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John F McCullagh Dec 2016
The only computer on board was Glenn’s brain,
as he orbited up  in the heavens.
The heat shield was damaged and hung loose on the frame.
His odds of survival were even.
With faith placed in God; no time even to think
Glenn began the flaming descent.
Icarus or Daedalus; which would he be?
Was Glenn’s luck still good or all spent?

In the waters below the Navy stood watch,
anxiously scanning the skies.
His wife had been told she should expect the worst;
The Mission head thought Glenn might die.
There! A red parachute dotted the sky!
The destroyer “Noe” sped to the scene.
Not since Lucky Lindy had America had
Such a hero who dared us to dream
A legitimate American hero has passed from the scene
John F McCullagh Dec 2016
That night was cold and dry as we gathered in the park.
Someone, I don’t know who, lit the first candle in the dark.
The dark mass of the Dakota was ever in our view,
as we joined to mourn John Lennon in small groups of ones and twos.

They kept us from the crime scene where John’s blood still stained the stones.
He was gunned down by some lunatic who’d acted all alone.
John was groaning, barely conscious, when Cops got him in their car
He died there in the back seat before they’d gone too far.

I heard somebody singing, in a strong clear baritone,
the lyrics of “Imagine”; John’s song that’s so well known.
Other voices swelled the chorus, singing loud and long.
What prayer could not accomplish we would try to do with song.

I went back to visit recently to show my children where
Their Dad stood vigil in the park back when he had long hair.
Strawberry Fields forever, the name they call this green,
where greying fans still gather to sing, to mourn, to dream.
Strawberry Fields forever
John F McCullagh Dec 2016
George Johannesen isn’t dead
though the State claims he’s expired.
His driver’s License they cancelled
though he still had four good tires.
George, at first, thought to complain
about this twist of fate.
Then he came to realize that
Death is a tax free state.
Five hundred thousand dollars
Were paid out to his “next of kin”
Paid to one with the same name
Who looked a lot like him.
He accepted philosophically
the wage of sin is death.
If the alternative is taxes,
he assumed its for the best.
George enjoys the “afterlife”
on the Island of Majorca.
Where he chases younger women
And he doesn’t need a walker.
Only George, of all his friends,
has managed to retire.
He enjoys his afterlife
While the state thinks he’s expired.
George Johannessen, A citizen of Canada, was declared dead in October,2012.  It was News to him.
John F McCullagh Dec 2016
The cows of California produce methane from green grass.
They are causing global warming every time that they pass gas!
The assembly has determined that this simply cannot stand.
(The cow pie situation is completely out of hand.)
A researcher from down under has devised a clever method
To reduce methane production which is utterly impressive!
It seems that when Australian cows munch seaweed for their fodder.
Their farts smell so much sweeter and the Earth will not get hotter.
I hope this satisfies the “Greens”, but I fear it’s just a start;
Next they’ll demand that **** plugs be installed in us old farts!
-Bovine emission standards have come to California, the land of fruits and nuts.
John F McCullagh Dec 2016
Rudolph was differently -abled
As nearly everybody knows.
He suffered discrimination
because he had a nose that glows.

All of the alt-right Reindeer
Were bigoted and called him names.
They never let poor Rudolph
Participate in Reindeer games

Then one foggy holiday Eve
O.S.H.A came to say
“This hostile workplace violates rules
There will be hefty fines to pay!”

Now all of  the Reindeer hate him
but learned to hide it carefully.
They just spent two weeks in training
For Reindeer sensitivity.
The familiar tune updated for modern sensibilities-O.S.H.A.  pronounced O-Sha  is the government agency that regulates safety in the workplace.  I have always hated the original Christmas Carol because of the  hateful behavior of the other reindeer and their hypocrisy  in the final verse
John F McCullagh Nov 2016
The men of Massachusetts were falling back in disarray
They had held their line for hours on this hot and humid day.
Nathan Allen bore the tricolor when they were ordered to withdraw
But he turned and charged the rebel line because of what he saw.
The regimental banner had fallen to the clay
The rebels too had eyed the prize and they were on their way.
The bullets sang their song of death as from his friend’s dead hands
He bore the colors back to where his unit made their stand.
The honor of the regiment was wrapped up in their banner
To Nathaniel Allan, more than his life, that mattered.
He was cited for his courage; all had seen what he had done.
Upon his grave they placed a star, the honor that he won.
Nathaniel M. Allan was awarded the Congressional medal of honor for his courage in action at Gettysburg on 07/02/1863. He single handedly rescued the regimental flag and bore it and the Stars and stripes from the field preventing their capture by the forces of the army of Northern Virginia. It was a time when Americans did not regard their nation's flag as kindling.
John F McCullagh Nov 2016
So sad, to see these empty chairs, where, just the day before,
Our brave young aviators sat looking like the gods of war.
They won a famous victory, our wing commander said,
But when a flyer dies in combat we never see them dead.

The planes they flew were obsolete; they never had a chance
The Zero is more maneuverable, so deadly and so fast.
Let no man doubt their courage as they pressed on their attack
in the sure and certain knowledge that they weren’t coming back.

We render one last service as we pack up our friend’s gear;
the pitiful remainders of their lives of twenty years.
Their absence? a reminder of the costs of victory.
Our friends?- forever on patrol, somewhere out at sea.
(You are in the ready room of the carrier USN Hornet, the day after the battle of Midway. The American pilots flying the slow torpedo planes were wiped out to a man. The Japanese Navy lost four Carriers and a heavy cruiser. The American’s lost the carrier Yorktown. It was the turning point of the war in the Pacific)
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