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Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
You step in my life again
I beat you in the dirt
Mess with my life again
I ******* up
Mess with my love
I **** you
Best bet
Stay away
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
They wonder what's wrong with me
I always say nothing
But truthfully
I'm ******
At "dad"
At "mom"
They can't control me
My heart
Or my life
**** them
I'm done with them
He has been gone 15 years
Shows up like nothing happened
Wants to control me
Tell me to leave her
Because she has a baby
Sorry I'm not not like him
I will never abandon her
So "dad"
I hate you
Stay out of my life
Stop with the self pity *******
Nobody gives a ****
Your a ***** to everybody
And you wonder
why your losing you kids
Why they are turning against you
Because you a pill popping *****
A liar
A thief
Yea remember
You stole
From me
I was a kid
You stole money
from a kid
Your kid
Well I'm not your kid
Not anymore
Tina is my mom
Hg is my dad
I have a family
But you and Jason
Took them
You wonder what's wrong
Well here you go
But you'll do like always
Just take some pills
And pass out in your bed
So you know what
******* both
Your not my family
I hate you both
My family is
My brothers
My sisters
My love
And her baby
That's my family
So you can
Get the hell out my life
Before I make you
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
I thought I knew
What being a man meant
I was way off
I thought it meant
Your tough
You can fight
Defend your self
I was wrong
Now I see what it means
To be a man
To be there for your woman
To be there for her baby
If they need something
They call you
Working every day
Making them happy
That's what a man does
That's what make a man
Not fighting for you
But for them
It's all about them
Not you
That's what man is
And that's
What I want to do for her
Ill put my needs aside
For them
Put my wants aside
For them
I love them
More than anything
Ill do anything for them
This I swear
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
The most important things in my life
Are those two
That's all I care about
I want them happy
I want them taken care of
I want her to have no complaints
That's all I care about
nothing else
I don't care about anything
Just those two
That's it
They are my life
Untill I die
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
You show up
After 15 years
Duch bag
You disappeared
Didn't call
Didn't text
I didn't know you were alive
Untill I was 10
I tried to find you
For 5 years
Mom even tried to find you
Then you show up
Like nothing ever happened
Expecting to run my life
Well I've got news for you
I have a dad
I don't need you
I don't want you
In my life
I have a dad
That was there
On my birthday
My whole life
As far as I'm concerned
Your just some guy
You might be my blood
But your not my dad
Jason isn't my blood
But he is my dad
And he was ok with me and her
You weren't
He was there
You weren't
So I should have said this
when I met you
******* I have a dad
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
I will wait
However long it takes
No matter what
Ill wait  100 years
For one day with you
Ill wait for you
Because I love you
Ill wait forever
If I have to
As long as it takes
I don't care
All I want
is you to be happy
Ill wait
Trust me
I will
I promise
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
Your going to apologize?
You feel bad?
You feel sad?
I'm sorry?
hell no
**** that
It was my heart
It was my life
You can't show up
After 15 years
And want to be my dad again
It doesn't work that way
I have a dad
He is the only one
Who is ok with me and her
I've been wanting to say this
For 15 years
******* your not my dad
Blood or not
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