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The rain lets up as the sirens start
One world fell in two parts
Remarks silently spoken of reality being broken
Idea recoils further into isolation ruled by false allegations
Under exaggerated hyperbole transcribes the true feeling hidden above the covered-up abomination
 Apr 2013 Josh Morter
The annual parade
Was the greatest event
For those who stood high
on their heels and our heads.

With surgery smiles
and black mummified lashes
They wave at the crowd
and the camera flashes.

Yet those who dare walk
On this carpet of wine
Will struggle and ****
To remain first in line.

As still mortal glances
Chase after some idol
They never suspect
They are all quite suicidal.
Heartsease in my garden bed,
  With sweetwilliam white and red,
Honeysuckle on my wall:--
  Heartsease blossoms in my heart
When sweet William comes to call,
  But it withers when we part,
And the honey-trumpets fall.
if my words were written down

and thrown into the wind

i wonder if you’d hear them

and learn of how i sinned

if my words were written down

and tossed into the waves

i wonder if you’d find them

in the sea, their shallow grave

if my words were written down

and left there on the floor

i wonder if you’d pick them up

and try to learn some more

if my words were written down

and shouted from a hill

i wonder if you’d listen

a hope i wish you would fulfill

if i spoke my words to you

would you take notice or just leave

i wonder if you’d even care

or just abandon me
in this room, my prison cell

where shapes and shadows alike do dwell

i recall once more the story you tell

as i drift to sleep

in this room, this dungeon place

i fear the light and shrinking space

i think of how my heart did race

and then i softly weep
The most beautiful mountain
        Haven’t been discovered yet
The most beautiful seasons
       Haven’t been chosen yet
Our most magical days
         We haven’t seen them yet
The most beautiful words I want to say to you
I haven’t mentioned yet.
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