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May 2017 · 1.1k
He'll do us proud
Jessica Connelly May 2017
Vote Corbyn,
Let's make him win,
He's the man for the job,
We don't want the Tory snob
To sell off our NHS, she's not fit to negotiate any deal for Brexit,
We need her to exit
Number ten,
She's lying again,
Corbyn has planned the budget for the labour manifesto,
Yet on this, May is still being slow,
She says she's strong and stable,
Yet we are able
To see she's actually weak and wobbly,
The opposite of what she claims to be,
She wasn't going to call a snap election,
Again she's gone in the opposite direction,
Corbyn wants to make a brighter future for all,
He doesn't want any of us to fall,
He cares for the homeless, he wants to abolish tuition fees,
This is what our country needs,
He's a terrorist sympathiser I hear you say,
Yet for May to sell weapons to Saudi is perfectly okay?
He's explained himself and answered all questions given,
He's a man who is very driven,
She's Tory through and through,
For the elite and few,
She's all for bringing back the barbaric act, she likes to fox hunt,
I, alongside many others, think she's a ****,
Corbyn is down to earth, a friendly man,
Many say they don't think he can
Run this country too well,
I think I'd rather have him do his best than be in a land of Tory hell,
He'll do us well,
He'll do us proud,
I'm a Corbyn supporter
And I'll shout it loud.
May 2017 · 251
Our love is vaster
Jessica Connelly May 2017
Many young children have been pronounced dead,
Parents filled with dread,
An unprecedented attack targeting the young,
All they wanted was to hear their favourite songs being sung,
Mainstream media putting out messages from families missing loved ones,
Worried they've not heard from their daughters or sons,
And the rest of us,
We sit and discuss,
How we're overwhelmed with fear,
Wondering how anyone could think this atrocity was a good idea,
How can anybody with any heart,
Tear all of those precious lives apart,
These extremists need to be taken out,
But don't condemn people you don't know anything about,
No matter our religion or race we need to remember we're all against terror,
If you think all Muslims think this way you've made a serious error,
Your doctors, your taxi drivers,
They helped the survivors,
We need to keep one another safe and strong,
Make sure your neighbours know they belong,
Sadly we can never bring the departed back,
Yet the one thing we can take from this attack,
Is the love and solidarity that's come to light,
People flooding in to blood donation centres must be quite a sight,
The hotels taking in children on their own,
A homeless man ensuring a woman doesn't die alone,
Taxi drivers offering people free rides to get them back home safe and sound,
The love that came in the aftermath is astoundingly profound,
So please mourn for those we lost in this disaster,
Yet remember how everyone came together - remember that together our love is vaster.

— The End —