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Josie Heggaton Apr 2015
You can't have him
He's the one I love
You can't take him away
He's the one who wants to stay
You don't know the things we've been through
He's the one who holds me
The tears I cry
His hand wipes away
The smile on my face
He has always put there
The grin he gives me
The look in his eyes
You will never have
The love I have for this man
Could raise an army of ten thousand
He's my blessing from God
I gave him my future
He has my spirt
He is my love
Josie Heggaton Apr 2015
One thing mankind will never know
Should you follow your heart and let it show
Or follow your mind and what you know
Your heart can be hurt and feel like a curse
But your mind can deceive you and make it worse
If you follow your heart you might end up broken and sad
But following your head leaves you confused and mad
Love is felt by the heart
It can be hidden by your mind
But when your alone your love is what you want to find
How can you know what to do
All you can do is try to get through
Don't look back
Or regret your choice
Because you had to decide
So which is better for you
I chose to follow my mind
And leave my heart far behind
Josie Heggaton Apr 2015
She stands here in this place of emptiness
Red is all around, is it love or hate
I see the tears flowing down her face
She is sad like the empty sky on a cold day
No one sees or understands how much she is truly hurting inside, while watching everyone else living their lives with a smile on their face
The tears flow faster and faster
Her shirt is soaked and she doesn’t care
She cries while wishing that someone would open their eyes to her pain
Her soul tries to fly like an eagle or soar like a dove
But it falls down drowning to deep
How can she show them, without saying a word, but tell the truth to her past
She asks herself if she will ever be able to walk away from the confusion of the red
Her face has turned as red as the place that she is in
Her tears tare through her heart draining on the floor
She only wants to find the love that can break her out of this horrible place
But no one sees
Josie Heggaton Apr 2015
What’s the point of my life
What’s the point of all this strife
What’s the point of living life like this, day by day
What’s the point for this pain, that makes me want to run away
What’s the point for people lying, when they say my life will turn out fine
What’s the point for any of this
When all I wanted you to say was, have a nice day and give me a kiss
If you read this don't have sympathy
Try your hardest and don't turn out like me
Josie Heggaton Apr 2015
What do you do when your life is built on a lie
All you want to do is lay down and die
You can't change, because everyone will know
The true you will then show
You can't be who you are
The pressure is to strong
Even though inside you feel all wrong
No turning back
Your too far gone
Might as well be the person they see
They don't want anyone else
But I want to be me
How can I change, when they are always looking
Trying to point out my faults and failures
Trying to hurt me with the words they say
They think they know me
But they don't know the half of it
I wish I showed them
Now I can't
It's too late
I'm sorry I missed my chance
Josie Heggaton Apr 2015
I run my fastest
But I still get beat
I land on my head
When I should be on my feet
I try to move forward
But I am stuck in rewind
Why do I keep at it?
I won't be left behind

The harder I am thrown
The higher I bounce
I give it my all
And thats all that counts
In first place
I seldom ever find
So I push to the limit
I won't be left behind

Some people tell me I can't
Some say don't
Some simply give up
I reply, I won't

The power is here
Locked away in my mind
My perseverance is my excellence
I won't be left behind

Make the best of each moment
The future is soon the past
The more I tell myself this,
The less I come in last
Throughout my competition
I've learned what winning is about
A plain and clear lesson
Giving up is the easy way out

So every night before I go to bed
I hope in some way I have shinned
Tomorrow is a new day
And I won't be left behind
Josie Heggaton Apr 2015
I don't want to hurt you
I don't want to feel any pain
I'm sorry for what I have done
I really didn't mean it
You deserve better
You need so much more
Please don't cry
Baby wipe your eyes
I know it hurts to hear the truth
That’s why I didn't tell you
I'm sorry you had to hear
From someone else’s mouth
I love you
That you will always know
Keep that in your heart
Don't ever let it go
I hope you will come find me
Search in every direction
If you look for me
The one you cannot see
Then I will always be
Looking back for you
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