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jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Just like guns,
Cliques and Bangs,
Casting your hate,
In a forward spiral,
Impending the impact,
Explosions then debris,
That will fall or be lodged in a wall,
To have a reaction,
To those who lose it all,
Is never considered,
Since satisfaction is the center,
That makes you go and draw a weapon
Since you say someone stepped on,
What your shoes,
Oh that reputation you have to lose,
Don't you know you'll just die too,
Grow up and do something right,
Take time to turn on that light,
An idea for you that just might,
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
I hate human beings,
The mind is a complete waste,
Filled of dreams that never exist,
Words that only form sound,
Ignorance to time,
Knowledge always seek,
Never enough to gain,
Always plenty to lose,
It is the life that is to choose,
Killing, Senseless death,
Beating to a coma,
A never waking moment,
COvering two poison,
Everyone passed out not breathing,
When selfish start believing,
They are in control,
All they leave is bodies pumping drool,
Just rotting to sweet decay,
So they stay in amusment,
Laughing each and every day,
Crying but not in this moment,
Just smiles to those awake,
Little more to intake,
CO2 in the lungs for those who can't participate,
Death for most only left to anticipate,
The grand scheme of things,
Hate all human beings,
Cancerous fleas,
Spreading amongst each other more disease,
Get on your hands and knees,
Start to pray,
For forgiveness,
Just kidding because there is no God to witness,
The destruction of ourselves,
In our own ****** hells
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Hehehe hohoho,
Who is having fun in this limbo,
Is it me, Is it you,
Wahh hahaha,
Why, Do you, Want to, Understand,
Of course I do, Of course you do,
Pffft hahaha aww man,
Where are we going,
I don't know, You don't know,
Ahh hehehe,
What are we trying to see,
Is it you, Is it me,
Haahaa ha oh dear,
How did we come here,
I don't know, You don't know
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Everyday it grows,
The movement thought has slowed,
By the time it encompasses,
The fragile calcium deposit,
It has already shattered the existence,
To preserve and persevere,
To conquer and obey,
Strict guidelines of absurdness,
Made of entirely nothing,
Still all is strung together,
By a thread of light,
A beacon of hope and despair,
Questioning what is wrong and fair,
When none ever is,
A balancing act to topple over,
Regaining the feeling of lost,
Completely out of place,
Seeming as if soylent waste,
The vapors all dried,
No salty tears,
No reality,
No fear,
No knowing ever,
Of what is intended,
Is friends befriending friends,
To gain so you suffer less,
Obedient to the cause,
Of your own personal agenda,
Shortly after you send,
A memo to denote the negativity,
That draws to you a magnetic force,
Being north and south,
Being a head and ***,
From top to bottom,
You flipped it,
Let it go,
Change the way,
A ***** today,
A mother tomorrow,
Put your hand out to borrow,
Change you can never pay back
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Spreading into a muck,
What a giant cluster,
Stuck but running,
Out of things to hold,
Dripping the excess,
Across the dry surface,
Rough and barren but soft,
The touch of some moisture,
Applied for pleasantness,
That feeling of durable strength,
That if to apply,
Would feel good in sense,
Relieving the contents,
That lay in you,
Making you sick,
Ah, how good it is,
To blow your nose
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Just stick it in the arm,
It's swollen beyond the arm,
The mind is fighting,
To find itself for it self,
Losing what is left,
Which losers never expect,
Nothing left to offer,
You even fought her,
But like always you bought her,
Back to the level you're at,
Your mind is completely saturated,
With the fat of your ego,
You tell people the story, the part you're a hero,
When actually you are less than zero,
****** Her, ****** Her Mind,
Now she'll have to live,
With something you can't undo,
And her mind can't forgive,
You wonder why she can't live,
In piece, with it,
You dumb ****, you play with it,
Happy, ******, sad, then, dead,
How many more bottles,
In the end, will lay next to the bed,
The one place to go, rest her head,
Before giving up in the end, instead
jonathan valonis Jun 2010
Hop on the bandwagon,
Wagging your finger,
Shouting we're number one,
Stepping on others because you're bigger,
You have defeated,
All the hopes and dreams,
Of all those that completed,
Failure now justified means,
Take your **** and rub it,
Across their shattered face,
Open their mouth, let them taste,
Tell them to savor, because we're first place,
That makes US right,
U.S.A U.S.A. shouting all night,
You is a, You is a tool,
Another ******* fool,
Just a vegetable in front of a tube,
Mine as well bend over, forget the ****,
You're already *******,
Didn't even notice, they had the point of view,
From your own eyes,
Start seeing what is real and what is fake,
****, the government lies, the government takes,
It is time realign and break,
Back into the focus of your eyes,
Realize you're taking orders,
From someone, Not wise,
Come on and fix this disorder,
Before it all happens,
And those left say what happened
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