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693 · Jul 2010
there is serenity
john oconnell Jul 2010
There is serenity
in the realms of heart and mind
as soft-coloured music
flows harmoniously
through the waters
of my iridescent
693 · Aug 2010
Late at night
john oconnell Aug 2010
Late at night
in a white, silent
and sleeping village

The Elizabethan
seduces a heart
692 · Aug 2010
In the supine despair
john oconnell Aug 2010
In the supine despair
that infiltrates every corner
of the spirit's, sometimes,
suffocating privacies

we yearn
to grasp and breath
hope and the simplest of joys.
682 · Jul 2010
Outside my window
john oconnell Jul 2010
Outside my window
the blur of a November fog
hastens up eternal ghosts, Hades-like,
from gardens bleeding with pungent odours.

There are
the remembrances of mistakes and faults,
unexcitably, gone to dismal wastes
and waters of stale and frothy ****.
676 · Aug 2010
A shot of music.
john oconnell Aug 2010
A shot of music.

A human voice -
a voice of Slavic magic
storms into
the dried out
of my parched soul.
674 · Jul 2010
You are like a well
john oconnell Jul 2010
You are like a well
of fresh water
in a desert
of desolation.

You are like a warm flame
in the cold night
of dark nihilism.

You are as a compass
in a directionless universe.

You are as a revealing flare
in a sea of distress.

You are as sense
in a maze of absurdity.

You are like a purpose
behind apparent chaos.

You are like an answer
to a long list of supplications.

You are like a surefooted guide
through the muddles realms
of space and time.

You are as a cool dawn breeze
after a night full of fever.

You are as a shining star
in the essence of our beings.

You are like the finest cut diamond
that sparkles in our souls.

You are like the best of wines
that brings solace to our hearts.

You are like a lover
who gives his all
in anticipation
of nothing.
john oconnell Sep 2010
3 brown, tall, large and stately bottles
of Trappist monks' beer,
each with their own individual and historical label,
stand quietly, sentry-like on a shelf.

Craftmanship in
3 colours and 3 tastes,
7, 8 and 10 percent strong:
from dark robin-red - fresh, soft and a little sweet;
to dark blond - fruity and sweet and sour;
and finally amber - fullbodied and sweet and sour.

Religious beer
the festive season
of Our Saviour's birth.

3 times a heavenly treat, indeed!
653 · Jul 2010
My many faces in a mirror -
john oconnell Jul 2010
My many
faces in a mirror - multiplying
faces of one being,
dully and mistily ever changing,
till the death.

My voices of many pasts and buried pangs
looming into the uncertainty
of the fleeting moment's anxiety
for arrest and release.

My memories -
generations flowing into generations,
like clouds of permanent change,
wind across the circles
of earth's heavens

and there are waters rising
dangerously higher
with the engulfing of  unforgiven faults
and tragedies not sufficiently drowned
in tears of blood and anguish

and there is the baptism
in the bath of self-confession
leading to glimpses of patches azure
in a sky of cold and brittle
shining glass.

The mirror shatters into its atoms
and while they escape
I remain
none the wiser
just being those faces,
those voices,
those memories,
those waters,
that baptism

both recognizable
and totally alien.
645 · Aug 2010
This heart
john oconnell Aug 2010
This heart
weighs heavy
on the shoulders
of my existence

as a Welsh choir
bleeds forth
another lament
for and about
645 · Jul 2010
In the dark silences
john oconnell Jul 2010
In the dark silences
of my downtrodden thoughts
there is sometimes
a fiery consummation,
conception and fermentation
of breaking new ground -

frontiers once again opened
and filled with cadences
and rhythms of liberation.

A blessed release
from interminable durations
of the void's hammering on
and in the brain.
629 · Jul 2010
Heaving in my heart
john oconnell Jul 2010
Heaving in my heart
plucked guitar note
send a hopeful tune out
to the limitless bounds
of space and the eternal.
628 · Aug 2010
Haunting music
john oconnell Aug 2010
Haunting music
fills this soul
to the brim,
in it's quest
for meaning
and dignity
in the wherewithal
of this meagre and aimless
622 · Aug 2010
The eternal poet.
john oconnell Aug 2010
you walk through dry pastures
admired by the ghosts of dead civilizations;
resting in a sand-dusted corner
you savour the wine
as it wets men's throats
without twitching a nerve.

You make a fool of the camel
who insists on appearing satirical;
being so strong as to let
pockets of stabbing light
pierce your pools of welcome shade.

you are never totally surprised
and with a shrug of the shoulders
say: 'Let us get on with the job!'
616 · Oct 2010
Django on your radio
john oconnell Oct 2010
The cue - the cue - the cue
for a joyful entry
Django on your radio
lures him dancing through the door
and your face plays and portrays brilliant colours
with the laughter of a spirit
being momentarily freed
from the sadness of it's earthly shackles.
610 · Aug 2010
Without You
john oconnell Aug 2010
Without You
I would have no anchor
and would be left drifting,
aimlessly, in the endlessness
of a sea without shores.
609 · Jul 2010
john oconnell Jul 2010
and surrounded
by light and more and more light
there are no insights, comforts
or illuminations;
only tears raining down
on the dusty desert
of my thirsting soul.
607 · Aug 2010
john oconnell Aug 2010
Your door
was always
open -

this time,
I entered
from the weatherbeaten
of my non-being

never to leave
john oconnell Sep 2010
Injured to mutter in mad ways
(a town's sneer won't let him scream)
his eyes settle for blind sights drawn
from painless but poisonous prods -

their targets a scrapbook of wheat and chaff
in this womb where no one watches
the self-embraced death of desire
that blocks hidden tears from surging
to a valley tomb.
604 · Aug 2010
A musical excerpt.
john oconnell Aug 2010
Violin strings
being fully stretched

as the world sleeps
through it's woes -

a dolorous tune
for mankind

by but the few.
601 · Aug 2010
Sun and seed
john oconnell Aug 2010
Sun and seed
warmly embracing;

the caterpillar
winding it's way
to incendiary flight.

between the struggle
to be born,
the will to live
and a crestfallen
and ignominous
600 · Aug 2010
A piece
john oconnell Aug 2010
A piece -

too terribly beautiful,

too extremely poignant

and too utterly perfect

in expressing

the emotions

of a frail

and pathetically

limited heart.
599 · Aug 2010
john oconnell Aug 2010
The savage will's sinking fangs
bite deep down into the bubbling head
of the madly laughing larynx
where the screaming- in-silence turbulences
are launched through melting marble eyes
into the distant heights of blue celestial skies
where they become bloated
and explode into nothingness,
beautifully lost in their pre-existence.
596 · Jul 2010
Soft rains
john oconnell Jul 2010
Soft rains
onto the quiet
as seas lap
the winter-weary
and souls.

and shooting
their green-rich
an inebriated
and outwards
in the delicate
of crowning
the bare bones
of skeletal

Wet grasses
changing hue
on desolate pastures
of brown
rot and decay.

Wood and soil,
flesh and blood
animated with an
going wild
with newborn
john oconnell Aug 2010
Days , weeks?,
gone by -

beards appear
like weeds
in a garden;

the wash undone,
no clean clothes;

***** dishes
a small kitchen

plants not watered;

post unanswered;

knocks on the door

The poison
must first run
it's course!
591 · Jul 2010
The moon
john oconnell Jul 2010
The moon
is full
and bright
as the stars
through gaps
in the clouds.

All traffic
to and from Schiphol
at a rest
as Handel
his joyous
entry -

and I dance!
and I dance!
and I dance
and dance!
589 · Aug 2010
Winding up by the sea.
john oconnell Aug 2010
Winding up by the sea

Even the grown-ups appear content
as the first paces of evening
bring a freshening breeze with them.

Time for packing,
beachballs to deflate,
togs to wring out

and uncomfortable grains of sand
to wash away from the nigglies of one's toes
by the cold-water tap
at the local strong smelling
585 · Jul 2010
Writing in memory
john oconnell Jul 2010
Writing in memory
and distance
of those rampant
fiddles and flutes;
of those swaying dances
over drunken floors
and sailing seas;

the jigs in heaven,
rock and roll,
ups and downs
between a nod and a wink -

the forever being,
cynically, hopeful
in the flux of things
that knock us flat
or cheer us on.
john oconnell Jun 2010
As an actor on the stage of life,
in the daily flux of time,
continually crossing frontiers
I move from one space to another
endeavouring to fill each one
with some semblance of normality.
580 · Aug 2010
john oconnell Aug 2010
in a field
by a forest
light streams down
and the sound of winged voices
drowns the senses in sheer simple drunkeness.

I feel as if I have just begun;
just been born and am 4000 years old.
578 · Aug 2010
A silence.
john oconnell Aug 2010
In this silence
there is not the hush of a breeze,
not the purr of a cat,
not the hum of summer bees
and not the wiping of feet on a familiar mat.

In this silence
there is the absence of fear,
the quenching of thirst
and the quiet eating of hungry bread.

In this silence
there is the wise old look that says so much.

This silence is and is not
the lapping of gentle waters on the shores of a lonely lake;
is and is not the cries of gulls
hovering above the cliffs of etenal seas.
570 · Aug 2010
Let some solace
john oconnell Aug 2010
some solace
from the fire
and brimstone
in my soul.

a soft and gentle
the black clouds
my mind
and gloom.

the rivers
the banks
of  my heart
and flow
to a tranquil
john oconnell Aug 2010
The best 4 lines that I ever read:

The stone is a perfect creature,
equal to itself,
mindful of it's limits
and filled exactly with a pebbly meaning.

(Zbigniew Herbert).
570 · Jul 2010
A great day,
john oconnell Jul 2010
A great day,
by Mars bars;
out on a lake,
in a small boat,
fishing for all
we were worth.

retiring to a pub
we spoke about
the big-one
who got away -

the big-one
gets away!
565 · Aug 2010
There is an easy way
john oconnell Aug 2010
There is an easy way
and a difficult path;
but most of the time
life is not gentle.

We nearly all end up
politely wiping our feet
on a tear-soaked mat
before the door of death.
560 · Jul 2010
Like an object
john oconnell Jul 2010
Like an object
lying on the strand
I am tired and immobile
in the dying light
of the day.

Let the tide
sweep in
and carry me off
to the depths
of glistening pearls
and divers' dreams.
552 · Aug 2010
While celebrating
john oconnell Aug 2010
While celebrating
the late hours
in a silent, white
and sleeping village -

an Elizabethan Serenade
enchants a heart
playing solitaire.
551 · Aug 2010
Yet again the stars are out
john oconnell Aug 2010
Yet again
the stars
are out
in all their

as ever,
a silent
of constant

You knock
on the door
of my heart.

Please enter,
that I
to the world
with candlelike

something of
the joys
of Your
in, through
and  around
549 · Aug 2010
Mr. Williams
john oconnell Aug 2010
Mr. Williams
and his guitar
bring aesthetics
to a new level
in the paradise of my room -

my entire being
totally ravaged
for 3 odd minutes.
548 · Aug 2010
I trust that
john oconnell Aug 2010
I trust that
all Your
comings and goings
are for my own
and others' benefit
as You deem necessary
in Your divine
539 · Aug 2010
During a symphony
john oconnell Aug 2010
a symphony
a fusion
of Your cross,
Munch's Scream
and my Mona Lisa's
innumerable faces
a sense of completion.
532 · Jul 2010
The intangible touches me
john oconnell Jul 2010
The intangible touches me,
now and then.

It is always gone again
I can reach out
and embrace it.
530 · Aug 2010
Where to go from here
john oconnell Aug 2010
Where to go from here
on this most intimate journey
towards eternity?

I do not know
but my faith remains firm
in trusting Your most precious wisdom!
529 · Aug 2010
I must be mad -
john oconnell Aug 2010
I must be mad -
up the whole night,
a favoured night,
writing and writing;

while the village
that the lunatic
is probably
at it again.
511 · Jul 2010
I feel
john oconnell Jul 2010
I feel
that it is not my pen
but Your's
that strikes these chords.

I feel
that Your's is the abetting
and the glory
of sanity on virginal paper.
506 · Jul 2010
The spirit
john oconnell Jul 2010
The spirit
of Erasmus
of Rotterdam
still does
and always
in me.
501 · Aug 2010
A plea.
john oconnell Aug 2010
Please put a brake
on my writer's greed
and let me patiently await
Your promptings when and where
You, in all Your sagacity,
choose fit.
499 · Aug 2010
john oconnell Aug 2010
and chipping away
at the edges -

496 · Aug 2010
In youth
john oconnell Aug 2010
In youth
my impatience was pure
and my ignorance supreme.

All advice was treated as criticism
or as a declaration of war
on the sanctuary of my little toe.
488 · Jul 2010
Night's journeyings
john oconnell Jul 2010
Night's journeyings
through the unfathomed
of the mind's basements
to the immeasureable mysteries
of more than this, our temporal
486 · Aug 2010
john oconnell Aug 2010
Here's a body speaking
some clues to answers sprung
from a tired and exhausted mind.

Just watch the rippling apple in the throat
contort the face and tear the lips apart.

Picture to yourself
in a single moment's breath
the pounding voice in the head
sledgehammering them shut again
till they take the appearance
of a fist gripping itself
in the teeth of it's piercing pain.
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