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ponny jo Feb 2014
Ample time to wither,
But these crystal eyes see through,
Winding halls of glitter,
And colors run together, for you.

When I was taken aback  By that gaze
I fell onto myself, you see
Landing back in old days, In old eyes,
With old ways, not so gray,
Eyes not yet placed away.
Thicker air that waved with arms
And sweeter words from busting hearts.

That I could so here dwell,
And skip by merrily,
I wouldn't feel my torn flesh,
And would be more unselfish,
Crushing plants under foot, (or hoof)
Oh the thanks that i say.
2.4k · Jan 2014
ponny jo Jan 2014
pictures don't capture essence
though some fools try
fleeting and impermanence define
as moments pass us by
to put things in a mason jar
to try and save a part of life
and miss out on the majesty
of rare occasions, lucky spied
it's never the same
2.2k · Dec 2013
technology has not a soul
ponny jo Dec 2013
words are better on paper and candlelight
the smell of ink and crisp turns of pages white
the binding creaks and soul writ in
this screen is not the same thing friend
it's maddening for this phone to change my words
ah, how often it does so
as if it knows
as if it grows
what could it show
when has itself,
alone so rowed
of feelings felt
or horrors shown
or magick felt
or fury spoke
or walked along a razors edge
hanging on by just a thread
or strained beyond all known thought
or had a thought that wasn't taught
or quenched a lust
so fervent wrought
or plagued its mind
with glory sought
or told a tale
that others'd not
what a soul
that this thing's got
2.1k · May 2014
doritos are flammable
ponny jo May 2014
I don't even have words,
For the ways that I don't feel,
I am not the waving of the fields.

I hold onto songs about the moon,
My tides do not swell with her,
I am more the darkness in this room,
Cold, unmoving, absolute.

I am not the motion of your hair,
As he runs his fingers through it,
I no longer even stare.

I Am not the climbing of tree,
I do not yearn upward,
Is there anything to see?
(or be?)

I am not the warmness of your breath,
Clinging tight to your fingers,
And the inside of your chest,

I am not the dreams you make,
As dragons fly by night,
And sparks flow in your wake.

I am not the whispers,
You feel close to your ears,
I am more like distant echoes,
1.7k · Jun 2014
thunder thunder thunder
ponny jo Jun 2014
Goals to set so dance to fret
Painting cloaks to taste regret
Flames to let, consume, forget

Absent embers coals inset

Glimmers splinter, minds are deep
Shackle shambles, just to sleep
Jaded gazes, thoughts that seep

Lacking warming spiteful meek
ponny jo Nov 2014
Old writings are far better
Browned pages in bound leather
smells and feeling preserved
quills gouge the page with words
ink stains the page and mind
days for pages, in those lines
careful crafting under candle shine
1.6k · Jan 2014
some days
ponny jo Jan 2014
and they walked on like clouds float on
the blood red sun on rivers run
waterfalls you see flow one way
and molds don't notice what they decay

a quiet drum to quell those flashes
canvas white for bold stroked splashes
pointedly naming because of growth grown
awake again because of what my mind knows

bearing what brunt? this is the purpose
in the thicket noises form onslaughts
planting bones to grow dreams lost
and these eyes are sharper now
cutting through balloons in air

I want to hope for old eyes, as if growth was easy
ponny jo May 2014
What is this somber aching that reminds me that I am here, as if the shining Sun warmed hearts but forgot me lying near

I tried to bask, and red pain was my reward.
I tried to draw that joy, and ended feeling bored.

The mood set by regret. a poised bird, an egret. Those stones churned and reset the feigned glow of the pulpit.

Shocked awed and shown it, an ever reaching feeling called content.

So play pain again, I'd really love to feel.
ponny jo May 2014
i've a predisposition to pretty prose,
i look in your eyes, and stronger it grows,
you are sways from branching willows,
you are songs that nobody knows,
your scent is enchanting, like earth over-grown.
you walk with such grace, your poetry shows.
1.4k · Jan 2014
poems with misleading titles
ponny jo Jan 2014
he sat with fingers interlaced
pondering on just, what to say
lucky they, it was their day
to briefly miss, this grand foray

he held back, since broken May
now had come his, chance to play
with eyes so striking, deep and gray
and fingers gnarled, from decay

he the actor, this his play,
plotting as they, walked away
blood unmoving, through his veins
but smiling deeper, so they say

it was dark out, in a way
footfalls fell he, found the way
mangled hair so, in the way
he kept drudging, found a way

they were closer, he in shade
shadows deeper, gripping day
leaves blew by, one fell away
no-one noticed, or didn't say

this was now the, time to play
fear so taking, words away
in that moment, shades of gray
as he knew not, what to say

smiling deeply, his voice did say
now that your it, count away
you are lucky, so they say
effort given, so hooray

I'll go hide now,you can play
count fast, just as you may
but you'll not find me,
I'll be gone away
1.3k · Jan 2014
yearning to yearn
ponny jo Jan 2014
melodies exist in your lively smiles,
and effort spent dragged out for miles.
playful moments stop time,
and I would stay to fall, beguiled.

simple motions crafting forms unknown
upon the moon the bright sun shone.
its resonance so absolute in the night.
so here we stand in bands of light.
gripping thoughts that stand upright,
though around is needless plight.
here again I stand
all is alright
1.2k · Nov 2014
feather leather
ponny jo Nov 2014
sweater weather,
let her, better,
never redder,
coldness ever,
shoulder setter,
Then together
1.1k · May 2014
black leather shoes
ponny jo May 2014
There is something to say
For worn leather shoes
Creased from the effort,
And also abuse.

Old leather shoes
don't complain when worn loose.
Nor do they break after bending.
Ah, black shoe shine glistens
Tread long since used,
it's abhorrently smooth.

They don't fall apart
when broken or battered.
They will lace on,
Though life left them tattered.
mud filling the cracks, tears, scratches?
They keep on, why should that matter?
Finally this, my mind matches.

they drudge on because they don't know how to quit.
I wear worn leather shoes, mine are a perfect fit.
ponny jo Jul 2014
Winding words
Follow winding paths
Winding minds
Filled with winding laughs
Winding cries
Covered with winding masks
Winding hands
Making winding acts
Winding lives
Wind up winding up
Wound winds wind winding hearts
Unwinding destroys
when winding becomes
And winding it's lived
And winding known
Winding winds from muscle memory
And when we wind from winding habits
We become the winding we wind
1.0k · May 2014
ponny jo May 2014
I'm driving under the bridge
Gray skies above
Music doesn't enmesh in me
Like heat from the asphalt does
The ground is breaking
And here I cannot see
These leaves I weave between
Are lacking saturation
And I cant feel them breathe
Maybe speed will set me free
Maybe speed will set me free
993 · Sep 2014
ponny jo Sep 2014
Why to try to be a way
When often it leads to decay
And radiation is steady
That I could be uranium

Maybe when I'm older
Maybe is I'm colder
Maybe if but bolder

Looking, sitting on my shoulder
981 · Dec 2013
ponny jo Dec 2013
again they said
against the wall
of hope in life
to face this all
recursive action so
pay on you know
the game to grow
so shame so go
so pain lay low
so rain can flow
for May a home
to make and stow
so vain to grow
so watch the show
954 · Jan 2014
all of this in time limits
ponny jo Jan 2014
it was only for a minute that my eyes fell away
somewhere deep within this thought.
rose red bouquets turns to grey.
hoping after wandering on this day.
wondering how this snow would lay.
disconcord, Falls to me it seems.
I meander on with tattered seems.
butterflies that float on flutterby with hope gone.
prisons like prisms that trap light inside.
Seers, their visions hold them to listen.
inside trapped and inside themselves they abide.
903 · Nov 2013
faded flowers
ponny jo Nov 2013
chilled through me
like buttercups of glee
color fading out
like wishes on the sea
so let's do without
and hope to better be
pray no crying out
words so setting free
I am so without
my hope is left with thee
winged creatures
here to teach us
whispers calming
though self is gnawing
beyond babies yawning
and effort is all I am
and hope is all I can
896 · Jun 2014
ponny jo Jun 2014
Wake up empty like cans of joy
Left beyond the abating mind
We are veiled as we walk on
And nothing grows but sand grains.

Nothing causing reaching out
And I cling to my lost voice
In optimistic naivete
I listen for echoes in the world about
ponny jo Dec 2011
as i lay so full of sleep
into my thinkings burning creeps
oh lying wading walking true
how the pillars topple through

second guesses bring me back
as again i fear attack
standing tall with tattered wings
with shadows dancing, sorrow brings
in my pain i strive to be
as watching colors fluttering
though hope is hollow i take hold
and steady self though sirens ring
dizzy darkness wraps me up
and i feel the shutters shut
wind carries hoof clatter
piercing lights keep me shut
849 · Oct 2014
these days
ponny jo Oct 2014
hues of Gold light, it seems,
Falls from inside your eyes,
Onto grass on the meadow floor,
And within those daisies I fly.

Shadows wrap the moonbeams,
Which onto orchids climb,
To depths untold forevermore,
Bringing rapture to this still night.
ponny jo Apr 2014
Hills about as you keep on
And miles apart, lo you'll live long.
Serene is not without silence sometimes
And again I wonder if I was wrong.

Touches of softness to make me second guess.
Litheness to warrant the silk in that ethereal dress.
You are slowly fading, at the expense of my joy.
I fear that I may have expected sensuality and joy.

I forget the moments as I make you into stone.
Maybe it wasn't us, but the distance of our homes.
I am pure ambition, give me tastes of trees.
You are like a nightingale, caught up in the breeze.
What I'd give for you again, call me uncertainty.
But you in touch beside me, might quell my  withering.

I say echoes but they are dying breaths
You are ever soulful, and I am but a wreck.

I've seen things in these days, our battles were nothing.
I'm lost sometimes
819 · Dec 2011
ponny jo Dec 2011
crimson rains when i see
here i was thinking free
sentences outcried
shackles clamp the lies
solidarity defines me
know i know
arm in arm
no show to go
regressing to masquerades
oh my everglades
rubble upon palisades
only sorrow here creates
watered things to take to sate
metal clangs, i close the gates
and a saddened whimper looks to hate
though anguish is all i can never fake
ripples alter feelings and sight
yet shelter offers no respite
the coldest frost the sharpest bite
with only my soul, around to light
gouge marks sink in
sorrow begins
clouds in my head
as nothing seeps in
all for willing within
801 · Oct 2013
no date 2009
ponny jo Oct 2013
walking so fervently i stalk as i talk
weaving webs of decptions to those i mock
listening for the howling that with my madness
comes. searching for feeling that out my
numbness rubs. id like to say im beyond
greed, my soul ever searching for completion
no the lights flicker in my minds eye.
over realities to my self i constantly lie.
as i relax the colors show through
a strobe of splendors with no absolute
hue. slashes and shapes with magnificient
gapes, pull back the drapes, dont let in the shapes.
abyss so wonderful, a lava lamp beautiful
a lament to archangels, my curses rued by
dark and frilly, lacy things. leather to measure
the desire of pleasure about to gain mould, a
tether by masters controlling desperate hold.
the light my bane, id run if able, to escape
the one true god, so bashfully i fear, as
changes the year, and sprinkles a tear on ground
no sound found, forever bound to this mound, hear.
ponny jo May 2014
one drop to stop the shop
two drops to get back
three drops to rest on brick
four drops to move from stress
five drops to feel lucky
six drops for selfies
seven drops for flavor
eight drops to soak the mops
nine drops for massive clouds
ten drops for topping off
ten drops to block out the sun
note the picture
776 · May 2014
we are wisps in the night
ponny jo May 2014
And I say hey, hello, to you.
A velvet night to pass us through
Footfalls bounce from stone
As we make the wind our home
This big place shall surely do
Let's embark to through and through
Markers are made for uncertain fellows
But trust within, we'll call our bellows.

We can be hot air balloons, and are of course as vibrant...

and full of hot air.
773 · May 2014
befuddlement for breakfast
ponny jo May 2014
The intensity in your stares
And the stars contained within them
I liken to lichen upon tent stairs,
I cannot really grasp it.
750 · Nov 2014
ponny jo Nov 2014
lovely comes and goes,
but feeling is forever,
sun rays know
sun rays grow
sunshine nurtures
broken souls

lonely comes and goes,
but warmness is forever,
moon beams know
moon beams show
moonlight accepts
drowning souls
740 · Oct 2014
just a thought
ponny jo Oct 2014
vibrancy becomes you, when speaking true.
and eyes like marshes cause ceaseless quivers, quaking, ever shaking through
hoping as the brighter morrow, calls to souls with naught but dread,
and darkness takes thee under wings when effort and strain has always by hand, you led
there is hope in fire, and other hope to be, there is rope of light for you to use to gladly be
in that maze of wrapping darkness, there are those who call throughout, but careful be you in that solidarity, or you may become turned about
726 · Oct 2013
no date 2009
ponny jo Oct 2013
fall down in new town
and break down while unbound
laughing while melting
and smiling making no sound
finding things hidden
and riding things unridden
while taken long lost unbidden
but leftovers are long given
from raiders undriven
and nonlooking foes unsmitten
burning the smithies
with weeds so pity
the trade and grade
of long lost givings
and unlearnt ideas
melting down in the smithing
because clothes so ripping
cause morality dipping
and effort slipping
and real gifts ungifting
722 · Oct 2013
ponny jo Oct 2013
mastery like falling, of sound and sight
in wisps of wind, they float on, in moonlight
down streams of bliss, in autumn night
the chill and brisk, that lightens life.

whimsically drifting, through forests ever deep
as under foot, the twigs give and snap
giving chase to lights, in lands beyond sleep
glowings green, just beyond grasp
an ominous feel abound begins to creep,
as realization confounds, you've lost the path,
laughter and chatter, beyond your heartbeat,
and sweat doesnt mask, that your resolution lacks ,
shadows deeper grow, nipping at your feet,
self surprised at the depth of woods, and also black
the ground is giving more, and sweat isnt sweet
a silver shard of light shines through you, and you fall to your back
overcome by knowing, you sink to your sleep
whimsically drifting, through forests ever deep
714 · Jun 2014
a gospel
ponny jo Jun 2014
You are intensity
In ways that I can not speak
In days of gold that touch me, meek
You are hours that Gods keep
And rivers running into creeks

A gospel. Reserved for the cracks
That keep me weak
Shallows with the strongest currents
I can't be but keep this churning

Where was I when you were forged
And planes that meld so do not see
The rampant flames that you stoke
In coals of glittering magnitude

Apostles seek
706 · Nov 2014
mahogany dovetails
ponny jo Nov 2014
Rays from banks
To blind with thanks
Too gripping underwater
lived fullly, life sank.

Grays ever blank
Bold lines of black
delineate shapes
Felt fullly, heart sank.
ponny jo Nov 2014
they say the way to a mans heart is through his stomach,
i guess they never met a poet,
id take feeling and a fountain pen,
feelings soft and vibrant whims,
eyes of fire and knowing grins,
soft spoken; knowing flames dont end
but schnitzel wouldn't hurt either.
ponny jo Apr 2014
Broken glass speckles butts in the ashtray
rust stains line the dilapidated shed

It used to be sad when it rained every day
Blackness of the coffee is nothing to say
Wallpaper peeling from water stains
clothes in the bathtub clogging the drain
Drafts from cracks in walls from strain or age
either way

These bags I carry around from demons keeping me from sleep
Arent worse than the souls of the celebrities on tv
684 · Feb 2015
ponny jo Feb 2015
Tallow mends
Though wind cuts
Furrowing curtails
Absence missed
Shutter shuts
684 · Nov 2013
essence blushed
ponny jo Nov 2013
things to change and trust I lust
here I am to stand just past the cusp
strength beyond the rust
feign the skills and bluff
drilling in on things unglued
and presents of essence blushed
presence that resins crushed
be pleasant like the heavens must
and well imbued like nectars too
falsehoods folly summoned who
and not so fragile yet unshrewd
flowers echo feelings flew
grow upright and sometimes through
shadows beckon who but you
mirror dancing in the ****
rampant chanting as you knew
and ended with a thunderclap
something soft like horror lacks
671 · Nov 2013
ponny jo Nov 2013
am I here again ?
these words are not so working,
always picked the underdog
and is this what's called perfect?

so I went into the forest
and on the tree I had my axe
the chips were blood, oh I'm the purest
where did I leave my mind,
maybe, somewhere in my past.

hope rang free, and I collapsed,
a vessel in an upturned torrent
stand again, as I'm to last,
this perseverance is abhorrent.

I am but a castle, on the shore
and waves drag me down,
crumbling ever before
the sea, you cannot surround
maybe in debris,
forgotten voices will someway sound
660 · Nov 2014
cracked asphalt
ponny jo Nov 2014
Raven screams
on stiller days
of brighter dreams
from sunlight beams
bleaching dry
newspaper reams
This air that seems
containing more
that what i breathe
echoes in the distance
just for me

This cracked asphalt retains heat
under the frost and angled seams
656 · Dec 2014
ponny jo Dec 2014
Writing sometimes
Like a flame consuming
Can sate
The world in your eyes
Some moths are beautiful
Some bruises are blissful
Some strain and some rain
Is truthful

I sometimes wish that i knew how i felt
653 · Dec 2013
ponny jo Dec 2013
stand down on this path
an angel weeps with your laugh
holes in sight like
frozen might
painful right
and echoed light
words fall away
as you prey
the wallowing involved
speaks to knowing calm
like torn flesh begs
for soothing balm
swans in darkness
afloat mirrored glass
alone float on
while lives just passed
know lo, effort dear
go home
there's no room here
638 · Dec 2011
ponny jo Dec 2011
hollow empty strong and shattered
hope yet flows, though i am battered
narrow halls hug me
as i cannot stand tall
clouds suspend me
i cannot fall
strength surprising
sharper teeth, the closing maw
and yet i stand
to heed the call
oh here i stand all in all
630 · Dec 2014
words with friends
ponny jo Dec 2014
Fall like leaves and wind and rain
the eyes that you control are pain
The rides that you have ridden gain
Momentum in your wordings strained
there is nothing to redeem the chained
Branded banded clamped and stranded
Depth of ire in your motions
Death and fire fill your oceans
Beckon more remain you frozen
More to store those cruel notions
Hammered gore glitters the roses
Phantom touches scoring open
Staring blankly, you've been noticed
624 · Nov 2014
bark from oak
ponny jo Nov 2014
cascading beams of moon on glass
the ripples daren't bother.
perfection within glowing lasts,
far farther than did paining tasks.
speak with tells, and soft eyes fast,
lucky crumbles, yet another
mind and heart so full of wonder
fall in skies of blue hued past
putting back the trekking pack,
621 · Dec 2013
Breaking Dawn II
ponny jo Dec 2013
it's like im someplace else
and those, the looks that grip me
synchronicity describing feelings felt
on this unique, unknowing, journey.
all of my memories melt
and I cannot un-turn me
these moments pass me by
but they are so within me;
you are an enigma twirling
and what we have ive never known
I am like a moth to flame,
but second guess, lest over throw;
I feel as if a kettle boiling,
scents so dancing never known,
I feel as moss upon a forest stone,
wild, unkempt, and over-grown,
these feelings inside never known
a bursting star that'd never shone.
610 · Dec 2013
winding whippets
ponny jo Dec 2013
winding ways of moss grown stone
lead me down this path I've known
when we met and starlight shone
I said goodbye to life alone.

my painted picture differed
yours was a sculpture, Sun bleached
mine was coal, from strain leeched
a fate Id hoped, to tell no
but gods are cynical, time shows

here again I am and stand
forgotten how to lay down
feel my mind turn to sand
a mindset that live found
creases beside blue eyes
shows how much that I've grown
echoes in my empty soul
speaks to effort blood sewn
608 · Dec 2014
ponny jo Dec 2014
Beauty becomes you
Surity, exhaling colors
With which i use to see.

Whispers in my ears
Softly question why to be
Ground me.

Gripping tight
The lead i use to flee. In me.
Star dust, so art thee.

Shimmering. You shape the wind.
Reminding me, im free.
Gathering in aethers never seen.

Light shards from moons
Dark mirrors to shine through
In rooms as still as tombs, you move
597 · May 2014
ponny jo May 2014
I've seen a scene obscene,
The massive masses masked,
a mystery of misty misery
A faux fog fuming flowed forth
Encircling serenely, the circuitry careening,
Forcibly forgone from freely feeding,
On ordained organics oozing offered
Mighty mutants maliciously mauled me merrily.
594 · Jul 2013
ponny jo Jul 2013
Sleep light like sleet sheets fall
Dream bright like lithe beings fall
woe shines sometimes like worry all
Play pain like paint lays on planed planks all
Lift love to live life like light links fall
Daze right like dreamed draughts in droll days all
Gaze great sight like grand flights might gather all
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