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Joe Morris Jun 2016
I listened to your heartbeat
You listened to mine
I thought that meant
That we were intertwined
Forever twisted
All the way down
To our bare souls
To share each other's woes
Without even trying
Our souls ripped from one another..
It feels like dying
I would be lying
To say I'm not crying
I'm internally bleeding
Right where you use to be
Should have stopped
Oh so long ago
But it still runs free
How can I let it be?
Joe Morris May 2016
My head
It is filled with so many things

To make that disappear
Would be losing my mind
Because it is not truly mine

To alter my mind
Because they say I'm not fine

To dull my emotion
And my artistry

Creativity goes out the door
Because I'm not the same

Forced to fall in line
To put my thoughts
Behind these bars

Only able to break through
When I forget the pills

But I am not the same
I'd like to know how you interpreted this please
Joe Morris May 2016
The poison splashes down my throat
Burning all the way through me
To dull myself and my emotions
Thoughts of being free
Pushes me to drink
Freedom from you is never as good as it seems
But to stop the frenzy in me
To block the rushing memories
To forget the forever insanity
Even for just a moment
I will do absolutely anything
Fight poison with poison
But yours is so deep-seated
Fearful that the other
Can do nothing to weaken it
That there is no cure
For what is killing me
The battle is senseless
Time is utterly wasted
But still I drink
You'll set back in
Joe Morris Feb 2016
You are human
I can not hate you
That crime
It was no worse than mine

I wanted to hate you
The idea was to blame
But that,
That was all mine

I'd forgiven you
But had not myself
This is how I know
Know that it was me..
Joe Morris Feb 2016
Red lipstick
Almost like a trick
Draws attention to the lips
But I look to the eyes
There, there you have no disguise
At least none that I buy
Sitting here wondering why,
Why is it you hide
What will I find
Deep inside,
That alluring mind
Hopefully tis kind
I couldn't take a goodbye
Or another lie
My heart will not die
But it may sigh, then cry

— The End —