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Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
This is my third. This one is in a guys predictive.

You have given me a precious gift
With whom I share my life
You raised and loved the little girl
That I now call my wife
You are her lovely mother
And I'm the luck man
That she has chosen to always hold her hand
Now I just want to thank you
Mom, for all your loving care
And being the kind of mother
That both of us can share
She also wrote this one
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
This is my second one

Tears of sadness
Tears of laughter
Fear f tribulation
Happiness of jubilation
Things to come
Things to pass
Though all these things are there and true
The most important is I love you
She wrote this one too
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
This is my first poem

Your love never sears to amaze me
Your eyes are the purist of blue(brown)
Please listen when I say these things
And hear me when I say this is true.

Your kisses are sweeter then wine
Your hugs are of someone who cares
I hope you know your heart is with mine
And that your love is surly shared……

Your smile is brighter then the sun
Your laugh is warmer then your touch
I assure you, you must believe me baby
And that I love you very much
My baby wrote this she told me to post it she doesn't have a hello poetry
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
Will anybody accept me
See I'm tring to help
Will they
That's all I try to do
I can't remember
The last time I was selfish
All I try to do is help
And all they do is hurt me
Well I'm done with it
Fed up with it
You don't want my help
then fine
See if I care
All they do
Is cause me pain
**** that
No more
I think I'm a good person
I hope I'm a good man
We will see who is happy
In the end
I'll have the woman I love
In my arms
A roof over our head
Food on our plate
And plenty more
that I can promise
And they will
Have nothing
And see if I care
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
When I look at you
I feel my gut twist
When I look at you
I feel love
I feel heat grow
Deep in my heart
When I look in your eyes
I get lost in them
You say I seem dazed
after we kiss
Tell the truth
I am
I can't believe
I'm kissing
the love of my life
I love you
With every thing I am
I look in your eyes
And I can't think straight
I feel all fuzzy inside
All I can say is
Your the one
I want to spend my life with
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
It's all thanks to you
It's all your fault
Thanks a lot
I'm happy
For the first time in a while
I'm smiling
All because of you
I was miserable
But now
I'm happy
Thank you
So much
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
I think about a lot of things
Mostly you
And Your baby
I love the both of you
You both are the light in my darkness
I'll take care of both of you
Make sure you are happy
This i can swear
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