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Joe Morris Dec 2016
You've already been devoured
You can try to push, scratch, fight
Pull yourself out
The digestive fluids already breaking you down

Fearful screams come forth
Almost as if No one can hear
Realization beats upon you
There is no out

A knife won't tear through the stomach
Flooding light all around you
No chance of you coming back up
Like food poisoning

Sitting engulfed in the dark
The feeling of being broken down slowly
A thought comes to mind
There is only one end
Joe Morris Dec 2016
An angel came to me
His beauty was baffling
Noticing my stares
He began the story
Of how he lost his wings

I was heartbroken
How could something so stunning
Be so terrible
That someone would clip their wings
Especially, when he was so much like me...
Joe Morris Dec 2016
I don't wanna take the pills
That make me forget
How much I really miss you
It's agonizing, but it's you
The pain overruns the joy
But at least there's joy...
At times I can forget
That it was ever here
So there are days
When I just look over the pill
Fighting through the terror
For just a hit of you
Joe Morris Dec 2016
I had a dream
Where my body had aged
Now old and gray
Wrinkles upon wrinkles
I was not the same
It felt, in any way
Yet there you were
Still stained in my brain
Maybe I had a glimpse
Into my future
Or maybe I just dreamt
Of a past
That time long ago
I still find dreadful
But moving forward into that life
I find myself thinking
How could I last?
Joe Morris Dec 2016
Why can't I stop thinking of you?
I'll tell you why
Because of this ******* rain
Pounding on my window
Is telling
I mean screaming
Your small whispers at me
The breeze of the fan
Suggests to turn it off
Reminding me how easily you use to get cold
The crashing in my mind
Forces the thought
Of how you slept in silence
And now....
Now so do i
Joe Morris Jul 2016
I see your ring
I see your career
I see your love
I see your home
I see your kids
I see your wrinkles
I see your proudness
I see your happiness
I see my lonliness
I see my failure
I see my loathing
I see my house
I see my despair
I see my early death
I see my shame
I see my sadness
I don't see you with me...
Joe Morris Jul 2016
I lay naked in my bed
Couldn't feel more dead
My heart dully beats
As I think of you on repeat
This gut wrenching song
Just Will not stop
Like headphones,
That won't pull free
I cut the cord
But it just continues to reattach
My heart needs jump started
And these heart breaks ripped from my ears
Just go away
Just go the **** away
But please stay
God please stay...
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