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Jordan Farelli Oct 2012
And what should I write
That hasn't already been written
Should it be like a sonnet
About how I was smitten?

I want to write you the words
That would make Gods weep and demons cower
But my vocabulary is shot
And it hasn't much power

When I look upon you
I see indescribable beauty
But the thought of us together
Is more than unruly

To hold you would be
To hold the arc of the covenant
So far out of reach
But the thought in my head is redundant

These words make no sense
They are lost amongst the winds
Blowing by in an instance
As if from my lips they have never been

I wish I could go back
To the time when it was right
But that is something impossible
Since, for us, the right time is never right
Jordan Farelli Oct 2012
The thought of my thoughts
So perverse and arise
Gave heed to my needs
So deceiving and contrived

To you, the one
Whom sat there so silent
My thoughts of you were perfect
So simple, so violent

Now you are here
Under my blade, my render
Screaming for your loved ones
Your husband, your mother

But what will you scream
When no sound can be heard
I think it will be nothing
Not one syllable, nor word

You cough and gasp
As I watch from above
You cry and squirm
As a pool forms of your blood

I watch you fade
As your eyes drain of life
I sit here in peace
Slowly cleaning my knife
Jordan Farelli Oct 2012
More than you know, I hold you in the highest
Of others that walk, they don't compare in the slightest
To you I give thanks, for all the times you were near
Heaven can wait, because you're needed down here
Ever more I will love you, and if this day we should part
Reaching out for you, to the stars, I will always hold you in my heart
Jordan Farelli Oct 2012
You came to me many times
In distress and in shambles
I held you close and gave comfort
I let you sadly ramble

I was there for you
In loneliness, grief, and success
You were there for me as well
When life gave me the hardest test

But what I could not see
You hid behind a veil
It distorted what I saw
It corrupted that which I felt

This veil of sorts
I would call it a mask
Allowed you to take things from me
As you creaked in from the back

You snuck up behind me
You defiled what I confided
It wasn't my friendship you were after
It was the one that betrayed me in which you were guided

This mask it so blocked
That which I could not see
Your eyes of deceit
And your face as it gleamed

For the one that was not
For the one that was coarse
It gleamed for the one
That one to whom you showed remorse

Of all the time we spent
Bonding and growing
It is with her now
Her now with which you are moaning

In the bed which her and I shared
Many a heated and passionate night
To where my unmentionables were stored
In her body so tight

Live your life with one eye
As it looks out far and beyond
For it is I that will be creaking
Creaking up behind you one morn.
Jordan Farelli Oct 2012
I think of your death
Every passing day
I wonder what I will feel
When you finally slip away

The hurt and the pain
I prepare for the best I can
But I fear for the day
When you can’t encourage, nor stand

My love for you is deep
It’s almost too much to take
It’s hard to prepare
For the day you won’t awake

I look at your pictures
And the smile on your face
I look at you deeply
I long for your loving embrace

Please don’t ever leave me
Please don’t say goodbye
You once said you’d live forever
You once told me you’d never die
Jordan Farelli Oct 2012
The Twins they resemble
They are the same being
One's a little taller
The other's shorter, but equally deceiving

They are the same
In action, poise, and tone
Together they stand
Together they are at home

They nit and pick
Every little thing
They badger and belittle
Together they sing

One stands ahead
While the other is not
But together they stand equal
Or so they think in their thoughts

As they look down below
From their hierarch self made
They're blind to the mutiny
That dances above their graves

These twins they laugh
But we plot in the dark
The smell of their death
Will be ignited by the smallest spark

These twins will be separate
One day come soon
They will look for the other
Not knowing what to do
Jordan Farelli Sep 2012
I already cried a thousand tears
I cried them into my bottle of beer
It overflowed and went on my floor
Now everything's wet, because you're a *****
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