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Nights like these
I lie awake.
The thoughts breaking in
More than I can take.
Who have I become?
Have I changed?
The mirror is someone new
Someone deranged.
I've lost all the friends I had,
Pushed away by fear.
Now I'm all alone in the dark,
All alone down here.
Nights like these
I can't sleep.
Haunted by the nightmares
Of demons I keep.
The shadows dance
Ghosts on the wall.
I am taken by them,
Lost in it all.
Nights like these
I wish for an easy end.
A noose around the neck,
An awkward bend.
But I'll tell myself
Life is not an ease.
I'll stay brave
On nights like these.
As night descends upon my mind
I silently dream of you
And though the thoughts are rarely good
It is all I have left to do
The light is fast fading from my eyes
And the world around me spins
Yet, the one constant grounding force
Is you and all our sin
The ***, the lies, the bitter fights
The make-ups, the break-ups, the endless nights
These are the memories that will follow my broken heart
These are the memories that killed me.

— The End —