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Jan 2016 · 637
Thinking about them
Since they’re no longer popping up on your news feeds every time you check your Facebook, you eventually start forgetting about them. You will no longer publish photos, status updates, or instagrams with the back-of-the-mind hope that they will see what you’ve been up to and notice that you’ve been having fun without them.
You start focusing on yourself and having fun for yourself, instead of always trying to one-up each other in the battle of winning the breakup. After a breakup, we tend to remember all the good things about our exes and forget the bad things. This can keep us emotionally glued to them. Why not remember all the things that bugged you about him instead, like how he snored like a foghorn or made exotic animal sounds during ***? By remembering his annoying habits, it’ll be easier to let go.
Feeling good about yourself
The primary reason I hesitated to delete him was because I was holding onto the hope that he would one day become relevant, in any capacity, to my life again. So, even though we had broken up, I still refused to break up on the Internet.
After I deleted my ex, I no longer concentrated on why we broke up and what went wrong. I stopped missing him and was able to stop fixating on him. I felt better about myself because I started to see that I deserved better than him and what he gave me; I was happier and content.
Wondering if he cares
Once you stop obsessing over him, you will come to realize that you stop caring whether he cares about you or not. You are no longer a part of their life, and you will start to see that life is pretty good. You begin to understand the truth, that there’s nothing you could’ve done or said that would’ve kept him around. Even if you were the most perfect person in the whole world, he still would’ve found a reason to break up with you.
Moving on
Instead of being fixated over how much you still love him, how about turning that love within yourself? What do you love about yourself? Is it your humor, your intellect or your creativity? The more you love yourself, the less likely you’ll crave that love from your ex. Additionally, think about where you are in your life and what you want to accomplish.

Now’s the perfect opportunity, so get going on achieving those dreams! Meet new people, go travel, hang with your friends, do things you love; because life is too short to dwindle over why someone couldn’t see the best in you. Stop playing, “He loves me, he loves me not.” Play, “I love myself” instead. Use this experience to empower yourself to live better and love better
Jan 2016 · 835
i love her
"You had *** with her on a first date?".
> I don't care,you are just her ex and now she's with me.
• "She's not beautiful, she is fat and she has stretch marks".
> well , To me she is perfect & that's what matters.. You can talk.
• "She used to date this other sugar daddy and she has many ex's".
> Thats her past and I dont care
about that because now I'm her only guy.
• "She had an abortion while she was in High School."
> look She had her own reasons, so thats none of your business and I wont dump her for what she
did in the past.
• "She used to go clubbing a lot, with the guys."
> so what!! you think she is a bi*? well she's my girlfriend
•"She got pregnant when she was 17, what a shame"
> look, you dont know her story,Stop judging other people as
if your life is perfect.
Moral: 1. never judge anyone by their past activities.
2. Never let anyone's opinion stop you from dating the person who makes you happy.
3. stop letting people make you feel ashamed of your scars. –
4. Scars remind us that our past is real, and that we have grown beyond it. Every scar has a story.
5. Don’t be afraid to tell it and own it.
6. Stop letting people use your past to poison your present. –
7. Life is too short to tirelessly struggle with old news and
those who refuse to let it go.
8. Some people cannot stand that
you’re moving on with your life and so they will try to drag
your past to catch up with you.
No matter what, people will always talk.
Anyway Let them Talk my love i don't care ngithanda wena wedwa.
as long as she/he loves you let them talk is yours they have they don't want to see people happy cause they are not happy in their relationship.
: 'Its Holiday season'
Here are lists of things you need teach your child
at early age.
1: Warn your girl child never to sit on anyone's
laps no matter the situation including uncles.
2: Avoid getting dressed in front of your child
once he/she is 2years old.
Learn to excuse yourself.
3: If you have to hire a house-help, please kindly
take them for *** screening to determine their
*** status, properly interview them and make up
your mind to
treat them well.
4: Never allow any adult refer to your new born
as 'my wife' or 'my husband'.
5: Never tempt your husband with your younger
sister. (Else he'd say its her's and the devil's
6: Whenever your child goes out to play with
friends, make sure you look for a way to find out
what kind of play they played
together because young people now sexually
abuse themselves.
7: Never force your child to visit any adult he or
she is not comfortable with and also be
observant if your child becomes too fond of a
particular adult.
8: Once a very lively child suddenly becomes
withdrawn you might need to patiently ask alot of
questions from your child. If you don't teach your
about ***, the society will teach them the wrong
9: It is always advisable you go through any new
Material like cartoons you just bought for them
before they start seeing it, you may Blue Movie
10: Teach your 3 year old how to wash their
private parts properly and warn them never to
allow anyone touch those areas and that includes
you (remember, charity begins at home and with
11: Once your child complains about a particular
person, don't keep quiet about it Take up the
case and show them you can
defend them always.
Then make sure they embraces God.
The bible said 'Train up a child in the way he
should go, And when he is old he will not depart
from it.
Nov 2015 · 15.3k
Speak truthfully

It’s always better to say the truth now rather than living a lie and letting that lie get exposed later. I know what it feels like to be lied to, it’s not pretty, it’s horrible beyond measure. Honesty should always be one of the main factors of any relationship, and you need to be honest till the end, even if it means you’ll end up losing your relationship, it’s still much better than lying to the person you love, doesn’t matter how big or small the lie is, it’s still a lie and you’re still keeping it from them. Always speak truthfully and from the heart, those who know the importance of honesty will never leave you. Those who care more about themselves will probably walk away, but that’s for your own good.
Don’t disappear
One of the worst ways of breaking up with someone is by disappearing on them, by slowly fading away, don’t do that. You’ll give unwanted torture to someone by being selfish and scared. If you can’t make it work, either talk about fixing it or talk about a mutual breakup, running away is NOT an option. If you respect each other enough, give each other the courtesy of being open and honest about how the relationship is going and where it’s headed. Disappearing from the relationship isn’t going to solve anything, it’s only going to make it harder for both of you.
Don’t let anger take control

90% of breakups turn ugly because of anger, because one of the two people start letting anger take over them and just give in and lose control, don’t let that happen to you. While it’s pretty natural and expected to be angry at a situation like this, it’s highly unhealthy for both of you. I’ve seen a lot of people who talk things out without being angry, anger just ruins the entire point of trying to talk things out, it just wastes every effort and leaves people more angry and upset. Be calm and be gentle and kind with your words, you don’t want to have any negativity and you don’t want to have any regrets later. Trust me, you’ll hate yourself after a few months if you’re the one who got angry at the breakup. It’s a different and peaceful feeling when you know you didn’t lash out and you kept your cool, trust me.

Don’t involve a third person

If you’re thinking of bringing that one best friend and making them a part of this conversation, don’t, just don’t, it’s only going to end horribly for all of you. Keep in mind that it’s your relationship, it involves you and your partner and no one else, you’ve shared intimacy together, you’ve made memories together, you’ve cried and laughed with each other, do NOT ruin all of those things by bringing a third person in the middle, either to make your point heard or to try and fix the situation.

Don’t have mixed feelings, decide

One of the worst things people do to each other is drag the relationship out, to avoid the stress and pain of a breakup, don’t do that. Do not be in a dragged relationship because of emotions, come out of it because you want to be a much better person in life and you know that the relationship you’re in is only having negative effects on the two of you. Don’t have mixed feelings during the breakup, make up your mind once and for all and go with that decision. If you decide to break up, make up your mind about it and do it. If you decide to sort things out, do whatever is necessary to sort things out. Just don’t have mixed feelings about someone.

Don’t announce it, it’s your privacy

Don’t be that person who puts up a Facebook status as soon as their relationship ends, respect your privacy. Of course, you can talk to your close friends about it because you obviously need to share the pain and sorrow with someone, but just don’t announce it to the world. I’m pointing at you – person who changes their Facebook Relationship Status every two months. This is especially bad when the two of you suddenly decide to be together again, the number of questions and explanations you have to give everyone is going to be a pain and people will only make fun of you then. Avoid the pain, keep it to yourselves.
Don’t bring up the past
One of the worst things to do during a breakup is to bring up issues from the past, issues that had long been resolved and don’t even exist anymore, it’s painful. When you bring up even the smallest of issues, it’s going to create a new list of problems and it’s going to make you angry, which is going to lead to a pretty painful breakup with a lot of animosity and hate. Keep it simple, be very precise about how you feel and avoid the past AT ALL COSTS!

Expect it to be unpleasant

Like I said before, breakups are bad, even the word has pain in it, so expect them to be unpleasant. There is no such thing as a “happy breakup”, if you believe in a happy breakup then it means you’ve seen too many movies. Breakups are always going to be sad, even if they’re mutual and the two of you know that you tried your best, there’s still going to be a lot of grief and pain involved.
Nov 2015 · 608
i live you
when i say i love you more
,i don't mean i love you more than you love me.i mean
i love you more than the bad ahead for us.
,i love you more than the fight we will ever had
,i love you more than the distance between us
,i love you more than the obstecle that could come betwwen us
,i love you the most
Nov 2015 · 9.9k
1»When a woman love you, she will do anything possible to be with you.
2»When a woman loves you, she will sacrifice her happiness to make you smile.
3»When a woman loves you, she will not delay accepting you as a lover, when she haz accepted you,she will show you care and give you attention needed in relationship or marriage.
4»When a woman loves you bro, she will do things that make your friends and you thinks she is throwing herself on you. Bro! She truly lovez you so much, don't take her love for granted.
5»When a woman loves a man, she will call the guy on phone more than the guy calls her everyday.
6»When a woman truly loves a man, she will visit you all the time, calls you, helps you,care and give you attention more than she gives herself and family.
7»When a woman loves a man, she will do what she vows not to do in this life. She will do it for you and for love but women always end up regretting for doing undo things because many men are deceivers and pretenders.
8»When a woman truly loves a man, she will turn down serious men ready to marry her whereby she is not even sure if the guy will marry her in the future. funny_people.
9»When a woman truly loves you, she gonna be romantic, care for you, respect you, encourage and support your dreams in this life, she will do anything possible to assist you achieve it.
10» When a woman truly loves you, she will surely want the best for you, she will not cheat on you or hurt you, she will let everybody know that she loves you, she will be proud of you bro , she will not find it hard to forgive your imperfection but not when you cheated, she will love you sincerely and ready to die because of your love, BRO when she truly loves you,she want nothing but marriage.
Nov 2015 · 572
dear guys
dear guys dont flip out when your girl wonders who your with or what your doin,it means she cares and she dont want to loose you to someone else.

dont let loneliness drive you back into the arms of someone who you know doesnt care about you be careful of what you choose .
marriage is definitively one of the biggest decisions you can take in life. There are a million questions in our heads when we start thinking about marriage. “Can I spend the rest of my life with this person?”, “Am I going to be happy ten years down the road with this person?”, “Is this really a good decision or am I rushing it?” and so on. It could get pretty scary even for the strongest of couples because it’s real life, this isn’t a movie. Most couples get through with it happily, though, but I’ve seen a few relationships turn completely upside down after trying the knot.

Marriage is also a lot about age. I’ve seen people get married as early as 22 and I’ve also seen people get married after their thirties. So here’s a little quiz for all of you.
Nov 2015 · 448
in life
in life you will realize the is a roll to everyone you meet,some will test you,some will use you,some you ill love you and,some will teach you.but the one that is truly important   are the one who brings out the best in you,they are the rare and amazing people who remind you why its with it..................

the best part having a relationship is getting to call the person or lay down next to them.and tell them all the crazy thinks that happened to you all day long.and in the end that's what it's about kids.its not about ***,its not about money that they give you or whatever,its not about how beautiful they look,its about can they listening to you talk an hours,and hours about stupit shirt that doesn,t matter
....* No1: A man was so jealous of his newly born baby that he put poison on the wife's ******* while she was asleep. The next day their driver died of poisoning.
....No2: A man is dying of cancer, but keeps telling people he is dying of AIDS. His son asked his Dad why. He answered, "so that when I am dead, no one will sleep with your mum."
No3: A lady lost three ******* in her house and blamed her maid in front of the husband. Maid said "sir. you are my witness you know I never wear *******!"
No4: Couple is having a quickie and their 6 year old catches them. Son says: "What are you doing?" Ask the son. Father: "I’m putting petrol in your Mom." Son: " Which means Mom’s engine is taking too much petrol cause Mr. Zwane just put some in yesterday!" Mother fainted!!!!
No5: A man went to the pub with his wife. When he left for the counter to buy drinks a ******* approached his wife & whispered, "You must DEMAND cash before ***, I know him he doesn't pay.
No6: An 8 year old boy is accused of ****. In court his lady lawyer holds his **** out as evidence saying, "Your Honour see this, can he ***** with this tiny tot?"The boy whispers, "Don't shake it, we'll lose the case!"
Psychology says, the more loving you are, the more painful it feels when a person fails to realize how much you care for them.
2. Psychology says, being able to instantly respond with sarcasm within seconds of a stupid question is a sign of a healthy brain.
3. Psychology says, people usually leave because it's easier than working things out. People lie because sometimes it's easier than being honest.
4. Psychology says, being angry and bitter destroys you mentally, lowers your IQ & can literally shorten your life.
5. Psychology says, the person on your mind while you're unable to sleep is usually responsible for your happiness, pain or both.
6. Psychology says, kissing causes a chemical reaction in the brain which lowers a woman's risk of suffering from depression.
7. Psychology says, we seem to ignore the ones who adore us & pay more attention to those who ignore us.
1. When you fall in love, make sure it's with
somebody who treats you exactly how you
deserve to be treated.
2. Love somebody who wants to know everything
about you, from your favourite colour to your
childhood memories how you managed to survive
all those years.
3. Love somebody who can make you laugh, who
kisses your forehead and who notices all your
flaws but choses to see past them.
4. Love somebody who listens to whatever is on
your mind,who protects you and alwayz reminds
you how blessed they are to have found you.
5. Love somebody who you can't stay mad at for
more than an hour because you miss speaking to
them, who knows every freckle on your face,
every stretch mark on your thighs, every scar and
every tear.
6. Love somebody who you can plan your future
with,and most importantly love somebody who is
God fearing.
7. And lastly dont forget to make them feel loved
in return .
*If you agree with those 7 reasons i have listed above, Share to your friends.
You can sleep well.
2. You can save time and money.
3. No worries about how you look.
4. No miss calls in the midnight.
5. No need to recharge more than twice a day.
6. You can talk to all boys/girls.
7. You can eat well
8. No scoldings from parents/
9. Can eat in any restaurant.
10. You can visit any body.
11. can pick any call, any time without being
12. Don't worry about missed
13. You will have 100% rest of
14. you will live a long life.
NOTE:- LOVE is a beautiful things,
fall in love with one who takes
you as a priority not to one that takes you as an
Any man/ woman that doesn't give you LOVE, CARE
and ATTENTION is not worth to be with.
TRUE or FALSE ??...
Nov 2015 · 362
sometimes you meet someone,and its so clear that the two of you,on some level belong lovers or as friends or as family or as something as entirely just work whether you trust one another or your in love or your partners in crime,you meet this people throughout your life,out of nowhere under the strangest circumstances,and they help you feel alive.i dont know if that one makes me believe in coincidence,or fate or sheer blind luck,but it definitely makes me believe in something

the is different between who we love who we settle with and who where meant to be with
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
dear girls
i heard you like bad boys,those guys who act like they don't care about you'which is making you try harder to make them like you,those guys who wouldn't reply to your text until later on,which makes u wait around and miss him more,those guys who act distance from you,which is makes you try harder to get their attention.those guys who know they can get lot of girls which makes you more afraid to lose them,those guys who would show you they're interested on day then act different the next day which make you confused to take the decision to leave him.those guys who can make you fall for them but they can care less,which is making you stuck and not able to move on cause you care too much,has anyone told you that you deserve better than probably have and you know what?its about time you realize that.if a guy likes you he'll meet you half way simple as that.don't settle for a bad boy when you deserve a good man

the guy that cares
Nov 2015 · 769
Appreciating Little Things:
Appreciation is the key ingredient to cultivate healthy relationships. Healthy couples always appreciate each other in day-to-day life to show their commitment and love. They never miss an opportunity to give a loving appreciating remark to their partners.

Always Stay In Touch:

Healthy couples maintain their contact no matter how busy their schedules are. In our busy lives an unexpected text message, an admiring note or a phone call can have much deeper effects than we can realize.
Healthy couples always maintain their loving connection and don’t allow distances and busy routines to part them.
Being Happy is Their Priority:
For healthy couples being happy is much more important than being right. Leaving their egos behind they always strive to discover solutions. Instead of playing the blame game they choose compromise and compassion.

They Sleep Together:
Leave your arguments and battles behind before your crawl into bed. There are arguments and tensions but never take them with you to bed. Leave your negative emotions and anger behind.
Healthy couples suggest to always tell your partner that you love them before you go to sleep and this is especially applicable to the nights when u have an argument. A simple hug and a smile can result in sudden release of tension between couples.
Being Intimate:
Being intimate is essential to keep your relation alive. Healthy couples maintain their intimacy to prove that they cherish their relationship. Preserving your physical relation is vital for establishing healthy relation as a couple.

Being Patient And Respectful Towards Each Other:

No one is perfect. Even the healthiest couples are just two imperfect human beings. Being a perfect couple doesn’t mean that they are perfect in every way, in reality it is accepting and being patient to each other’s imperfections.

Healthy couples are always respectful towards each other’s shortcomings and they compliment limitations of their partner in a way that they look perfect as a couple.
Nov 2015 · 4.2k
healthy relationships
healthy relationships can never be developed overnight. Conscious efforts, thoughtful gestures, quality time and sacrifices are the keys to become a healthy couple. Developing strong relation with your partner demands effort and time. And to make your relation everlasting, a consistent positive approach is a must.
Healthy couples always keep a positive approach towards their relation with each other. Healthy couples build their relationship with everyday efforts. They agree to the fact that relationships need regular nurturing.
At times we get caught in the negative spur of everyday life. We are having problems at job, finances are failing, kids are sick, arguments with colleagues and many such turmoils of daily life influence our emotions and ultimately our relationships.
Healthy couples always focus on the positive qualities of the partner in rough times. Whenever you are frustrated, make a conscious effort to focus on the things you admire and appreciate about your spouse.
Nov 2015 · 396
I love the way she survived. Survival looked good on her. There were no dark marks under her eyes. Maybe deep inside, but I like the way she looked through them and laughed at life. She did it gracefully. She walked over glass and through fire, but still smiled. And, honestly, I’m not interested in people who haven’t lived and died a few times. Who haven’t yet had their heart ripped out, or know what it feels like to lose everything. I trust those people, because they stand for something. I knew what she’d been through. I wanted to thank her for surviving. And her to know that she had someone willing to stand with her too.
Nov 2015 · 370
Regardless of what happened yesterday,today is still a good day to be happy again. Leave the past where it is so you can keep moving forward. Just because they hurt you, it doesnt mean that you cant heal. Just because they couldn't see your value, it doesnt mean that someone else never will. Just because the relationship ended, it doesnt mean that it is the end of your love life. Be happy with yourself today. Celebrate the fact that you are still a great person and that you didnt allow one bad experience to control how you approach the rest of your life. Live, Love and Laugh, one day at a time.
Nov 2015 · 435
in love
im in love with your smile
im in love with your voiceim in love with your body
im in love with your laugh
im in love with youreyes
im in love with you
Oct 2015 · 737
mistakes on relationship
one mistake can change everything. Sometimes apologies just don’t cut it and some things cannot be fixed, no matter what you do. Such is the frailty of relationships. You may be willing to overlook a million things, but at the same time that one little mistake just might be the end of things.

Relationships don’t come with a guarantee to last. Its how much work you put into it that determines the relationship’s fate. Of course there are going to be a few slips every now and then, but some of these mistakes are avoidable.

Let’s look at the most frequent mistakes made in relationships. Try steering clear of them;

Failing to keep your tempers in check

When we’re being excessively ‘expressive’ with our opinions and feelings with this person; we become completely oblivious to their feelings. We think it’s justified to be hurtful (intentionally or unintentionally), just because you’re supposed to share everything with them. Even if you have to be honest with each other, don’t be cruel. This is someone you love, don’t ever forget that. If either of you is getting worked up, take a break and get back to it later. Don’t make it a habit to lash out on each other, it gives way to resentment.

Allowing communication gaps to create problems

People often tend to forget the importance of communication in a relationship. How else do you share anything at all with each other? Never stop communicating with each other, especially when things get tough. The silent treatment is never a good idea; it may actually worsen the situation.

Communication allows you to stay connected to each other. You can share your feelings, your fears, your dreams and what not. This is how you learn about and understand each other. Inadequate communication creates distance and misunderstandings that could easily be avoided.
A woman’s job is never done. From sun up to sun down, most women have a ton of things to do along with keeping their man happy in a relationship. It makes a woman feel important and special when you take time to recognize all that she does. A simple,”Thank you for cooking dinner, I really appreciate it”, can put a smile on her face. No woman wants to be in a relationship that she feels invisible in. Recognizing her efforts is the very fuel that can inspire her to keep doing more for you.
She deserves safety and security.Whether you are providing a roof over her head or protection over her heart, every woman needs her safe haven. When a man can give a woman the reassurance that he will do anything to protect her heart, her well being and her spirit, it brings a certain level of peace over her. When a woman feels safe, she feels free. You can’t expect her to continue being your angel if you don’t create a heaven like environment for her to comfortably lay her head in.
She needs to know which certainty that she can trust her life partner.
A man will never reach the depths of a woman’s love if that woman cannot fully trust him. When a woman can lower her guard and love a man without holding anything back, that is truly when that man has earned all of her trust. It takes courage loving a man and sharing things with him that makes her sacred. Everyone doesn’t get to explore those levels of her love. You only reach that level of comfort with a woman when she can fully trust you. Earn her trust and you will tap into things that will inspire you in becoming a better man.
A woman needs to feel desired and loved.
A woman definitely needs two things. She needs to hear how much you love her, and she needs to see how much you love her. Every woman needs to feel like she is special and like she is the only woman in her man’s world. As a man, it is your responsibility to never leave your woman guessing or wondering how much you really do love her. She should be so moved by your love that it radiates off of her when she steps out in public. With most women, the thought and the effort you put into making them smile is truly what matters most. Whether you are planning a surprise dinner or planning to send her surprise flowers, these small things leave the biggest smiles on their heart. Express how much she means to you and how blessed you are to have her in your life. Don’t just say she’s irreplaceable, love her like she is irreplaceable and she will never stray away from you and your love. She deserves a man to be her best friend.
When you feel like you have your best friend in your relationship, that is a sign of a great relationship. Can she confide in you secrets that she has never told anyone? Can she trust that you will listen to her about anything in the world without judging her? Are you a man that she can cry with and laugh with? Being her best friend is like making a secret oath with her. You never share private conversations and private moments with anyone outside of your relationship. Being her best friend means that you will always be able to see the best in her even when she feels the opposite. Being a woman’s best friend is one of the best things that you can do for your relationship.
Oct 2015 · 517
pray hurd
I know sometimes you feel like giving up. Every new day there’s seems to be no change in your life. All the troubles of your heart and worries keep on worsening! You wonder why everything is happening to you. You keep on asking yourself why you’re not lucky like other people. You keep on praying to God but so far He hasn’t answered your prayers. Now you have started losing hope. You now think that maybe you were meant to be like that or maybe somebody cursed you. But I tell you what my friend? You weren’t meant to be like that and you weren’t cursed. God is silent but He watches you day and night. He listens to your prayers and He has something special for you. Just stay strong, focused, and hardworking and keep praying to God. Bear it in your minds that you’re not alone in that hard situation, we are all in the same boat. So don’t give up my dear friend. Your time is coming soon.
Oct 2015 · 1.0k
true love
every woman out there wants to be with a guy who treats her right, showers her with love and would do anything just to see her smile. A gentleman would be perfect for that. Being a gentleman is about so much more than just opening doors and sweet talk. He could be doing all those things just for one reason. Being a gentleman is more about character and integrity. He’s someone who’s above everything else, a decent human being. He treats everyone with the respect they deserve, and is especially considerate of his girl, in every regard.

Let’s look at the 4 signs of a true gentleman;

4. All women are honorable for him

The women in his family, at work, his friends, his girlfriend or even the women he doesn’t know all that well. Each one of them is respectable for him, in different capacities, but respectable all the same. He’d never do anything to disgrace them or hurt them in any way. He acknowledges their worth and appreciates them for what they all add to his life. He’d treat his girl a little differently, but holds all women in high regard, in spite of how he may be related to them.

3. He constantly reminds women of their true value

Simply put, he’s anything but a chauvinist. He doesn’t merely claim to think highly of women, but proves it time and again as well. With everyone trying to bring women down, he’s the one who truly believes that they ought to be treated better, and does so himself.

2. He prefers intelligence over power

He knows the kind of woman he wants. While some of them may want to be with him for his money or status, he’d never settle for someone with superficial precedence. He thinks intellect is something that can help you even where power fails you. And he’d appreciate someone who shares a similar view. He chooses his company wisely. His circle would be comprised of people who challenge him and inspire him to be his best and add to his wisdom.

1. He is good with money

Handling money can be tricky. If he doesn’t go overboard with his spending and is careful with his funds, he’s definitely dependable. The source of income and his spending habits should be noted. How, where and who does he spend it on?

To sum up, a true gentleman is reliable in every imaginable way; ranging from being emotionally reliable to financially reliable. He’d be the living example of everything a woman could ask for. He upholds his values, respects everyone equally, is considerate of other people and is never selfish.

What is your definition of a true gentleman? Have you found him yet? Does he have any additional qualities? Looking forward to your input.
Oct 2015 · 1.0k
broken relationship
this is for people in broken relationships. Relationships that stand on such weak grounds that you don’t really know if you should give this another try or get out of it. A broken relationship is like a deep wound that is a result of constant blows to your soul and heart, unintentionally and at times, intentionally. It is a hard decision but don’t ever give up unless you’ve tried to make it work from every way possible because you don’t want that guilt to linger on after you have broken up. At times many relationships are fragile just because that’s the way they are. It could be a union of two extremely sensitive people or two extremely strong-headed people. So, at times, a few little changes can help you save that relationship.
You and your partner were not always like this. Remind yourself of the way your partner was, the way you fell in love with them. Over the period of time, small things condition us to adapt and change. Remember, these changes are a result of incidents and external factors in your relationship. Find that faith in your partner again. Believe that there is still the same amount of goodness and love in your partner than when you first met them.
You have been fighting for so long and nothing good or positive has come out of it, ever. Your relationship has just gotten worse. All those bad words, hurtful statements and raised voices will only act as those blows that I was talking about. It’s time you stop all of that. Now that you are trying to find the same faith in your partner, forgive them. Know that your partner didn’t mean to hurt you. It’s time you forgive them for hurting you so you can actually work on the things that have damaged to your relationship.
Most of us in relationships don’t realise that many issues can be resolved with the right kind of communication. The right kind of communication is when you keep all of your other issues afar from the current situation and address the problem in simple words. Remember not to use a statement that, you know, might offend your partner. Another important action that needs to come into play is to show support. Whether you agree at first or not. Have the patience and courtesy to listen to your partner, even if they are wrong, hear them out and then clear things. Most fights are usually just simple misunderstandings that develop into bigger and badder things.
Reassure your partner that you still love them. No one in this world can tell your partner how much you love them. Not their friends, not your friends and not even this article. The only person who has the power to reassure this to your partner is YOU. Tell them that you are ready to let go of the things they did to you and ask for forgiveness for the things you did to them. There is no ego when you love someone. Don’t think that asking for forgiveness makes your point any less important. When you forgive your partner and ask for forgiveness, you are allowing them to let go of the things they have been holding on to.

In the end, try and find the spark and the love you both had in the beginning of your relationship. Trust me, it is not that hard if you put your mind to it. We have all been there, I have been there and I eventually learned the hard way so I know its easier said than done. But, Hey! It’s worth a try, your relationship is worth a try.
Have you been in a broken relationship?
If yes, how did you come out of it? Did you manage to fix it and bring it back to what it used to be? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, stay blessed and keep the love alive!
Oct 2015 · 1.0k
this is for people in broken relationships. Relationships that stand on such weak grounds that you don’t really know if you should give this another try or get out of it. A broken relationship is like a deep wound that is a result of constant blows to your soul and heart, unintentionally and at times, intentionally. It is a hard decision but don’t ever give up unless you’ve tried to make it work from every way possible because you don’t want that guilt to linger on after you have broken up. At times many relationships are fragile just because that’s the way they are. It could be a union of two extremely sensitive people or two extremely strong-headed people. So, at times, a few little changes can help you save that relationship.
You and your partner were not always like this. Remind yourself of the way your partner was, the way you fell in love with them. Over the period of time, small things condition us to adapt and change. Remember, these changes are a result of incidents and external factors in your relationship. Find that faith in your partner again. Believe that there is still the same amount of goodness and love in your partner than when you first met them.
You have been fighting for so long and nothing good or positive has come out of it, ever. Your relationship has just gotten worse. All those bad words, hurtful statements and raised voices will only act as those blows that I was talking about. It’s time you stop all of that. Now that you are trying to find the same faith in your partner, forgive them. Know that your partner didn’t mean to hurt you. It’s time you forgive them for hurting you so you can actually work on the things that have damaged to your relationship.
Most of us in relationships don’t realise that many issues can be resolved with the right kind of communication. The right kind of communication is when you keep all of your other issues afar from the current situation and address the problem in simple words. Remember not to use a statement that, you know, might offend your partner. Another important action that needs to come into play is to show support. Whether you agree at first or not. Have the patience and courtesy to listen to your partner, even if they are wrong, hear them out and then clear things. Most fights are usually just simple misunderstandings that develop into bigger and badder things.
Reassure your partner that you still love them. No one in this world can tell your partner how much you love them. Not their friends, not your friends and not even this article. The only person who has the power to reassure this to your partner is YOU. Tell them that you are ready to let go of the things they did to you and ask for forgiveness for the things you did to them. There is no ego when you love someone. Don’t think that asking for forgiveness makes your point any less important. When you forgive your partner and ask for forgiveness, you are allowing them to let go of the things they have been holding on to.

In the end, try and find the spark and the love you both had in the beginning of your relationship. Trust me, it is not that hard if you put your mind to it. We have all been there, I have been there and I eventually learned the hard way so I know its easier said than done. But, Hey! It’s worth a try, your relationship is worth a try.
Have you been in a broken relationship?
If yes, how did you come out of it? Did you manage to fix it and bring it back to what it used to be? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, stay blessed and keep the love alive!
this is for people in broken relationships. Relationships that stand on such weak grounds that you don’t really know if you should give this another try or get out of it. A broken relationship is like a deep wound that is a result of constant blows to your soul and heart, unintentionally and at times, intentionally. It is a hard decision but don’t ever give up unless you’ve tried to make it work from every way possible because you don’t want that guilt to linger on after you have broken up. At times many relationships are fragile just because that’s the way they are. It could be a union of two extremely sensitive people or two extremely strong-headed people. So, at times, a few little changes can help you save that relationship.
You and your partner were not always like this. Remind yourself of the way your partner was, the way you fell in love with them. Over the period of time, small things condition us to adapt and change. Remember, these changes are a result of incidents and external factors in your relationship. Find that faith in your partner again. Believe that there is still the same amount of goodness and love in your partner than when you first met them.
You have been fighting for so long and nothing good or positive has come out of it, ever. Your relationship has just gotten worse. All those bad words, hurtful statements and raised voices will only act as those blows that I was talking about. It’s time you stop all of that. Now that you are trying to find the same faith in your partner, forgive them. Know that your partner didn’t mean to hurt you. It’s time you forgive them for hurting you so you can actually work on the things that have damaged to your relationship.
Most of us in relationships don’t realise that many issues can be resolved with the right kind of communication. The right kind of communication is when you keep all of your other issues afar from the current situation and address the problem in simple words. Remember not to use a statement that, you know, might offend your partner. Another important action that needs to come into play is to show support. Whether you agree at first or not. Have the patience and courtesy to listen to your partner, even if they are wrong, hear them out and then clear things. Most fights are usually just simple misunderstandings that develop into bigger and badder things.
Reassure your partner that you still love them. No one in this world can tell your partner how much you love them. Not their friends, not your friends and not even this article. The only person who has the power to reassure this to your partner is YOU. Tell them that you are ready to let go of the things they did to you and ask for forgiveness for the things you did to them. There is no ego when you love someone. Don’t think that asking for forgiveness makes your point any less important. When you forgive your partner and ask for forgiveness, you are allowing them to let go of the things they have been holding on to.

In the end, try and find the spark and the love you both had in the beginning of your relationship. Trust me, it is not that hard if you put your mind to it. We have all been there, I have been there and I eventually learned the hard way so I know its easier said than done. But, Hey! It’s worth a try, your relationship is worth a try.
Have you been in a broken relationship?
If yes, how did you come out of it? Did you manage to fix it and bring it back to what it used to be? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, stay blessed and keep the love alive!
Oct 2015 · 234
that night
That night when everything got messy, when I had to watch my whole world fall apart all because once again you had to much to drink. When I watched the police take you into the back of that car I could felt my heart being tore in two. I watched them remove you from my life. You took all I had to give never giving much back in return. U took and took until I had nothing left to give. But you know what? I am strong enough to get over you. There's nothing in life god bring me to that he wont bring me through. I'm glad I saw what you are capable of before I felt that fist of fury. I will never forget even if I ever in life bring myself to some how forgive. All I know is that life will never be the same again because you smashed my world apart but yet here I am putting the pieces back together.
The person who you couldn't hold down
Oct 2015 · 297
go away
We've been together for almost 3 years. 3 years of cheating, lies and fights. You killed me, you destroyed me, you made me think that I was wrong and not you. When i found out that you were cheating on me and that you were still talking to that girl I confronted you and you and told you it was over but Then you came back crying and saying that you were sorry etc. and I forgive you. I was so blinded. I gave you everything that I could. And in the end, you told me it was over because you found someone else.
At first i was sad and i admit it I even wanted to die. But then, i realized one thing. This was the only good decision that you took related to me. And I will never be thankful enough because thanks to you, I am now feeling alive, and better then i ever did
***** yourself.
- Your lovely ex.
Oct 2015 · 273
Dear Ex
Thank you for leaving me after my miscarraige and replacing me with a woman who already has a child. Thank you for that insult. Thank you for not being there during those nights that feels like hell. Where I was in pain,broken for losing my baby,falling apart and lost. I didn't just lost my baby but I also lost the man who I thought would never hurt and leave me. You just threw away 6 years relationship instead of trying to fix it. Thank you for your selfishness. It's okay. I completely understand. And thank you for letting me know how miserable are you now while I'm happy.
I have moved on. I'm sorry..
Don’t Break Her Heart
2. Don’t Pretend You Love Her
3. Don’t Tell Her She Is Ugly
4. Don’t Compare Her To Your Ex
5. Don’t Take Her Love For
6. Don’t Shout On Her
7. Don’t Beat Her
8. Never Cheat On Her
9. Don’t Disrespect Her
10. Don’t Waste Her Time If You
Will Not Marry Her
11. Don’t Make Her Break Her
Decision Of “NO *** BEFORE
12. Don’t Make Her Feel Unloved
13. Don’t **** Her
14. Never Fail To Say She Is
15. Don’t Disgrace Her In The
16. Don’t impregnate Her And
Deny it
17. Don’t Expose Her Secrets To
Your Friends And Family
18. Don’t Lie To Her
19. Don’t Correct Her In The
20. Don’t Hate Her Family
21. Don’t Treat Her Like Your
22. Don’t Make Promises You
Can’t Keep
23. Never Destroy Her
How many agree with me ?..
Oct 2015 · 328
One day you are going to meet someone who will make you forget all the pains you have had in your old relationships, who will make you happy, who will care about you and love you genuinely just the way you are, who will be happy and proud to have you, who will be ready for a serious relationship with you, who will bear and deal with all your weaknesses and imperfections, who will be afraid of hurting and losing you, who won’t use your past against you, and who will be everything to you.
I know this may sound like a lie or dream to you, but believe me someday you will find that special person who will be only for you. God already has that person for you in stock. But He’s just waiting for the perfect time as He is preparing you. Be ready to embrace them any time.
But, watch your demands and attitude towards them, so you do not send your happiness packing with ignorance.
thank you
Oct 2015 · 401
You don’t really want to talk to them on the phone
No one talks much on the phone any way. But when it comes to relationships, especially new ones, you want to talk to them, and the frequency might reduce as the relationship goes on, but the anticipation should remain ever the same. If this changes, it’s pretty obvious that you don’t really want to talk to them.
They aren’t the first ones to hear any good news you get
The relationship you have with them isn’t like any other relationship. You should want to share everything with them, and at the very moment that it happens. If they’re not the first ones to pop into your head when you have good news to share, it’s a definite sign.

You’re arguing over petty things
Arguments find their way in every relationship. You just can’t avoid them. Depending on how you deal with them could either damage or strengthen your relationship. However if you fight over something as insignificant as making the coffee too strong, it’s time you think about what’s actually causing this annoyance. It definitely has to be something much more than that, something about the relationship that isn’t right.
Oct 2015 · 602
have faith
On Saturday the 3rd. Me and my friend attended a birthday party with a gathering of about 40 people. My friend sat at the front seat for a selfish benefit and I sat at the back. A lady started distributing food. She started from the
back and unfortunately, it didn't get to
people sitting at the front. Another lady
started sharing the drinks, she started from the front but unfortunately he (my friend) had already moved to sit at the back with me. Again the drink didn't get to people at the back. He was so furious that he stood up to leave but then he saw three ladies each with a big bowl.
This time, he tried to be wise by sitting
in the middle. One of the ladies started the sharing from the front, the second lady started distributing from the back. The two ladies were sharing fried chicken .When they got to the middle where he was seated, it got finished AGAIN. Feeling so frustrated, he bent his head, putting his face in his hands but then the third lady tapped him and stretched her bowl for him to pick. He stretched and put his hands inside the bowl. Guess what was in the bowl? TOOTHPICKS. LOL
Moral Of The Story: Do not try to position yourself in life, allow God to put you in the right place otherwise you will wrongfully position yourself
for toothpicks. Have faith in HIM that he will put you in a right place in his rightful time.
Sep 2015 · 362
think again
-Not everyone will make it to your future. Some people are just passing through to teach you lessons in life.
- You'll end up real disappointed if you think people will do for you as you do for them. Not everyone has the same heart as you.
- You don't need too many people to be happy, just a few real ones who appreciate you for who you are.
- A guy can make you think he loves you when he doesn't. A girl can make you think she doesn't love you when she really does.
- The first person you think of in the morning, or last person you think of at night, is either the cause of your happiness or your pain.
- People change for one of two reasons: They have learned a lot, or they have been hurt too many times.
- Just because a person smiles all the time, doesn't mean their life is perfect.
- Never give up on someone you can't go a full day without thinking about.
- If someone is loyal to you, don't take them for granted.
- Take care of the people you love, but take even better care of the people that love you.
- You're not the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or a week ago. You're constantly changing; experiences don't stop. That's life.
- As you grow older, you realize it becomes less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones.
- Don't feel sad over someone who gave up on you, feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who would have never given up on them.
Sep 2015 · 757
We must keep in mind that we
cannot force anyone To love us
the way we want. We should not
beg someone to stay when they
want to leave. That is what love
is All about FREEDOM. Moreover,
the end of LOVE is not The end
of LIFE. It should be the
beginning of an understanding
If someone truly loves you, they
will never give you a reason to
doubt it. Anyone can come into
your life and say how much they
love you, but it takes someone
really special to stay in your life
and prove how much they LOVE
Sometimes it takes a while to
find The right person, but the
right person is always worth
The wait. Do NOT rush my friend,
just take it slow. You will find
someone who will love you the
way you are... Just be patient
and cry no more!.
Sep 2015 · 589
If you are SINGLE and keep on saying "I DON'T TRUST MEN OR WOMEN!" Remember your mates are getting married every Saturday. Let me ask you, are they marrying spirits? Wise up!
2. If you are MARRIED and keep saying "I HATE THIS MARRIAGE!" OK! Is it not married people like you that are celebrating Gold, Silver and even Platinum jubilee?
3. If you keep on ranting, ''I'M LEAVING MY MAN, HE CHEATED ON ME!" Please, go to town and see all the fine, cute, ****, hot, hungry and desperate chicks waiting to ****** your man's money and property, they don't even mind sharing. Make it work, my friend!
4. Stop saying "I HATE MY JOB!" Look! 20 million people are jobless and can't even find any not to talk of keeping it! Do you want to join them?
5. You keep saying "I HATE WHERE I LIVE!" Oh please! tears Try visiting those locations that are flooding now, people leaving in tin/zinc shacks in winter or people living/sleeping under the bridge at night and you will be grateful to God that you even have a place to stay!
6. Some say "I AM TIRED OF THIS LIFE!" Well, go to the hospital and see people fighting for their lives! Go to the mortuary and take a look then tell me what you feel after that! The point is, be positive and believe in God, that's all that matters. Be Blessed.
CHERISH EVERY MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE: To realize the value of a sister/brother ask someone Who doesn't have one.
To realize the value of ten years: Ask a newly divorced couple.
To realize the value of four years: Ask a graduate.
To realize the value of one year: Ask a student who Has failed a final exam.
To realize the value of nine months: Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
To realize the value of one month: Ask a mother Who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of one week: Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of one minute: Ask a person Who has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realize the value of one second: Ask a person Who has survived an accident. Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have.
Remember. Hold on tight to the ones you love! And don't forget the one who sent it to you! Have a stress free moment in your life.
I hope you will reflect on this.
God Bless Us All and have a wonderful day
Sep 2015 · 279
To love someone is NOTHING,
To be loved by someone is SOMETHING,
To be loved by someone U love is EXCITING....
BUT to be loved by GOD is EVERYTHING!!!
Sep 2015 · 688
If you are SINGLE and keep on saying "I DON'T TRUST MEN OR WOMEN!" Remember your mates are getting married every Saturday. Let me ask you, are they marrying spirits? Wise up!
2. If you are MARRIED and keep saying "I HATE THIS MARRIAGE!" OK! Is it not married people like you that are celebrating Gold, Silver and even Platinum jubilee?
3. If you keep on ranting, ''I'M LEAVING MY MAN, HE CHEATED ON ME!" Please, go to town and see all the fine, cute, ****, hot, hungry and desperate chicks waiting to ****** your man's money and property, they don't even mind sharing. Make it work, my friend!
4. Stop saying "I HATE MY JOB!" Look! 20 million people are jobless and can't even find any not to talk of keeping it! Do you want to join them?
5. You keep saying "I HATE WHERE I LIVE!" Oh please! tears Try visiting those locations that are flooding now, people leaving in tin/zinc shacks in winter or people living/sleeping under the bridge at night and you will be grateful to God that you even have a place to stay!
6. Some say "I AM TIRED OF THIS LIFE!" Well, go to the hospital and see people fighting for their lives! Go to the mortuary and take a look then tell me what you feel after that! The point is, be positive and believe in God, that's all that matters. Be Blessed.
CHERISH EVERY MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE: To realize the value of a sister/brother ask someone Who doesn't have one.
To realize the value of ten years: Ask a newly divorced couple.
To realize the value of four years: Ask a graduate.
To realize the value of one year: Ask a student who Has failed a final exam.
To realize the value of nine months: Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
To realize the value of one month: Ask a mother Who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of one week: Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of one minute: Ask a person Who has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realize the value of one second: Ask a person Who has survived an accident. Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have.
Remember. Hold on tight to the ones you love! And don't forget the one who sent it to you! Have a stress free moment in your life.
I hope you will reflect on this.
God Bless Us All and have a wonderful day .
fore you guys start reading this, I would like to give you a brief overview of what it’s about. First of all,  I think it’s extremely unhealthy and can only lead to bad things even when you’re in the happiest of relationships. A week ago, I received a very detailed message in the page’s inbox, the first words were “My Confession”. It was from a man who wanted to share his mental weight with someone, anyone. So I started reading it, and it made me tear up after each line. This is about a man (who wishes to remain anonymous), a man who spied on his girlfriend because of his insecurities and trust issues, but the way it ends is just brutal. I’ve edited a few parts out, parts that were a little too much to handle. Believe me, editing this entire piece wasn’t easy, but the guy wanted it published, he wanted to world to see the dark side of relationships, and so here it is. I hope you guys have an easier time reading it than I did while editing it. It’s going to be in his own words, exactly how he sent it (with a few parts cut out because of certain restrictions).

My Confession: I spied on my girlfriend for a month, she’s my ex now

Hey “A” and “Z”, I’ve been an avid fan of yours for over two years now. I just LOVE the way you talk about relationships and how pure they are, it kind of burns my heart sometimes because I never received that purity, all I got was trauma and hatred out of love. I don’t know you guys personally but I love your work and I know you guys help people out too while keeping things anonymous. I would like to send in my confession, confession of spying on my girlfriend for a month. This wasn’t easy, writing all of this down just reminded me of what I went through, but I badly want to share it with someone. I actually want the world to know that relationships aren’t all “happy and nice”, some relationships are straight up brutal! While I gave it my all, it just wasn’t enough, and I had to find the truth through different means, means I’m not proud of today but I’m at a better place knowing that I’m not being made a fool of anymore.

Her name was *. We met through work, she used to work in the same place as I. We started off being very normal friends. Slowly but surely, our conversations started becoming meaningful, they went from being “just about work” to “about life”. This is where she started showing me her weak side, and it was pretty weak. I believe that when a woman shows you her vulnerabilities, she wants you to be in her life. And after a few months, I started having feelings for her, they just kind of developed on their own. I started noticing the increase in the number of calls, messages, hangouts etc. It was all happening so naturally and I was falling deeper in love with her. At this point, I was still too afraid to ask her out because we had a good friendship going and I didn’t want to ruin it. But this had its toll on me, I started getting possessive about her, it started bothering me. She used to have this other friend at work, he was better looking than I was, and I’d always been pretty insecure about my looks, so I started creating a distance from her and thought she’d be better off without me (yeah, I’m pretty pessimistic about myself).

After a few days, she noticed the change in the way I talk to her and she started complaining. That’s when she showed me the first sign of “having feelings” for me. That’s when I realised that I stand a chance and I shouldn’t be afraid. So, after a lot of hours of overthinking, I asked her out. To my surprise, she said yes instantly! I was over the roof! I can’t even describe the feeling in words, I just can’t. I was euphoric, I hadn’t felt such happiness before in my life. To be accepted by someone you have feelings for is a huge feeling, more than words can describe. So we started going out. Our entire office knew about our relationship, even the “good looking guy” (keep him in mind, he is important to this). We were crazy together! Exactly how you guys describe “good and healthy relationships” in your articles and page, we were exactly like that. We used to read your articles together and tell each other how happy we are and how many good qualities match.

Things were going pretty good for us. We used to have our usual fights and arguments, but they were pretty simple and used to sort of fix themselves. It was heaven for me, I’m not kidding, heaven. It was surreal. Even after 7 months of dating, we never got bored of each other. Things were just awesome. Except for one thing, she had a habit of using her phone a lot, even when we were hanging out, she used her phone 90% of the time in intervals. I used to complain about it from time to time but it never used to work. Technology these days, it can work both ways, for both good and evil. With apps like Snapchat, Whatsapp etc. you can basically do anything with anyone without the world knowing about it, it’s that scary.

I slowly started getting paranoid when I noticed that she’s online on Whatsapp even after we are done talking and we’ve said our “goodnights” and “I love yous”. Her “Last Seen” was off so I never knew when she was actually sleeping. I never discussed this with her but I spoke to a friend about it. He said it’s nothing. He said that it’s probably a bug that shows the wrong status of being online. And I wanted to believe that, so I trusted in that statement and let it go. But deep down, my paranoia was still growing more every day. But believe me, I tried fighting it as much as I could. I even started getting “busy” tones more often when I called her. She used to tell me she was talking to her brother (who lived in another state). And I used to try to believe her.

One day, it happened. We were out for dinner and she had gone to the bathroom, this time she didn’t take her phone with her (she always used to take it with her). My heart started racing because I badly wanted to have a look inside that phone, I wanted to see if something was being hidden from me, If I was being lied to. But I also didn’t want to be more paranoid, so I tried fighting myself. But after a few seconds, I justified it in my head. I told myself that I’m probably not going to find anything, and then I’m probably going to be mad at myself for looking and it’ll all go smoothly. It didn’t go that way. I opened her phone up (it didn’t have a passcode on it), and I went straight to Whatsapp. I found a very long and intimate conversation she was having with the same good looking guy from the office. It went on and on, in great detail. They used to meet up, she used to go over to his place (while I was told that she’s going over to a friend’s house). It was all there, right in my hands, a year’s worth of relationship down the drain. A year’s worth of feelings down the drain. It was bad, my hands were shaking and I couldn’t feel anything for a few minutes. But I wanted to catch her cheating, so I got a grip of myself, held my tears and put the phone back.

And that’s when I started “spying” on her. I used to be very aware of what she was saying, of where she’s going etc. I was heartbroken but I tried my best to be the same in front of her, to not show any sign of sorrow or regret but it was killing me inside to not push her out of my life. It was disgusting. One fine day, she told me she was going to her “friend’s” house. And I actually followed her in a friend’s car. I followed her all the way to the house. It was the same house, the house I was hoping it not to be. The guy’s house, the good looking guy. After ten minutes of waiting outside, I went and knocked at the door. It was him, with a very weird smile on his face, as he looked at me in a state of shock. I forced myself inside (at this point I wasn’t even feeling normal anymore, I was filled with rage) and saw her in his bedroom. I just stood there, looking at her in silence, the tears started flowing right out in front of her and I left, without saying a word. I instantly blocked her from every possible means of communication. She tried contacting my friends, but none of them let her get near me.

It’s been five months since that incident, and I still have a lot of questions that I need answers to, but I just don’t want to spend another minute with her, I just don’t want to waste another feeling on her. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to love again, but I surely won’t let anyone play me for a fool again. So, for everyone who’s reading this, please don’t let your feelings go to someone who doesn’t deserve them. Please don’t get cheated on. And for those who have similar experiences, you’re not alone.

Thank you guys for reading this, I would be very happy if you posted this on your website, I really want to know what people have to say about this. Thank you.

Talk to me

If you guys have anything to say to him, please let him know in the comments below, he is going to read them all. As always, stay blessed and keep the love alive.
Sep 2015 · 275
Every girl wants a guy Who hugs her when they're watching a scary or romantic movie, Who gives her his jacket even when he himself is feeling cold, Who will always be the one to make her laugh, Most importantly he will love her for who she is..!
Sep 2015 · 425
breaks up rules
it doesn’t matter if the relationship lasted for a few days or went on for years, whether you got dumped or you’re the one who broke up, the thing is when you lose someone you were attached to at some level, it’s going to hurt, bad. Studies have shown that an emotional pain, specifically a heart-break, stimulates similar parts of your brain as physical pain. So, what do you do when you get physically hurt? Ignore it, suppress it or avoid looking at it? The fact of the matter is, it’s there and no matter how much you try to ignore it, it won’t stop hurting. Just like a visible wound takes time and effort to heal, so does emotional pain. You need to pick yourself up, help yourself recover from it, be amenable. Here is some advice which will help speed up the process.
1. Take your time and mourn
There is no such thing as ‘just get over it’, as much as we would all like it to exist, it doesn’t. You can’t just ask yourself to stop feeling something and your brain would oblige and the switch would go off. However, you can try and put a lid on it, but you will eventually break down and it will be harder regaining your strength from that. So don’t blame yourself for feeling sad, angry, hurt; whatever it is that you’re feeling, you are a human being not a robot, cry your heart out if you want to, just feel it! We all have different coping mechanisms, we recover at our own pace, so don’t compare your progress to someone else’s, don’t think you’re a weak person just because you’re taking longer than what you think is the ideal time to grieve, take as much time as you need, as long as you’re improving.
as hard as it might be,
you need to accept that it’s over and there is no going back. If you are the one who broke up, don’t try to rethink your decision, this happens when you start thinking about all the good times you had with your partner making all the reasons you broke up seem insignificant; or if you got dumped, don’t try scheming all the ways to get them back, you’ll lose your self-respect, try getting yourself back instead. Think of all the reasons you two didn’t work out, don’t obsess over it, make peace with it and make efforts to move in the forward direction instead of going backwards.
Let yourself be angry
Anger is the second most dominant feeling after a break up, the first is sadness of course. You might be angry at yourself for giving them so many chances, wasting your time, making mistakes etc or angry at them for hurting you, taking you for granted etc. Whatever the reason is, anger is an inevitable emotion after a split. What you need to do is, channel this anger in the right direction. Go running, get a punching bag or just scream and let it out. Getting over anger is very important, don’t be too aggressive and harm yourself or someone around you, give it a safe passage, just release it.
Vent out to someone close
Surround yourself with positive people, people who make you happy, who add value to your life. Happiness can be contagious. Also, talking about your feelings is important, so speak your heart out to someone you can trust, who is compassionate, who will understand your state and tell them everything you feel. Let them help you, don’t shut them out. People who mean well for you, will make every effort to make you feel better, don’t turn them down. Talk to them, spend time with them. Once you can talk about it without crying a river, know that you’re almost there.
Sep 2015 · 252
in love
We all want to be happy and in love one day, at least that's the goal. We all want to eventually find that life partner that makes our life a lot easier to live. And just because you haven't come across that person yet, It does not mean that person does not exist. Sometimes God will hide you both from each other because you both are truly not ready to love. You are not unlovable. You are not unwanted. You are a diamond. But your problem is, You want God to put you out for display when he hasn't finished polishing you yet. Your life partner deserves you at your absolute best and vice versa. And the only way you'll make your next relationship your last relationship, Is by not rushing something that you want to last forever.
Most of the time, relationships don’t work out because you realise they’re not serving you right. But this realisation strikes you during the relationship, which ultimately leads to heartbreak. To avoid something of the sort, think about what you want from a partner and a relationship, when you’re still single. This way you’d end up with what you’ve always wanted.

Learn from other’s experiences

You may be single, but the people around you, friends and family may be in healthy, long-term relationships. Find out how they’ve made it so far and what their secrets to a healthy relationship are. You can learn best from your own mistakes, but observation helps too. You can notice the things that can make relationships last and how healthy couples work.

Be aware of your mistakes

Your past relationship ended for a reason, and you must be equally responsible for it. You can’t place all the blame on the other person. Even if they were on the wrong, you must’ve made some wrong choices too. Only when you realise your mistakes and own up to them you will be able to keep yourself from repeating them in the future and ruining a potential relationship.

Appreciate the good in you

Making mistakes or wrong decisions does not make you a horrible person, it just makes you human. You can’t go back in time and change anything. Let the past be. If you regret having done or said something, apologise and make it a point to never do it again. You have your vices, but you have your virtues as well. Don’t beat yourself up over something that’s now history. You’re not all that bad. If you don’t realise your strengths, no one else will!
Sep 2015 · 445
a phone
There is something very exciting about a man being able to mentally stimulate a woman. The kind of man that doesn't live behind his phone but actually picks it up to call the woman he is interested in so he can hold a beautiful conversation with her. Anyone can talk a good game through text messages because text messages are safe. It allows you time to think and respond perfectly instead of naturally responding from impulse. But when it comes to being on the phone with a woman, when you can listen and respond to her and establish a certain flow with her, it helps build a greater rapport. Her being able to hear your voice, allows her to be able to put a voice to the man she can grow more interested in. You can speak into her spirit and leave her with little jewels that will have her looking forward to the next phone conversation. She starts to think about your voice all day, and begins to wonder what you two will talk about next. I guess what I'm trying to say is, the good ones still enjoy a good phone conversation. And it's better for her to anticipate hearing your voice than for her to anticipate reading your text.
Sep 2015 · 579
marriage advice considering
you might think that he wouldn’t be the best person to give marriage advice considering his 16-year long marriage came to an end. But very often, your worst mistakes become your best teachers. Since people are always in need of advice to better their marriage, let’s look at the wisdom this guy has to share;
1.Never stop dating
Now that you’ve been married doesn’t mean you’re allowed to take her for granted. Make her feel wanted. Keep doing what you did to win her over. If you love her, never fail to show it.
2.Love yourself first
Loving yourself will teach you how exactly you should love your better half. And only when you love yourself enough, can you focus on other things and people. However, she deserves a special place in your heart, which is exclusively for her, and you shouldn’t allow anyone to take her place.
3.Keep falling in love over and over again, with each other
Life changes constantly and people have to mould themselves accordingly. Change being the only constant, is a little difficult to deal with when it comes to people. You’re going to be a very different person from who you are now in a couple of years. Make her fall in love with the new you, if you want to keep her around.

4.Focus on the good
She isn’t going to be perfect, but neither are you. Don’t make it feel like you two are settling for each other. Rather concentrate on the good so much, that it outweighs all that you find bothersome. You only find what you go looking for. So if you’re nit picking for flaws, that’s all you’d ever be able to see. So choose wisely. There’s always a little good in everyone, and you fell in love with her for a reason; never forget that reason
5.Don’t try to change her
Loving someone requires you to embrace them for who they are, which means loving them for their imperfections as well. Wouldn’t you want the same? So would she. Accept her the way she is, and never be critical. And if you see any changes, support them as well.
6.You alone are responsible for your happiness
You choose how you feel. No one, not even your wife can control your feelings or emotions. And it’s definitely not her responsibility to make you happy. Find joy in the small things, and the happier you are yourself, the better you can do your part in the marriage.
7.You are also responsible for other emotions as well
If you’re ticked off by something that your wife says or does, then again, it’s not her fault. Find out what surfaced those feelings and the unresolved issues behind them. Don’t take it out on her at any cost.

8.Be there for her
Even more so when her life is messy. Being there for her does not mean that she needs you to fix everything. She’s as capable of dealing with a situation as you are. Trust her to figure it out, but be the support that she needs. Keep her from giving up and giving her the push she needs. Be attentive and patient.
Life is only what we make of it. So take it easy. Find the humor in all the little things. Laugh with and at each other. It eases even the worst of situations. And if you can make her laugh, she isn’t going to lose interest in you all that easily.
10.Learn her language of love
As her life partner you should understand her language of love, without any excuses. Try to understand what you could do to make her feel loved. You might think that telling her you love her every day would do the job, but it might not be so fulfilling for her. Find out what works for her instead and give her that.

11.Be attentive
When you’re with her, shut out the rest of the world. She deserves your undivided attention. It shows how much you respect her and actually value everything that she has to share with you.
12. There’s only so much room for mistakes
You both are going to make mistakes. No need to panic. Don’t repeat those mistakes and try learning from each one of them. Also bear in mind that avoidable mistakes are a deal breaker. Don’t test her patience too often.
Sep 2015 · 6.6k
a real man
A real man is not a person who can
impregnate a woman; any guy can also
impregnate a woman. Even a 17 year old boy
can impregnate a woman but that does not
make him a man.
A real man is not a person who is good in
bed. Any idiot can be good in bed.
A real man is not a person who beats his
wife/girlfriend. Infact it is only idiots that
beat their women.
A real man is a person who tolerates his
A real man is a person who controls his
A real man is the person who shows real
care and love to his woman
A real man is the person who knows how
to solve the crises and problems in his
A real man does not beat his woman
A real man is hardworking. He is not lazy
A real man can endure, persevere and be
A real man can overlook the bad
behaviors of his woman
A real man corrects his woman with love.
Real men make their women happy.
Therefore, ladies, when choosing a man, date
real men only.
Marry real men only. If you are not happy in
your relationship now, that means your guy
is not a real man.!
Look beyond *** and money and go for
happiness and peace of mind.
—Do You Agree???
Sep 2015 · 385
love poem
The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart.
What we need to know about loving is no great mystery. We all know what constitutes loving behavior; we need but act upon it, not continually question it. Over-analysis often confuses the issue and in the end brings us no closer to insight. We sometimes become too busy classifying, separating, and examining, to remember that love is easy. It's we who make it complicated.
Romantic love reaches out in little ways, showing attention and admiration. Romantic love remembers what pleases a woman, what excites her, and what surprises her. Its actions whisper: you are the most special person in my life.
From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven. And when two souls that are destined to be together find each other, their streams of light flow together, and a single brighter light goes forth from their united being.
It is the things in common
that make relationships enjoyable,
but it is the little differences
that make them interesting.
Love is always open arms. If you close your arms about love you will find that you are left holding only yourself.
My heart to you is given:
Oh, do give yours to me;
We'll lock them up together,
And throw away the key.
The heart is the place where we live our passions. It is frail and easily broken, but wonderfully resilient. There is no point in trying to deceive the heart. It depends upon our honesty for its survival.
Born For Love
There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved.
Love is an act of endless forgiveness
A tender look which becomes a habit.
Sep 2015 · 335
moment of love
When you are sad, I will dry your tears
When you are scared, I will comfort your fears.

When you need love, my heart I will share
When you are sick, for you I will care.

You will feel my love when we are apart
Knowing that nothing will change my heart.

When you are worried, I will give you hope
When you are confused, I will help you cope.

When you are lost, and can't see the light
My love will be a beacon, shining ever so bright.

This is my vow, one that I pledge till the end
For you above all are my Love and best friend
These words I have written, speak of my love for you
From my lips these words spoken, shall always ring true.

God has blessed me, and with your hand in mine
Both of our hearts, will forever intertwine.

Into all lives falls pain and sorrows,
I promise together, we will meet all tomorrows.

Together, you and I, together as one,
Your heart and mine, united as one.
Sep 2015 · 380
10 tips of relationships
1. Your girl is your second half. Yes you are the man; she knows that you are the man; you don't need to remind her about it. It is wrong for a guy to be constantly and always telling his girl/wife that he is the head of the relationship. 2. Don't be too authoritative. 3. Don't be too hard and don't be too soft. If you are too hard, she will have phobia for you and even hate you. If you are too soft, she will take you for granted. 4. Whenever she does something wrong, scold her a little and after a few minutes, draw her closer to you, hug her and kiss her. 5. Whenever you and her have a quarrel, after a few minutes hug her and kiss her telling her sweet words. 6. Don't command her to wash your clothes; plead with her to do so. 7. Learn how to use the word,"please", whenever you want her to do something for you. 8. Don't be too over protective. Allow her to visit her to visit her male and female friends. Infact allow her to call her male friends. You should trust her. Or else don't date the girl you don't trust. For the fact that she is dating you does not mean that she cannot have male friends. 9. Always apologise whenever you offend her. 10. Treat her like an angel. She will convert your house into Heaven.
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