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446 · Nov 2015
in life
in life you will realize the is a roll to everyone you meet,some will test you,some will use you,some you ill love you and,some will teach you.but the one that is truly important   are the one who brings out the best in you,they are the rare and amazing people who remind you why its with it..................

the best part having a relationship is getting to call the person or lay down next to them.and tell them all the crazy thinks that happened to you all day long.and in the end that's what it's about kids.its not about ***,its not about money that they give you or whatever,its not about how beautiful they look,its about can they listening to you talk an hours,and hours about stupit shirt that doesn,t matter
446 · Jul 2015
dear ladies
Common Mistakes Women make when discovering an affair
When you have just discovered that your man is cheating on you...please do NOT do the following:-
Demanding to know about the other woman: The truth may hurt you. Can you handle the truth?
Insulting the other woman: You are giving her power, she doesnt deserve. Especially if you insult her to your husband e.g. how is your **** doing?
Forcing him to choose, thinking he will choose you: There is no competition here-you will lose this one! She is new and they are in the honeymoon phase, you on the other hand are an old habit.
Calling him excessively to check on him like a prisoner: He may start to avoid your calls even if he is not doing anything bad just to protect his freedom.
Beating the other woman up: You are creating sympathy for her. Now she looks like your victim to him. With this one you are still giving her power.
Threatening to leave just to scare him: You are giving h im ideas. You make the grass seem greener on the other side.
Crying: He wont feel sympathy for you-he will feel burdened by the tears.
Snooping: Dont hurt yourself unnecessarily. You will find what you are looking for. Dont break into his e-mails. Dont scroll his cellphone and dont go through his messages.
Being in denial even though the signs are there: Do something about your knowledge or you will make yourself sick. Some diseases are stress-related. Deal with your issues; dont bottle them up.
Telling his mother: For crying out loud! This is his mother!
Committing suicide: Seriously, once youre gone, youre gone!
Put the phone down.
It is wise to leave his phone alone.when you are hurting, deal with your disappointment instead of going through his phone only to find more truths that will hurt you.
444 · Sep 2015
a phone
There is something very exciting about a man being able to mentally stimulate a woman. The kind of man that doesn't live behind his phone but actually picks it up to call the woman he is interested in so he can hold a beautiful conversation with her. Anyone can talk a good game through text messages because text messages are safe. It allows you time to think and respond perfectly instead of naturally responding from impulse. But when it comes to being on the phone with a woman, when you can listen and respond to her and establish a certain flow with her, it helps build a greater rapport. Her being able to hear your voice, allows her to be able to put a voice to the man she can grow more interested in. You can speak into her spirit and leave her with little jewels that will have her looking forward to the next phone conversation. She starts to think about your voice all day, and begins to wonder what you two will talk about next. I guess what I'm trying to say is, the good ones still enjoy a good phone conversation. And it's better for her to anticipate hearing your voice than for her to anticipate reading your text.
433 · Nov 2015
in love
im in love with your smile
im in love with your voiceim in love with your body
im in love with your laugh
im in love with youreyes
im in love with you
433 · Jul 2015
12 reasons you are in love
You walk really slow when
you're with them.
You feel shy whenever they're
You smile when you hear their
When you look at them,,you
can't see the other people
around you,,you just see him/
They're all you think about.
You realize you're always smiling
when you're looking at them.
You would do anything just to
see them.
While reading this,,there was
one person on your mind this
whole time.
You just smiled because it's true.
You were so busy thinking
about that person,,you didn't
notice number eight was
You just scrolled up to check &
now silently laughing at yourself.
423 · Sep 2015
breaks up rules
it doesn’t matter if the relationship lasted for a few days or went on for years, whether you got dumped or you’re the one who broke up, the thing is when you lose someone you were attached to at some level, it’s going to hurt, bad. Studies have shown that an emotional pain, specifically a heart-break, stimulates similar parts of your brain as physical pain. So, what do you do when you get physically hurt? Ignore it, suppress it or avoid looking at it? The fact of the matter is, it’s there and no matter how much you try to ignore it, it won’t stop hurting. Just like a visible wound takes time and effort to heal, so does emotional pain. You need to pick yourself up, help yourself recover from it, be amenable. Here is some advice which will help speed up the process.
1. Take your time and mourn
There is no such thing as ‘just get over it’, as much as we would all like it to exist, it doesn’t. You can’t just ask yourself to stop feeling something and your brain would oblige and the switch would go off. However, you can try and put a lid on it, but you will eventually break down and it will be harder regaining your strength from that. So don’t blame yourself for feeling sad, angry, hurt; whatever it is that you’re feeling, you are a human being not a robot, cry your heart out if you want to, just feel it! We all have different coping mechanisms, we recover at our own pace, so don’t compare your progress to someone else’s, don’t think you’re a weak person just because you’re taking longer than what you think is the ideal time to grieve, take as much time as you need, as long as you’re improving.
as hard as it might be,
you need to accept that it’s over and there is no going back. If you are the one who broke up, don’t try to rethink your decision, this happens when you start thinking about all the good times you had with your partner making all the reasons you broke up seem insignificant; or if you got dumped, don’t try scheming all the ways to get them back, you’ll lose your self-respect, try getting yourself back instead. Think of all the reasons you two didn’t work out, don’t obsess over it, make peace with it and make efforts to move in the forward direction instead of going backwards.
Let yourself be angry
Anger is the second most dominant feeling after a break up, the first is sadness of course. You might be angry at yourself for giving them so many chances, wasting your time, making mistakes etc or angry at them for hurting you, taking you for granted etc. Whatever the reason is, anger is an inevitable emotion after a split. What you need to do is, channel this anger in the right direction. Go running, get a punching bag or just scream and let it out. Getting over anger is very important, don’t be too aggressive and harm yourself or someone around you, give it a safe passage, just release it.
Vent out to someone close
Surround yourself with positive people, people who make you happy, who add value to your life. Happiness can be contagious. Also, talking about your feelings is important, so speak your heart out to someone you can trust, who is compassionate, who will understand your state and tell them everything you feel. Let them help you, don’t shut them out. People who mean well for you, will make every effort to make you feel better, don’t turn them down. Talk to them, spend time with them. Once you can talk about it without crying a river, know that you’re almost there.
416 · Jul 2015
A big shout out to all the beautiful ladies who don't need to dress half naked to get a man's attention.stay class.
let me tell you this secret. we((guy).
know exactly what you possess,can draw them and even label the parts even if you're wearing a don't be deceived.
No real man will want to marry a lady who everybody have already seen what is supposed to be his most precious scene privately.
God made every woman beautiful exposing your body by wearing short dresses doesn't make you beautiful,it makes you cheap and also exposes you to Ebola.
only the bad guys love girls on short.
dresses,the good guyz hate them.
thank you and God bless you all.
411 · Jul 2015
man and woman
Husbands and Boyfriends:
The reason why other women look attractive is because someone is
taking good care of them.
Grass is always green where it is watered. Instead of
drooling over the green grass on the other side of the fence, work on yours and water it regularly.
Any man can admire a beautiful woman, but it takes a true gentleman to make a woman admirable and beautiful.
women have been through alot, ****, monthly flow with pains, pregnancy and child birth, treat
them with respect,they are our helpmate not housemaid!
im new to this page i hope you like my poems i like writing about relationships
400 · Oct 2015
You don’t really want to talk to them on the phone
No one talks much on the phone any way. But when it comes to relationships, especially new ones, you want to talk to them, and the frequency might reduce as the relationship goes on, but the anticipation should remain ever the same. If this changes, it’s pretty obvious that you don’t really want to talk to them.
They aren’t the first ones to hear any good news you get
The relationship you have with them isn’t like any other relationship. You should want to share everything with them, and at the very moment that it happens. If they’re not the first ones to pop into your head when you have good news to share, it’s a definite sign.

You’re arguing over petty things
Arguments find their way in every relationship. You just can’t avoid them. Depending on how you deal with them could either damage or strengthen your relationship. However if you fight over something as insignificant as making the coffee too strong, it’s time you think about what’s actually causing this annoyance. It definitely has to be something much more than that, something about the relationship that isn’t right.
396 · Nov 2015
I love the way she survived. Survival looked good on her. There were no dark marks under her eyes. Maybe deep inside, but I like the way she looked through them and laughed at life. She did it gracefully. She walked over glass and through fire, but still smiled. And, honestly, I’m not interested in people who haven’t lived and died a few times. Who haven’t yet had their heart ripped out, or know what it feels like to lose everything. I trust those people, because they stand for something. I knew what she’d been through. I wanted to thank her for surviving. And her to know that she had someone willing to stand with her too.
395 · Aug 2015
Sometimes you are
unsatisfied with your life,
while many people in
this world are dreaming
of living your life..
A child on a farm sees
a plane fly overhead &
dreams of flying. But,
A pilot on the plane sees
the farmhouse & dreams
of returning home.
That's life!! Enjoy yours...
If wealth is the secret to
happiness, then the rich
should be dancing on the
streets. But only poor kids
do that.
If power ensures security,
then officials should walk
unguarded. But those who
live simply, sleep soundly.
If beauty and fame bring
ideal relationships, then
celebrities should have
the best marriages.
Live simply, Walk humbly,
and love genuinely..!
All good will come back
to you...!
personally hate drama, creating drama is one of the most useless ways to waste time, there is nothing to gain from drama and people just get hurt in the end. But some people LOVE drama, some people just don’t feel right unless they create or witness drama around them and they love to gossip. You need to keep kind and pure people around you, people who truly care, who don’t feed on the agony and sorrow of others and are just happy with their own lives. People who worry more about the latest rumor or the latest fight someone had are the same people who don’t have lives of their own to begin with, it’s best to keep a safe distance from such people. You definitely don’t want such people around.

4. The liars

People who love to lie are the same people who will never find true happiness or true love in life, because they don’t know the meaning of anything being “true” since they’re so used to lying. They don’t have a true identity, they are impossible to read and they always get away with lying. Don’t get me wrong, everybody lies every now and then, but no one should just love lying and live by it, that’s wrong on so many levels. Be around people who would rather tell the truth and face the consequences than those people who just love to lie and hide things only to save their names, these sort of people also love blaming others for their own mistakes, you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.
378 · Sep 2015
Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose beginnings is a glance and whose ending is eternity! Don't marry for ***, don't marry because you are of age, don't marry because you are getting old, don't marry because you are lonely, don't marry because you need someone to support you financially, don't marry because you mistakenly got pregnant, don't marry because you don't want to lose the person, don't marry because of family pressures, don't marry because you like the idea of marriage and admire every wedding gown you see, don't marry because all your friends are getting married. But get married because you want to fulfil your destiny. Get married because you want to be a help mate. As a man, get married because you want to fulfil your purpose. The devil's primary target is the family. He knows that everyone belongs to a family and if he can make two wrong people meet then he has succeeded affecting the community and nations negatively. Ignore your age and the pressure for a moment, the pressure in a wrong marriage is far worse. God has somebody for you but you must set your priorities right. What do you need in a woman? What do you need in a man? Marriage is not about what you want, it is about who you need, that will make you better while you make him better. It is about destiny. God will help you in choosing, please let His will be done in your life Amen. And may the wrong person be disconnected away from your life in JESUS NAME. With faith Type Amen and claims. .
376 · Sep 2015
10 tips of relationships
1. Your girl is your second half. Yes you are the man; she knows that you are the man; you don't need to remind her about it. It is wrong for a guy to be constantly and always telling his girl/wife that he is the head of the relationship. 2. Don't be too authoritative. 3. Don't be too hard and don't be too soft. If you are too hard, she will have phobia for you and even hate you. If you are too soft, she will take you for granted. 4. Whenever she does something wrong, scold her a little and after a few minutes, draw her closer to you, hug her and kiss her. 5. Whenever you and her have a quarrel, after a few minutes hug her and kiss her telling her sweet words. 6. Don't command her to wash your clothes; plead with her to do so. 7. Learn how to use the word,"please", whenever you want her to do something for you. 8. Don't be too over protective. Allow her to visit her to visit her male and female friends. Infact allow her to call her male friends. You should trust her. Or else don't date the girl you don't trust. For the fact that she is dating you does not mean that she cannot have male friends. 9. Always apologise whenever you offend her. 10. Treat her like an angel. She will convert your house into Heaven.
376 · Sep 2015
love poem
The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart.
What we need to know about loving is no great mystery. We all know what constitutes loving behavior; we need but act upon it, not continually question it. Over-analysis often confuses the issue and in the end brings us no closer to insight. We sometimes become too busy classifying, separating, and examining, to remember that love is easy. It's we who make it complicated.
Romantic love reaches out in little ways, showing attention and admiration. Romantic love remembers what pleases a woman, what excites her, and what surprises her. Its actions whisper: you are the most special person in my life.
From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven. And when two souls that are destined to be together find each other, their streams of light flow together, and a single brighter light goes forth from their united being.
It is the things in common
that make relationships enjoyable,
but it is the little differences
that make them interesting.
Love is always open arms. If you close your arms about love you will find that you are left holding only yourself.
My heart to you is given:
Oh, do give yours to me;
We'll lock them up together,
And throw away the key.
The heart is the place where we live our passions. It is frail and easily broken, but wonderfully resilient. There is no point in trying to deceive the heart. It depends upon our honesty for its survival.
Born For Love
There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved.
Love is an act of endless forgiveness
A tender look which becomes a habit.
Most of the time, relationships don’t work out because you realise they’re not serving you right. But this realisation strikes you during the relationship, which ultimately leads to heartbreak. To avoid something of the sort, think about what you want from a partner and a relationship, when you’re still single. This way you’d end up with what you’ve always wanted.

Learn from other’s experiences

You may be single, but the people around you, friends and family may be in healthy, long-term relationships. Find out how they’ve made it so far and what their secrets to a healthy relationship are. You can learn best from your own mistakes, but observation helps too. You can notice the things that can make relationships last and how healthy couples work.

Be aware of your mistakes

Your past relationship ended for a reason, and you must be equally responsible for it. You can’t place all the blame on the other person. Even if they were on the wrong, you must’ve made some wrong choices too. Only when you realise your mistakes and own up to them you will be able to keep yourself from repeating them in the future and ruining a potential relationship.

Appreciate the good in you

Making mistakes or wrong decisions does not make you a horrible person, it just makes you human. You can’t go back in time and change anything. Let the past be. If you regret having done or said something, apologise and make it a point to never do it again. You have your vices, but you have your virtues as well. Don’t beat yourself up over something that’s now history. You’re not all that bad. If you don’t realise your strengths, no one else will!
372 · Aug 2015
20 Things to Start Doing.
Free yourself from negative people.
2. Let go of those who are already gone.
3. Give people you don't know a fair chance.
4. Show everyone kindness and respect.
5. Accept people just they way they are.
6. Encourage others and cheer for them.
7. Be your imperfectly perfect self.
8. Forgive people and move forward.
9. Do little things every day for others.
10. Always be loyal.
11. Say in better touch with people who matter to you.
12. Keep your promises and tell the truth.
13. Give what you want to receive.
14. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
15. Allow others to make their own decisions.
16. Talk a little less, and listen more.
17. Leave petty arguments alone.
18. Pay attention to your relationship with yourself.
19. Pay attention to who your real friends are.
20. Ignore unconstructive, hurtful gossip.
370 · Aug 2015
life is a gift
Before you think of saying an unkind
word– think of someone who can’t
Before you complain about the taste
of your food– think of someone who
has nothing to eat.
Before you complain about your
husband or wife– think of someone
who is crying out to God for a
Today before you complain about
life– think of someone who went too
early to the grave.
Before you complain about your
children– think of someone who
desires children but they’re barren.
Before you argue about your *****
house, someone didn’t clean or
sweep– think of the people who are
living in the streets.
Before whining about the distance
you drive– think of someone who
walks the same distance on foot.
And when you are tired and complain
about your job– think of the
unemployed, the disabled and those
who wished they had your job.
But before you think of pointing the
finger or condemning another–
remember that not one of us are
without sin and we all answer to one
And when depressing thoughts seem
to get you down– put a smile on
your face and thank God you’re alive
and still around.
369 · Jul 2015
take care of your self
Free yourself from negative people. Spend time with nice people who are smart, driven and like- minded. Relationships should help you, not hurt
you. Surround yourself with people who reflect the person you want to be. Choose friends who you are proud to know, people you admire, who
love and respect you – people who make your day a little brighter simply by being in it. Life is too short to spend time with people who **** the happiness out of you. When you free
yourself from negative people, you free yourself to be you – and being you is the only way to truly live.
368 · Nov 2015
Regardless of what happened yesterday,today is still a good day to be happy again. Leave the past where it is so you can keep moving forward. Just because they hurt you, it doesnt mean that you cant heal. Just because they couldn't see your value, it doesnt mean that someone else never will. Just because the relationship ended, it doesnt mean that it is the end of your love life. Be happy with yourself today. Celebrate the fact that you are still a great person and that you didnt allow one bad experience to control how you approach the rest of your life. Live, Love and Laugh, one day at a time.
362 · Nov 2015
sometimes you meet someone,and its so clear that the two of you,on some level belong lovers or as friends or as family or as something as entirely just work whether you trust one another or your in love or your partners in crime,you meet this people throughout your life,out of nowhere under the strangest circumstances,and they help you feel alive.i dont know if that one makes me believe in coincidence,or fate or sheer blind luck,but it definitely makes me believe in something

the is different between who we love who we settle with and who where meant to be with
362 · Sep 2015
think again
-Not everyone will make it to your future. Some people are just passing through to teach you lessons in life.
- You'll end up real disappointed if you think people will do for you as you do for them. Not everyone has the same heart as you.
- You don't need too many people to be happy, just a few real ones who appreciate you for who you are.
- A guy can make you think he loves you when he doesn't. A girl can make you think she doesn't love you when she really does.
- The first person you think of in the morning, or last person you think of at night, is either the cause of your happiness or your pain.
- People change for one of two reasons: They have learned a lot, or they have been hurt too many times.
- Just because a person smiles all the time, doesn't mean their life is perfect.
- Never give up on someone you can't go a full day without thinking about.
- If someone is loyal to you, don't take them for granted.
- Take care of the people you love, but take even better care of the people that love you.
- You're not the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or a week ago. You're constantly changing; experiences don't stop. That's life.
- As you grow older, you realize it becomes less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones.
- Don't feel sad over someone who gave up on you, feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who would have never given up on them.
359 · Jul 2015
dear womans and ladies
Dear Ladies
Common Mistakes Women make when discovering an affair
When you have just discovered that your man is cheating on you...please do NOT do the following:-
Demanding to know about the other woman: The truth may hurt you. Can you handle the truth?
Insulting the other woman: You are giving her power, she doesnt deserve. Especially if you insult her to your husband e.g. how is your **** doing?
Forcing him to choose, thinking he will choose you: There is no competition here-you will lose this one! She is new and they are in the honeymoon phase, you on the other hand are an old habit.
Calling him excessively to check on him like a prisoner: He may start to avoid your calls even if he is not doing anything bad just to protect his freedom.
Beating the other woman up: You are creating sympathy for her. Now she looks like your victim to him. With this one you are still giving her power.
Threatening to leave just to scare him: You are giving h im ideas. You make the grass seem greener on the other side.
Crying: He wont feel sympathy for you-he will feel burdened by the tears.
Snooping: Dont hurt yourself unnecessarily. You will find what you are looking for. Dont break into his e-mails. Dont scroll his cellphone and dont go through his messages.
Being in denial even though the signs are there: Do something about your knowledge or you will make yourself sick. Some diseases are stress-related. Deal with your issues; dont bottle them up.
Telling his mother: For crying out loud! This is his mother!
Committing suicide: Seriously, once youre gone, youre gone!
Put the phone down.
It is wise to leave his phone alone.when you are hurting, deal with your disappointment instead of going through his phone only to find more truths that will hurt you.
When a girl ignores your message twice, leave her alone. She isn't blind, she just chose to ignore it or possibly indisposed at the time. There's no need sending more messages.
2: When a girl accept your request. Seriously typing "Thanks for accepting" on her wall is lame. Do it in her inbox. Some of you get ignored when you type that crap on their walls.
3: You don't need to be a male Love Peddler. Don't woo every random chic on your list. Some are good enough to be just friends with you. Get to know her first and win her trust.
4: As I usually stress, don't be a thirsty dude on a girl's post. If the post is nice, simply hit "like"and move on. If you need to comment, make it brief and interesting. Don't go begging her to add you.
5: If the picture is beautiful, like it and give a simple compliment. If it's not, there's no need to lie to get her attention.
6: When chatting you don't spend your whole time telling a girl how beautiful she is, a hundred other dudes tell her everyday. They find it boring when you join the train.
7: You have those chicks who have never liked, shared or commented on any of your posts. They also don't reply your messages and comments on theirs. Please man, why haven't you deleted them? You be their slave?
8: If you find yourself always starting the conversation with a particular person, like you're always the first to message her, stop for a while. If she doesn't notice, you're not important to her...Leave her alone.
9: If you guys don't roll, don't tag her to your pictures. She might find it offensive.
10: The lesser of you, the better for you. When you are all over her wall, all over all her posts and all over all her pictures commenting and liking everything, you are less appreciated because you are acting thirsty.
11: When you compliment a ******* her picture and another person compliments the same picture, and the girl thanks the other person and skips your name, please remove your comment. It wasn't necessary....
Hope this post makes someone's day...
357 · Jul 2015
love them
She's your girl bro.
She's supposed to be that curious person who wants to know where you are, what you're doing, and who you're with so she can have peace of mind.
She's supposed to be that talkative person who wants to constantly text you throughout the day or call you just to hear your voice.
She's supposed to be that attentive person who shows you that you are her.favorite distraction from
everything else that's going on with her.
She's supposed to be that affectionate person who likes to kiss you all over the place without caring
who's looking. She's supposed to be that jealous person who feels some type of way when she sees you talking a girl a lot.
She's supposed to be that annoying.person who gets mad over little things because every thing you do affects her.
She's supposed to be that vulnerable person who's.sensitive To everything you say to her.
She's supposed to be that loving person who puts you before herself. She just hopes you won't get sick of it one day, because she doesn't know how to show she cares any other way.
Guys please never let a Good Girl Go.
love them
353 · Jul 2015
fall in love
Don’t fall in love with a guy just
because he is rich, handsome and
popular. Fall in love with a guy
who loves to stay up at night just
to see you breathing or to see you
smiling while you are dreaming.
Fall in love with a guy who loves
the way you sip your coffee or the
way you chew your food. Fall in
love with a guy who loves the way
you smile or the way you wrinkle
up your nose. Fall in love with a
guy who loves to hear your
heartbeats, your cute little stories,
your silly jokes and your laughter.
Fall in love with a guy who hates
to even blink his eyes because he
doesn’t want to miss a single
thing about you. A guy who thinks
that every single moment spent
with you is priceless. Fall in love
with a guy who thinks you are his
only treasure and he just can’t
afford to lose you at any cost.
This is the guy who will make you
see your real worth and love you
till the end of his life. Never let
him go…
351 · Jul 2015
think about it
Some girls make laugh,
You know the man is married
and you still accept to dated him.
What do you want to prove; you're
better or hotter than his wife ? .
One lady told me few weeks ago
how she loves a married man with
4kids and asking me things to do
So that the man will divorce his wife
and marry her .I was shocked .
Is he the only man on earth?.
Dear lady,you thinks that stupid man who is giving you money, buying things for you and taking care of your bills will continue doing them after getting married to you.
My dear sister you're a joker, what make you think he won't leave you at home going after other girls.
You want to be last woman standing in his life, you're a dreamer.
Stop fooling yourself dating a married man cos of material things and money.
Remember no sin goes unpunished.
Another girl will surely pay you back.
it may not be now but in the future.
You must surely cry.
Stop giving all this stupid men chance
to continue cheating at your follow
Woman. if women will say no base on dating them, my husband is cheating on me will reduce
342 · Jul 2015
MY Dude
My Dude.
There is a lot of nonsense about the image of
women and what "perfect" is. You've been fed
**** and maybe you should understand a few
truths if you value quality in people.
A black woman is perfect as is.How you find her.
Not your idea of what she is or how she "should" be.
She is not a fetish you've built up from all the
**** you see on television, read on magazines
or the ones you secretly view with shame and embarrassment from the **** collection you ******* to.
A black woman's body is none of your concern
until she makes it your concern. She is not put
on this earth to be gawked by you just because
your favorite rapper views women in that way.
Don't be Foolish you idiot.
That weak way of thinking, that perspective is
stupid and frankly utter fuckboyery. I believe in
you, please don't disappoint me.
Instead of whistling when you see a good woman,
hold that **** back and calm your urges to be crass
and idiotic.
Stop your friend from talking **** about black women.
Dissociate from the cool **** ***** whose only
concern is racking up conquests and ******* then dumping women.
Do better. Call your ******* on their *******
instead of perpetuating the same old garbage
mentality we came up on. That having more than
one dime makes you it. Gets you made.
That calling women names for peer approval
makes you hard and a leader. A leader to what?
A leader to where?
Your perception of a perfect woman should be
the happiness you're going to give that one lady,
that one woman by the way you accept her as is,
how happy you make her by the way you
encourage her growth and self acceptance cause
they all come with insecurities, negative nuances,
shames, scars, pains from a past you probably will
never hear of until you earn that sacred trust and
lightning strikes that should fill you with pride when
you study them.
Because of all men that could have her, she saw her
man, her future, her truth, her life and her possibility
and potential unfold beautifully with you and you
alone. And she chose YOU.
(And trust me, there are ten/twenty to thirty + men that
can do a way better job than you out there who've either hollered and got turned down or those who've made plans to and probably will).
Reasons why men cheat's photo.
335 · Sep 2015
Dear Guys:
When she gives up on you, it's obvious; . 1. She will not try to catch your attention. . 2. She will not fight for you anymore. . 3. She won't reply your message as quickly anymore. . 4. She won't try to keep the conversation going anymore. . 5. She will not care anymore. . 6. She's no longer jealous. . 7. She will flirt and talk to other guys. . 8. She's no longer care if you care or not anymore. . 9. She's no longer goes to your profile and whine to people about how happy you're, talking to other girls. . 10. She will give up on trying to make you love her, because she finally realize that she deserves better. . -And you will miss her. Miss the way she cared about you. Miss the way she loved you. And you have lost her. . So don't take any girls for granted, if you love her, let her know before she gives up!
Be the peffect guy to your woman befor someone do it.
333 · Jul 2015
eat your words
Eat your words
Thought you said you don't want me anymore
Then Why do i get miscalls from you
Thought you told me not to contact you
Then why do i find pokes of my Facebook
Did you not say you don't care anymore
Why then ask if i am still well
Did i wake OK, am i alright?
Why ask?
If i recall i was your worse choice
All that i brought was hardship and tears
If i was such a bad lover why cant you forget me
All i was to you was a bad dream. Wake up phela now
Why do you still call home to find out if i am home
Why chat to my sister?
What is that you want to achieve because what i was is named a failure to your life?
What i did good was to hurt you
Thought you said you want to forget about me
Why then you still have my pictures
What is good that you will see now?
Thought life will be better since we are no more
Can a loser change?
Can a wasteful man change?
Can you see good in *******?
Can you just stop, stop, your words can not be reversed
Whether you said them of anger
Whether you meant them
Whether you never meant them
Just forget me
Enjoy your new journey without me
Enjoy the single life
Just forget about me
Don't remember me
Don't think about me
Think about you
Think about your future without me and enjoy your future without me
eart your words
333 · Aug 2015
move on
Sometimes it’s better to move on than to hold on to a person who doesn’t understand you. Sometimes your absence will teach what your presence cannot...
Hey you, Stop breaking your own heart by trying to make a relationship work that clearly isn’t meant to work. You can’t force someone to care about you. You can’t force someone to be loyal. You can’t force someone to be the person you need them to be.
I’ll be real with you, sometimes the person you want most is the person you’re best without. You have got to understand some things are meant to happen, but just not meant to be. Some things are meant to come in your life, just not meant to stay.
Don’t lose yourself by trying to fix what's meant to stay broken. You can’t get the relationship you need from someone who’s not ready to give it you. And I know it’s hard when your heart has labeled that person as someone you could spend forever with, but you just have to accept that they’re not that person anymore. And you might not understand WHY NOW, but I promise you your future will always bring understanding of why things didn’t work out. TRUST ME
It is better to be alone and be happy than to be in a miserable relationship...
Whoever sees you as an option doesn't deserve to be a priority in your life, you call him honey but he treats you like a monkey, He is your everything but you are nothing to him, you are doing everything to make it work, but he keeps thinking you are desperate and turns all your efforts to weakness...
Never keep awake thinking
about someone who is
deeply sleeping with
someone else.
Never stay a minute
thinking about someone who cant spend a
thinking about you.
Leave that person who
takes your love for granted
and doesnt love you back
the way you do,
Love should be balanced
not based one side.
Its better to be single than
being in an ugly
relationship that will make
you cry forever.
332 · Aug 2015
my brother
There is a lot of nonsense about the image of
women and what "perfect" is. You've been fed
**** and maybe you should understand a few
truths if you value quality in people.
A black woman is perfect as is.How you find her.
Not your idea of what she is or how she "should" be.
She is not a fetish you've built up from all the
**** you see on television, read on magazines
or the ones you secretly view with shame and embarrassment from the **** collection you ******* to.
A black woman's body is none of your concern
until she makes it your concern. She is not put
on this earth to be gawked by you just because
your favorite rapper views women in that way.
Don't be Foolish you idiot.
That weak way of thinking, that perspective is
stupid and frankly utter fuckboyery. I believe in
you, please don't disappoint me.
Instead of whistling when you see a good woman,
hold that **** back and calm your urges to be crass
and idiotic.
Stop your friend from talking **** about black women.
Dissociate from the cool **** ***** whose only
concern is racking up conquests and ******* then dumping women.
Do better. Call your ******* on their *******
instead of perpetuating the same old garbage
mentality we came up on. That having more than
one dime makes you it. Gets you made.
That calling women names for peer approval
makes you hard and a leader. A leader to what?
A leader to where?
Your perception of a perfect woman should be
the happiness you're going to give that one lady,
that one woman by the way you accept her as is,
how happy you make her by the way you
encourage her growth and self acceptance cause
they all come with insecurities, negative nuances,
shames, scars, pains from a past you probably will
never hear of until you earn that sacred trust and
lightning strikes that should fill you with pride when
you study them.
Because of all men that could have her, she saw her
man, her future, her truth, her life and her possibility
and potential unfold beautifully with you and you
alone. And she chose YOU.
(And trust me, there are ten/twenty to thirty + men that
can do a way better job than you out there who've either hollered and got turned down or those who've made plans to and probably will).
332 · Sep 2015
moment of love
When you are sad, I will dry your tears
When you are scared, I will comfort your fears.

When you need love, my heart I will share
When you are sick, for you I will care.

You will feel my love when we are apart
Knowing that nothing will change my heart.

When you are worried, I will give you hope
When you are confused, I will help you cope.

When you are lost, and can't see the light
My love will be a beacon, shining ever so bright.

This is my vow, one that I pledge till the end
For you above all are my Love and best friend
These words I have written, speak of my love for you
From my lips these words spoken, shall always ring true.

God has blessed me, and with your hand in mine
Both of our hearts, will forever intertwine.

Into all lives falls pain and sorrows,
I promise together, we will meet all tomorrows.

Together, you and I, together as one,
Your heart and mine, united as one.
327 · Oct 2015
One day you are going to meet someone who will make you forget all the pains you have had in your old relationships, who will make you happy, who will care about you and love you genuinely just the way you are, who will be happy and proud to have you, who will be ready for a serious relationship with you, who will bear and deal with all your weaknesses and imperfections, who will be afraid of hurting and losing you, who won’t use your past against you, and who will be everything to you.
I know this may sound like a lie or dream to you, but believe me someday you will find that special person who will be only for you. God already has that person for you in stock. But He’s just waiting for the perfect time as He is preparing you. Be ready to embrace them any time.
But, watch your demands and attitude towards them, so you do not send your happiness packing with ignorance.
thank you
323 · Jul 2015
love your self ladies
A big shout out to all the beautiful ladies who don't need to dress half naked to get a man's attention.stay class.
let me tell you this secret. we((guy).
know exactly what you possess,can draw them and even label the parts even if you're wearing a don't be deceived.
No real man will want to marry a lady who everybody have already seen what is supposed to be his most precious scene privately.
God made every woman beautiful exposing your body by wearing short dresses doesn't make you beautiful,it makes you cheap and also exposes you to Ebola.
only the bad guys love girls on short.
dresses,the good guyz hate them.
thank you and God bless you all..
303 · Aug 2015
the liars
personally hate drama, creating drama is one of the most useless ways to waste time, there is nothing to gain from drama and people just get hurt in the end. But some people LOVE drama, some people just don’t feel right unless they create or witness drama around them and they love to gossip. You need to keep kind and pure people around you, people who truly care, who don’t feed on the agony and sorrow of others and are just happy with their own lives. People who worry more about the latest rumor or the latest fight someone had are the same people who don’t have lives of their own to begin with, it’s best to keep a safe distance from such people. You definitely don’t want such people around

People who love to lie are the same people who will never find true happiness or true love in life, because they don’t know the meaning of anything being “true” since they’re so used to lying. They don’t have a true identity, they are impossible to read and they always get away with lying. Don’t get me wrong, everybody lies every now and then, but no one should just love lying and live by it, that’s wrong on so many levels. Be around people who would rather tell the truth and face the consequences than those people who just love to lie and hide things only to save their names, these sort of people also love blaming others for their own mistakes, you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.
303 · Sep 2015
Nowadays it’s not so easy to find a person who will be honest with you, who will take you seriously, who will be ready to commit to just you, who will stay loyal to you and not cheat on you, who will know what they want in the relationship and who will be ready to settle and build something with you. Any guy can have *** with a girl, can feed her well, can buy her things, can do things to make her feel special. But, it takes a real man to stay with her, to make her better, to help her grow, to guide her to be on the right path, to deal with her crazy behaviors, to support her passions, to pursue her dreams with her, to build something with her, to show her loyalty, to give her honesty, to keep the promises he made to her, to be there for her, to handle her at her worst, to lend a shoulder to cry on, to lend a hand to wipe her tears, to lend an ear to listen to her problems, to offer a pair of arms to hold her, to let her know she isn't alone like a friend would, to show her she has someone she can depend on like a brother would, to take care for her and share his life with her like a lover would. Ladies, such types of guys are very rare to find. If you are lucky enough that God blessed you with one, be proud of him, be honesty and faithful to him and love him back.
297 · Jul 2015
when you love someone
When you love someone so deep inside,
It seems like it's so easy to hide.
You've loved him for so very long,
You would think he could do no wrong.

Every day you would hope and pray,
That he would always stay this way.
He treated you like you should be treated,
You thought your life was finally completed.

You thought your love was growing true,
And then one day it was all so blue.
He started putting you down and it hurt,
You thought all you were to him was dirt.

He started ignoring you and you wondered why,
All you wanted to do was curl up and die.
You thought your relationship would never end,
But that was all so fake and pretend.

One night he was so sweet to you,
You thought all those things were maybe untrue,
Two days later he was back the same,
You thought you were the one to blame.

He thought the relationship was getting too serious
And that you had become a little too curious.
By this time you knew it wouldn't last,
All the nice things he said were in the past.

You thought that you would marry him some day,
But this time God wanted to get his way.
You wanted things back how they were before,
But you knew this couldn't happen anymore.

It was a Saturday night about ten o'clock,
You heard the news and it wasn't a shock.
You knew this was going to happen soon,
As you laid there and cried in the pale lit moon
293 · Oct 2015
go away
We've been together for almost 3 years. 3 years of cheating, lies and fights. You killed me, you destroyed me, you made me think that I was wrong and not you. When i found out that you were cheating on me and that you were still talking to that girl I confronted you and you and told you it was over but Then you came back crying and saying that you were sorry etc. and I forgive you. I was so blinded. I gave you everything that I could. And in the end, you told me it was over because you found someone else.
At first i was sad and i admit it I even wanted to die. But then, i realized one thing. This was the only good decision that you took related to me. And I will never be thankful enough because thanks to you, I am now feeling alive, and better then i ever did
***** yourself.
- Your lovely ex.
288 · Jul 2015
Dear Women:
Do you want your man to love, respect and stay faithful to you alone? I have a love portion you can give him. The ingredients of the love portion include:
1. Always look beautiful and attractive.
2. Be diligent and always make sure the house is tidy.
3. Cook delicious meals for him at all times and always include his favourite food.
4. Give him good *** and romance.
5. Always pray for him.
6. Be humble and Submissive.
7. Avoid quarrelling with him and if there is any form of quarrel, always settle it before the next day.
8. You must be able to ENDURE. A woman that cannot endure will never last in a man's house.
9. Love his family members like your own family.
10. Always contribute to the development of the home. Don't have the mentality that it is the man that must buy everything. He will respect you for this.
NOTE THAT: Even If you use the most powerful charm on a man and your character is on a zero level, his eyes will surely be opened one day.
277 · Sep 2015
To love someone is NOTHING,
To be loved by someone is SOMETHING,
To be loved by someone U love is EXCITING....
BUT to be loved by GOD is EVERYTHING!!!
275 · Sep 2015
Every girl wants a guy Who hugs her when they're watching a scary or romantic movie, Who gives her his jacket even when he himself is feeling cold, Who will always be the one to make her laugh, Most importantly he will love her for who she is..!
272 · Oct 2015
Dear Ex
Thank you for leaving me after my miscarraige and replacing me with a woman who already has a child. Thank you for that insult. Thank you for not being there during those nights that feels like hell. Where I was in pain,broken for losing my baby,falling apart and lost. I didn't just lost my baby but I also lost the man who I thought would never hurt and leave me. You just threw away 6 years relationship instead of trying to fix it. Thank you for your selfishness. It's okay. I completely understand. And thank you for letting me know how miserable are you now while I'm happy.
I have moved on. I'm sorry..
250 · Sep 2015
in love
We all want to be happy and in love one day, at least that's the goal. We all want to eventually find that life partner that makes our life a lot easier to live. And just because you haven't come across that person yet, It does not mean that person does not exist. Sometimes God will hide you both from each other because you both are truly not ready to love. You are not unlovable. You are not unwanted. You are a diamond. But your problem is, You want God to put you out for display when he hasn't finished polishing you yet. Your life partner deserves you at your absolute best and vice versa. And the only way you'll make your next relationship your last relationship, Is by not rushing something that you want to last forever.
240 · Jul 2015
be soft
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.
We all have experienced things in life that have given us a sort of thick skin, or as some may say pain that has caused up to "put up a guard". Protecting ourselves is just part of our human nature, naturally no one wants to be hurt, and when we realize the things that hurt us we tend to stay away from them, or if we do go around the things that have made us hurt before, we go around them skeptically, sometimes with the intent to cause those things the pain that they may have caused us.
Our natural human instincts of survival may be correlated with the way treat our relationships. Since many of us have been hurt, some of us go about relationships skeptically, and with the intentions of hurting someone before they may have a chance of hurting us. It is important to remember that keeping a guard is fine, but to also trust your heart. Remember that the world is still a beautiful place and there are still nice people in it, sometimes you just have to take a chance.
be soft
238 · Jul 2015
we are alive
Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life.
Never ask for a lighter rain, just pray to God for a better umbrella. - That is the attitude!
234 · Oct 2015
that night
That night when everything got messy, when I had to watch my whole world fall apart all because once again you had to much to drink. When I watched the police take you into the back of that car I could felt my heart being tore in two. I watched them remove you from my life. You took all I had to give never giving much back in return. U took and took until I had nothing left to give. But you know what? I am strong enough to get over you. There's nothing in life god bring me to that he wont bring me through. I'm glad I saw what you are capable of before I felt that fist of fury. I will never forget even if I ever in life bring myself to some how forgive. All I know is that life will never be the same again because you smashed my world apart but yet here I am putting the pieces back together.
The person who you couldn't hold down
209 · Sep 2015
your future
-Not everyone will make it to your
future. Some people are just passing through to teach you
lessons in life.
- You'll end up real disappointed if
you think people will do for you as you do for them. Not
everyone has the same heart as you.
- You don't need too many people to be happy, just a few real
ones who appreciate you for who you are.
- A guy can make you think he loves you when he doesn't. A girl
can make you think she doesn't love you when she really does.
- The first person you think of in the morning, or last person
you think of at night, is either the cause of your happiness or
- People change for one of two
reasons: They have learned a lot, or they have been hurt too
many times.
- Just because a person smiles all
the time, doesn't mean their life is perfect.
- Never give up on someone you
can't go a full day without thinking
- If someone is loyal to you, don't
take them for granted.
- Take care of the people you love,
but take even better care of the people that love you.
- You're not the same person you
were a year ago, a month ago, or a week ago. You're constantly
changing; experiences don't stop.
That's life.
- As you grow older, you realize it
becomes less important to have more friends and more
important to have real ones.
- Don't feel sad over someone who gave up on you, feel sorry
for them because they gave up on
someone who would have never
given up on them
196 · Aug 2015
Sometimes, the only reason why
you won't let go of what's making
you sad is because it was the only
thing that made you happy.
2. The best boyfriend isn't the best-
looking, the funniest, or the richest.
It's the one that makes sure you
know he loves you.
3. Lonely is not a feeling when you
are alone. Lonely is a feeling when
no one cares.
4. Psychology says, when you truly
care for someone, their mood can
literally affect yours.
5. Consider how hard it is to change
yourself and you'll understand what
little chance you have in trying to
change others.

— The End —