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Joy Amorr Aug 2016
Before i was gentle.
verbally impaired.
Prisoner to this cage called institution
Hidden, in thread.
I was forsaken!
I was perished.

My eyes, my ears, my legs
Belonged to you
I prayed no acknowledgement
I bathed in holy water, reconciled:
I yelled "GUIDE ME," with a compass
"HOLD ME," with hands
"WATCH ME,"with eyes
"LOVE ME," with love
Free Me I need freedom.
No Answer
Trying to be free of this cage called institution.
Without permission nor guidance,
Making me a consequential sinner to you yet living to me.
Maybe my ideal living is your death
Joy Amorr Sep 2016
I'm sorry that I let you in
But you really gotta go
You don't a have a place in my home

I'm sorry that you cry
I wipe my mind
You just don't have a place anymore

My heart it made of stone
It will drown you with your hope
My heart it made of bricks and gold
Joy Amorr Sep 2016
That boy says he doesn't miss me
The past is merging to
Presents of the future
New guy is a fair suitor

That boy says he doesn't miss me
But I swear that it's a lie
Mysterious Memories of us
Really causes me to smile
I know you can bare with me
On those days I cry

That boy says he doesn't miss me
But I swear I know it's a lie
Joy Amorr Sep 2016
I pulled on a sunflower's petals
To detect your love for me
In the summer's sun is hot
The lying flower said you love me
But I know you love me not
Joy Amorr Sep 2016
Its all about the reaction
Cause an effect
cause for my effect
a labyrinth
a labyrinth that you tricked me into walking in  
Although, I have been walking for days I don't feel like I'm getting any closer to the end
about to give up,
keep saying I have a choice;  I'm in denial, I love you, the interested for my kind
I'm not honest enough, my honesty not enough
Guess what
I love you routine
I miss you routine
The intrusion in my thought is pulling me to the deep faster than quick Sand
The onomatopoeia not enough
Let me show you how loud MY words can be
I promise I'll smile
Show you all my ******* pearly whites
Wear the biggest smile brighten up the suns day
What do you think?
Me you there
when i look you in your eyes
You look away
What am I looking for?
Something you won't tell we what coils inside of you
What do you think about during isolation
What do you truly think about
Shh baby it's a secret
Yet secrets come to light
Identical darkness
Joy Amorr Jan 2017
I let you into my polluted life,
And you step on my grounds to help me pick up the trash.
Only to throw it back on the floor.

— The End —