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Joel Frye Oct 2015
I will
life's pain;

Joel Frye Oct 2015
I will put myself
in the future, looking back
at the present pain.
A response to Mike Essig's "Problems With Prognostication".  Sometimes, it's how I get through the day.
Joel Frye Oct 2015
I hold my
with pursed lips
and *******;

a wry smile
a life of
joys and regrets.
Joel Frye Oct 2015
A dozen chairs
in the service entrance
the boss says
you can have
any or all;
the junk man comes tomorrow.
None are broken.
Perhaps too firm,
or too soft,
not supportive enough
or someone
just couldn't get
with this one.
The one I found
on the third try
is plain and strong,
has my back
where needed
and holds me
at the proper height
where I see best.
Strange who
some will toss aside
as worthless.
I'm not everyone's cup of tea, either.
Joel Frye Oct 2015
When life is good, I force myself to look,
for smaller miracles will go unseen
when I'm not led by Spirit's finger crooked.
When life is good, I force myself to look;
my poet's eye would sleep in shaded nook,
content with heaven, earth and all between.
When life is good, I force myself to look,
for smaller miracles will go unseen.
Sometimes y'just gotta take the bit in your teeth....
  Oct 2015 Joel Frye
PK Wakefield
"I am alive,"
says the
rapid poem
of your wrists;

fair and not fair alike–
both soft
and hard with

      (you will i will)

which won't but briefly
kiss perhaps
**** perhaps

saying lewd thing of
mouth through ear
to air;

art which
must have both
light and darkness–paired,
  Oct 2015 Joel Frye
Bryana Twice
we think we understand gravity
we think it is weak
we assume some apples will fall

in fields of much less colour
the sound is flatter
the leaves are damper

gravity hangs too heavy on some
heavier than we think on some
or admit on some

it is natural to reduce it
we all know a guy who says
some apples just fall ka-plunk

and that's gravity   get over it!
knowing we can't actually
get over it

not really!
I know a guy who thinks
gravity works in multiple dimensions

and we can only account
for part of its strength
so the rest remains felt but unseen

That would explain the dimmer light
the clenched off drowning of sound;
that would explain this half-lit world!

the blurred nerves  in the going of motion…
I have adjusted accordingly.
I have a skeleton crew

to keep things ticking over
so I can take the weight
of all those other places.
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