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Joahne Lee May 2014
I wish i studied anatomy
so that id know
this feeling in my chest
this tight comforting constriction
But you
made it clear
that what i was feeling
was love
and you taught me
all i needed to know.
Joahne Lee May 2014
Walk into my mind
which is above the clouds
and in the stars

walk into my mind
and see the beauty
in you

walk into my mind
and find
that i love you
Joahne Lee May 2014
You're an endless field,
and I'm lost.
In the way you smile,
In the way you laugh,
I'm lost,
In you.
Joahne Lee May 2014
I'm like a candle,
surrounded by your light.
No matter how bright i shine,
no avail.
Yet in the darkness of my despair,
you finally see my flicker of light.
But my wicker is already burnt out,
the wax has run.
Now try and light me again,
when its already too late.
Joahne Lee May 2014
They carve into my skin,
my brain and my heart.
But my feeble mind is broken,
I'm falling apart.
Joahne Lee Apr 2014
my heart beats for you,
each pulse calls your name
and as my blood courses through my body
craving you,
i cant deny myself
but to love you.
Joahne Lee Apr 2014
I love you,
so much its unbearable.
The way you deny your beauty
really makes me laugh.
when i look at you,
i only see the purest constellation.
bright, unorganized,
yet in my eyes
you are beautiful picture.
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