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John michalski Aug 2015
The night is so still it freezes your mind to stop.
Running with time,
Not lagging  behind,
Almost on top.
The past is catching up.
Old scars revealed.
What you thought were hidden is now unsealed.
Time has come and gone.
The leaves have changed twice in color.
And your heartache is still coming on.
I read into used words once spoken so true.
Now there is only broken images,
And my words I'll always love you.
I caress an old dream,
Which still haunts the soul.
I play with old passions,
That were once so real.
You are my blood.
And under my skin,
You won't drift out.
You linger within.
Pain enfolds insanity.
Where can I go?  
Where can I hide?
To finally be free.
There's only a space filled with emptiness,
I can only see darkness now.
I look into a mirror,
A vision I don't recognize anymore.
My life has know meaning as it did before.
Should I take my own life,
Or live on the brink of madness?
This hell has captured me,
Must let me go,
Once and for all.
The  night is so still.
It freezes your mind to a stop.
Your running with time,
Not lagging behind,
Almost on top.
And your heartache,
Has been set free.
Wherever you are,
Don't ever forget,
I'll always love you somewhere in me.
John michalski Aug 2015
She was my angel for a short time.
Guiding me with her eyes.
Caressing my temptations,
With her smile.
She changed my life,
Even though it was only for awhile.
She gave me the strength to reach for the clouds.
Even though my true goal,
Was her heart.
I will always hold her in my dreams.
Looking over my shoulder hoping to see her there.
She is out there,
Thinking of me.
I can feel her inside me.
A chill crosses over my arms,
Like she just touched me.
My heart will not let her go,
She haunts the very corners of my mind.
But it's something I know longer can find.
She is out of my reach.
She is gone.
John michalski Aug 2015
She sits in a wooden rocker.
She lights a candle,
It flickers for you.
She knows one day he'll be coming home.
And the star she wishes upon, will show you the way.
And she'll  be waiting,
To wrap her loving arms around you.
The rocker creeks softly,
As the darkness  falls over blue.
Shadows dance on the walls.
A lonely man's silhouette,
As midnight falls.
Tears stream from her eyes,
As she rereads his letter.
She holds the letter to her breast as she cries.
Loving someone over the miles,
Is so ******* two people.
Trusting in eachothers love.
As they both live in there own prisons.
She looks out her window,
To the heavens above.
John michalski Aug 2015
I smile more often than usual when your around.  
Comatosed by the feeling that you give,
A sweet sensation.
The strength to nurture my soul with just one look.
But the feeling,
That dreadful feeling,  
Can pour right out of me like a glass of wine.
Watching butterflies fly,
Between two bushes in love like you and I.
Im possessed by your love.
Unfinished poem.
John michalski Aug 2015
4am:  cigarettes and coffee
Never tasted so good.
John michalski Aug 2015
Indian trails.
Our paths will meet again.
Our love is eternal,
Our paths will never end.
Where tears followed  us to heaven.
A kiss with a promise.
That in our next life,
We'll  find each other again.
Through each life we seek.
When our eyes again will meet.
Our hearts will know.
Our lives as we have known it before.
Will then begin.
Years become years.
And when I looked at you,
It was like da ja vu.
I didn't really know you.
But I  dreamed of you every night.
Somehow I knew you.
The stepping stones I have taken,
Has brought me to you.
All the tears I have shed,
And its been more than a few.
Has left a trail to you.
I need to get you to look at me.
To look into my eyes.
Where these feelings,
For what reasons are unknown.
In the darkness rain poured down upon us.
Lightening struck close by,
As you moved silently out of the shadows like a wolf and moved closer to me.
I wanted to run to you but I was scared,
That you weren't feeling the same way I do.
But I didn't know that all the while,
You knew.
But then I seen that light from your eyes shine with love.
Then I knew,
When you gave me that smile.
John michalski Aug 2015
It's like a big part of me fell away and its somewhere lost.
I search,
But it's to far out of my reach.
The emptiness,
It feels so hollow,
So shallow.
I wonder  around,
Not knowing where Im going.
So alone...
I try to find someone to cure this ache in me.
This need is getting greater with each passing day.
When I looked into her eyes,
I seen her soul.
She touched my heart through those eyes.
But how can her soul hear my silent cries.
I feel Im being torn between fantasy  and reality.
How can I bring the two together,
When there both so lost in my mind.
My spirit has been broken into..
One part drifting,
Searching for those eyes.
The other weighed  down,
Bounded by another.
But when our eyes meet again,
And our souls touch,
She will then be mine.
She will be my lover.
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