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 Jan 2013 Jollyana
Stay Stay
 Jan 2013 Jollyana
every candle that flares up like a
    match struck between timelines reminds me
            that this world, this beautiful
       misshapen globe we call home has

                   room for me,       for you,
                               and most importantly
                                         for us.
 Jan 2013 Jollyana
Sleep Open
 Jan 2013 Jollyana
this feels like waking up and
falling like the
       rain outside my window

where messages
    stall when they're in sight and I am
                   tortured by the unknown note

        unhinge and swing wide

  I can't sleep inside this
       distance that's between
 Jan 2013 Jollyana
Kate W
I. bird
 Jan 2013 Jollyana
Kate W
you're in the kitchen again
making coffee in the dark

grinding beans, grinding teeth
dark and bitter cups
cracked and cut

like her mind

that brilliant fogged mind

with fingers extended  
she grasps onto shards of glass
carving out
carving in
plummeting spurting crimson
 Dec 2012 Jollyana
Natasha Pian
Gently swaying in the wind.
Glistening pavement ground.
Gathering glimpses of your light,
Through the shaking leaves,
Reflecting up from the drive.
It’s all that saves me
From a surrounding darkness.
Out of the corner square,
Of my left window,
Half skewed by my desk.
I think of you
And your smile
No longer saved for me.
 Dec 2012 Jollyana
Kimberly Gee
I believe that everything happens for a reason, time, place and season..

People change so that you can learn to let go..

Things go wrong so that you learn to appreciate them when they go right

You believe lies so that you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself...  and

sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together....

— The End —