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Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
I'm dead
Or soon to be
My body is alive
But I'm dead
My body will soon follow
My soul is crushed
My heart is shattered
My inside is decayed
I'm nothing
You left
You wanted out
For what
Some *******
That won't love you
As I did
I've said it before
What ever makes you happy
Even if it means my death
I'll never be happy again
But I don't have to worry about it
I'll be dead soon anyway
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
What every guy dreams of
What every guy wants
What every guy need
You could have anybody
You want
Why you choose me
Ill never know
But what I do know
Is I'm the luckiest person ever
Because I have you
Because I love you
Because you love me
You, my love
Are everything to me
When I'm with you
My heart races
When I'm without you
My heart slows
And if I ever lost you
My heart would beat no more
Because you, my love
Are the one I love
Forever and always
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
Your going to apologize?
You feel bad?
You feel sad?
I'm sorry?
hell no
**** that
It was my heart
It was my life
You can't show up
After 15 years
And want to be my dad again
It doesn't work that way
I have a dad
He is the only one
Who is ok with me and her
I've been wanting to say this
For 15 years
******* your not my dad
Blood or not
Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
"I love you"
"I miss you"
"I wish I was with you"
We say these things everyday
We say them like it's just a normal thing
But it's not
What I have for you
It's a love so true
You will never find one like it
It runs in my blood
It runs through my bones
It's all my joy
All my happiness
Evey good thing I feel
I feel for you
The heat in my body
The sweat on my skin
The blood in my veins
It's all for you
You will never know
How I feel about you
I can tell you all I want
But you will never know
Your the first thing I think of
When I wake up
The last thing I think of
Before I go to sleep
Your my eveything
But will never know
I've told you a million times
But to under stand it
You have to feel it
And this
What I feel
It's better than heaven
Because love feels better than anything
And I love you

— The End —