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Jordan Farelli Jul 2013
Small simple words
on an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of white paper
symmetrically divided
with two lines of red
vertically cutting
the perpendicular blue.
The words tell the story of us
of experience
of failure
of the time when the dogs got into the kitchen and devoured Thanksgiving dinner
of the time when it didn't work out
and you don’t know why.
Small simple words on a page.
Jordan Farelli Jan 2013
Waves of color
Escaping the light

Darker and darker
As they fade into night
Jordan Farelli Jan 2013
We came for your land
But took the earth
Jordan Farelli Jan 2013
Jordan Farelli Jan 2013
Locked in the trunk
My shocks hit violently
Old and tattered
I'm used to this calamity

Up and down
With no remorse, nor quandary
You break ever more
As you hit violently, repeatedly, upon the tattered upholstery

The destination we reach
Without haste, nor speed
We travel together, but seperate
Because you soiled my creed

This destination we reach
Under moonlight lit
Your realization brings me pain
But I will not show it

I release you to the night
And I watch as you plead
I pull the trigger slowly
Once squeezed, I watch you bleed
Jordan Farelli Jan 2013
Where are you going?
Don't try and leave
You're weak
And bleeding

You made the choice
The decision
To leave me in the gutter
To consummate the fruition

You did this to ME!
You sewed the quilt
Each patch forever together
But you didn't realize the sudden guilt

You felt when you were with him
It was just a revenge
An intuition

Now you look back in regret
In sorrow
Because you took me for granted
For borrowed

Now look at you
And look at me
Your safe in your state
In solidarity

But, I'm here
In the city that wakes
You're stuck with a life
That you wish you could shake

You did this to yourself
Your own
But, I'm sitting here nostalgic
Wishing you were home
Jordan Farelli Jan 2013
These feelings lay dormant
I see her with another
My rage grows
As their bodies quiver

I sit here in wait
My time to pursue
It is blocked; broken
The hands won't move

The ticking slows
It stops
My heart beats
It erupts

The last breath
I take
I move forward
I awake

Eye to eye
We meet
For an instance
We weep

Then the light
Fades to black
I hold her close
As her breathtaking eyes turn back

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