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215 · Aug 2014
My Old Boy
Joeysguy Aug 2014
My Old Boy
By Joeysguy

I’ve written about a little dog that I had
But little Maggie was really bad

I had to return her, she was to much for me
All over the house she would **** and ***  

So again it was just my old Bandit and me
His health getting worse even just to see

After I lost my wife
He helped me go on with my life

Then I had to face that tearful day
To put him down was so hard to say

I still look for him in his usual place
The rooms are empty I don’t see his face

More pain and more tears
It hasn’t stopped these past years

He gave me loyalty and love
Now he’s also in heaven above
189 · Aug 2014
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy

As a young boy I was built like a ball
Then at age 16 I grew to over 6 foot tall

Never finishing high school, I went to work
To help my mother, I worked as a clerk

I met the girl who would be in my life
Kiss me, love me and be my wife

From that first day that I lost my wife
It’s taken so much from my life

Some of my poems might be a little long
Some words I might have spelled wrong

I don’t think of myself as a poet
I don’t understand poems, I know it

Reading a poem and trying to understand
It’s hard for me, it’s much a demand

My poems come from my head and my heart
The love for my wife does stand apart

I read and post my poems for people to see
To tell of the feelings that are in me

My poems are fact and true
I appreciate your listening and I thank you
181 · Aug 2014
Space For Me
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Space For Me
By Joeysguy

I loved my wife and I still do with all my heart
Now that she is gone in my chest is missing a big part

My wife would get upset with me because at her I would stare
I would say to her because I love you and that shows how I care

Over the years she was my wife, my friend and my lover
It is so hard now and I will never love for another

When I lost my wife I lost so much
No more kisses no more holding hands no more will we touch

My wife is up in heaven above
I hope she can still feel all my love

When I see people kissing on TV
I see them as my wife and me

Without my wife my heart aches and I feel it burn
I kiss her pictures her poem and also her urn

In the urn are her ashes and also space for me
When I pass together again we will be

Everything I did was for my wife
She was one of the best things in my life

We had a place we liked to go to eat
Now when I go I only need one seat
169 · Aug 2014
Message to God
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Message to God
By Joeysguy

Something I would like to ask
For you this would be a small task

My wife is in heaven with you
That’s something you already knew

Years ago when I met my wife
She’s been the everything in my life

And now that where apart
I wish to say something from my heart
Would you let her know
That we all miss her so

Would you give her all my love
Till you take me up above

— The End —