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Heartbreak is jerking my amygdale
Sending impulses to my myocardium
Telling me to love because it is coming
And I best gear up for it
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If you don't give her attention
She will fall into the hands of the one who notices her perfection
If you don't listen to her issues
She will play her music for the one who enjoys her rhythm and blues
If you don't **** her good
She will be curious to taste someone else's food
If you don't treat her with respect
She will venture into another love aspect
If you don't love her
She will fall in love with someone else
It is not rocket science
She will leave you
You just don't know it yet
Don't take advantage of those who devote themselves to you
It means you become a giver not a getter
"Love is giving the other person what they need the most when they deserve it the least because God has done the same for you"
Walking in love is a choice
Walking in love is doing what you don't want to do because it is the right thing to do,because you are committed to that person
And thou you don't have the resources you choose to do it anyway
And the moment you take the step
BOOM! God gives you the strength
Walking in love is forgiving someone who blew up on you in anger
Good and bad are subjective concepts.

How can you ever be sure that you are doing the right thing.......?
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I detach my feelings when treating patients to enable myself to make clinical decisions when doing my job.
Due to that I have transformed
I have transformed to a person that can return to her original shape or position after deformation that does not exceed her limit...resilience
I acknowledge that this wall of resilience has turned me into somewhat an "insensitive" person
So much that when those closest to me are in misery it doesn't break me although I sympathize
With that comes imperviousness
Which for a long time I have confused with strength
I fail to admit  passage of emotions or rather I have become incapable of being affected by situations
I acknowledge that I may reach a breaking point sometime
I just pray to God that I be ready when all of this finally hits me
#Resilience #Imperviousness #Life
I need to ask you some things
You gonna ask me about God and the devil?
You gonna ask me how God can place such a burden on good people?
No, am gonna ask you how you still believe in a kind God after a case like this?
Has my faith shaken?
Yeah mhmmh it is
It is?
Yeah i'll go home tonight, I'll lie in bed, I'll toss & I'll turn & I'll beat myself up, I'll question everything
Will you get your faith back?
Always have in the  past
So you have faith that you will retain your faith?....
Because......the sun will come up and tomorrow is a new day
I know that feeling
Really? You know what it feels like to get your faith back?
When I see  facts and I'm unable to disrule the cause my faith in reason and consequences is shaken
Then what happens?
2 + 2=4
I put sugar in my coffee and it tastes sweet
The sun comes up because the world turns
These things are beautiful to me
They are mysteries I will never understand
But everywhere I look I see  proof that for every fact there's a corresponding cause
Even if I cant see it
I find that reassuring
Then life is good again?
Life is very good
Conversation between Temperance and Booth from the Series called Bones. Questions about faith. Christianity versus Science
Untill we stop addressing any man or woman as Sir/Mam because they are of a different race & start addressing our own like that...
Until we stop lionizing  people only because we think that they are rich...
Until we stop looking down at those who we think are poorer than us...
Until we stop being jealous of those who are richer than us instead of applauding them and be inspired by them...
This dark cloud of inferiority that shadows us will never condense and we'll never get to dance in the rain of our own success.
We'll always feel as thou they have authority over us.
We will never win for we cast stones at each other instead of building rock-hard empires together. Victory will pass us by while we busy sneaking peeks in other people's lives that seem to be in a marathon of success.
First we ought to believe that we are powerful beyond measure and we are capable of almost anything and everything that we put our mind to.
We can!
Until then, we are just ordinary people that are shaken by our very own insecurities. Insecurities that dismantle our faith and self-esteem.
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