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John michalski Nov 2015
Today is ours,
Each golden flower.
We shall find beauty along the way.
So far away each and everyday,
My love let us grow into something better.
Something descriptive,
Let our thoughts run vivid.
An image of our future in black and white.
Victorious king
Notorious queen,
We shall sail the seven seas as one.
Let us thrive on hope happiness and wisdom,
So we can both stay strong.
Each and everyday,
May our love guide us home.
John michalski Nov 2015
I'm chasing the stars away tonight with my eyes.
Tears like clouds of darkness.
Hovering ready to rain from the moonlit skies.
I wish you were with me tonight to hold,
Instead of being so far away.
Heat lightening streaks across the sky proud and bold.
Birds flying against the midnight sun waiting like me,
For the break of day.
The wind blows enough to send a chill through me.
I wrap myself around your warm memory.
Soft music plays from somewhere far away.
You fill my mind,
As my body begins to sway.
I will hold you in my dreams tonight,
And I will love you a million times over.
Those dreams will never end,
Even with the morning light.
Because until we are together those dreams will go on forever.
Goodnight my love.
Love me in your world.
John michalski Nov 2015
I never got the chance to hold her.
I never got the chance to tell her I loved her.
I was going to give up my whole world,
To be in yours.
I wanted to be your man,
I just wanted a chance.
I'll never know your sweet kisses,
Softly swaying from a slow dance.
Laying in your arms all night I lost you,
Before I ever had you.
I only have sweet words to remember you by.
Where I can sit on long cold lonely nights,
And replay them,
And cry.
Our paths may cross again.
And when they do,
I'll be ready to let you in.
Into my heart,
Where I'll never know what it feels like to live apart again.
John michalski Nov 2015
The corn craves the rain.
The storm clouds in the distance rolling away.
Sitting here watching the sunset,
Feeling the pain.
All my tears have dried and went down with the day.
Birds singing,
Calling for a mate.
Someone to snuggle up to at night.
Ivy trails across a rusted gate.
Colors fading from the days light.
Life seems so numb since you've been gone.
Days go by in slow motion,
But life seems to keep going on.
Seasons come and go,
Just as you did.
Standing at the window where we first kissed.
Watching the snow fall slow onto the cold hard ground.
Wondering if somewhere maybe your thinking of me.
Until then,
I thank you for your memory.
John michalski Aug 2015
I love you my friend.
You are quite dear to me.
A true friend you are,
And always will be.
But your leaving me soon,
And going your own way.
Perhaps we will meet in the future someday.
You've left me with memories of good times we've had,
To treasure forever,
And make me feel glad.
I wish you good luck in all that you do.
May all of life's pleasures come your way too.
Farewell now my friend.
And please may you find,
Some thoughts of me,
Always in your mind.
John michalski Aug 2015
I yearn for a women's touch that I can not have.
The need in me is so solid,
So strong.
I want to hold in my arms what feels so right.
But down deep within me I know its wrong.
I cry out her name,
When the moon is high.
If she'd only come to me and give my heart a try.
I want to enfold you inside myself.
Feel you touching the fever in me.
Hold my heart in your arms,
For someday we'll be together.
We'll be more than secret lovers.
The sunrise rotates the misty blues of the morning.
I hunger for the touch of someone dear to me.
The fever in me is getting stronger with each sunrise.
I reach out during the night to only find emptiness.
Her smile is branded in my memory.
Her eyes will live on in my heart.
I knew it was you.
Your the one I wanted,
The one I needed,
Right from the start.
Don't walk away from me again,
I want to be more than just friends.
What will it take to make you mine?
Walk in and love me.
Let the fire explode between us.
Melt this hurting with your touch.
Wash away these tears,
Because I have cried to much.
I smell your scent around me,
I know your close by.
Look through my soul with your eyes.
Feel the tremble beneath the covers.
Tonight we'll mold into one.
Someday I promise,
We'll be more than secret lovers.
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