don't either. Still needs editing.
Apr 2013 · 1.4k
Black Bag
Julia Apr 2013
As I peer through distant memories,
One day sticks out in my mind--
The day my mom handed me a ******* bag
And said go make something pretty
Back then, that was all it took to be inspired.
I ran to my bedroom, grabbing scissors on the way,
And constructed an enormous bow
That I wore as a crown,
And for the rest of the day, I was Princess Julia.
Life was much easier back then.

But things are different now.
In the back of my closet, hidden in the darkness
Is another black plastic bag with my secrets inside.
My hopes and dreams, bitterness and fears,
Insecurity and all of my worthlessness
Are consumed by that black plastic bag.
Each night, I sit on my bed, and empty my brain.
I write it all down, and give it all up
To my black hole of emotions,
If only for the night.
My writing portfolios is due this week,and this piece has to be included... :/please, if you have any criticisms, or ideas to make it better,let me know! Tell me what you think!
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