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Joeysguy Aug 2014
A Second Chance
By Joeysguy

For so many years I had my wife
Now it’s sadness that fills my life

I miss that time we would caress
I miss the touch of tenderness

I talk to my wife every day  
Love is one of the words I say

I loved to smell my wife’s hair
I wish I had a lock of it here

Your gone and out of sight
To heaven you will be my shining light

At the end of my life
I will again be with my wife

In heaven again my wife and me
A second chance it will be
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Scars of the Heart
By Joeysguy

At times it seems like no relief
We can suffer long with our grief

Will the heart ever mend
Will the pain ever end

The tears come from my eyes
But it’s my heart that cries

People ask how am I
They would know if they see me cry

From when my wife passed
I have scars of the heart that will last

My heart may heal after time goes by
The scars of my heart will be till I die
Joeysguy Aug 2014
The Magic in Ones Life
By joeys guy

I believe people have some magic in their life
Mine started with meeting my wife

I would feel it just by her touching me
I felt how much more that we could be

That magic from my wife
Bringing three children into my life

I could see magic just looking into their eyes
So open and bright and full of surprise

Magic could be the day when they first crawl
Such amazement when they are so small

Magic can be when they try to talk
Or that stumble when trying to walk

Looking at pictures of what I had
Still a husband and father but sad

My wife’s loss was tragic
I lost her with her magic

If I could bring my wife’s magic to light
I would bring her into my dreams every night

Life does not have a happily ever after
I believe it’s in the life after

Everything I felt in her kiss
The magic through my body I miss

The feelings I use to feel
Looking back the magic was real

I don’t see much to the rest of my life
I lost something precious, my wife
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Times Change                            
By Joeysguy

I was born in the year 1940
Growing up I was a little naughty

I was a little scared
To really be bad

We started to see many strangers
People reacted to different dangers  

My mother and her friends stopped the late night talks
People were being more careful during walks

My mother and friends started locking doors
We seen protective gates going up on the local stores

My family and I lived in New York City
Things became worse and not to pretty

Garbage thrown in the yard and the street
By people that were not clean or neat

Women could not walk by men without words
Men would make sounds like chirping birds

After a few years of worry for my kids and wife
We moved from the city and started a new life
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Words of love
By Joeysguy

From heaven I wish my wife could see
The words of love that come from me

Out of my heart and into my head
Come the words I wish I had said

From my lips to my wife’s ears
Hear the words that bring my tears

Joey I will never forget
That day and how we met

You and I started as two
I look forward to again be with you

I don’t know how or when it will be
Together again just my darling and me
Joeysguy Aug 2014
That Girl
By Joeysguy

That girl I loved from the start
She took over my heart

That girl was my lover
She was also my kids mother

That girl was my best friend
Right to the very end

That girl I love and adore
She is not here anymore  

That girl was my wife
And will be for the rest of my life
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Thank You
By Joeysguy

I write my poems but I’m not a poet
I don’t understand poems and I know it

Here I am reading and trying to understand
This is hard for me, it’s much a demand

Most all my poems come from my heart
The poems are with love and stand apart

I post my poems for people to see
I know your comments are to help me

My past poems are fact and true
I appreciate your help and thank you
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