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jonathan valonis Jun 2010
We live to die,
All that remains is black,
We cling to life but why,
The stars light will eventually lack,
The luminous glow,
Of warmth, no planets,
All the orbits will slow,
Land masses become frigid,
New sight is needed,
New life is supported,
Those not prepared,
Will be defeated,
But all starts again,
Only in another dimension,
The scenario may be pretend,
That was said before with conviction,
In another time, remember then
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
I fell in love with a girl,
I fell in love with a women,
Both seemed real,
But lied woven,
Secrets of past,
Secrets of future,
Making moments not last,
In result lies torture,
For one to be close,
To the one who wants too,
Impressions that impose,
Will succumb and do,
More damage than calculated,
One day realizing the answer,
By then situation was elevated,
Should've just went dreaming,
But that's where I've seen it,
My mind attending a meeting,
Of moments to make one sick,
It was dream of something,
Yet to exist,
In the room coming,
  To actually to subsist,
In this reality how could this,
A premonition now in my dream,
Show how clear and crisp,
What was to happen while I dreamed,
It showed familiar faces,
Furniture set up,
Colors and spaces,
Showed me waking up,
I'll not go into detail,
I'm now awake,
Alert and in a heighten state to feel,
Most people are just fake
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Oh how to praise,
Thank you for these days,
Rejoice and hope with this phrase,
Let all the burdens be taken away,
Just ask for forgiveness,
All righteous will be saved,
Oh how to praise,
Thank you for these days,
May infidels die by our blades,
Let all the burdens be taken away,
All righteous will be saved,
Oh how to praise,
Thank you for these days,
Another day I didn't OD,
I should to stop today,
All righteous will be saved,
Oh how to praise,
Thank you for these days,
Let blood of Jews raise,
All for you we say,
All righteous will be saved,
Oh how to praise,
Thank you for these days,
When we stopped praise,
We silenced the phrase,
All righteous will be saved
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Self help, self control
Hand held tight,
To grasp and behold,
The spoils of a fight,
To persist in a manner,
Of such peace,
With very little anger,
At sometime will breach,
Into an outburst of wind,
Particles wiping clear,
The galaxy that lies within,
A space too little to adhere,
It was created and destroyed,
In a instant it became distant,
All that remained was null and void,
Action, some satisfaction, persistent,
Feeling of blank,
The reaction too nothing,
Filling the empty tank,
Created something,
That needed to be emptied
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Nothing great, Nothing new,
Just insteresting, Just bland,
Moments enjoyed, Moments hated,
Started thinking, Started drinking,
Thoughts drifting, Thoughts sticking,
Why wake, Why sleep,
Tired life, Tired feet,
Traveled here, Traveled there,
Been backed, Been stabbed,
New faces, New taste,
Old shoes, Old fools,
How come, How dumb,
I want, I lose,
Freedom sought, Freedom bought,
Everyday now, Everyday past,
This nightmare, This reality,
Two words, Two swords,
Tongues foul, Tongues cut,
Mouths opened, Mouths shut,
See this, See nothing,
Simple mind, Simple life,
Hear all, Hear silence,
Did this, Did that,
Wait what, Wait stop,
Can't see, Can't talk,
Not now, Not ever,
Feel fear, Feel near,
Close too, Close something,
Bang gun, Bang done
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Wake up everyday with a smile,
Another joyful day,
It's all ******* anyway,
So why not laugh it away,
Who's to get mad,
When you are the one who is glad,
That your day is not ****,
Even if it was there's no point to it,
Just have fun and relax,
Have some fun give some ex lax,
They probably need to ****,
Even more fun when it's their pants,
Or when they do the bathroom dance,
Just remember there's a chance,
To brighten your day,
Make yourself smile in another way,
Even if that joke is on you,
It's just karma doing what it do,
You can funnel a **** into a mouth,
*** on someone, say it's raining out,
Drop water balloons, from the 20th floor,
Stop denying the laugh when you crave for more,
Have a good laugh all the way to the loon,
Just tell people you're from the moon,
When you wake up just smile,
Even if it's for a little while,
It'll illuminate your day,
Just smile each and everyday
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Pop, Pop pop, Pop, Pop, Pop pop, Pop,
Boom, Boom boom, Bfff, Boom, Boom boom, Bfff,
Shsh, Shsh Shsh, Ffwka ffwka ffwka,
Five, Four, Three, Two, Oooooonnnnnneeeee,
Boomdth, Boomdth, Boomdth, Chwochit, Chwochit, Chwochit,
Boomdth, Boomdth, Boomdth, Chwochit, Chwochit, Chwochit,
Chwochit, Chwochit, Chwoooooochhhhhhhhitttttt,
Now get down, I get down, Now get down, I get down,
Bwahhwow, Bwahhwow, Bwahhwow, Bwahhwow, Bwahhhhhhhhh,
Vooooooooo Booom, Dtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdt, Boff, Da, Dede,
Dtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdt, Boff, Da, Dede, Dtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdt, Boff, Da, Dede, Dtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdt, Uuuuuuhwaaaaaaaa
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