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Jordan Farelli Dec 2012
High as the sky
Touching the clouds
My fingers separate the haze
As I fly by endowed

Of the person I am
At this time of tranquility
My thoughts flow free
Like the river runs swiftly

I take you in
And let you out
****** abounds
If I had the strength, I'd shout

Such a brief encounter
As I breath you into me
Now sleep, I must
Because, you make my dreams ******
Jordan Farelli Dec 2012
I will say goodbye
I wish I could stay
But, this gun in my hand
Says it will show me the way

The path leading from pain
Away from my grief
Never looking back
Not even in brief

I bid you adieu
So long and farewell
I leave you in mourning
I leave with the pain I could not tell
Jordan Farelli Dec 2012
These puppets of
They move as I
It's hard to
They once had a

String won't do, So
rope is a must
That way when I
Their bodies

I pull at these
I am their
But I take away
free will
Because it's not their right, nor
my law

my lovelies
Bend to
my will
As I pull at
your harness's
As you wish
I'd have killed
Jordan Farelli Nov 2012
I crack open the door
To see who's approaching
An angel comes forth
Or so I think from the flapping

I want to let you in
But there's only pain inside
That you'll live with forever
As it slowly rapes your pride

Your white dress will be black
If you enter this place
All love will fade away
And you'll sustain a bitter taste

So, turn around and leave
I beg you, I implore
Run away while you can
Leave me to die here, guarding this door
Jordan Farelli Nov 2012
I can’t get it out
This stain is embedded
And I can’t get you out

I soak
I lather
I scrub and I rinse
I repeat

But I can’t get you out

I've tried everything
But you’re still there
Still here

I ****
I cut
I tear
I throw that part away

But now there’s just a hole
An empty stain
Jordan Farelli Oct 2012
Slitting your throat
I think to the past
About when we were young
And when you said our love would last

Holding each others hands
We hugged and we kissed
Looking into each others eyes
The feeling was bliss

I remember the nights well
When others went out, we'd stay
Watching a movie together
I would hold you close as we laid

Under the covers of my bed
Touching each other with intention
The soft caresses became loud
And your wetness gave my body extension

Our bodies became one
Into each others eyes we would gaze
Not one thing mattered
Just our feelings at this stage

These feelings are now gone
As you've laid with another
Now your family will mourn
And I'll come for the other

I'll show him your death
As he's bound and gagged on this table
The story of your vanishings
Will seem like a fable

Now as you lay in the dark
And the blood starts to flow
A tear streams down my cheek
As you pulse starts to slow

Goodbye my love
I'll see you someday soon
Maybe in the next life
You'll take me faithfully, as your groom
Jordan Farelli Oct 2012
This boy was alone
Properly dressed in black
He had fire in his eyes
And a one eyed bear in his lap

He sat on a bench
And at the people he glared
The parents smiled at their young
But would soon know of fear

He stood up hanging
His arms to his side
With that one eyed bear
Just along for the ride

The parents they screamed
As he tore through the park
The heat from his breath
Left every child scorched

The sands now stained red
And screams loom in the dark
Of the children who were
Of the children who aren't

The swings still sway
Though no wind seems to blow
And the footsteps of young
Are still seen in the snow
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