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Jorge Love Feb 2015
The silent street's song
Falls cold on my callous ears.
A cool kiss creeps upon my face.
This midnight melancholy,
This sad insomnia,
From time to time...
Sets in my bones
Jorge Love Jan 2015
What do you say when faced the prospect of always being alone? When you are stuck like an echo in a long empty corridor. And for all the noise you make you are met with an immovable silence. When all your struggling stops and in stillness, you're sounds run from you.
It's sobering to think Contrary to niaeve childhood thoughts, "you will find your someone... that all will be well". But these thoughts are human and my feelings are sharp in my chest, from time to time they cut me. I would be crushed under the weight of these feelings if not for the hope that is found in Christ. If I am to find someone he is the hope I have till then. If I am to remain lonely I will not be alone, and I have hope to find a deeper meaning, deeper beauty in my solitude. My need for another person to love will never outweigh my need for Him.
Ive looked long and hard and the only hope I find is in Him
Jorge Love Jan 2015
Let me sit alone in my silence
Sometimes a sleepy sadness
Is what I need
Try not to unravel who I am
For tomorrow I will wake with hope
And dust off my former self with a sigh
And melt into the bright new morning.  
So let me sit in comfort
In sweet despondence
In a melancholy mood
Jorge Love Dec 2014
Worms of wrath and worms of envy
Wreathe beneath my aching flesh.
My heart lies cold on the floor of Lust
Yet alone it beats afresh.
Is it pride that keeps it beating,
long after others end.
Or is it greed to long for someone
Wishing to be not just a friend.

Silly slothful thoughts sometimes
rush trough my weary mind.
leave well enough alone they say
love's something you won't find
this gluttonous desire
for somebody to hold
Can never be fulfilled
Yet it will not be controlled
Jorge Love Nov 2014
We, are the users.
Shrieking into the Digital abyss.
The plight of Fallen man
Posted on our windows.
We barely even stop to comment.
Content, with a kernel of the truth
Lost, we are caught in the web
And as we Struggle it cements us
There our screams are scrawled on walls
Whose echos are seldom heard
lost in the white noise,
In a Fedback loop
And then
Jorge Love Oct 2014
If you see a light in my eyes,
Its because there is a heat in my chest.
Burning me hollow, filling me with fire.
Steam may sigh from through my lips,
When those two fires fix upon you.
Don't see a false smile as you search me,
It is the the kiln's closed doors.
Look at what hides beneath,
The core of me.
My most secret of places
Is so easily seen,
If only you'd open it.
Jorge Love Aug 2014
Its funny how we sally onward,
Like trains on an unmovable track.
We make our scheduled stops,
Taking care not to pull in late.
Moving through the crowd
We stay inside our heads.
With stern looks
Straight ahead.
Towards the
             ...but we are not trains
                                                          ­            ....we can set our own course
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