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... Indian song ( boy of the high plains

And low hills )


I want to walk all my days by your side

•         •

I am

A simple loving girl

I would make

A humble gentle wife


We are above all else

SOUL Warriors

We are earth spirit

And sky


Everyone knows

Of the days soon to come



we are goin to the mountains

And we think you too should come


( & little Sally sunshine with her tamberine )



(  •  )

we are the stuff of myths !

( not this mundane human **** )


( yep -----
                                                     ----- thanks for telling me )


Crazy house blues !

Hey you !!

Ain't ya sick of it too !

( NO   ?      !!!!!! )

Crazy house blues !


I live in the mythological world

Real People !

All 3 of us !

( we are the last ones left )


I clImb mountains

Up and up

I never come down


born in the high hills

Borne by the fiercest winds

Loves all children with the pure passion

Of the DEVINE MOTHER that all women are


( > She my love < )


Brothers and sisters

Be reborn in our arms

And walk the earth again



Reading the poetry of the dumb *****

Trying to cram a boy

Into the steel trap vacancy

Of their meaningless lives

While I probe into the lines

Hoping to find a remnant

Of something human

//              //


the gentle power

( creation )

The saint in celestial wisdom

Gazes into the pulsations of grace and humility

That linger amid

The countless assassinations

That are the mark of the world's depravity

dumb **** life !

The loveless pretensions !

( no one is really here at all )


Just a bunch of kids

Getting ready to be *****


By others

And by themselves !


The stream that flows by the cabin door


The pure maiden !


Alive in the healing magic of her art !


The tenderest memories !


And we ALL are there


The young boys and girls !

The sacred words !

The wealth amid the poverty


We DO understand !


Along the broken dream streets

We stumble


Trying to escape madness into the

Hearts of each other

Most trying to find solace

In the exicitment of pain

And the herd mentality

Of terminal indifference


Child !

Be ready to choose

Even l am mortal

And will be here for only a little while more !



Don't get slimed by a dumb ****

And their promises of numbness

As a form of peace !

We are the warriors


The stream flows by the cabin door

See the pure maiden !

Find the love that is true

You are ALWAYS welcome there


Now that all fear is gone


The mountain up ahead

The gentle child in her arms


We are doing something else


We will war no more



I mean

If ya got nothin to say except what ya did with yer ***** and **** last night

Why don't ya just shut the **** up ?


Is it that hard to just shut the **** up till ya got something to say ?

Stop dying publically

LIVE !!!!!!


After all the fear is gone

Only love

Shall be here


she walk on egg shells lost in fear


Oh she

In her dying world

She writes to a lover who ain't never there !

He didn't want to die with her

She doesn't have the will to love

So she just pretends

And writes her poems for imaginary friends

In her dying world


Oh yes

On egg shells !

Playing games impossible to win


She opens her door but no one comes in

Cause she never opens her heart


Walkin in fear

Begging for love but won't let no body come near


Lost in her dying world

Lovely little girl she is


Palpable pure hatred

From the sewers and alleys

From all the human dwellings

Child of the millennium

Within the greed a festering

The inhuman faces

Of the strangers that we see


The nation has fallen

The end of all civility

Cartoonish leaders

Blood from their mouths dripping

Onto the bloated bellies

Of the sterile ladies


An  there ain't no

To be seen


Only wailing children

Amid the flames


then who will be here ?


See the gentle eyes


She sits in the park

Watching over

The afternoon's children

As they seek
some semblance

Of the angel mother

That they want to believe

Is here



Amid the shadows

Amid the movement of strangers

Amid the police

And all the rest

She watches over them

And with her gentle eyes

Calls upon you

To join her in her lonely task

Of renewing the spirit of man


If not you

Then who shall be here ?

Amid the darkness

As the light

That we have been given

To shine

And show  the way

To the kingdom ?


We are here and it is good


sweet child sing

Be the only power in the world

You are the mighty force

Of absolute righteousness


Some speak of despair

Of lovelessness and desperation

You speak of truth

The truth you live and understand


We are here and it is good

We aren't going anywhere

Sweet child sing

I will stand right by your side


Amid the gangster thugs
Who rule the world

Lost in idealistic ideology

We look for love amid our
Fellow slaves

All so very indifferently


Just for a moment of escape  


Just for a sense of transient peace

We die in midst each other's arms

Amid the gangster thugs who rule the world

The elections and the football games

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