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John Stevens Feb 2021
My Love

You are the love
And light of my life.
We have been through Joy
We've been through strife.

Your love carried me
when I was nearly gone
You encouraged me to Stand firm
To get up, walk forward, to go on.

It has been fifty six years
Since we met that day.
Your red coat, blond hair...
Oh so beautiful I must say....
                       Even today.

Days gone by are memories now
The building blocks of love today.
The tests of time has made us better
Our Foundation is strong in every way.

I am the luckiest guy in the world
To be the one married to you my Love.
May we continue and grow in love
With help and love from Above.

Love You Forever and Always

Thanks Babe.

(C) 02-14-2017
Updated 02-15-2021
John Stevens Jan 2021
Ten  years since you sat upon the rock
Sitting there taking stock
of things of this world
and things of the next.

A Poets heart since you were young
the written word delivered by tongue
lives on forever in the heart
of those who've read to never part.

You ran the race with no disgrace
Inspired others to take their place
In the words of true poets to be
Filling the hearts of all they see.

Thanks again Paddy Martin


Read Paddy Martin at:
Many do not know about Paddy. Read him. Enjoy.

He passed from this world ten years ago.
John Stevens Dec 2020
I sit outside the rest home, this Sunday afternoon.
I watch the face of people, going in and out so soon.
The visits here, come and gone. Time swiftly passes on.
The sadness shows on each face for the one which they belong.

The mother walks with her child, quietly through the door
To see a grandpa not coming home, for many days or more.
They sit and wait so patiently for their short time to be
For twenty minutes on the phone, their “papa” they will see.

So close are they but yet so far, no touching through the pane.
Fingers spread, hearts are breaking, their future down the drain.
The question on the little lips, will papa come home now?
Soon, we hope, my dear child, maybe next week, somehow.

The children come to visit him, with thoughts of shattered dreams.
The joys they had for many years, are gone, so it seems.
They put on a smile, push back fears, to keep alive some hope.
They wonder “why, what went wrong, how will we ever cope?”

The pain inflected, bad decisions, when the virus had taken hold.
Ruined lives of those around them, the broken promise told.
His family grieves the senselessness, of life’s potential lost.
Hope now seems a fleeting dream, the family pays the cost.

A broken life, a shattered dream, seems lost in the eyes of man.
When darkness falls, and hope is gone, when all has hit the fan.
God can mend the broken life, He turns darkness into light.
Hope comes to those, who ask through grace and all of mercy’s might.

We come to Him with hopes and fears not knowing where to start.
In life and death, Peace can come, carried in our heart.
Someday, somehow,  we come as one, together we shall be,
Where over all of life and Faith and Hope we’ll  see....

           Love Triumphs.

© 12-16-2020 John Stevens
John Stevens Jul 2020
I had a councilor in high school that told me I was NOT college material. Rather shocked me. I graduated third in the class. So I set out to prove her wrong. Ended up with a BS degree in physics. There were times I thought about quitting when things got tough but her words kept me going. I was going to prove her wrong. Now I’m an old man sub teaching mostly high school the last three years and love it. Kids tell me their problems and together we find a solution. They know they can trust me. That is the way my life with others went all through my career. People would knock on my office door and ask to talk. Sure. They would close the door and unload their concerns. Most of the time they went away feeling much better. My last boss was one of them. God works in mysterious ways.
John Stevens Jun 2020
Stan is  ninety two on  this date    
still waiting at Heaven’s gate
where his Love
went on before him.

Some day soon
he will join June
Where the light
will never dim.

Time has past since
he hugged her last
now, the pain
unreal at times.

He knows she lives
where God’s Love gives
us Peace and
love so sublime.

And now….

His mission fulfilled
In what God willed
the race will end
never more to roam.

He made the right choice
The Angels rejoice
God’s forever Love with June
Stan will be going home.

Never more to roam.

(C) 06-14-2020
John L Stevens
Soon to be 92
John Stevens Apr 2020
Every where I go these days
I see many many a crow.
Some are black some are white
Many colors they do grow.

They tackle many hard jobs each day
Holding together what would fall apart.
The crows get together in very tight groups
And accomplish much until ripped apart.

Then I found out in my observations
they all had the same first name.......

Lunacy prevales when all alone.
Wife read it.  Gave me a rather funny look. Shook her head.

John Stevens Apr 2020
© 1-24-2006 J.L. Stevens
Oh Mary do you see your Son
High upon the hill?
Your Son has come to this world
To do His Father’s will.
Behold the Lamb Oh Mary.
High upon the cross.
Behold the Lamb who shed His blood
To rescue you and me.

He finds me in my deepest need    
When darkness comes around me.
He gives me peace in my soul    
And sets my spirit free.
I am baptized with His Spirit
He meets my every need.
Behold the Lamb of God
High upon the throne.

Behold the Lamb of God
Who takes away my sin.
Behold the Lamb of God
Who cleansed my heart within.
My name is written there
In the Lamb’s Book of Life.
He is the great I Am.
The Savior of the world


Oh Mary you are with your Son
The Savior of the world.
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