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Help me see beauty in the world
Put a smile on my face
Bring out the side of me I thought I'd never see again
Are everything I need
Have beauty inside and out
Shine brighter than the sun
Give me hope and joy
Burn in the back of my mind
Are my saving grace
Are my savior
I love you
A poem about poems....
You've read it all before
Said you'd be there
But when I quit
It's like you vanished
You'll probably read this
I don't care anymore
No one really sees it
What's right in your faces
The cries for help
And tears spilled
Every suicidal thought
That runs in my head
Maybe you think
It's just how I write
But I write my heart
And it's crying out
Has been for a long time
Just no one hears it
The silent sobbing
Hidden away from public
My heart cries out
Save me
Don't go
Just try
Try to save me

— The End —