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Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy

I asked my girl to be my wife
To be mine the rest of our life

Her father gave away the bride
Her mother was happy but cried

I took the oath of marriage that day
To love her in every way

On our wedding day I said I do
Forever I want to be with you

Not many men love the same wife
I did for more than half our life

For over 50 years we were together
She’s gone but I’ll be her guy forever  

Looking at my wife and into her eyes
What I see is my wife my prize

With all the love I had for my wife
It hurts that she was taken out of my life

I have to believe in an afterlife
A place where I can rejoin my wife

I want to believe so much
To again see and feel her touch
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Moments in Time
By Joeysguy

For more than half of my life
I was married to my darling wife

Truly my first love was she    
I hope she still loves me

I loved and protected my wife
So much I would give my life

Some special moments we did share
It’s the time and emptiness now I fear

Right from the start
I was hers she owned my heart

In my daughters I can see my wife
But it doesn’t fill the void in my life

The painful days of December will be here
Her birthday and Christmas they share

January was the month she passed
How long will this pain last
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy
Why should a man marry
Not only your name will she carry
What about the love she has for you
You must have feelings for her to  
You can really make her heart sing
Ask her to marry you and give her a ring
It has to make you feel good that she will be in your heart
When she says yes and a new family you will start
You set the date then comes that day
Now that day is here and the words I do you both say
Now that she has your last name
Your wife and your kids will share something the same
Some days will probably go by
You will argue and you will make her cry
Stop to think don’t let bad words tear your love apart
It may just take a few kind words and kiss for a new start
In years to come you will feel good
The way a father and husband should
You will be proud your last name will carry on  
Your kids will be grown, get married and move on
Your kids will still call you dad
That’s a great feeling a great family is never bad
Don’t let things and time go by to fast
Try to make everything and every minute last
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Gift of Light
By Joeysguy

All the years with my wife
She was a light in my life

Driving home and around a bend
She was my light at journeys end

Some things I did start
Giving her something from my heart

During the day and into the night
I burn a candle to her, it’s a gift of light
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy

When we come to a meeting
We are welcomed with a warm greeting

We come together because of a loss and pain
At our meetings, always something to gain

We try to help a friend
With hope and talks right to the end

This is a place you may see tears
We all have those fears

Where here to help our heart and our mind
All the people here are so kind

We talk about our loves, the good and bad
Sometimes we may get very sad

We listen to what someone would say
Someone may cry and that’s okay

One of our own had started a group, BSG
Bereavement Social Group come and see

Life is to live and then we die
It’s those in betweens that can make us cry
Joeysguy Aug 2014
By Joeysguy

My mind knows how long my wife’s been away
In my heart it feels like just a day

The meaning of closure to me
Is closing the door behind my wife and me

At night when I go to bed
I have thoughts in my head

If after I turn off the light
I should pass during the night

If I should pass during the day
The same words I would say

I wish it’s my wife that I see
Looking at me

I’ll be happy and calm
When she takes me by the arm

We’ll go off together
This time it will be forever
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Filled Heart
By Joeysguy
It’s coming up on two years
My eyes still fill with tears

I keep thinking back at my life
Did I do all I could for my wife

When I met my future wife it was a new start
I found someone that filled my heart

My wife never asked for much
I loved her more with every touch

When I would touch her face
It was soft and delicate like a fine lace

When she passed, my heart was torn out
Sometimes I cry and I might even shout

At night when I go to bed
Thoughts of my wife fill my head

I would like to see a sign
That her love will forever be mine

How many times I’ve said I miss you
I wish I could again say the words I do

I love to dream of my wife
That’s the way I relive my life

I say to my wife if reincarnation is true
Go slow my love so I can catch up to you
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