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Jordan Farelli Sep 2012
As the years you live
Are continuously progressing
You find new things
To keep you stressing

About a life that you
Hadn’t a thought about thinking
Because your head was in the clouds
And your hands were busy painting

Although time passes
Memories still hold true
Like those many times in math class
When you didn’t understand, and I helped you

Through the years I’ve seen you grow
And I’ve heard of some changes
But some things hold true
And I still have your paintings

A rose made of lead
A fallen savior risen from a blank sheet
And a man and his belly
With colors that made me think

About the person behind
These amazing creations
What a wonderful woman
With such a vast imagination

Beauty becomes you
And you’ve done nothing but flourish
Not one flaw would flaw you
You will always be timeless

Now, as these sentiments draw down
Let’s get to "brass tacks"
You’re all grown up now
And it might shock you to face facts

Because it’s hard to grow up
When all you want is to be young
To lay around with friends
And listen to your favorite song

This day is yours
In so many ways
Your 20’s are over,

I hope the basket of goodies
Got to you in one piece
And didn’t arrive spoiled
Before you had a chance to drink and eat

Enjoy the cheese and crackers
In times of reminiscing
And save all the chocolate
For when you’re alone and pissy

The ***** is there for you
If bad memories should creep up
So you can wash them away,
And shut ‘em the **** up.

These are the first gifts
I’ve given in awhile
I hope it lifts your spirits
And brings you a smile

Now one last thing
Before my novice poem comes to a close
It’s just a short read
And it’s got a touch of flow

Take time to enjoy
All the things you hold dear
And grab all the moments
You can when they are near
Jordan Farelli Sep 2012
Billions to fund a campaign
But, there's no money to educate the young brains

Billions to fund a campaign
But there's no funding for those that strain

Are billions really needed to win?
Would it not be easier to speak from your heart with an honest smile
And not a sinister grin?

Re-distribution of wealth?
I don't want a hand out
Just a little compassion
And free health

We don't want to chose between life, or food on the table
When emergency health costs our rent check
We chose the latter
And hope we remain stable

Oh, I forgot we're forced to pay for it now
When we can't afford to buy groceries
It slithered in as a "tax"
And I bet the healthcare corporations had nothing to do with this atrocity

Other countries do it and flourish
But we're so scared of that "*****" word
Even though it's been used to benefit and nourish
Their sick and their fertile

Some can't even afford
To pay for the necessities
But your rich friends take our hard earned money
And you give them lavish subsidies

Tax less the rich
And more the working man and woman
Because our lives don't mean a thing
We're just ants to which you burn

You're funded by the private
The unspoken
Yet we work until we are battered
We sweat until we are broken

Some can't afford to pay for dinner
But yet you take away our homes
You leave us cold and weathered
Humiliated and alone

There is no justice
It was blind, but now it's six feet under
Raise her from her grave
Lift her veil, so she can see the blunder

This poem is imperfect
But so are all we
You think you know what is best
But it's not best for this land of the free

You're turning it into a prison
Where the lies are the warden
Trapped inside is the truth
Everyday it's ***** and broken

Take heed your actions
And think hard of your decisions
You have a nation as your child
Raise us right and hold an honest vision
Jordan Farelli Sep 2012
Hey old woman
Underneath my shoe
Tell me
How do you like the view?

Go on and tell me
That you like what you see
Compliment my fine leather boots
Or the bulge that’s testing the strength of my seams

You can talk about my muscles
Or my perfect jaw line
You could even compliment my eyes
And tell me how they’re so sublime

Oh, excuse me
Is my boot on your throat?
Allow me to move it a little south
So when you talk you won’t choke

Can you speak up a bit?
I don’t think I heard you so well
It sounded to me
As if you said, ”GO TO HELL!”

Well, that’s not very nice
And after all that I’ve done
To just disregard everything
This whole thing could have been fun

You know what, that’s alright
You don’t have to like what’s about to happen
All you need do is lay there and take it
But don’t worry, I have napkins

Though they’re not very absorbent
So, I’ll have to grab some towels
To soak up your blood
And the entrails that excrete from your bowels

After that, I'll clean up nicely
So they don't find a speck of you here
Every detail I'll cover
They won't even find your fire red hair

Now, just lay still and be calm
I’m going to do that thing that I do
I’m glad you’re my lucky thirteen
I’m glad I found you there, under my shoe
Jordan Farelli May 2012
Pickin' up my pants
From her bedroom floor
Lookin' at my latest victim
From the night before

When I was drinkin' everything
Like it was going out of style

I was drowning my sorrows
When I saw her fire up a Marlboro
She was
Swingin' her hips left to right

I've had this feeling before
It's been awhile
As she cranked that volume dial

I saw ***** cut off shorts
Raining fabric to the floor
Wearin' a low cut top
Givin' everyone a show

She had ***** blonde hair
But, I bet there's none down there
I'm thinkin'
I might give it a go

Because, she's the town ****
And, I'm in a rut
I'm gonna
Give it to 'er tonight

I throw her on the bed
So she knows her place
I rip off her clothes
Adding a little slap on her face

Because, she's the town floosie
It's gonna be a doosie tonight

As I finish her off
She lets out a cough
And I just
Watch her there

As she lies in the wake
Of a psychopaths fate
She knows
She ain't goin' nowhere

Because she was the town hussie
And my mood was a little fussy
I just
Had to release

Myself unto another
And see the blood sputter
As I
Watched in peace
Jordan Farelli May 2012
Waking up
I want to sleep!
I want to drown this out
I want it bleeped!

No more reality
I want it altered
To live that way
I don't want to

Drunk or ******
Only high or low
Never on the level
I just want to hold hands with the devil

This doesn't make sense
Why are you reading this?!?!

On this path I tread
Like a missile headed one direction
Moving violently forward
I'll only cause destruction

So don't try and save me
I'm gone, I'm lost
As you would a skipping stone
Just hold me for a moment, and then toss
Jordan Farelli Apr 2012
Many would say
That I'm a fool
If I laid awake at night
And only thought of you

But what if these thoughts
Were not of love
And they were hate filled and murderous
Precisely planned, with a fitting glove

Would it be a waste
To plan such a thing
When it would take you away
Along with my pain and grief

So as I think of you now
The feelings come even stronger
I've seen the way it unfolds
And for you, it won't be much longer
Jordan Farelli Apr 2012
I've been betrayed by a few
The scars left
Make it look like an army came through

I'm left with a slit throat
And my body broken
I lay here in wait
Where by some angels came walkin'

They picked me up
And dusted me off
Though the dirt is embedded
And the pain wont stop

A bandage is placed
To cover my wounds
But it's only a temporary fix
As the water still seeps through

These bandages don't protect
They try their best to heal
But they only mask my pain
And distort what I feel
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