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 Nov 2013 Jonathan
a m a n d a
no heirs
no fortune
no throne
no fame
no clue
not a clue in the world
it has been left
of that i can assure you
will it be taken?
 Jun 2013 Jonathan
Richard Jones
My wife, a psychiatrist, sleeps
through my reading and writing in bed,
the half-whispered lines,
manuscripts piled between us,

but in the deep part of night
when her beeper sounds
she bolts awake to return the page
of a patient afraid he'll **** himself.

She sits in her robe in the kitchen,
listening to the anguished voice
on the phone. She becomes
the vessel that contains his fear,

someone he can trust to tell
things I would tell to a poem.
 May 2013 Jonathan
Leonard Nimoy
A silence with you
Is not
a silence

But a moment rich
with peace
I killed the first demon
Hoping for the best
But I did not know
It stained my veins.

I killed the second demon
Couldn’t look him in the eyes
As I knew It was gonna come
And haunt me back.

I killed the third demon
Shoot him through the heart.
My head shook senseless,
Its madness made me insane.

I killed the fourth demon
He spit me in the face.
I could feel him
Tearing up my flesh.

I killed the last demon
And so I thought it was the end
But little did I know
His friends wanted revenge.
A boy told me he loved me the other day.
I looked at him, confused,
and told him not to love me.
Not to waste something so valuable on something so insignificant.
So he simply put his arms around my broken bones and told me instead,
“I adore you.
I adore all your quirks,
I adore all your dreams,
I adore all your scars,
I adore all your faults,
I adore you.”

It is a lighter burden to be adored than loved.

— The End —