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Hello Mr. Teddy with eyes all sunken and dim,
What horrors you must have seen,
So why do you grin?
I know I'm not perfect, but I really feel bad,
For seeing you atop a wardrobe,
And so skimpily clad.
I promise one day I'll give you all that is due,
For such a faithful little teddy bear,
Who's so Huggable,



and Cute.
Just a quick poem. I may be 21 but I still have a heart!!!
Roses are dead
Violets are few
Sugar is bland
Forgiveness is, too.

Bloodstains are red
Bruises are blue
Poison is sweet
Revenge is, too. <3
Syllabification: (Goth·ic)
Pronunciation: /ˈgäTHik/
(3)  belonging to or redolent of the Dark Ages; portentously gloomy or horrifying: 19th-century Gothic horror.
Not to be confused with 21st century term, "Gawfic;" synonymous with "baby bat" or "n00b."

What else starts with B?

Lately, I've been in a state
Of utmost lack of inspiration
The words I'd like to write don't flow
The racing heart I had wont go
My romance has run dry
I've built a lock around my heart
For now, the sign says 'do not enter'
For now, my mind says 'stay on track'
For life has much to offer
Often too much focus on those people
Who brought a smile to my face
Or a flutter in my stomach
Or a sweet swell within my chest
Or a head so full of daydreams
So many wishes will go unfulfilled
But that's the way things have to be
I can and will not force my heart
Upon another human being
And so I think, and meditate
On what I felt was right
I question all my sanity
And feel as though I wasn't bright
The past has passed, what's felt was felt
I'm living in this world unharmed
My heart was touched, and now it's not
I guard my heart, my soul is armed.
There really is something magical,
Whimsical even,
About driving through the trees.

A forrest even.
Something wild even though
Humanity has tamed it
Enough to drive through.

We clear the trees
Flatten the land
Pour the concrete
And make sure
There's a destination
At the end.

Everyone wants to rush
Humanity has trained themselves
To go as fast as possible
To get things done.

Yet everyone says
"Its the journey,
Not the destination".


They've delusioned themselves
Into not believing what they say.
Hypocrites, I say.

This is nature's true beauty.
Have you ever!

Have you ever lived my life?
Spent one minute in my shoes?
If you havent then tell me why you judge me as you do?

Have you ever woken up in the morning wondering if this was your last
day on earth?
Have you ever left your house unsure if you'd return?
Have you ever wonder if it was your turn to die?

Have you ever sat beneath the stars hoping god will hear?
Have you ever seen your friend drive away saying their goodbyes?
Have you ever covered up guilt by doing a good deed?

Have you ever lived my life?
Spent one minute in my shoes?
If you havent then tell me why you judge me as you do?
There is no reaction except to disagree
Loving  words,  wasted on useless ears.
Mind not comprehending, loving melodies
Dead space,


Words of encouragement cast aside
Insecurity races forward  and dominates
Cry inside, left alone to contemplate relationship.
a hint of love would satisfy emotions


Sitting at dinner with nothing
Random useless conversation, filling voids
Carelessly spewing obscenities at behaviours
Seldom stopping to understand


I love you a ton, maybe two, noooo maybe three
or maybe not at all, No reaction
Said to loud , others may hear, whisper sweet nothings
to empty space. mind strays to other possibilities


Personalities clash, opinions are pointless
Care or dare to care, who's winning
Walk away slouched shoulders, broken inside
No more feelings, numbness


Rage at the  nothing
Find answers as to why.
But, there is anger at the nothing
There must be something.
Relationships are hard but soft at the right times.
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