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703 · Mar 2011
Mea culpa
Joel M Frye Mar 2011
A prayer offered
that he might outlive her so
she wouldn't see him
die as her last husband died.
Nice thought till her cancer came.
3-3-2011 JMF
Joel M Frye Jan 2015
I find a heart that sings eternal song,
inspiring dance from sore and stumbling feet:
a beacon which has never steered me wrong.

In days I felt that life strung me along
a greater Spirit surely found it meet
I'd find a heart that sings eternal song.

How fortunate to have a faithful throng
of friends whose voices never lie or cheat;
a beacon which has never steered me wrong.

Music leads and leaves a path so strong
my soul is stirred to marching to its beat.
I find a heart that sings eternal song.

Inspiration strikes me like a gong,
the ringing out which time cannot defeat;
a beacon which has never steered me wrong.

The fresh, green spring of life returns among
your words by turns so rough, so true, so sweet.
I find a heart that sings eternal song;
a beacon which has never steered me wrong.
To those who believe that free or blank verse is the only true expression of poetry:  To write concisely, simply, and meaningfully in formal poetry is one of the finest challenges of our craft and art.  Don't knock it until you've tried it.
702 · Mar 2019
The song still in them
Joel M Frye Mar 2019
There was no quiet desperation
in the riotous years of youth,
the grasping search for love and truth.
No, in those days there was no patience
for the faintest scent of dull
routine or rut.  It's just with age
that comfort's found in gilded cage,
no fires to set, and belly full.

Should a technicolor sunrise
strike a quickened spark of phoenix
from the ash of youthful pyres,
hopeful drops for jaded eyes
which, once refreshed, will then be fixed
upon millennial birds of fire.
Grist for the mill, Wisdom.
700 · Apr 2016
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
A living poet writes for those not born,
for those who wake, and live as if they're dead
and those who resurrect themselves each morn.

A pat of praise upon a loaf of scorn's
what constitutes a rebel's daily bread.
A living poet writes for those not born.

An elegy to comfort those who mourn,
to weep the sadness they have left unshed
and those who resurrect themselves each morn.

To lovers, unrequited and forlorn
whose stillborn passion never left their heads,
a living poet writes for those not born.

A few rare people, worldly, wise and shorn
of most pretense, will grasp what's being said
and those, who resurrect themselves each morn,

will reach for pen and paper, and adorn
us all with sacred words, keep spirit fed.
A living poet writes for those not born
and those who resurrect themselves each morn.
NaPoWriMo day 17 - unprompted daily.

Guilty as charged.

Invictus - William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is ******, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
699 · Feb 2011
haiku 2.28
Joel M Frye Feb 2011
Humid evening's womb
filled with expectation of
thunder birthing rain.
2-28-2011 JMF
698 · Mar 2011
Joel M Frye Mar 2011
Gifts phenomenal
at fourteen, merely average
forty years later.
So many of you are young and gifted...for god's sake, develop them.
3-11-2011  JMF
696 · Jan 2011
Joel M Frye Jan 2011
I want these words to match your being;
strength for strength, grace for grace
(that you might see my eyes are seeing
more than hands can merely trace).

I want these words to plunge the deepest
pools of reason in your eyes
(the open secret that you keep as
shallow men see summer skies).

I want these words to touch your spirit
(not to capture or to hold,
but share it, cherish and be near it)
as I'd touch your hair of gold.

I want these words to match your being
(honest as your arms' embrace).
My spirit, body, mind agreeing -
beauty in your soul and face.
To Margie...but she knows that.
696 · Mar 2011
Hail, poetry
Joel M Frye Mar 2011
Though a married man,
I can consume you with words;
tease, caress, enfold, inflame
far better than in person.
No apologies to Gilbert & Sullivan whatsoever. ;)
See, folks...he does have a male ego after all!
3-9-2011 JMF
695 · May 2017
Natural Selection
Joel M Frye May 2017
My wife's family
is a pack of wolves.
One will be chosen,
and the others pile on,
tugging and tumbling
the lucky winner,
looking like they would tear
the chosen one
limb from limb.
At day's end
they huddle about
the battered cub,
licking its wounds
and nesting
warm and huddled.

My family was crocodilian,
cold-blooded and
waiting in preternatural
prehistoric patience
for a spot of blood
as the excuse
to pull the wounded one
beneath muddied waters
and devour their own.
So I lay in the weeds and watch the families go by....
691 · Feb 2015
aleatory musings
Joel M Frye Feb 2015
shall i mindless words
form into function, wander
forward without thought?

lead me on, then, muse
hushing unheeded warnings
of writer's folly

i who have no/thing
to cheer on, no one being
caring close enough

yet hundreds, thousands
read, call, respond and react
to fresh-cut poems

both sweet and pungent,
taste vaguely oriental, 
smell hints of five-spice

as american
as melting *** and quatrains,
common meter, rhymes

cheeseburger and fries,
routine, familiar and
to each their own taste

flavored by flowered
blossomed imaginations
of poets living

and dead, whose poems'
lovely bones breathe still haunting
my quiet spaces

and take tangential
leaps ricocheting into
inspired lunacy

skeleton crews man
poetic voyages, launch
flights of uncertain
direction, take reason to
illogical conclusions.
...full of sound and fury, signifying nothing....
690 · Jan 2011
Heard From the Mirror
Joel M Frye Jan 2011
                  Yes, uh... you, sir,
with your head up your ***?

Would you kindly unplug
your nose from your navel
and return to the world
of humans being long enough
to notice that you

yes you

are wanted, needed, and loved?
686 · Mar 2016
My chosen brother
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
I have traced your steps for years,
since I first saw your ships sailing
on the sandy shore, still looking as if
they had found their perfect reach.
You sang my madness on canvas
with green fiery torches of trees
exploding from gently rolling hills.
You created the same masks as I
as you painted your stark reality
in cheery yellow and orange,
lying to your brother that all was well.
Your portrait mirrors mine with eyes
that see the world whirl by
in excruciating precision
(even the parts which make most cringe).
When I have exhausted myself,
I comfort in the tenderness
of your brush on the faces of
men and women working
themselves to early graves.
A building for you alone in Amsterdam,
your final work hangs downstairs;
a tangled jumble, swirls and slabs
of pigments and oil, ultimately ugly
from five feet away.  Wandering through,
I ended up three stories up and
a hundred feet away.
The wheat waved in the winds,
and the larks took flight
as if spooked by the farmer's dog.
Glorious light from the Auvers sun
filled the space between your vision
and mine.  I sobbed for you then,
to have been torn from self
so violently that if
you shouted to yourself
you likely couldn't hear.
Small wonder you pulled the trigger,
because the wheat field you spread
on a table-sized landscape
sat beside the graveyard where
you and Theo lay side by side.
As I walked along, the only place
you could see the field and the paths
was with your back against the wall.
Family in Amsterdam,
too few friends in Paris,
the short walk to the cold
respite of the Church
no longer worth the breath spent.
Nowhere else to go,
nothing else to see,
too little paint left
to try again.
"Starry starry night...paint your palette blue and gray..."
680 · Apr 2011
Cover's not the book
Joel M Frye Apr 2011
beauty bright
burns the soul's retina
leaving blind spots
blotches on the vision
of what burns
behind the beauty

from the dazzling

feel the fusion
of mind and spirit
just beneath

intense light

out through
infinite space
between love
and being

never look into
the eyes of the sun;
look beyond them
680 · Feb 2011
Why do you write so much??
Joel M Frye Feb 2011
So much unsaid
with voice unsure
in years unspent,
to be undone,
2-19-2011  JMF
678 · Mar 2011
estlin, meet ephemera
Joel M Frye Mar 2011
from unlikely size
(breadth depth mass) words
slice pummel caress
nothing is sacred
but love and feeling

Sorry, Ms. e...he just won't leave the puter room. ;)
3-6-2011  JMF
Joel M Frye Jan 2016
Ray of clarity
breaks through my clouded vision
and warms my spirit.
671 · Jan 2011
Song without music
Joel M Frye Jan 2011
I don't know where these words will go - I'm writing in the dark;
throwing thoughts before me hoping some will find their mark.
I chase a moving target, follow footsteps down a street;
the sound of fleeing feelings, of your heartbeats in retreat.

That's pure imagination.  You're sitting by my side,
but even as I hold you I can feel you try to hide,
and more - to hide your hiding, hoping I'll be unaware.
You search your soul for someplace where you will not have to share.

I'm standing in the sunshine and the warmth of summer's play,
you sit in winter twilight and grieve the passing day.
You think that night and day can't meet - we're hours and miles apart;
you're sure we'll never finish, so it's senseless then to start.

I've walked the path you travel, I know the way along.
It's rough and cold in places, and it's easy to go wrong.
The crossroads of our journey's just a little further on,
where night and day become as one: I'll meet you at the dawn.
(c) 1984 Joel M Frye

This started out as lyrics for a song, but when it was done, it seemed to stand on its own, so it met my personal criterium for a poem.  So a poem it remains.
671 · Aug 2016
The Tao of Poetry
Joel M Frye Aug 2016
We gaze
upon the unseen,
give voice
to the
"We wear the dangerous looseness of doom and find it becoming" - e.e. cummings
670 · Mar 2011
haiku 3.9
Joel M Frye Mar 2011
pointed snout, masked eyes,
cocked head peering through branches
curious, cautious.
670 · Apr 2016
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
I do not fight my fatal malady;
awake each morn, and live the day anew.
I have it; my cancer won't have me.

No battleground, no carnage to be seen,
my gentle Spirit bears my burden through.
I do not fight my fatal malady.

No cringing, no beseeching God, "Why me?"
In truth, I'd rather it be me than you.
I have it; my cancer won't have me.

Of course, I wish no one at all would be
in suffering.  Someday, I pray that's true.
I do not fight my fatal malady.

Should I live long enough that I might see
the cure the doctors say is coming due,
I'll have it.  The cancer won't have me.

When death will win its meager victory
the door will open.  Gladly, I'll pass through.
I do not fight my fatal malady.
I have it; the cancer won't have me.
In my case, stalemate means I win.  :)

So many concerned friends keep asking if I'm all right, and tell me to keep on fighting.  It puzzles me, for the above reasons.  There is no fight.  Accept, adapt, and move on.
666 · Mar 2015
Going medieval on your.....
Joel M Frye Mar 2015
Compression stockings
bring back memories of faires,
shaping iron jaws,
prithee tell me, good gentles,
wouldst thou have me play a tune?
Only my mind would juxtapose Tarantino and RenFaires.  ;)
Joel M Frye Jun 2016
She pulls out a box of CD's;
says name your poison.
Cobalt-60 will do.

Bare Naked Ladies will be
the band du jour.
I lie on the slab
in the radiation lab...
yes i'm...lying in bed...
like brian wilson diiiid....

I'm wearing my spandex jacket
(where's Donald Fagan
when you need him?).

As LeAnn wraps the
velcro-ed elastic band
around me to bind my arms,
I mention that I miss
the good old days
of canvas
and leather straps.
i'm so sane
it's driving me crazy....

Time stops

I'm motionless

engage mind wander

it's so dangerous
you have to sign a waiver...

embossed positive
and negative
on the massive metal arm
the pluses and minuses
of shooting a carcinogen
at a spot of death
to save my life
*if there's someone you can live without...
then do so....
Italicized words are lyrics from Bare Naked Ladies songs (except for du jour...that's French, Tish...)
665 · Feb 2011
You remembered...
Joel M Frye Feb 2011
A frilly card,
a ****** poem,
stale chocolate
on the clearance rack,
a fading bouquet
for my bruised flower
brings a budding smile
and a burst of color.
A little early, but I'm practicing for Monday.
2-11-2011 JMF
665 · Jan 2011
Break time
Joel M Frye Jan 2011
I'm shutting up for
a while now; the well is dry
and needs refilling.
Never written so much in so little folks here are incredible!
664 · Jan 2011
What Do I Say?
Joel M Frye Jan 2011
What do I say
when a telephone rebuilds a bridge
I burnt some time ago?
What do I say
to introduce me to a stranger;
someone I already know?

It took time
to swallow pride and understand
some feelings had to end.
It took time
to set aside a love gone past
and see you as a friend.

What do I say?
I know a hundred writers
and a thousand of their rhymes.
What do I say
when all of them desert me;
I create these naked lines?

It took time
to tear you from my dreams
and once again to make you real.
It took time
to be assured that I could feel
exactly as you feel.

What do I say
when life breathes in a friendship
that had died some time ago?
What do I say?

Maybe put away my poetry
and simply say Hello.
I'm not much one for second chances, but....
(c)1978 Joel M Frye
664 · Feb 2011
so close...
Joel M Frye Feb 2011
Soft breezes of love
become nothing but passing
of winds in the night.
2-13-2011  JMF
663 · Feb 2011
The rest of the story
Joel M Frye Feb 2011
The spring-head bubbled forth,
and ran in two separate streams.
One, sparkling, swift and cold:
the fount of eternal youth.
The other, unthinkably clear and deep:
the fount of age-old wisdom.
He was brought here by the elders,
and told he could drink from one alone.

Which would you choose?

He took the ancient wooden bowl,
dipped it into the second pool
and drank his fill;
saw with clarity and depth.

That day he became a poet,
using the gift of the second fount
to drink from the first every day.
I stumbled into my own choice blindly, but it worked out just the same.
2-5-2011  JMF
661 · Apr 2015
Just so
Joel M Frye Apr 2015
She plays her games
on her tablet
in the living room
with the TV on
for noise;
he sits quiet
tapping at his keyboard
in the spare room.
She's put a load
of laundry
in the dryer;
he has pizza dough
rising in the oven.
Warm uncharged atmosphere
of peace aerates
the real estate in between.
Its fertile soil
allows the grandchildren
to set roots
by domestic drama
and tween-age traumas.
NaPoWriMo day 4...and a typical Saturday morning.
660 · Jan 2011
Woman someone wanted
Joel M Frye Jan 2011
Pouring some coffee...stirring up thoughts of you;
they settle down slowly.  Look at all we've been through.
Darkness of morning covers you in my bed -
candlelight's warning blinking out above your head.

It's not dancing out in danger, doesn't signal right or wrong;
but your love leads to forever, so I cannot go along.

I'm seeing too clearly, even blinded by my tears;
for though I've just met you, seems like I've known you for years.
The one that I prayed for through those long and lonely nights.
The one I was made for...all the pieces would fit so tight.

But that picture is a puzzle scattered all across the floor,
'cause the man whose prayers were answered doesn't live here anymore.

You're the woman someone wanted...
that someone who I was.
It's good that you've been good to me
but you'd better go. Because
I'm not looking for a wife, babe
though I love you, please believe
that I've missed you all my life, babe
and I'll miss you when you leave.

I can tell you what's not right, babe,
but I can't say what is wrong.
It's been just out of sight, babe
since the day you came along.
Now my dreams are all in tatters,
scattered all across the floor.
You're the woman someone wanted...
I'm not someone anymore.

Warming up coffee...washing down thoughts of you.
Another old song that stands up OK by itself.  Love and lust through the looking-glass.
(c) 1984 Joel M Frye
660 · Mar 2011
Joel M Frye Mar 2011
I pull back shrouds of memory
and mourn the child who was
and is no more. Now I can see
just how you died; because
innocence, morality
gave up one day (applause).

Strange, I felt but apathy
when I watched you die,
my child, but when you ceased to be,
my eyes were all but dry.
Just yesterday you swore to me
you'd always be alive.

And there you are. You lie in state.
I grieve your passing. See,
no one knows the massive hate
that caused your life to flee.
Perhaps I'll find, as tears abate,
how much of you was me.
Some days I feel old and wise...some days, just old.
This was written when I was young, ignorant and knew everything.
1974 JMF
660 · Mar 2011
Joel M Frye Mar 2011
my mind opens to
unlearned knowledge
unwritten words
unspoken voices
unrecorded lives
untold wisdom
unearthed by
undertow of
my mind closes
659 · Jan 2015
The Tyranny of Color
Joel M Frye Jan 2015
Rename a street
and believe you've
preserved a man's memory.

Close government down
for a single day each year
and dream that you are
perpetuating freedom.

Remember first and foremost


until every human being
is free in heart and mind
from the tyranny of color

two men
nineteen hundred and
thirty-five years apart
were killed
in vain.
We are all children of our gods...some hear the music of divinity more clearly than the rest of us.  We are blessed when they live what they hear.
658 · Apr 2011
Joel M Frye Apr 2011
My heart aches for a
single evening's solitude;
family crashes
in, pieces of peace of mind
scattered across a week's time.
Joel M Frye Mar 2011
Some days I am so
comfortable I simply
can't ******* stand it.
Poetry, like many other spiritual experiences, should comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
653 · Mar 2011
Aspirins for love
Joel M Frye Mar 2011
Though not in pain, I
ache for the times not far past
when I ached for you.
651 · Jan 2011
Alone is after
Joel M Frye Jan 2011
After the week-old magazines
and half-read books are scattered
face-down all through the flat...

after turning the radio on and off...

after leaving the guitar
in the corner
for the fourth time...

after jerking off to the face
of the black woman flirting
on the bus ride home...

after the anger
     and the fear
          and the courage
               and the grief...

after all the useless questions
and senseless answers...

after I stop doing and start writing...
after I stop writing and start living

I crawl back into my skin
and I am

after all...


Alone is after
the wind whirls the world
away from me,
and rattles empty branches
against the side
of my soul.
650 · Apr 2016
Empty Closets
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
Searching through my mind
for anything I fear to say.
I have spent thirty-five years
of my life tracking down
my fears,
cornering the slippery ones
and facing the fearsome feral ones.
The few secrets I keep
are no longer for my sake,
but are kept to spare others.
Even those,
I have aired to a few,
close and close-mouthed friends
who hold my trust
as sacred as I hold theirs.
To keep what
hard-earned sanity I have,
I need to keep facing myself,
and stare the evil within me
square in the eyes.

The thing I fear most today
is my arrogance...
my arrogance that there is nothing left to fear.
I heal like splintered bone,
growing strong in the broken places."
- B.G. McCann, "Warehouse"

NaPoWriMo day9 - write a poem with a line you fear to write.
650 · Mar 2016
A question of self-worth
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Hello Poetry's
existential dilemma;
should I Like myself?
649 · Jun 2016
Do you write for a living?
Joel M Frye Jun 2016
Poets do not
make a living;
they make a life.
645 · Feb 2016
Joel M Frye Feb 2016
There is a
year old man

you'd never guess
to see him

for that matter
you'd walk by him
and never notice

he is old
he is wise
he tries to change
no one
but himself
and then only
on alternate Tuesdays

the few who know
will once and again ask
"how do you do it" and
"of what do you dream"

he will say
he will always say
"i wake, i live my day
until i sleep
i sleep, i dream
to live another day".

a thousandandoneyears
a day at a time.
he is a happy man
643 · Mar 2016
haiku 9.23
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Autumn mourns passing
of summer; tears of rain streak
cheek of a rainbow.
Joel M Frye Jan 2011
La Chanson Triste* is played from memory
and the heart. She catches his eye as she leaves,
letting him know he caught a piece of her self;
he places it carefully in his valise
as he packs up to go home alone,
wondering why all the fine women
are taken...or gay...or both.
I had to ****** that from the response file, ephemera...hope you don't mind.
636 · Apr 2016
Come to meetin'.
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
In the midst of human chaos
we might seek out the beauty
of celestial love.
Can I get an Amen?

In the midst of celestial love
we might glimpse the power
of the unconquerable human spirit.
Can I get an Awe-women?

In the midst of human spirit
we perceive the tenderness
of the eternal human soul.
Can I get an Aww-men?

In the midst of the human soul
we might find jealousy and hatred,
the sources of human conflicts.
Can I get an Ahh-men?
Ahh.  Men.

In the midst of human conflicts
we might find the love and soul
to disagree in harmony.

Can I get an A-men?
NaPoWriMo day 26 - a "call-and-response" poem.

Br'er Bear is in the pulpit.  Can I get a jalapeno?
634 · Jan 2011
Thanks for sharing...
Joel M Frye Jan 2011
It takes a special poet to
write solely for themself;
so much better to be read
than stuck upon a shelf.

The poems flow so easily
when they're so easily shared.
The love, the dreams, the angst, the rage
all satisfactorily aired.

I do write for an audience;
it's true to some extent.
Readers tell me if my words
express just what I meant.

Still it's for me to judge my poems
effective or effete;
that's why God made the keyboard with
a button named Delete.
*whew*  Thanks all...another existential crisis averted!! XD
1/16/2011  JMF
633 · Jun 2016
Joel M Frye Jun 2016
I saw my future at the Dollar Town
today.  She shuffled, bent, a Sisyphus
who rolled her cart uphill on level ground,
resisting rollback grinding her to dust.
Perhaps fifteen or twenty years beyond
my age, or pushing ninety.  Hard for me
to tell; she labored so, with eyes despon-
ent, weight upon her arms, each step a plea.
I hobbled past her, grateful for a cart
nearby to hold me up.  The air-conditioned
blast a respite from the sweltered heat;
I panted softly, let my pounding heart
subside, inhaled a soothing breath, and sent
a prayer she'd make it home, get off her feet.
Spirit bless her.  I hope I'm still rolling my stone uphill both ways at her age.
632 · Feb 2011
Looks like rain...
Joel M Frye Feb 2011
Gray sky-smoke smoulders;
cuts off morning sunshine.  Good
thing I pack my own.
2-3-2011 JMF
629 · Mar 2015
Billy Shears
Joel M Frye Mar 2015
Names and faces, poems
and messages from old friends
soothe a lonely heart.
629 · Jan 2011
Just Another Piece of Work
Joel M Frye Jan 2011
Two blocks down the street,
just around the corner from joy,
someone put in a new sidewalk.
At one corner, a heart, an arrow,
two sets of initials, bound
in concrete and eternal hope.

I walk by, and feel the arrow shift,
your initials etched deep into my heart.
I'm pouring a thick layer of time over them,
waiting in stone-stoic patience
for the cure of these wet words
into just another piece of work.
(c)2001 Joel M Frye
629 · Feb 2011
She never knew
Joel M Frye Feb 2011
She never knew that her love
freely splashing around
on the parched, bitter soil
of my heart, saved my life.
That she was a literal gift,
an answer to lame, limping
prayer, the gift that would show
me that Spirit would hear
my halting and gimpy attempts.
She offered me all that she was;
despite being far beyond desperate,
I refused, for I knew that she could
find a better man, rather than battered.
That night long ago when I lay
on my bed, when I hadn't a prayer,
knowing only that I had to find
one, to grab onto something to live.
My last prayer that night was a Thank You
to the Universe for the pure love
that she showed me.  I asked that she
knew that I loved her for loving
when I contained nothing alive.
Next morning I woke, made my coffee
and ran to the stand for my paper.
Took a shower, poured my cup, and then dropped it
as I saw her smile on the front page.
Spirit knew the only way I'd ever have an open mind would be to lay it open by blunt force trauma.  It only hurt for a few days.
2-28-2011  JMF
628 · Feb 2015
Joel M Frye Feb 2015
Understanding wears
a mask of love, held up by
a stick of kindness.
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