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A blindness covers me like a blanket.
The sights, sounds and smells that
once brought such joy and reassurance,
are haunting now.
The perfume, the hair, the pillow.
A light breeze, a quaint look.
You still put a smile on my face,
but it’s different now, tainted perhaps.
Conversations and dreams of the future,
relegated to mere passing comment.
Poorly timed and unfairly executed.
The tracks which once brought us together,
and carried us apart, are longer now than ever.
I still see you at night with eyes pressed tightly shut,
but by the morning you’ve gone.
It’s hard waking up knowing what you’re missing.
The strongest yet most painful feeling,
fades with the fields and blue skies.
Forgetting the most beautiful sunrise you have ever seen,
Is humoured by a tiring cliché.
But I’ve never been a fisherman.
 Jan 2013 Josh Morter
What do you do when the world comes crashing down on you?
What do you think is the best way to go about it?
I don't always know what to do when it's unexpected
I just go with the rhythm of the beat of the bass drum
Feel the wind in my hair and dance to the weight of the freedom
I just let the butterflies take flight, such beautiful insight
Watch the heat of the moment ignite with the passion of magics bright light
Life is short
Life is fast
Life can be humdrum
I've seen my worst, I've tried my best and still suffer from confusion
I know my type, I know the pain
I feel insync, but I've lost my brain
All at once, I've paid my dues
Pushed my limit and had everything to lose
Such a wonderful kind of enchanted mind of being lost and being wrong
And I laugh it off with a silly smurk
A sarcastic joke because I've been hurt
And I might not be right where I want to...
But I'm where I'm at and absolutley love where I've been
 Jan 2013 Josh Morter
Emma Sawyer
Spider-man and X-Men.
The complex characters that we see.
Saving their worlds from minor disasters.
Oh the joys of being free.

Trapped by the needs of others so needy.
And the praise they get in return?
A pat on the back or a slap in the face.
The death of the hero, simply begins to burn.

Batman and Ironman.
The billionaires beyond belief.
High class minds disguised in smart business suits.
Living their egos, their dreams, while hiding their grief.

People know there names by heart.
Knowing if in danger, they will come and save their life.
But simple as it sounds, we can never know the heroes path
One only goal they seem to want; ends in ****** strife.

The Flash and Green Lantern.
All our heroes come in different light.
Costume to powers and histories to pasts.
They soon end up consumed by endless fight.

Media creates the false hopes for people everywhere.
Chaos never-ending; the pain never seeming to cease.
Yet we're all struck with the tiniest of hope.
Uniting as one, we form our own release.

Captain America and Superman too.
Every hero has one thing they can share forever.
Its not so complex that people will never know, nor is a mystery of life.
Its simply, no matter who you are, you are a hero, holding people together.

— The End —