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371 · Aug 2014
Dance on a cloud
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Dance on a cloud
By Joeysguy

My wife and I met in the city of New York
With touching of hands a kiss and some talk

After years of marriage and children she died
With no goodbyes I broke down and cried
Our wedding bands are no longer apart
Joined together they hang near my heart

My wife in heaven waits for me
I don’t know how long it will be

For as long as I’m earthly bound
I hope my wife’s spirit is around

Looking at the white clouds up above
I think of my wife who I love

Clouds look like spirits in the sky
Raindrops could be spirits that cry

To continue with romance
To hold her, love her and dance

To dance on a cloud in the sky
It’s now my dream for my wife and I
358 · Aug 2014
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy

Graduation day comes every year
With joy, happiness and even a tear

You’re a tall slender red head
As pretty as can be and with that said

Your getting older and you will leave
We say goodbye and in you we believe

How proud we all are
With schooling and study you will go far

With love in our heart
A new venture you will start  

Stay safe and be careful being on your own
We love and will miss you even if your grown
355 · Aug 2014
Fear no more
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Fear no more
By Joeysguy

I always thought of the day I would die
To say that I wasn’t afraid would be a lie

Since my wife is gone who I love and adore
So now to die I fear no more
352 · Aug 2014
A Special Flight
Joeysguy Aug 2014
A Special Flight
By joeys guy

This small and special hot air balloon
It will be leaving sometime soon

When the flight is full a bell will ring
That will be when you hear an Angel sing

Everyone enters into the basket
Heaven will be the exit

We take small groups of one hundred and eleven
We only go to Heaven

This flight has no age limit
For this trip any age can get on it

To take this trip you must have past away
Something happened that you died this very day

I’m sorry that you are on this flight
We take you to the light

You might meet someone that you once knew
Like someone who loved you

We may have lived for some years alone
I don’t believe that we ever die alone
We take this trip up to Heavens space
This would be the final resting place
348 · Aug 2014
Christmas Eve
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Christmas Eve
By Joeysguy

We would hide presents through the year
All around the house every where  

That night we said, kids it’s time for bed
Let thoughts of Santa fill your head

I helped wrap gifts with my wife
To put happiness in our kids life
Under the tree went the gifts we had
Some from Santa, some from mom and dad

Christmas eve was such a joy
Putting together a bike or toy

I miss those Christmas eve nights
My wife, little kids and a tree with lights

For me now on December 24
Christmas eve it’s not the same anymore
342 · Aug 2014
A Second Chance
Joeysguy Aug 2014
A Second Chance
By Joeysguy

For so many years I had my wife
Now it’s sadness that fills my life

I miss that time we would caress
I miss the touch of tenderness

I talk to my wife every day  
Love is one of the words I say

I loved to smell my wife’s hair
I wish I had a lock of it here

Your gone and out of sight
To heaven you will be my shining light

At the end of my life
I will again be with my wife

In heaven again my wife and me
A second chance it will be
338 · Aug 2014
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy

What the word please means to me
It’s a word I hardly ever use
It’s a word that weakens me

To me I feel the word relates to beg
I don’t know which would be harder
To say please or eat a raw egg

I used the word very few times in my life
I used it more times in one day
when I asked to please save my wife
336 · Aug 2014
Empty Places
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Empty Places
By Joeysguy

For many years I lived in a full house
Between kids, dogs, and my spouse

My wife and dogs are now gone
My kids have all moved on

I didn’t think I would ever lose my wife
Never thought about emptiness in my life

In the closets are empty hangers that I see
They can bring out the sadness that’s in me

Those hangers held the clothes of my wife
The clothes given away, now in someone else’s life

In restaurants I wait to be seated
Then the number one is repeated    
In the seats across from me
Is the empty space that I see

One empty side of the bed
The pillow still there that held her head

The smallest thing with the largest space
It’s my heart the most empty place
334 · Aug 2014
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy
Mothers are a gift from the heavens above
  All through life they share their love
Mothers are the greatest creation
  They are what they are and need no explanation
From that first day starts a new life of love and joy
  They do anything to protect their baby girl or boy
They walk around as proud as can be
  They want to shout look I have a life inside me
Bigger and bigger she gets as time goes by
  Some suffer from pain and they cry
There love is so strong that they can bear the pain
  They suffer and pray that it all was not in vain
The greatest day on earth has come
  With some pain and pushing you are now a mom
You have suffered a lot and sometimes cried
  But now it is over and with a baby at your side
Now the easy part is over and your baby is here to stay
  You become a doctor a lawyer different people everyday
You protect and raise them through the years
  With love joy and even some tears
Now their grown and its time for them to leave
  You think back over the years while you grieve
Even thou they are gone and hardly call you
  They may not write but they do love you
Mothers belong on a pedestal with the word rare
  From the first day till the last they always care
Mothers are and will always be
  The greatest any world will ever see
When it is her time to go to heavens place
  She is sent back to earth wearing a new face
Over and over a mother they be
  To give love to their new baby
Back and forth from heaven to earth
  With love and joy and giving birth
Mothers are not one of a kind
  They are all the same with love in mind
With love in there heart from heaven they come
  Before you move on let me say I love you mom
334 · Aug 2014
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy

I can only write this from a male side
As a husband and father with pride
After a man and a woman say the words I do
You may be thinking of children to
After your wife gets pregnant thinking of a girl or boy
At the end of the term you will have a bundle of joy
Children need love and care so does your wife
Whatever the cost from your own life
Take care of your wife, and your children also
With a great deal of love and support they will grow
A good way to write your future is in your name
Treat them right and good and they will do the same
Children are what we need
without children no reason to succeed
Lost money, dropped candy you can replace
How do you do wrong and look into your child’s face
Do good things treat your family well and be proud
Your children will love you and see you glow in a crowd
Children are beautiful and fragile and small
With your help and love they will grow strong and tall
You should protect the children from that first day
Your children should be loved and should grow up okay
If you’re a good father as good as you can be
Your children should be as proud of you as they can be
Time can pass by so fast like in the blink of an eye
Before you know it time will pass by
Your children will carry you into the future
Your children are your future
331 · Aug 2014
Thank You
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Thank You
By Joeysguy

I write my poems but I’m not a poet
I don’t understand poems and I know it

Here I am reading and trying to understand
This is hard for me, it’s much a demand

Most all my poems come from my heart
The poems are with love and stand apart

I post my poems for people to see
I know your comments are to help me

My past poems are fact and true
I appreciate your help and thank you
331 · Aug 2014
That Girl
Joeysguy Aug 2014
That Girl
By Joeysguy

That girl I loved from the start
She took over my heart

That girl was my lover
She was also my kids mother

That girl was my best friend
Right to the very end

That girl I love and adore
She is not here anymore  

That girl was my wife
And will be for the rest of my life
329 · Aug 2014
Times Change
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Times Change                            
By Joeysguy

I was born in the year 1940
Growing up I was a little naughty

I was a little scared
To really be bad

We started to see many strangers
People reacted to different dangers  

My mother and her friends stopped the late night talks
People were being more careful during walks

My mother and friends started locking doors
We seen protective gates going up on the local stores

My family and I lived in New York City
Things became worse and not to pretty

Garbage thrown in the yard and the street
By people that were not clean or neat

Women could not walk by men without words
Men would make sounds like chirping birds

After a few years of worry for my kids and wife
We moved from the city and started a new life
327 · Aug 2014
Getting old
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Getting old
By Joeysguy

When I was young I never thought about getting old
The years have past and I still hate the cold

When I was young I didn’t ever think
My life could pass by in just a blink

Now I’m one of the old men
It’s a big change from way back when

Some days it can be hard to get dressed
It’s a little easier to get undressed

It can be hard to put on shoes
I also need to turn up the sound to hear the news

Driving can be hard for some of us
We give up the car and take the bus

What may be hardest is to go to bed with a friend
Hoping to make it to the end
326 · May 2016
The Kiss
Joeysguy May 2016
The Kiss
By Joeysguy

Meeting for the first time under the moonlight
I leaned over and kissed her on that summer night

That kiss was in a loving way
It led to us seeing each other every day

That was how our feelings were started
I went into the relationship wholehearted

Skipping past the years that have gone by
To a time of now that brings a tear from my eye  

I saw her when I looked through the door
She was passed out on the bathroom floor

I grabbed the phone and called nine one one
The operator told me what must be done

I was giving her mouth to mouth with my breath  
Trying to revive her and hoping to keep her from death

The ambulance came and took her away
At the hospital she died that very day

I was with her as she laid on the table
I was broken and very unstable

It was so hard leaving her and walking away
The last kiss, I think it was that day
323 · Aug 2014
Keno Baby
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Keno Baby
By Joeysguy

My wife and I liked to play keno
Just about every weekend we would go

She was pregnant and due any day
Over an hour’s ride each way

Other players would say  
Your going to give birth today
We got home and went to bed
It’s that time my wife had said

Her water broke on the floor
Our first was born in nineteen sixty four  

It was almost a maybe
That we had a keno baby
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Happy Valentine’s Day Joey
By Joeysguy

February fourteen twenty eleven
To my wife who’s in heaven

Saying I love you which you already know
A few other ways that I can show

I will be sending a message balloon your way
Love and kisses are a few words to say

I will light a candle for you dear  
Another way to show you I still care

You do know how much you are missed
You were the first love I kissed

I miss you my love so very much
In my dreams I hope to feel your touch

Signed with love from me
Happy Valentine’s Day Joey
322 · Aug 2014
Christmas past
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Christmas past      
By Joeysguy

We always had a Christmas tree
My wife would decorate it without me

So many gifts by the tree
No empty space could you see

Our little ones would crawl all around
They would try climbing the gift mound

Year after year on Christmas morning
Kids tearing open gifts and I’m yawning
The kids woke early on Christmas day
We told the kids your older so go away

With the years going by
We could sleep longer my wife and I

Now since its just me
No more do I need a Christmas tree

My kids now grown and they see
What its like to do the Christmas tree
316 · Aug 2014
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy

Sorry for the arguments we’ve had
Especially those that were bad

Sorry for things asked of me
When you did something I couldn’t see

Sorry that I always seem mad
Losing my wife I’m angry and sad

Sorry I may hear things in the wrong way
And how something wrong I might say

Sorry to know my children are grown
Because I have to let them be on their own
315 · Aug 2014
The Magic in Ones Life
Joeysguy Aug 2014
The Magic in Ones Life
By joeys guy

I believe people have some magic in their life
Mine started with meeting my wife

I would feel it just by her touching me
I felt how much more that we could be

That magic from my wife
Bringing three children into my life

I could see magic just looking into their eyes
So open and bright and full of surprise

Magic could be the day when they first crawl
Such amazement when they are so small

Magic can be when they try to talk
Or that stumble when trying to walk

Looking at pictures of what I had
Still a husband and father but sad

My wife’s loss was tragic
I lost her with her magic

If I could bring my wife’s magic to light
I would bring her into my dreams every night

Life does not have a happily ever after
I believe it’s in the life after

Everything I felt in her kiss
The magic through my body I miss

The feelings I use to feel
Looking back the magic was real

I don’t see much to the rest of my life
I lost something precious, my wife
315 · Aug 2014
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy

On April 7th we had a small wedding
It was a life with you I was getting

50 years ago you became my wife
I said I do for the rest of my life

In all our years I never cried
I do it now since you died

At night is the loneliness
All the time is the emptiness  

I wanted to get a new engagement ring for you
Maybe even repeat the words, I do

The guilt I felt because of no goodbye
At the same time I also wanted to die

I loved you so many years of my life
I will always love you as my wife

I’m still finding things hard to do
These were easy things for you

Until again it’s you and me
Happy 50th anniversary
315 · Aug 2014
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy
I wish I had the power to turn back time
I would go back to the day when my wife became mine
If I could have a wish, just one
I would go back in time when I was married my age was twenty-one
If I had the chance to relive my life
I would do it again with my same wife
In a pocket next to my heart are pictures of my wife
I will probably carry them for the rest of my life
My girl and I were young when we first met in life
She grew up to be a woman and became my wife
On that day we married she had a sparkle in her eye
No one could be happier than I
We were standing there and she looked so pretty
I felt as if I won first prize in a lottery
I have become more sensitive in these last years
A movie a song even a thought can bring on tears
I miss that weakness and love that was in my wife
Now it’s my weakness trying to go on with my life
On that last day I had no time to tell her I love her, or to say good bye
I do find a lot of time for me to cry
When your married a long time you don’t realize the little you know in your life
I found out how much when I lost my wife
On mother’s day my wife’s dog had died
She was a family member and I cried
My wife is my past, my children my present I lost my future when I lost my wife
Not a day goes by that I don’t miss her in my life
I feel that I m honoring my wife
Writing poems about some of her life
313 · Aug 2014
It’s in the Eyes
Joeysguy Aug 2014
It’s in the Eyes
By Joeysguy

We can see different feelings in someone’s eyes
The pain and tears when a loved one dies

What’s to follow
Is sadness and sorrow

Not far behind are the fears
To go on alone for the following years

It takes time before we see happy eyes
A smile or laugh could be the mouth lies
312 · Aug 2014
Words of love
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Words of love
By Joeysguy

From heaven I wish my wife could see
The words of love that come from me

Out of my heart and into my head
Come the words I wish I had said

From my lips to my wife’s ears
Hear the words that bring my tears

Joey I will never forget
That day and how we met

You and I started as two
I look forward to again be with you

I don’t know how or when it will be
Together again just my darling and me
310 · Aug 2014
Scars of the Heart
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Scars of the Heart
By Joeysguy

At times it seems like no relief
We can suffer long with our grief

Will the heart ever mend
Will the pain ever end

The tears come from my eyes
But it’s my heart that cries

People ask how am I
They would know if they see me cry

From when my wife passed
I have scars of the heart that will last

My heart may heal after time goes by
The scars of my heart will be till I die
304 · Aug 2014
Angel of Mine
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Angel of Mine
By Joeysguy

I had written a poem called “Deaths Door”
My sleeping problem my wife did endure

From when I lost my spouse
It’s only the dog and I at the house

Before I go to bed I shut the light
Something happened to me one night

I felt a hand on my back waking me
Nobody but the dog here with me

It could have been a night I lost my breath
An angel may have kept me from death

That angel must be my wife
Still watching over my life

She watched over me when she was alive
She must still be helping me to survive
303 · Aug 2014
Filled Heart
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Filled Heart
By Joeysguy
It’s coming up on two years
My eyes still fill with tears

I keep thinking back at my life
Did I do all I could for my wife

When I met my future wife it was a new start
I found someone that filled my heart

My wife never asked for much
I loved her more with every touch

When I would touch her face
It was soft and delicate like a fine lace

When she passed, my heart was torn out
Sometimes I cry and I might even shout

At night when I go to bed
Thoughts of my wife fill my head

I would like to see a sign
That her love will forever be mine

How many times I’ve said I miss you
I wish I could again say the words I do

I love to dream of my wife
That’s the way I relive my life

I say to my wife if reincarnation is true
Go slow my love so I can catch up to you
300 · Aug 2014
Treasure of Man
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Treasure of Man
By Joeysguy

Every man has the chance
To find love and romance

Having a family with your wife
That’s a treasure of a man’s life

Mine had blue eyes and blonde hair
A beautiful face with a smile to share

The three children we had
Made me proud to be a husband and a dad

Every man’s treasure is in front of his face
Make a good life at a slow pace

I take a deep breath and let out a sigh
To think how lucky was I
299 · Jul 2016
Days End
Joeysguy Jul 2016
Days End
By Joeysguy

Tomorrow will become a today
Today will become a yesterday

It feels like it was just a yesterday
Since my wife  passed away

With my wife I had much more yesterday
I lost my wife, now I have less today

That day I also should have passed away
One of my today’s will be my last day

Every tomorrow brings me closer to an end of my life
With another day that goes by, I’ll be with my wife
297 · Aug 2014
A Fathers Right
Joeysguy Aug 2014
A Fathers Right
By Joeysguy

Many times between my children and I
We wouldn’t always see eye to eye

They would tell me when I’m wrong
Or sometimes I might take to long

They sometimes get mad when I but in
I remind them that where all kin

I tell them in my way
I love them every day

It’s a fathers right
To love his children with all his might
292 · Aug 2014
Having a Wife
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Having a Wife
By Joeysguy

What does it mean to have a wife
For  me it was someone to share my life

Someone to love and protect everyday
To love and cherish in everyway    

To have loved in the life we did share
To love so much and so much to care

In my heart to feel her touch
Having children and grandchildren to love so much

You will always be in my life
Till the end of time you are my wife
287 · Aug 2014
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy
When my kids were young they would run around
You always new where they were just by the sound

Someone would bring home a dog or a cat
One daughter even had a pet rat

With everything  my wife was at my side
Until that horrible day that she died

I’m looking at a picture, that was our wedding day
I can’t remember all of the words we did say

This picture shows our marriage sealed with a kiss
My tears are a reminder, I will never again have this

With my wife gone and my kids grown
My dogs are gone and I live alone

I wish my wife walked through the door
So I could hold her and kiss her once more

In my house I’m always seeing a figure
It can look smaller but it’s never bigger

I see this figure in every room
It looks at me with the face of gloom

I’ve seen this figure just a short time in my life
Tell me figure are you my wife

The figure speaks and I know this voice
Figure your not my choice

The figure is in everything that has a shine
It’s a reflection that is always mine
287 · Aug 2014
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy
Why should a man marry
Not only your name will she carry
What about the love she has for you
You must have feelings for her to  
You can really make her heart sing
Ask her to marry you and give her a ring
It has to make you feel good that she will be in your heart
When she says yes and a new family you will start
You set the date then comes that day
Now that day is here and the words I do you both say
Now that she has your last name
Your wife and your kids will share something the same
Some days will probably go by
You will argue and you will make her cry
Stop to think don’t let bad words tear your love apart
It may just take a few kind words and kiss for a new start
In years to come you will feel good
The way a father and husband should
You will be proud your last name will carry on  
Your kids will be grown, get married and move on
Your kids will still call you dad
That’s a great feeling a great family is never bad
Don’t let things and time go by to fast
Try to make everything and every minute last
283 · Aug 2014
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy
I think I loved her from that first day we kissed
Now I try remembering all the things I had missed.
One day I said to my wife you know you’re hot
Her response back to me was, no, no I’m not.
I said yes you are, I know because you’re my wife
I love you darling more than life.
I guess we were lucky when she realized I was the right guy
She must have seen something when she looked in my eye.
Many times the kids had us challenge each other
I was always proud she was my kid’s mother.
Money or material items are things you can replace
Not time, I could have done more when we were face to face.
My kids will have the poems of my wife
They will remember she was my life.
I remember a few things from the 50’s
Then came marriage and children in the 60’s.  
Some funny and cute things my Joey use to do
They might not have been the same to you.
She would hold on to the phone booth and dance
I would focus on her like being in a trance.
I can’t change the passed it’s left back in life
I can only think and dream back of my wife.
I always had an addiction for my wife
I will be hooked to her the rest of my life.
Maybe writing my poems, I won’t forget so much
I’ll read them and hope to feel my wife’s touch.  
Some people ask about my poems, the how and why
Because I hope my wife will be remembered even after I…..
270 · Aug 2014
My Memories
Joeysguy Aug 2014
My Memories
By Joeysguy

I was thinking of buying a new house
So I’m here with my son and his spouse

Sitting outback looking up to the sky
Hoping to see something go bye  

Wishing for a sign to see
Something from my wife to me

To move into an empty and cold house
I would leave behind memories of my spouse

I don’t want to leave those memories behind
More memories in the house then in my mind
When my kids were small
They would play and mark up a wall

I see memories on every wall
Where my wife painted over marks from a ball

A memory in every room
Some good some with a little gloom

It’s something that will always be
Even the gloom is a memory to me
270 · Aug 2014
Angels Around Us
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Angels Around Us
By Joeysguy

My first Angel was small and bright
She did glow with her very own light

She stood on the top of our Christmas tree
Placed up there by my wife or me

My wife gave birth to our little three
Like little Angels they looked to me
Those little Angels they mean so much
Just holding them and feeling their touch
I feel an Angel is watching over my life
I believe it to be the spirit of my wife

She watches over me when I’m a sleep in bed
I have felt her hand on my back or my head

I believe Heavens Angels are always here
We may not know when they come near

Some of the Angels come to take us away
Because of sickness or age someone might say

When our life comes to an end
It’s an Angel that Heaven will send
263 · Aug 2014
Prints of Love
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Prints of Love
By Joeysguy

Loving someone from the start
Leaves an imprint in your heart

That imprint of someone you love
In your mind of someone who’s now up above

Maybe something that they left behind
Brings back memories in your mind

That someone who passed and left a mark
An imprint we can even see in the dark  

Maybe just something we found
It might just be a foot print on the ground

The memories of time that has passed by
It might make you tear up and even cry

Just a hand print on a wall
Might be a thought that you recall

From your memories of a time you knew
They always have meaning to you

Looking at a picture of your love and you
Leaving an imprint of that day you said I do

Could some imprints be from above
As a kiss to someone they love
262 · Aug 2014
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy

How would it be talking to God
Getting a response might be odd

I would ask, since you are the higher good
Why can’t you protect people as you could                  
Children are so innocent and pure
Some sick with a disease, why can’t we get a cure

Some of the evil that men do
They yell and scream in the name of you

When any terror comes out of the night
They want to hurt, **** or just fight

Some only care about their belief
They care nothing about loss or grief

Why can’t you strike out the terror in ones mind
Before they can hurt the innocent, the kind

We lose loved ones to sickness or an end to their time
Why can’t you stop any terror before the crime
262 · Aug 2014
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy

My mind knows how long my wife’s been away
In my heart it feels like just a day

The meaning of closure to me
Is closing the door behind my wife and me

At night when I go to bed
I have thoughts in my head

If after I turn off the light
I should pass during the night

If I should pass during the day
The same words I would say

I wish it’s my wife that I see
Looking at me

I’ll be happy and calm
When she takes me by the arm

We’ll go off together
This time it will be forever
261 · Aug 2014
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy

When we come to a meeting
We are welcomed with a warm greeting

We come together because of a loss and pain
At our meetings, always something to gain

We try to help a friend
With hope and talks right to the end

This is a place you may see tears
We all have those fears

Where here to help our heart and our mind
All the people here are so kind

We talk about our loves, the good and bad
Sometimes we may get very sad

We listen to what someone would say
Someone may cry and that’s okay

One of our own had started a group, BSG
Bereavement Social Group come and see

Life is to live and then we die
It’s those in betweens that can make us cry
256 · Jul 2016
Joeysguy Jul 2016
By Joeysguy

That day when my wife passed out on the floor
I didn’t know the feelings I would endure

My wife laying unconscious, not a moan
I called for help yelling on the phone

I feel guilt that I may have failed my wife
I probably could have done more in her life

When I gave her clothing away
That was a hard and painful day

Over 46 years of wearing my wedding band
It was so hard to remove it from my hand

Both rings together on the same chain
Hanging from my neck doesn’t ease the pain

The rings were a symbol of love and a married life
Now the finger shows no visible marks of a marriage to my wife

I fear the loss of memory someday
Keeping my wife’s memory is something I pray

All the years of the life we built
Now in my thoughts I feel some guilt

I’ll always feel guilt of that last day
Could I have done more, I can’t say

The pain and guilt that I feel
That is something that will never heal

Every night I lay in bed
I face the pillow that use to hold my wife’s head

All my days and the tomorrows
They all end with sorrows

I wish my wife would stop watching over me
And just let my sleep disorder take me
252 · Aug 2014
Keep Them Safe
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Keep Them Safe
By Joeysguy

I was born in New York City
It wasn’t safe nor was it pretty

That’s where I spent my young adult life
I realized it wasn’t safe for my children or my wife

There was always that threat of danger
I didn’t want my family victimized by a stranger

I packed them up and sent them to a New Jersey town
We bought a house on a street that part of the name is brown

Life went well and my kids are now grown
All my kids now have a family and house of their own
247 · Aug 2014
Touch no More
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Touch no More
By Joeysguy

When I was young at age seventeen
I met my future wife who was nearly sixteen

When I was age twenty one wild and free
I ask my love if she would marry me

Not thinking how fast time passes by
We got older and older my wife and I

Thinking back I did not know
How much my love for my wife would grow

On January fifth two thousand and nine
I lost my wife I thought would always be mine

You find out how time flies
When someone you love dies

We were together fifty plus years
Now my eyes are filled with tears

In a poem written by my wife                        
Something she had written early in life

She wrote, in her dreams our lips have met
You wait honey I will hook you yet

When I sit and look at pictures of my wife
How pretty she was and how short was her life

It is over a year that my wife is gone
People say I must move on

My children are all now grown
They have children of their own

I loved my wife so very much
And now I will no longer feel her touch
241 · Jul 2016
Helen’s Daughter
Joeysguy Jul 2016
Helen’s Daughter
By Joeysguy

Helen, Since your daughter is back with you
This writing is long overdue

When your daughter became my wife
I also became her protector in life
She developed heart problems like you
And died because of  it too

I feel I failed to keep her alive
I’m sorry that she didn’t survive
Lots of my memories bring out my tears
But I wouldn’t trade away any of those years
Being with her on that very last day
That’s the time I wish I could trade away

Will you watch over her with care
Hold on to her till the day that I get there

She has given me some special days
With balloons and candles I show some loving ways

I never new how empty I could be
Until your daughter passed and left me

I was a husband to my wife
Now a widower for the rest of my life
241 · Aug 2014
Healing Circle
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Healing Circle
By Joeysguy

First thing is an explanation
We do a short meditation.

We all come together and gather around
We join hands so we are bound.

While we all sit in a chair
Words are said of a short prayer.

In the center is a candle with a little light
The room is darkened with little sight.

With our hands in our laps and a light music sound
We have our feet flat on the ground.

A practitioner talks of healing for us and family
Also friends, strangers and people we may never see.

The laying on of hands may help with pain and stress
Maybe other problems such as loneliness.  

It can help in many ways maybe clarification of mind  
Everybody here goes out of their way to be kind.

Afterward is a brief discussion about the session
We will discuss what ever you mention.
233 · Aug 2014
To My Joey and Children
Joeysguy Aug 2014
To My Joey and Children
By Joeysguy

I have made many mistakes in my life
Except the day I took a wife

From that came the pitter patter of six little feet
That truly made my life complete

The days I hate are your birthdays I believe
Because you get older and so you will leave

I wish time would stop on Christmas day
So you would stay small to play and play

Before the day comes when you say goodbye
I hope that everything you want I could buy

As far as things for my wife
No hurry we have all of our life

The one thing I have plenty of
Is my wife and children I truly love

Love is the only thing I want from you
Forever and ever you will love me true

As a husband and father I’m not the best
But how do I compare to all the rest

If anything should ever break us up
I think I would shatter like a cup

You all have a piece of my heart
Please, please do not tear it apart

I do not know what else to say
Except god protect my family everyday
229 · Jul 2016
From My Wife
Joeysguy Jul 2016
From My Wife
By Joeysguy

Many times I have said
It’s my wife who puts the poems in my head

So I believe these words are from my wife
She is telling me something of our next life

Our golden years had never started
Since years ago when she departed

Up here we will have our golden years
Together again without any tears

When the flame moves on the cande you light
It’s her waving to me at night

Those strange sounds that I hear
It’s my wife that she’s near

When I’m playing an old song
I try to listen if she’s singing along

She see’s the tears coming from my eyes
Wishing I would stop and dry my eyes
227 · Aug 2014
Yes It's Love
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Yes It’s Love
By Joeysguy

When you can’t take your eyes off of someone
Did their face glow like the sun

On the first time that your hands did touch
Did your body tingle and you felt that inner rush

After that first time that you kissed
That separation, that feeling of something missed

That special someone is always in your mind
You don’t want to leave them far behind

Every time that person is around
Do you feel your heart pound

Your heart races so very fast
It’s a feeling that you want to last

For that person you want to do so much
To keep close and always in touch

The time comes to let them go
You release them ever so slow

You tried to protect them from any harm
They die and slip away from your arm

You want to be with them in that other life
This could have been your husband or your wife

With that person now in the heaven above
Your feelings still, yes it’s love
224 · Aug 2014
Our Christmas Tree
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Our Christmas tree
By Joeysguy

After we were married and Christmas would come near,
We would go buy a tree and my wife would dress it with care.

All through the holidays it stood straight and tall,
After the holidays I would drag it out through the hall.

I would drag it through the hall and down the stairs,
***** and lights breaking all the way, but who cares.

My wife would ask, are you crazy,
I would say no this way was easy and I was just lazy.

Year after year buying a new tree, new lights and *****,
End of the season and there I go dragging the tree through the halls.

When we moved to our own home we had a tree for Christmas day,
End of the season I opened the door and out went the tree the same old way.

My wife and daughters said I was crazy and no more,
No more will a tree go out the door.

The next year there was a fake tree on Christmas day,
After the season they told me to keep away.

The family would say how crazy and about the extra money,
My only thought that it was funny.

So every Christmas stands a fake tree,
No more trees out the door by me.
221 · Jul 2016
Closed Eyes
Joeysguy Jul 2016
Closed Eyes
By Joeysguy

I close my eyes when I sleep
I open them in my dreams
Sleep for me is never deep

We close our eyes when we kiss
We open them with joy
And feel the bliss

We close our eyes when we die
We open them to see the way
Somebody will close their eyes to cry
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