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May 2016 · 314
Joel M Frye May 2016
Cooked two meals at once;
"do the large while it is small".
Clean house bit by bit.
May 2016 · 319
Joel M Frye May 2016
Why is it
when I drink Coke,
I get dysPepsia?
May 2016 · 1.4k
the rock and the sponge
Joel M Frye May 2016
wearing her tears
on my shoulder;
a badge of honor.
Let her cry...for she's a lady...let her dream...for she's a child....
Joel M Frye May 2016
Humans being are
the inconstant animal
at face value
you rarely know
what you're facing
No tail-wag
for happy
or angry,
the perfect smile
hides the bared fang.

Emotions ebb and flow,
friends come and go.
Small wonder we
love the ocean;
consistent, insistent
waves of mother-water
soothe our tidal souls.
May 2016 · 476
Joel M Frye May 2016
her spirit broke the very chains of being
as light as light itself and glowing soared
on unseen thermals currents long ignored
freed at last from caged dreams of fleeing
her body sings of sunshine clouds and thunder
her hair the very wind upon your cheek
a strength of beauty kept for those who seek
a force of nature full of awe and wonder
through with cringing games of male and female
surging power of life in every move
deepest sleeping third eye wakes to see
the mountains trembling as they tell her tale
every smallest gesture howling love
embracing gods and devils equally
No one woman I've known...and every one.
May 2016 · 1.4k
Joel M Frye May 2016
We cannot take
a good, hard look
at ourselves
without help;
our own perception
a fun-house mirror,
twisting our foibles
into grotesques.
We become too big,
thinking we loom large
in the lives of others
who could not care less,
or we shrink into nothing,
disappearing from those
who miss us dearly.
Judge, jury and executioner,
we condemn ourselves
as not worthy of the air we breathe.
We cannot take
a good, hard look
at ourselves.
The look is rarely good,
and often far,
far too hard.
May 2016 · 524
Joel M Frye May 2016
The tired poet
lays thirty days' burden down
and gives a heavy sigh.
Apr 2016 · 581
An Alcoholic's Lament
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
I drank to forget,
drank deep, long and hard for years,
forgetting nothing.
NaPoWriMo day 29 - a poem of remembrance.
Apr 2016 · 376
Dead Skin On Trial
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
Begin with the end.
It ended with a quiet conversation,
after you had thrown me out
and I spent a weekend
on call at work,
or sleeping in the warehouse.
You said okay, come home...
I said no,
I was tired.
Tired of your need to control me,
tired of having to hide my art
because I married a writer
who came to her senses
and got a real job.
I should have seen it sooner;
even though when times were good,
they were wonderful.
Never had a better shotgun
on the road trips.
We had years of heartache and bliss,
wishing for the early days
when we sat for hours
discussing what kept us alive
in quiet conversations,
the end planted
in the beginning.
NaPoWriMo day 28 - a story in reverse.

"It's something unpredictable
That in the end is right.
I hope you have the time of your life..." -- "Good Riddance", Green Day
Apr 2016 · 634
Come to meetin'.
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
In the midst of human chaos
we might seek out the beauty
of celestial love.
Can I get an Amen?

In the midst of celestial love
we might glimpse the power
of the unconquerable human spirit.
Can I get an Awe-women?

In the midst of human spirit
we perceive the tenderness
of the eternal human soul.
Can I get an Aww-men?

In the midst of the human soul
we might find jealousy and hatred,
the sources of human conflicts.
Can I get an Ahh-men?
Ahh.  Men.

In the midst of human conflicts
we might find the love and soul
to disagree in harmony.

Can I get an A-men?
NaPoWriMo day 26 - a "call-and-response" poem.

Br'er Bear is in the pulpit.  Can I get a jalapeno?
Apr 2016 · 501
Riff on cummings' "suppose"
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
life is an old man.
He's the type to thank
all the gods he knows
when his eyes first open
for the gift of another day.
Shrugs on his robe
and pads into slippers
without waking anyone
and starts the coffee.
Showers, dresses,
heads to the park
for his walk with the birds,
who flock and coo and chirp
for the crumbs of stale bread
he carries.
He has a lovely porch,
where he rests
in the afternoon
and after dinner.
He watches the neighbors
bustle and unwind.
You're always welcome
to join him in
the other rocker
and talk of whatever
the gentle breeze
blows into your mind.

Listen to him well.

The old man has learned
the small joys and adventures
fill our days
and are miraculous.
NaPoWriMo day 25 - variation on the first line of a favorite poem.
I reposted the entire cummings' poem on my page.
Apr 2016 · 665
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
I do not fight my fatal malady;
awake each morn, and live the day anew.
I have it; my cancer won't have me.

No battleground, no carnage to be seen,
my gentle Spirit bears my burden through.
I do not fight my fatal malady.

No cringing, no beseeching God, "Why me?"
In truth, I'd rather it be me than you.
I have it; my cancer won't have me.

Of course, I wish no one at all would be
in suffering.  Someday, I pray that's true.
I do not fight my fatal malady.

Should I live long enough that I might see
the cure the doctors say is coming due,
I'll have it.  The cancer won't have me.

When death will win its meager victory
the door will open.  Gladly, I'll pass through.
I do not fight my fatal malady.
I have it; the cancer won't have me.
In my case, stalemate means I win.  :)

So many concerned friends keep asking if I'm all right, and tell me to keep on fighting.  It puzzles me, for the above reasons.  There is no fight.  Accept, adapt, and move on.
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
My secret life, my dark iniquity
Is best kept caged behind a gentle smile.
For though endowed with suave propinquity,
My heart lurks in the weeds, a crocodile.
NaPoWriMo day 24 - a "mix-n-match" poem.

Any similarities to any poet, living or dead, is hardly coincidental.  ;)
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
Not a Poem.

I'm back in the music business!
Some of you wanted to hear my stuff, but as I can't play any more, I had to figure out a way to share my album.

My album, "Adrift", is posted there in mp3 format.

Let me know what you think.
Apr 2016 · 386
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
A phrase or two will kite against the wind,
seek headway in an unseen battle royal.
Exhausted metaphors need shelter, find
their respite in strong meter, rhyme unspoiled.
For those who found no haven, weak of wing,
it mattered not how lovely were the bones
that lay in piles: undone and crumbling,
not fleshed out; picked apart to die alone.

Inspired by unblessed muse, the writing comes
and goes.  Would she take flight, then thermal words
would dip and soar, careen about like some
unfettered raptor, finding smaller birds
to rip from sky with unrelenting aim:
the tiny, straining sentences unheard.
NaPoWriMo day 23 - a sonnet.
The words fight me to the death...only the strong survive.
Apr 2016 · 812
My place (repost)
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
The ocean's pulse, the ebb and flow
of constant waves' re-nourishment
bespeaks to me of life, although
an undercurrent message sent
in whispered sighs of Gaia's breath
upon the shoreline where I sit
relates a tale of bounteous wealth;
the wind, the rain - that we exist
at all is purely by the grace
of Nature's cycles. Also heard,
a gentle, soft, disturbing voice
reminding me without a word:
when we have come and we have gone
the ocean's pulse continues on
NaPoWriMo day22 - Earth Day poem.

I don't think I can write another as good as this, so....
Apr 2016 · 380
Silly children
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
Silly children...
play with mirrors
as if we were doors,
portals to other times.
Theirs are night-games,
indulged in dark
As if my hand-held cousin,
carried upstairs
walking backwards
could show the faces
of husbands or death.

We show only what we are shown.

Of course, in our years,
we have seen husbands
and deaths.

The braver child
will call upon us
in necromatic glee,
invoking the shade
of Mary Worth
to appear through us.
A cosmic crap-shoot,
depending much upon
Mary's mood
that particular night.
Three times
they call her name
before me,
hope they see her,
pray they don't.

I have been shown many
a Mary's death...

many a child's, too.
NaPoWriMo day 21 - poem about a minor character in a famous myth.

I thought an urban legend would be fun.  ;)
Apr 2016 · 381
D'ye ken me?
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
Most times, it's hearing silence in the space,
Echoes in between my Spirit's breaths.
Distinctive voice reminds me of my place
In torn cacophony of Planet Earth.
True to form, I listen; do not hear
All messages I'm given in the day.
Teachers crossing paths both far and near
Each answering my questions in their way.
Perhaps a quiet moment will suffice,
Remembering that Spirit will provide
A peace too great to go unrecognized.
Yes, words are thought or whispered, an aside;
Earnest quest for guidance to the sky
Remembering to listen for replies.
NaPoWriMo day 20 - a "kenning" poem.  Read between (and before) the lines.  ;)
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
So close, and yet so far.
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
It is a night where I must craft my words
or try to weave lines on a broken loom.
To think a poem will spring forth is absurd.

Stillborn inspiration can't be stirred,
emotions drained away. I must assume
it is a night where I must craft my words.

My prayers to Muse fell back to earth, unheard.
All artistry has booked a separate room.
To think a poem will spring forth is absurd.

Striving merely churns my brain to curds,
its thin gray whey runs down some gutter's flume.
It is a night where I must craft my words.

A cadenced resolution's been deferred,
the last two lines will surely be my doom.
To think a poem will spring forth is absurd.

A peaceful flow of writing is deterred
until my buried spirit is exhumed.
It is a night where I must craft my words,
to think a poem will spring forth is absurd.
Ever had a time when you wanted to write in the worst possible way...and then did?
Apr 2016 · 504
A hard man
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
I write in concrete;
find mystery in the real
and the everyday.
Apr 2016 · 367
New York Central
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
We lived just south
of railroad tracks,
wrong side of town.
The trains would come
all day and night
back in those days.
Their click and clank,
their tireless wheels
drummed in my brain.
And then, the wailing whistle screamed release twice,
a kid who held his breath too long.
And once again,
the trains moved on,
left me behind.
NaPoWriMo day 18 - sounds of my youth.
Apr 2016 · 350
Wrong guess
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
She sang him a song
of suppressed supplication.
He smiled to hear her;
oblivious to lyrics,
assumed she found happiness.
Apr 2016 · 698
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
A living poet writes for those not born,
for those who wake, and live as if they're dead
and those who resurrect themselves each morn.

A pat of praise upon a loaf of scorn's
what constitutes a rebel's daily bread.
A living poet writes for those not born.

An elegy to comfort those who mourn,
to weep the sadness they have left unshed
and those who resurrect themselves each morn.

To lovers, unrequited and forlorn
whose stillborn passion never left their heads,
a living poet writes for those not born.

A few rare people, worldly, wise and shorn
of most pretense, will grasp what's being said
and those, who resurrect themselves each morn,

will reach for pen and paper, and adorn
us all with sacred words, keep spirit fed.
A living poet writes for those not born
and those who resurrect themselves each morn.
NaPoWriMo day 17 - unprompted daily.

Guilty as charged.

Invictus - William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is ******, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
Apr 2016 · 432
In the moment
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
In the pool of a desk lamp,
with old sitcoms braying
in the background.
Both the cat and
the air-vent rattle,
one above, one below.
The neighbors rev up
their low rider outside;
widows and windows tremble.
All there is to do
is sit back, close eyes,
and say anywhere but here,
any time but now.
Even the most unlovely moments have their moments.

NaPoWriMo day 16.
Apr 2016 · 577
The way the cookie crumbles
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
They who walk around the corner
take the right angle.

They who travel with ****** in pocket
feel chipper all day.

Those who watch circus parade
often see effluents.

You will run into new acquaintances.
Stop texting while driving.

Jealous trolls oft become poets.
The reverse is also true.

Distance between wise man
and wise-***
is half a wit.

The addicted mystic survives
on prayer and medication.

May you be only half as miserable
as those you envy.
NaPoWriMo day 13 - poem based upon sayings from a fortune cookie.
The verse about distance is autobiographical.
Apr 2016 · 494
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
Let those who live in every land,
Let us break bread together.
Let freedom span both east and west;
Let us wander where we will.
Let hope and sorrow now unite,
Let the whole creation cry,
Let it be a dance we do.
Let Christmas come.
Let love continue long...
Let there be light.
NaPoWriMo day 12 - an index poem.  Taken from "Singing the Living Tradition" - a Unitarian Universalist hymnal, the Index of Titles and First Lines.
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
The Scrap Heap
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
She doesn't start in the morning
like she used to,
and her gears are slipping.
Lost some of her pep
going down the street,
and is always going in for
something or other.

There's that clicking noise
whenever she takes off;
her chassis is sagging.
Leaves an inconvenient,
messy puddle
when she's parked for too long.

Maybe it's time.

Time to clean out
all her nooks and crannies
of the detritus
of years of family life,
and haul her off to the bone-yard.

Perhaps someday,
new life will come from
some old parts.
Until then,
let her sit and finish rusting
with all the other used-up
relics, loved once and forgotten,
compressed by time
into shapelessness
in rooms stinking of ***** and disinfectant.
NaPoWriMo day 11.
Apr 2016 · 648
Empty Closets
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
Searching through my mind
for anything I fear to say.
I have spent thirty-five years
of my life tracking down
my fears,
cornering the slippery ones
and facing the fearsome feral ones.
The few secrets I keep
are no longer for my sake,
but are kept to spare others.
Even those,
I have aired to a few,
close and close-mouthed friends
who hold my trust
as sacred as I hold theirs.
To keep what
hard-earned sanity I have,
I need to keep facing myself,
and stare the evil within me
square in the eyes.

The thing I fear most today
is my arrogance...
my arrogance that there is nothing left to fear.
I heal like splintered bone,
growing strong in the broken places."
- B.G. McCann, "Warehouse"

NaPoWriMo day9 - write a poem with a line you fear to write.
Apr 2016 · 379
Bloom Country
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
Fields full of spring;
mea maxima tulpa.
April in Holland.
NaPoWriMo day 8.  Already wrote a poem about hyacinths.
Apr 2016 · 871
Birthday present
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
The table holds the tokens of your love;
a card, a present.  Simple things, and still
I don't know how you keep on finding time

to work, to care for parents, and yet have time
for showing me the warm, unbounded love
that strikes me silent, wonder-filled and still.

The hours you're gone, the house is quiet, still;
my heart the ticking watch in measured time.
I'm thirsting for a droplet of your love;

love concentrated by the still of time.
Best present I've ever gotten by a long shot.
NaPoWriMo day 7 - a tritina.
Apr 2016 · 812
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
yo, buddy...
dere's a secret to dis.
First of all,
a good, sturdy bed
of veggies;
carrots, onion, celery
chopped up fine.
Take your time
preparin' 'em.
Start a slow, steady heat.
It softens 'em up.
Now, dose tomatahs.
Y'gotta put your hands on 'em, see?
Firm, ripe globes
is what you're after.
Peel da covers off 'em,
and work 'em gently.
Get your hands right in dere.
Y'should have
a little moisture there by now.
Now, just keep da heat on low
and let things simmer for a bit.
Here's where you add your spice,
whatever floats your boat.
As mild or as hot as you like.
Whatever you do,
keep stirring now.
There may be a little foam
around da edges;
not to worry.
Just lower da heat a little,
so she doesn't boil too quick.
Now, be patient.
If you can let 'er cook for an hour,
dat's good.
Da longer, da bettah.
Soon, da smell
will be everywhere.
Lean in close and get a taste.
A little more spice
at da end, and

With apologies to Emeril.

NaPoWriMo day 6 - foodie poem.
Apr 2016 · 1.7k
Bowling Red Okra
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
Tops out at six foot six,
long and thin,
perfect frame.
His ladies' fingers
create exceptional lift.
Has a mallow disposition.
His real name
is Abel Moschus,
but you can call him Red.
Best in a team situation;
he's the glue that holds
everyone together,
thick as thieves.
In individual competition,
he wilts under high heat,
and his guts
turn to jelly.
My alter ego on the lanes.  ;)

NaPoWriMo day 5 - poem inspired by an heirloom fruit/veg.
Apr 2016 · 279
Spoken words
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
I've opened a page on Facebook, where I'm recording myself reading my work.

If you have a poem of mine you'd like me to read, please message me with the request.  Otherwise, it's dealer's choice.  LOL
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
The two faced month
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
A fresh start,
close of old business.
Father Time
reborn as a babe.
Promise made
and rarely kept.
Dreams are ground
to fine white powder
beneath the stone
of new beginnings.
Boy becomes madman,
father becomes ghost.
The haunting begins.
January, 1977.  The cruelest month of my life.

NaPoWriMo day 4 - a poem about "the cruelest month".
Apr 2016 · 536
Miracles are to come
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
i thank you most for your amazing soul
;for how you heard how eyes would move when words
like faithandhopeandlove look less absurd
if gathered as a group of nothing's goal

your cambridge soul unfurnished but for love
for prosties with a heart, the gangster molls,
the corner louts in bars, and wealthy trolls
who wandered drunk through parlors where you moved

seeking answers asking questions beautiful
finding lonely large and self by sea
any/noone humans merely be-
ing flames of making burning blue and cool

you opened eyes of eyes and ears of ears
with words that shook the mountains of the years
...and for everything /
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

NaPoWriMo day 3 - a fan "letter".
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
I tried to write a villanelle
The words come easier
when they're pretty,
form and meter
can be salves.
There is no relief
when writing
of family,
the three-sided dagger
leaves a wound
that must be packed
and never closes.

I tried to write a villanelle,
to package the truth
with enough honey
to make the bitter-roots
it wouldn't go down easy,
wouldn't come out either.

This poem a finger
on the back
of my throat
to purge
to flush
to rinse my mouth
from the acid
The couplet of the proposed villanelle:

"No beauty in a family poem at all;
a portrait's empty space is on the wall."

NaPoWriMo 2016 day 2 - a family poem.
Apr 2016 · 437
The bear necessities
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
An affinity for
tight spaces;
bears like cubbyholes.
NaPoWriMo #1. A lune (either syllables or words in English, 5-3-5 pattern.)
Apr 2016 · 354
NaPoWriMo April 1st prompt
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
And now, our prompt (optional, as always). Today, I challenge you to write a lune. This is a sort of English-language haiku. While the haiku is a three-line poem with a 5-7-5 syllable count, the lune is a three-line poem with a 5-3-5 syllable count. There’s also a variant based on word-count, instead of syllable count, where the poem still has three lines, but the first line has five words, the second line has three words, and the third line has five words again. Either kind will do, and you can write a one-lune poem, or write a poem consisting of multiple stanzas of lunes. Happy writing!
There's more fun stuff on the page itself.  Go to and check it out.  :)
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
April 1st begins National Poetry Month,  and posts a daily prompt during the entire month.  Anyone else want to join me in giving it a run?  I did half a month last year before my computer blew up, so I'm looking to finish the month this time.  It was a kewl learning experience, and I got more good poetry from it than I expected.  Please message me if you 'd like to come along.  I am setting up an HP community for all poets who care to try.
Mar 2016 · 241
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
your body yearns
for my feathering
fingers on your thighs,
for a mouth full
of tongues
and the fullness
you once had
what I once could give.
the fear of
not being enough
keeps me from
giving anything.
how selfish...
to keep what pleasure
can be had
from you
to keep from facing
what's been lost.
Just airing the stench from myself.
Mar 2016 · 1.3k
My turn
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
What on earth is given freely
without thought of gain, return
Spirit spins on heaven's wheel we
ride, get off, each in our turn.
Something you've no longer need of
or use daily, either way;
Prayer, poem, words to feed and
bring us succor through the day.
Heads a-whirl with planetary
matters weighing every move,
a spin on Spirit's wheel can carry
motives one turn toward love.
Change is rarely universal;
creeps along, just barely seen,
manifests by our reversals -
loving humans newly being.
Mar 2016 · 685
My chosen brother
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
I have traced your steps for years,
since I first saw your ships sailing
on the sandy shore, still looking as if
they had found their perfect reach.
You sang my madness on canvas
with green fiery torches of trees
exploding from gently rolling hills.
You created the same masks as I
as you painted your stark reality
in cheery yellow and orange,
lying to your brother that all was well.
Your portrait mirrors mine with eyes
that see the world whirl by
in excruciating precision
(even the parts which make most cringe).
When I have exhausted myself,
I comfort in the tenderness
of your brush on the faces of
men and women working
themselves to early graves.
A building for you alone in Amsterdam,
your final work hangs downstairs;
a tangled jumble, swirls and slabs
of pigments and oil, ultimately ugly
from five feet away.  Wandering through,
I ended up three stories up and
a hundred feet away.
The wheat waved in the winds,
and the larks took flight
as if spooked by the farmer's dog.
Glorious light from the Auvers sun
filled the space between your vision
and mine.  I sobbed for you then,
to have been torn from self
so violently that if
you shouted to yourself
you likely couldn't hear.
Small wonder you pulled the trigger,
because the wheat field you spread
on a table-sized landscape
sat beside the graveyard where
you and Theo lay side by side.
As I walked along, the only place
you could see the field and the paths
was with your back against the wall.
Family in Amsterdam,
too few friends in Paris,
the short walk to the cold
respite of the Church
no longer worth the breath spent.
Nowhere else to go,
nothing else to see,
too little paint left
to try again.
"Starry starry night...paint your palette blue and gray..."
Mar 2016 · 612
Museum piece
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Forms are frames for words
cross-stitched into poems; lovely,
graceful, archaic.
I will always be a sucker for a beautiful antique, and will continue to create them.  My apologies to the free-range poets.
Mar 2016 · 318
Forgive, perhaps....
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Time heals no wounds; hard,
sharp, brittle, leaving shards to
fester and erupt.
Mar 2016 · 316
Ms. Pastoral
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Perception beggars
comprehension; chosen words'
loveliness stuns thought.
A tip o' the forelock to ye, Cyd.  :)
Mar 2016 · 2.0k
mostly senseless
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
From the foot of the bed
I stalk you
watch you test the silk
and taste the edgy fear
praying for release
Ignoring your whisper
while pressure steams
inside my skull
my breath whistling
through my teeth

your low moan
explodes through me
and I pounce
bitter-sweet and salt
on my tongue

I love to smell
you wanting me
*I love every sound
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
I waited under a waning moon
for a night that did not start
Beneath the pale
of exacting twilight
I ripped open my chest
and held out my heart

The darkness surrounding
consuming its light 
drumming of heartbeats

an encrypted call
to a lover,
a predator 
no one at all

But you called to me

You asked me to answer your prayers
and in the coming night
I wait for you
under the pale moon light

a silvery silence which sounds
of a hopeful despair
Which now knows of the who
but not the where

Silvery is the moon
the silence I can not bear
am I to be frowned upon
even as I am aware
I am here
You are there

the weighted distance counts 
the miles aloud...
I'm not allowed to seek you out,
must stay suspended in my lunar shroud

I felt your every heart beat
Like footsteps upon the floor
I even felt the finality 
when you decided to close the door
The moon was shielded by
clouds that night

She, like me, couldn't stand to see
the agony of your fight, your flight
Torn between survival
and what could never be
breathing just for revival
A re-post of one of my favorite collabs with one of my favorite poets.
Mar 2016 · 577
Mille merci, docteur
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
having exchanged 
three days of life
suspended together
between realities
my life is richer
and poorer
three days impossible
without the forty
years apart
forty forging years
that hammered us
mellow and malleable
to fit comfortably
in conversation
and silence alike.
Mar 2016 · 717
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Some nights I sieve my
soul for a droplet of light
to know dark's not won.
Mar 2016 · 4.2k
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
When Spirit scrolls down to my line
on Life's finite spreadsheet,
may I've done much to bring a smile
before keystroke Delete.
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