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Jonothan Lewis Aug 2013
The dungeons of hell
They beckon once again
Demons inside fighting
Howling out of rage
Terror and fear
Lie beyond the gates
No sane human
Can survive this terrible fate
Red, burning, searing flames
Waiting to engulf
Any unfortunate living thing
Inside its gaping mouth
Only the fittest, strongest ones
Will survive little more than a day
As the rest scream until the ****** end
The palpable feeling of pain
The searing heat rushes through
Ready to cleanse the soul
Of any impurities it may have picked up
In a world with no light at all
Helpless screams offer no help
In a place where the devil laughs
Hell is where no human will find
Salvation on the cross
Jonothan Lewis Aug 2013
You consume my every thought
Every minute of every day
How can I find words
To express what I want to say

At night my head hits the pillow
Along with a hopeful dream
Someday we'll be together
However distant it may seem

In the morning the chirping birds
Remind me of your voice
Calm, serenity, peacefulness
Were always your first choice

At lunch time the ice cream truck
Plays its gentle tune
Vanilla and strawberry sorbet swirl
I'll never share with anyone, except you

As the sun begins to set
The stars begin to shine
The moonlight picnics we had in the park
Forever playing on my mind

Even in the dead of night
With the horrors it may bring
You are still on my mind
With a late night text, my cellphone rings

All I ever really wanted
Was you and only you
Hopefully with this poem
You'll see I love you through and through
Jonothan Lewis Aug 2013
Raise me up
Drop me dead
These are the games
You play with my head
Make me high
Shoot me down
My head it spins
Round and round
One second a king
Next in the slums
My hearts beating
A pounding drum
Adrenaline rushes
My chest's rise
Now im in power
Nowhere to hide
Vengeance is sweet
Blood is thick
Pinned to the table
Tease with a lick
Now you scream
Now you moan
Revenge is a dish
Best served cold
Jonothan Lewis Aug 2013
I dreamt a vivid dream last night
One I never want to have again
I saw you in the arms of another
The arms of my best friend

I watch you two from a distance
As my heart slowly begins to tear
She laughs at your jokes, kisses your cheek
Laughing in the mid-summer air

As I demand answers
From the two people I cared for the most
I am lost in my own emotions
My world is dark, there is no hope

I always knew she never loved me
Then why does this come as such a shock?
I guess my heart always tried to hold on
To the thought of me maybe having a shot

Then you both turn to look at me
Your gazes I feel are sharp
I sense the guilt, anger and no remorse
For the damage done to my heart

As you begin to run at me
Fury burning in your eyes
I am awoken by the sound of chirping birds
Whew! That was one long night
Jonothan Lewis Aug 2013
Is there something wrong with me?
Cant seem to get you off my mind
Even though you on the other side of the world
I think about you all the time

The way you used to laugh at my jokes
As we shared a drink in the sun
The way you used to be so shy
While we rolled around having fun

The way you used to be so modest
Even though everyone knew you were a babe
The way you looked me in the eye
Made all my troubles float away

I wonder if you think of me
Half as much as I think of you
I doubt it though, because if so
You'd have a lot of thinking to do

The pain comes out as I write this poem
As the sun begins to deplete
Another night comes along haunted with dreams
Of us together again, finally complete
Jonothan Lewis Aug 2013
The bubbles in a coke bottle
Oh how much they symbolise
Our torn, broken relationship
It makes me want to cry

Just as those same bubbles
Float to the top and quickly burst
So too you were with our relationship
Your true side finally emerged

Just as those bubbles
cling to the sides, so transparent
So too did you cling to my money
Your real intentions always apparent

Just as those bubbles
Can cause the bottle to explode
So too you affected my heart
As the gaping wounds you left, they moan

Just as those bubbles
Cause the liquid to fizzle and crack
So too you hear my skin tearing
As you leve the word "heartbroken"
Etched into my back

Just as those bubbles
Once popped can never return
So too now that you're gone
My heart's lesson can finally be learnt
Jonothan Lewis Aug 2013
Breathe in, breathe out
Feel the sounds that surround
Nature, it's beautiful
Makes me feel safe and sound

As I chirp along with the birds
Perched atop the highest peak
No need for words
In a place where the atmosphere speaks

The gentle trickle of the brook
The strong crashing of the fall
The mighty roaring of the lion
The shrieking of the eagle as it soars

As the sun begins to set
The vast jungle comes alive
As the snakes slither, spiders crawl
The bees retreat into their hive

The bats once perched
Begin to fly about
Hunters become hunted
Inside a greater power's mouth

All these amazing creatures
They work together as one
To form one of the most tranquil, yet exciting
Places under the sun
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