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John michalski Dec 2015
When I look in to the mirror
all that I see,
Is every inch of me that is ugly.
How can I go through pretending to love all of you?
I am a prisoner inside,
A prisoner to your heart that I find hard to love anymore.
How you bathed me in the sweetest of your lies,
That reiled me in to your cold hands that took advantage.
You smothered me like a fish without water,
I found it hard to breathe.
Endless arguments that twisted my emotions through restless nights,
And how each day followed the same pattern of those nights.
How do you expect to untangle the knots that are left in between us?
If you even care at all
you can let me fall,
Out of the highest tree.
With the rope you hold you can hang me,
Just leave my feet dangling.
Bury me in the nearest trench,
With my face down and my *** up,
For everyone to kiss.
For I will not miss a thing.
John michalski Dec 2015
The attraction between us
was so great,
That it scared us.
Yet there were times we felt so
comfortable together,
That we pulled away.
We never made the time to fit together,
Perfectly as a puzzle.
She never slowed down long enough,
For us to truly fall in love.
The deeper and deeper I got into
each and every piece of you,
I've never understood
why you cut every corner around me.
Why you never filled in the empty spaces between us.
And why we never took the time to fit together,
Perfectly as a puzzle.
John michalski Dec 2015
I fell in love in a small cafe,
Down on main street.
I remember like it was just yesterday.
It was snowing outside,
A real heavy snow.
People would come and go,
Talking about anounomous things.
Drinking there coffee,
With a little cream and some extra sugar.
The love that has been brought and shared within this place,
Made it beautiful.
For the woman who caught my eye,
Was the woman that I didn't recognize.
Her eyes had a shine to them,
That lit up the whole room.
A comforting feeling,
That made me feel right at home.
A child again,
Staring at a tree that glistened with Christmas lights,
On a Sunday morning.
Indeed she stole my heart with just one look,
That said it all.
She danced in empty halls,
That lead to my soul.
Raining golden drops of beauty,
In her image.
John michalski Dec 2015
I will run this race fast- slow but steady.
I will win this race effortlessly,
For I know in my heart I will win.
No matter if I lose. --Jm
John michalski Dec 2015
She touched me gently,
To compensate this sadness I am in.
For I am only a man wanting the company of a woman.
To show me some sort of affection.
For I have been only lonely from the inside out far too long.
She showed me how to feel again.
How to laugh,
And enjoy every little moment.
Something I haven't been able to do in awhile.
I smiled,
As she kissed her way to my heart.
Silk linen wrapped around her beautiful porcelain ankles.
Our fingers entwined,
Her body on mine,
Paralysed by simple pleasure.
Her lips pressed against my lips.
Her skin on my skin.
Her leg my leg.
My heart rushing from a sweet sensation.
She gave me her love,
And I gave her what was left of me.
As she kissed her way to my heart.
If you like my work,
I will be having a book out soon.
(More than words-poetry)
Please feel free to like and follow me.
John michalski Nov 2015
I wish I could put into words how I feel.
The tears have dried up.
The anger is set aside.
I lay and look at your side of the bed,
Empty and untouched.
Thinking of the last words you said.
I wonder sometimes,
If I ever cross your mind.
If you might regret somethings,
Or if it made you smile.
But I hope in your life and the miles you come by,
You find the one you've been looking for.
That endless stretch of road,
That pure love that will wrap its arms around you and never let you go.
For your love was my stepping stone.
Lifting me high,
High as the clouds in the sky.
Where I could almost see heaven,
But I couldn't feel your heart beat for  me like it use too.
I still can't find the words to explain how much I love you.
For my love towards you,
Is more than words could ever describe.
She told you she was afraid of flying
So you grasped her hand tightly as you both jumped and wings sprouted from your backs

She told you she was afraid of commitment
So you sat back and waited patiently while showing her warmth and love

She told you she was afraid of falling
So you held her close while off the ledge you both fell. Making sure it would be you who first hit the ground
One day
#jump #fly #ground
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